
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:30 | 来源:语文通



五一劳动节劳动作文 篇1劳动的五一作文 篇2劳动作文 篇3五一劳动节劳动作文 篇4五一劳动节辛苦劳动的作文 篇5五一劳动节作文最新 篇6劳动的五一作文 篇7劳动的五一作文 篇8五一劳动节作文最新 篇9五一劳动节劳动作文 篇10

五一劳动节劳动作文 篇1


Today is Labor Day. My mother took me to the street. On the way, it was sunny outside. Everywhere was green and the flowers were very bright. We walked all the way. There are endless streams of people and vehicles on the street, and various stores have put out various preferential brands, so people rush to buy.


Our whole family came to Daxing Supermarket together. The door of Daxing Supermarket is full of cosmetics. There is a 20% discount sign in front. Many people are shopping


goods. As soon as I entered the door, many children were taking the elevator there, and I also went to take the elevator. I stood on a grid and the elevator automatically sent me up. I came down and went up, played and played.


When I was tired of playing, I sat down on the chair beside me. When I saw some children eating hamburgers, I asked my father to buy them for me. When I bought it, a hamburger is made of two pieces of bread with a piece of chicken and a little cucumber and cream. Have a taste. It tastes great.


My mother told me the origin of the May Day, which made me understand that the May Day was hard won: it was the result of the united struggle of the proletariat and working people all over the world. We should cherish today's happy life, not play, but study hard.


What an unforgettable and happy day it is today.

劳动的五一作文 篇2


The May Day, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, has finally arrived. The May Day Golden Week is a great time to play. After discussion with my mother, I decided to visit Xiangshan.


My mother and I came to Xiangshan Park with our cousin. It was really crowded. Before entering the gate, I smelled a faint fragrance. When I walked inside, there were all kinds of colorful exotic flowers on both sides of the road, including chrysanthemums, roses and roses. When I walked inside, I saw rows of tall poplar trees. Look! The peach blossoms here are in bloom. Those pink peach blossoms look like little girls in pink skirts! Look! Pear flowers are also in bloom over there. Thousands of trees are competing to open, which is very popular. Xiangshan Mountain in May is really beautiful!


The three of us got up and went to the Children's Paradise, where the toys were so dazzling that I saw a skyscraper that could rotate 360 degrees. I was curious, so I asked my mother to go up and play with us. At first, it was fun to rotate horizontally for several times. Later, the ball began to rotate up and down by a large margin, which made my sister and I yell and look pale. At this time, my mother asked us to tightly grasp the iron bars on both sides. Suddenly, I suddenly went up and looked at my mother. I was very scared.


However, the ball suddenly turned a circle, and I was finally scared to cry. After stopping, I said to my mother, "I will never play thrill again. How can I stand it!" In order to calm down our hearts, our mother took us to play with the electric horse again, and our hearts gradually calmed down. Then we played fishing and hunting animals until the night was coming, and we reluctantly left Xiangshan.


Although I was scared to cry this time, I still had a good time.

劳动作文 篇3


Today is the International Labor Day on May 1. The weather is good, the spring breeze is warm and the sun is bright. I asked my mother to take me to the Children's Park in the morning.


As soon as I walked into the gate of the park, I saw a sea of flowers, colorful and fragrant. Then I saw a lot of games to play, such as trampoline, target shooting, parachute, swing, torrent march, and fishing. I liked fishing best. I immediately asked my mother to rent a fishing rod for me, and bought fish food. I was ready to start fishing. Wow, there were so many fish in the fish pool. I don't know which one to catch. Now, the golden 'big belly' was great, and had a bulb like eye, The tail like a big fan swayed from left to right as if it was dancing. It was so cute that I decided to catch it. But it was like it was hiding from me. At this time, an old man next to me told me that your fish food was not good, and the hooks were exposed. I saw, ah, if so, it seemed that the fish was really smart, and a flaw could be seen. I quickly got the fish food to fill the loophole. Soon, this belly and several other small crucian carp swam over. This time, they may be very hungry. I opened my mouth to eat. I quickly took the hook, but it was empty. I blamed my impatience and inability to keep calm, and let it escape again. I learned a lesson and waited patiently. After a while, the belly swam over again, but it did not rush to eat the fish food on the hook. It seemed to be thinking about it. Finally, it could not afford the food. Then, it gently opened its mouth and bit the fish food. It was no chance to lose. I pulled the fishing rod with force and raised it violently. Wow, the belly was finally caught by me. The people beside me also expressed their admiration. I also took a long breath.


I really enjoyed the May Day today, because I learned that no matter what you do, you must be careful and patient, so that you can succeed.

