
时间:2022-10-15 13:25:42 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的作文600字 篇1关于初中中秋节作文500字 篇2中秋节作文500字初中作文 篇3初中生描写中秋节作文500字 篇4中秋节 篇5中秋节作文600字作文 篇6初中中秋节作文600 篇7

中秋节的作文600字 篇1


I always hope to have a holiday when the holidays come, so that I can have a few more days of rest at my warm home. The biggest festival of the year is the Spring Festival, but every year is busy, except the Mid Autumn Festival, which gives people a special yearning. Now, the coveted Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived.


My father, who works in other places, came here specially to celebrate the annual Mid Autumn Festival. It's good to feel our family together!


I like the Mid Autumn Festival, which is the beginning of harvest. Autumn is coming with her fruitful footsteps, blending with the joy of the coming harvest. Only people living in rural areas have such feelings and mood. Under the round moon, eating round moon cakes. The apples are ripe, the pear and the orange are on the market, and people are tasting the festival food and talking about the harvest. While appreciating the moon, I miss my relatives in other places, "I miss my relatives every festival". Every year, we eat moon cakes, which are the most common kind. Although it is ordinary, it is soft and delicious, and the smell is overwhelming. It has just been bought from the bakery. It is steaming hot and appetizing, and has a strong rural flavor. There are a variety of moon cakes in the city, and all kinds of fruits are available. My father sometimes brings some for me to eat, but I still like to eat ordinary moon cakes and fruits picked by myself. I eat them every year. I never get tired of eating them. I always think they are so delicious and sweet. From childhood to adulthood, I can see the economic development of our motherland from the dinner table. Now, we have reunion dinner every Mid Autumn Festival. On the farm table, in addition to poultry and meat, traditional vegetables, there are also more and more rare seafood, rare game, seasonal vegetables and festive festivals. Chinese people always drink a little wine. In the past, it was Erguotou, but now it is Maotai and other state banquet wines on the people's table. This means the rise of the motherland's economy and the prosperity of people's life. This year's Mid Autumn Festival is listed as a statutory festival. In the festivity of the festival, I feel that well-off life has entered thousands of families.


"The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown.". I love the Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown, and I love the Mid Autumn Festival in the countryside! Looking at the full moon, there is a mysterious color and mysterious implication. Several wisps of clouds are slowly opened like veils, and the moonlight like water is sprinkled in front of the window, making a sincere wish to the moon; Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

关于初中中秋节作文500字 篇2


"When I was young, I didn't know the moon. I called it a white jade plate. I doubted that the Yaotai mirror was flying in the cloud." Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15 of the lunar calendar. Our family is sitting on the balcony, drinking tea, watching the moon and eating moon cakes.


The moon cakes on the table and the moon in the sky are round and round. But my father didn't stay with us. He went on a business trip and won't come back until next Wednesday. Recently, he always travels in Beijing, Nanjing and Macao. He just came back from Beijing and stayed at home for a day. The next morning, he went to Macao again. I found Macao on the map, thousands of miles away from Hangzhou. But no matter how far away, we and Dad must be looking at the same moon at the moment.


I remember that on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival last year, our family cleaned the table after dinner, then I put a variety of flavors of moon cakes and made a cup of osmanthus tea for everyone. While drinking tea and eating moon cakes, we listened to the song sung by Faye Wong: When will the moon come? Ask Qingtian about the wine. I don't know what year this evening is in the palace in the sky Our father and daughter listened very attentively and were very happy, so they "danced" together with fans. My mother smiled so much that she stooped down with her belly in her hands. My brother laughed and learned from my father. What a happy night!


I took back my drifting thoughts, looked at the lights outside the window, listened to the laughter of the father and children in the next door neighbor, and felt a little depressed. How I wish my father could go home and "sing and dance" with us. Unfortunately, this wish cannot be realized this year! I can't help recalling the little things I spent with my father: although my father was busy with his work, he always took time to play with me when I was free to do my homework well. We will go to the gym to play badminton, go to the park to fly kites, chat and chat together by the river, and once two people rode bicycles together.


The night is deeper, but the sky is still pouring bright moonlight. I want to ask the bright moon to send my greetings to my father across thousands of mountains and rivers.

中秋节作文500字初中作文 篇3


Mid Autumn Festival


Zhang Haonan


The bright moon is in the sky, the sweet osmanthus is in the air, and the bright moonlight spreads all over the courtyard. Look! It seems that there is something in the beautiful moonlight. It is the deep yearning of the traveler who is far away from home!




On the Mid Autumn Festival, the elegant Chang'e girl is coming to us. In autumn and August, osmanthus flowers in the yard have opened one after another, which makes people forget to leave.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. As we all know, there are legends and stories behind every traditional festival, and the Mid Autumn Festival is no exception.


