
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:35 | 来源:语文通



On Sunday, my mother and I went to the Prince Mountain Park to play.There are more children in the park. Some of them are in the sleeve, some are watching monkeys, and some are driving in a car ... see!How happy they are!


Among them, my favorite project is playing bungee.Bruch is like jumping, but hangs you with two ropes.Let me tell you that the feeling is comfortable!I jumped hard and wanted to jump higher than the pole, the higher the jumps, and I felt that I thought it was too beautiful, because I could see the panorama of Prince Mountain.But after I came down from the bungee, I saw that there were many branches on it, which was frightened.If I jump to the pole, I am afraid I will be hit by the branches!


We also go to Monkey Mountain to see the monkey.Those monkeys are very cute, so we eat them, and the mother still pulled two greens in the nearby vegetable field for the monkey to eat!It's so happy today!



1、公园:公园读音为gōng yuán,是指供公众游览休息的园林。公园 gōng yuán词语解释:供公众游览休息的园林。(1) [park](2) 古代官家的园林(任诚王澄)表减公园之地,以给无业贫口。——《魏书.景穆十二王.任城王传》(3) 城市或市镇经管作为风景区,供公众游憩用的一片土地北海公园森林公园分词解释:公众:社会上大多数的人;大众:公众领袖ㄧ公众利益。园林:种有花草树木,筑有亭阁台榭,凿有水池,堆有假山,供人游览休憩的场所。中国古典园林萌芽于秦汉,宋代以后成熟。按隶属关系一般分为皇家园林、私家园林、寺观园林三大类。休息:暂停体力劳动或脑力劳动或其他活动,以恢复精力。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...公园怎么造句,用公园造句»