五一劳动节劳动作文 篇4


I am looking forward to the May Day. On this day, I visited Cuifeng Temple, a famous natural scenic spot in Lixian County, with my mother, cousin and aunt.


Cuifeng Temple, also known as Pine Forest, is located ten kilometers southwest of the county seat. Just from the name, you can guess its scenery: dangerous peaks, green pines and cypresses, temples and pavilions, narrow paths, elegant and quiet, natural


After winding along the winding path, you come to the first pagoda temple. It suddenly brightens up because there are many "handicrafts" made of cement - stone tables and stone benches, all small and exquisite, classic and elegant. The mountain ladders are also quite eye-catching. In order to be more safe, the craftsmen have also made handrails with different shapes. Some of them are like snakes, some are like waves, and some are like hairtail fish... They are really thousands of shapes, adding a more beautiful scenery to the majestic, towering, and green peaks. While appreciating these "masterpieces" of superb skills, one cannot help marveling at the exquisite skills of the craftsmen!


On the top of a mountain, you can only see the beauty of mountains and rivers, the crisscross ravines, the gurgling streams, the green wheat seedlings, and the golden rape flowers. Unconsciously, the cool wind has blown away your tiredness after climbing, making you feel refreshed and relaxed. At this moment, people can't help thinking of two poems: "The dangerous peak is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand. They dare not speak loudly, for fear of scaring people in the sky." "All the birds fly high, and the solitary cloud goes to leisure alone. I never get tired of looking at each other, but Cuifeng Mountain." Look at the towering pine trees on the cliffs, and you can't help but recite the poem "Hold on to the green mountains and never relax, standing in the broken rocks. You are still strong after thousands of blows, and you can feel the wind from east to west, north to south".


We also visited many temples built on the mountainside or the top of the mountain. Let me tell you something. There are Ancestor Hall, Lingxiao Hall, Guanyin Hall, Guandi Hall, Salvation Hall, Bullfight Hall, Hongyuan Hall, Laomu Palace, etc. They are all unique, elegant or exquisite, deeply attracting a continuous stream of tourists from far and near.


Wow, Cuifeng Temple can compare with Huangshan Mountain and Mount Tai Mountain! If you stop there, you will surely linger and forget to return! I will also deeply appreciate Mr. Jingjie's noble feelings of "staying in a cage for a long time, and returning to nature"! I really hope to stay there forever and quietly enjoy the natural scenery that integrates majesty, magnificence, tranquility and depth!

五一劳动节辛苦劳动的作文 篇5


On a windy and calendar afternoon, my mother, cousin and puppy strolled to Geleshan, a place with fresh air and beautiful scenery. Colorful flowers smile at our arrival; The grass sticks out their heads and waves to us. While enjoying the beautiful scenery, we climbed the mountain.


Along the way, the dog jumped around and playfully jumped into the puddle, splashing mud all over others. We came to a mountain rock and saw beautiful and fragrant honeysuckle all over the mountain. My cousin and I couldn't wait to pick up our pockets to pick up gold and silver. Picking it, I was stirred by the vine of honeysuckle. My foot slipped and I fell down. If my hand had not grasped the vine of honeysuckle tightly, it might have broken into pieces. After picking flowers, our mother asked us, "Do you know the benefits of honeysuckle?" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle is very fragrant." Cousin said, "Honeysuckle can clear away heat and reduce fire." I said, "Honeysuckle can also escape the summer heat." Mom said, "You are right, but the best thing about honeysuckle is that it is native and does not live for others' appreciation."


After this trip, I not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but also learned the truth of life. I've really gained a lot.

五一劳动节作文最新 篇6


May Day is coming, Grandpa said, "Shall we have dumplings for dinner today?"? "We said," OK! “


When grandpa and grandma made dumplings, there was too much filling, but not enough skin. My mother and father went to buy dumplings skin. At the vegetable market, my father and I were playing outside, and my mother went to buy it alone. At this time, Grandpa called his father and said that he only wanted to buy a 2 yuan leather, but his mother had already bought a 5 yuan leather.


At noon, Grandpa cut the round dumpling skin into diamond shaped noodles, then put oil, meat, vegetables and water on it, and cooked a large pot of noodles. All five of us ate a lot. However, there was still a big bowl left. Mom said, "It's enough for two people to eat at night.". "But everyone didn't want to eat any more at night. What should we do? Grandma thought of a way -" Draw lots ".


I took a piece of white paper and divided it into five pieces on average. Then I cut it into five pieces. Write "Eat noodles" on two pieces of paper, and draw smiling faces on the other three pieces of paper. Then fold them up for drawing lots at night.

