
时间:2022-08-23 13:17:12 | 来源:语文通



Just yesterday, the Olympic Games ended.Our Chinese team won the second place with 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals, and ended successfully.

Yesterday, the Olympic Games ended.Our Chinese team won the second place with 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals, and ended successfully.


Every Chinese athletes have won for the motherland.For example: Quan Hongyu, who is only 14 years old, is full of three jumps.She is just a 14 -year -old rural girl. She can jump out of such a good result. She must have worked hard on the stage and had a lot of hardships.It is really "one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage".Many Chinese teenagers work as hard as Quan Hongyu, and I want to learn from them.

Every Chinese athletes have won for the motherland.For example: Quan Hongyu, who is only 14 years old, is full of three jumps.She is just a 14 -year -old rural girl. She can jump out of such a good result. She must have worked hard on the stage and had a lot of hardships.It is really "one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage".Many Chinese teenagers work as hard as Quan Hongyu, and I want to learn from them.


From the beginning of the Olympic Games to the end, I watched a lot of games.Whenever the Chinese team wins, I feel very happy; whenever I see the five -star red flag of the motherland raised slowly in front of the podium, I will be very proud.


When I grow up, I must win glory for the motherland and make the motherland more prosperous.I want to say to the motherland: You are too great! I am proud and proud of you! Hey is fortunate to be born in Huaxia.I am Chinese, I am proud, I am proud!

When I grow up, I must win glory for the motherland and make the motherland more prosperous.I want to say to the motherland: You are too great! I am proud and proud of you! Hey is fortunate to be born in Huaxia.I am Chinese, I am proud, I am proud!



Yesterday, the Olympic Games ended.Our Chinese team won the second place with 3 gold medals, 32 silver and bronze medals, and ended successfully.


Every Chinese athletes have won for the motherland.For example: all the age of all years old, three jumps are full.She is just a little rural girl who can jump out of such a good results. She must have worked hard on the stage and had a lot of hardships.It is really "one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage".Many Chinese teenagers work as hard as Quan Hongyu, and I want to learn from them.


From the beginning of the Olympic Games to the end, I watched a lot of games.Whenever the Chinese team wins, I feel very happy; whenever I see the five -star red flag of the motherland raised slowly in front of the podium, I will be very proud.


When I grow up, I must win glory for the motherland and make the motherland more prosperous.I want to say to the motherland: You are too great! I am proud and proud of you! Hey is fortunate to be born in Huaxia.I am Chinese, I am proud, I am proud!

When I grow up, I must win glory for the motherland and make the motherland more prosperous.I want to say to the motherland: You are too great! I am proud and proud of you! Hey is fortunate to be born in Huaxia.I am Chinese, I am proud, I am proud!



Just yesterday, the Olympic Games ended.Our Chinese team won the second place with 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals, and ended successfully.


Every Chinese athletes have won for the motherland.For example: Quan Hongyu, who is only 14 years old, is full of three jumps.She is just a 14 -year -old rural girl. She can jump out of such a good result. She must have worked hard on the stage and had a lot of hardships.It is really "one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage".Many Chinese teenagers work as hard as Quan Hongyu, and I want to learn from them.

Every Chinese athletes have won for the motherland.For example: Quan Hongyu, who is only 14 years old, is full of three jumps.She is just a 14 -year -old rural girl. She can jump out of such a good result. She must have worked hard on the stage and had a lot of hardships.It is really "one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage".Many Chinese teenagers work as hard as Quan Hongyu, and I want to learn from them.


From the beginning of the Olympic Games to the end, I watched a lot of games.Whenever the Chinese team wins, I feel very happy; whenever I see the five -star red flag of the motherland raised slowly in front of the podium, I will be very proud.


When I grow up, I must win glory for the motherland and make the motherland more prosperous.I want to say to the motherland: You are too great!I am proud and proud of you!He is fortunate to be born in Huaxia.I am Chinese, I am proud, I am proud!



Since childhood, I have always remembered that our China has become stronger and stronger under the leadership of the Communist Party.But there are many difficulties when taking this long road.


On the road, the Red Army met the first Snow Mountain called "Jiajinshan".The snow on the mountains does not turn on the mountains, no one on the mountain, and the climate environment is very bad.Seeing that the local residents saw the Red Army through Jinshan, they all kindly advised: "This mountain can't even fly away. Don't take risks." The Red Army did not shake the slightest after hearing it.


Jia Jinsheng's road was very twisted, and it was even more difficult to reach the mountainside.One day after day, the Red Army experienced hardships, and finally crossed Jinshan, and the people jumped up.


In the leaders of the Communist Party, people's lives are gradually getting richer. Motorcycles, electric vehicles, and tricycles have entered the farmhouse.People can also drive a car to pick up children, and the grade of cars is constantly improving.


Our China is like a seed, growing more and more dense.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, our country will be strong. I am a Chinese, I am really proud!