According to legend, Chang'e stole the immortal medicine that her husband Hou Yi had bought from the Queen Mother of the West, and then flew to the Moon Palace. But the Qionglou Yuyu was too high to be cold. "Chang'e should regret stealing the miraculous medicine. It's a clear sea and night." She vividly expressed her sadness and loneliness. Later, Chang'e confided to her husband, "Tomorrow is the full moon. You can make pills with flour, which are as round as the moon, and put them in the northwest of the house, and then call my name, At three o'clock, I can go home. The next day, Hou Yi did as his wife told him. When Chang'e did fly in the middle of the moon, the couple would be reunited. The custom of making moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival also came into being.


Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful memory in my eyes; In the eyes of the family, it symbolizes happiness and happiness; In the eyes of wanderers, it symbolizes reunion and happiness. Since ancient times, the Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful and warm festival, and it is a festival that people look forward to and yearn for.


The wind is gentle, the fragrance of osmanthus is diffused in the night, and the moon is gradually becoming plump. On the Mid Autumn Festival, under the osmanthus tree, you can enjoy the moon by eating moon cakes. The moonlight is charming and the osmanthus is fragrant. This is an ideal state!

初中生描写中秋节作文500字 篇4


The Mid Autumn Festival is the Mid Autumn Festival, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival or the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is rounder and brighter than the full moon in other months, so it is also called "Moon Festival" or "August Festival". On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, people try to get together with their families. The Mid Autumn Festival is also called the "Reunion Festival".


I watched the moon on the balcony with my family. The rising moon poured out a clear light, and the moon was bright, slowly, slowly became white. The moonlight quietly sprinkled on the ground, and the whole world was covered with a layer of silver light. The town seemed to be covered with thin silver gauze. The moon went through the clouds and sprinkled its light on the road, which seemed to be paved with silver. It also reflects the moonlight on the water surface. When the wind blows at night, the river will be sparkling.


The moon, like a shy little girl, hid in the clouds for a while, and then poked out a lovely little head from the clouds, and soaked the earth into a dreamlike silver gray. Looking at the moon, I can't help but think of the story of Chang'e flying to the moon. It was to commemorate Chang'e that we decided that the Mid Autumn Festival was the Mid Autumn Festival that everyone hoped to reunite. It also reminds me of a famous poem called Meditation at Night: The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. This poem shows Li Bai's feeling of missing his hometown. It reminds me from time to time that soldiers stationed in the border areas cannot be reunited with their families on the Mid Autumn Festival.


In the Song Dynasty, the folk custom of appreciating the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival became more and more prosperous. According to the description of the grand occasion of appreciating the moon in Kyoto of the Northern Song Dynasty in the Tokyo Dream Record, "On the Mid Autumn Festival, your family decorated the pavilion, and people competed for the restaurant, playing the music of the moon, hearing from afar, and playing with me until dawn". The New Zuiweng Tale records: "The children of people in Qingcheng do not have to be rich or poor to reach the 12th or 13th year on their own. They all wear the clothes of adults. They climb the stairs or worship the moon in the atrium. Each time has its own schedule: men are willing to walk in the Toad Palace early and climb up the immortal laurels; women are willing to look like Chang'e, round as the bright moon."

中秋节 篇5


On the Mid Autumn Festival, looking at the bright moon in the sky, appreciating the mid-autumn flowers in the courtyard, and tasting the moon cakes in your hands, you can't help but see the picture in the ancient poem, "Tonight, people are looking at the bright moon, and I don't know who is missing in autumn.".


The customs of my hometown are like a picture printed in people's hearts, beautiful and unforgettable. You have to come back to see how far you are from your hometown to accompany your parents, wife and children. The family should always be reunited and harmonious!


When the festival comes, wandering travelers will return to their homes, especially the Mid Autumn Festival, which symbolizes reunion. Every time I think about the Mid Autumn Festival, it must be the children's greediness for moon cakes. Who can resist the cakes with oily appearance and lingering fragrance? Just after the 13th day of the eighth lunar month, several famous pastry shops in the city had already made mooncakes. Knead the dough, prepare enough fillings, order the fragrant pot, and start cooking. Five kernels, bean paste, and jujube paste are all available... The moon cake was cleared less than a day after it was put on the counter, which is really loved by people of all ages! Sweet scented osmanthus tea will not be left behind. The refreshing fragrance of sweet osmanthus pervades outside the city. This is the season when osmanthus flowers are in full bloom. Now we take some green flowers to stay... On the way back to the tea shop, several wisps of fireworks light up in the sky, and all of a sudden the fireworks are bright. The most anticipated night is coming!