终于盼到了晚上,爷爷说:”开饭!“当大家团坐在桌旁,我先把5个阄放在桌上,接着,像个小主持人一样,介绍抓阄规则,”第一,抓到‘吃面片’的人必须吃,抓到‘笑脸’的人不吃;第二,不能耍赖,如果耍赖,不但要吃面片,还要罚唱一首歌。“开始抓阄了,爷爷、爸爸和妈妈抓到了”笑脸“,而我和奶奶抓到的是”吃面片“。我不高兴了 ,撅起了小嘴,这时,爸爸妈妈抢着说:”把面片给我吧!“我说,不行,不能违反规则。”我分给了爸爸和妈妈一些面片,自己吃了一些,奶奶分给了爷爷一些,结果,我们全家又都吃了点面片。

Finally, when it came to the evening, Grandpa said, "Dinner! "When everyone is seated at the table, I will put the five lots on the table first, and then, like a small host, introduce the rules for drawing lots." First, those who catch 'noodles' must eat, and those who catch' smiling faces' do not eat; Second, we should not play tricks. If we play tricks, we should not only eat noodles, but also sing a song. "It's time to draw lots. Grandfather, father and mother caught the" smiling face ", while my grandmother and I caught the" eating noodles ". I was unhappy and pouted. At this time, my parents scrambled to say:" Give me the noodles! "I said, no, you can't break the rules." I gave some noodles to my father and mother, ate some by myself, and my grandmother gave some to my grandfather. As a result, my family ate some noodles again.


How happy the Labor Day is!

劳动的五一作文 篇7


It was May Day International Labor Day. We thought about a different May Day long ago. My partner and I have an appointment for the activity of "Learning from Lei Feng": to clean the Feifengshan Olympic Sports Park and let the hard working sanitation workers have a good rest for a day.


In the early morning of that day, our fifteen little friends got up early, had breakfast respectively, and met at the gate of the park at 6:30. When we got to the park, several uncles and aunts were sweeping the floor. We ran to them and asked them to rest under the shade of the trees. The uncles and aunts were very surprised. We said in unison: "uncles and aunts, you have worked hard. Today is Labor Day. You can sit here and have a good rest. Let's clean up.".


So everyone scrambled to start cleaning. We all saw a big black plastic bag near the chair in the distance. Everyone rushed to the dustpan like a departing sword. I got there first. I set up a dustpan and gently swept it with a broom. But the bag floated up. I quickly stepped on it and moved it to the dustpan. But when I picked up the dustpan, the bag floated up again, and one bag occupied a full dustpan. "Hum, I don't believe it. I can't control you!", I knotted the bag with my hands and threw it into the dustpan. Ha ha, it won't come out. As soon as I looked up, I saw my friends sweeping leaves under the big tree. They ran up and joined the team. While singing, they swept all the leaves on the grass into a large pile in the middle, and then filled the dustpan one by one and dumped them into the trash can. Some leaves were stuck in the grass, and some leaves and petals were too small to be swept out, so everyone picked them up one by one. We cleaned up the leaves and garbage in the park, one area at a time, singing and laughing, and quickly cleaned the park.


When I looked at my watch, more than two hours had passed before I knew it. Everyone's forehead was covered with glistening sweat, which soaked their clothes. But when we saw that the park became clean, bright and spacious, we all laughed happily. The uncles and aunts who were exercising in the park stood up their thumbs and said to us, "You are great, children!" We went to the uncle and aunt's rest place, and the aunts said to us: "Thank you, little friends, for letting us have a good rest in the morning. It's hard for you!" Our hearts are sweeter than honey! But at the same time, I can't help sighing: uncles and aunts of environmental sanitation are really hard! Not only are they sunburnt, but some are very old, some have gray hair, and there are wrinkles on their forehead, which is really painful.


It was really an unforgettable May Day. We experienced the hard work and happiness of labor, as well as the difficulty of sanitation workers working against the sun. They are the beautification guardians of our city! In every corner of our city, we can see them cleaning silently. Everywhere, we can see sanitation workers boarding tricycles to clean up urban garbage. I hope that everyone of us can protect the environment and not litter. When we see garbage on the ground, we can help to pick up the trash can. I believe that as long as each of us gives a little love, garbage will not fall to the ground and the city will be more beautiful. Let's use labor to make the city more beautiful!

劳动的五一作文 篇8

今天是劳动的一天,这次妈妈来北京,一直说我的冰箱太久没有除霜了。所以今天中午和大乖趁着冰箱里的东西不是特别多,开展除霜大行动。因为太久没有除霜了,我们居然干了将近一个小时。 看来清洁冰箱也很费时间啊。后来冰箱一直不干,大乖想了一个聪明的办法,用电风扇烘干,哈哈,居然成效,大乖很是得意啊!