Today at night, people look up to the bright moon in the sky. The moonlight shines on the earth. From afar, it looks like a layer of white yarn. Everything is so soft and quiet. How lively and peaceful it is to eat sweet and delicious moon cakes, taste fragrant osmanthus tea, and sit in the courtyard with bright lights and laughter! When every household lights up, the light emitted at the moment interweaves into a fiery sea of lights. We who wander in the sea of lights are reunited with our dearest family members, around the table, and experience the happiness, satisfaction and joy of our family members. This night, after deep sleep, I still can't forget the bright lights at night. When I still haven't finished, the Mid Autumn Festival quietly slipped away at a brisk pace.


If you want to throw people away, (WWW.. CN) time will pass away. No matter how far away from home, I will never forget every Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown. The most important thing is that the world can not stay, and the beautiful people say goodbye to the mirror, the flowers say goodbye to the tree!

中秋节作文600字作文 篇6


In August in northern Shanxi, autumn is bright and crisp. Under the bright sunshine, the sky is as clear as washed, and the cotton like clouds are like big flowers embroidered on the blue carpet. The rustling autumn wind has ripened the crops in the fields, the leaves of the big white poplar have turned yellow, the leaves of the Parthenocissus tricuspidata have turned red, and the grass is not as energetic as in summer. The fruits on the fruit trees have changed from green to yellow, from green to red, gradually emerging from the middle of the leaves, emitting bursts of fragrance. Mature breath ripples in the space of autumn, and the joy of harvest flows in people's hearts.


At this moment, the ancient and traditional festival of the Chinese nation, the Mid Autumn Festival, is also coming to us with light steps. It brings us warmth and hope.


The Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Mid Autumn Festival or the Reunion Festival. At this time, people who go out must go home to celebrate the festival. If people have yards, they should move their tables to the yards and place tributes, including bananas, apples, red tilts, margaritas and pears. Of course, the most important thing is moon cakes. Mother also put a censer in front of the table with three sticks of incense in it. On a whim, I took all my racing cars out of the box and put them on the lower floor of the table. I smiled and said, "Wow, look, how cool my racing cars are!" I turned on the only car with lights. Wow! My headlights are brighter than candles!


At this time, my mother came out and said to me, "What are you busy doing?" I smiled and said to my mother, "Mom, look, this is my masterpiece!" Mom looked carefully, and all the cars below were racing cars. Mom asked me not to put them down. I said, "No, besides, I also want to let the moon father-in-law, no, it's the moon mother-in-law. Let the moon mother-in-law see what our earth children are playing with, and let her buy some fun for the star children!" Mom can only let me put it.


After a while, my mother said to me, "My son, my father is going to make fireworks." I hurried into the house and ran to the second floor. I watched the fireworks shooting at the clouds. I looked at the moon with my telescope

初中中秋节作文600 篇7


It is said that August 15 is a traditional Mid Autumn Festival.


This is the middle of autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival.


In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons. Each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Mid Autumn Festival.


It is said that the moon on August 15 is rounder and brighter than the full moon in other months, so it is called Lunar Eve and August Festival.


On this night, people look up to the bright moon in the sky, which is like a plate of jade. They naturally look forward to family reunion.


Travelers who are far away from home also take this opportunity to express their yearning for their hometown and relatives.


Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Reunion Festival!


In ancient China, there was a custom of setting the moon on the eve of autumn.


The evening moon is the worship of the moon god.


In the Zhou Dynasty, Indian cold and lunar sacrifices were held every Mid Autumn Festival.


Set up a big incense table and offer sacrifices such as watermelon, moon cakes, apples, dates, plums and grapes. Among these things, moon cakes and watermelons are essential.


The watermelon should also be cut into lotus shape.


Under the moon, place the moon god in the direction of the moon, and the candles will burn high. The whole family will worship the moon in turn, and then the housewife will cut the reunion moon cake.


He who cuts must calculate in advance how many people there are in the whole family. Those who are at home and those who are away from home should be counted together. They should not cut more or less. They should all be the same size.


In the ancient state of Qi, there was an ugly girl without salt who worshipped the moon devoutly when she was young. When she grew up, she entered the palace with outstanding morality, but she was not favored.


One August 15th, when the Emperor saw her in the moonlight, he thought she was beautiful and outstanding. Later, he made her the Queen. The Mid Autumn Festival came from this.


In the Tang Dynasty, it was very popular to watch the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival.


In the Northern Song Dynasty.


On the 15th night of August, the city was full of people, rich and poor, old and young.


They should wear adult clothes, burn incense and worship the moon to express their wishes, and pray for the blessing of the moon god.


In the Southern Song Dynasty, mooncakes were given to each other in the Ming Dynasty, meaning reunion.


In some places, there are activities such as grass dragon dance and pagoda building.


Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the custom of the Mid Autumn Festival has become more popular; In many places, special activities have taken place, such as burning joss stick, planting Mid Autumn Festival trees, lighting tower lamps, walking the moon and dancing fire dragons.


There are so many activities in the Mid Autumn Festival!