Today is a day of labor. This time, my mother came to Beijing and said that my refrigerator had not been defrosted for too long. So this afternoon, we launched the defrosting campaign while there were not too many things in the refrigerator. Because we haven't defrosted for a long time, we actually worked for nearly an hour. It seems that it takes time to clean the refrigerator. Later on, the refrigerator didn't work. Big Boy thought of a clever way to dry it with an electric fan. Ha ha, it worked. Big Boy is very proud of it!


The evening was followed by washing clothes, cooking and cooking soup, so today is a day of labor. Now the bone soup is cooking in the electric casserole, and the sweet taste permeates the room.

这几个月经常做家务,所以做家务的过程中也有了一些心得。那就是做家务其实也是项目管理。首先,干家务的时候一定要有明确的目标和规划,比如每周最少收拾屋子2次,衣服最少每周统一洗两 次等;第二呢,一定要明确今天一定要做哪些活,哪些活是如果没有做完,可以留到明天做的;第三呢,一定要统筹时间安排,先做哪件,再做哪件,比如洗衣的时候也可以同步干其他的家务;第四呢 ,干一件活的时候,一定不要有畏惧或者急躁的心态。一点一点去做,愉快的去干,一会儿就干完了。目前就想到这么多,其实平淡的生活中也有很多的学问的,脚踏实地的生活中每天都有着特别的喜 悦与欣赏。

In recent months, I often do housework, so I have some experience in doing housework. That is, doing housework is actually project management. First of all, when doing housework, we must have clear goals and plans, such as cleaning the house at least twice a week, washing clothes at least twice a week, etc; Second, we must be clear about what we must do today and what we can do tomorrow if we don't finish it; Third, we must make an overall arrangement of time, which to do first and which to do again. For example, when washing clothes, we can also do other chores at the same time; Fourth, when doing a job, you must not be afraid or impatient. Do it little by little, happily and soon. At present, I think so much. In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in the ordinary life. Every day in the down-to-earth life, there is special joy and appreciation.

五一劳动节作文最新 篇9


20__ The May Day International Labor Day has come quietly. The students may not know that the May Day came from the workers' strike in Chicago. More than 210000 ordinary workers in Zhijiage City tried to implement the eight hour policy. A general strike was held due to the working system. After people's hard struggle, they finally won the victory of the strike to commemorate the unprecedented large-scale labor movement. International organizations have decided to designate May 1 as the International Labor Day.


If you want to say that the May Day International Labor Day can attract people's attention most, it is nothing more than a dazzling array of goods and many attractive advertisements such as "May Day" goods are paid for guests... "by manufacturers. The shopping mall is crowded with people, as if it has become an ocean of people; On the road, cars were streaming. Many drivers carry tourists from all over the world.


Today is May Day. Grandpa is still working hard in the field. I thought to myself: I was spoiled when I was young, and I never did farm work. Now it's Labor Day. Why don't I take this opportunity to learn?


My grandmother explained to me in detail: "Honey, we should get rid of the weeds in the field, and never get rid of the straw!" When I heard this, I thought, "Cut the crap, I'll start dancing." After a while, I picked up the heavy hoe and carefully removed the weeds.


At the beginning, I was full of energy to hoe a lot of weeds, but "weeds can't be burned out, and the wind blows again". These weeds seem to have nine lives. I just hoed them, and soon they grew again. Looking at the clusters of weeds, I sighed for a long time and thought: No, now we can only fight to the end; So I stole the guy and started again. After a while, big beads of sweat dropped from soybeans. I felt that the farmer uncle worked so hard every day, facing the merciless sun and doing farm work.


Finally, it's over. I'm happy to run home and have a closer look. God! It was only 5 minutes later, but my memory seems to have lasted several weeks.

五一劳动节劳动作文 篇10


When I got up in the morning, my father told me that today's theme was Labor Day. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, my father rewarded me with a steel jump; After dinner, my father did math problems for me. I only got two correct answers to the three questions, and I couldn't do the rest. My mother was very angry at the sight, saying that my father was pulling up the seedlings and severely criticized my father. My father and mother began to clean up. I was playing computer games for a long time. My mother was very angry and ignored me. I apologize to my mother, we are reconciled! After lunch, my parents and I played "Plants vs Zombies", and my father chased me everywhere. In the afternoon, I started to work under my strong application -- I used the vacuum cleaner to suck up the ash layer on the ground, and some black spots on the ground could not be sucked. My father taught me to aim at the small black spots with a wet rag and wipe them hard, and then dry them with a dry towel. I worked for a long time, my hands were sore, so I sat down to rest. My father praised me as a good baby who could work and rewarded me with another steel jump; My mother asked me to throw away garbage, and when I came back, I got a reward from Steel Jumper!


Today, I was very, very happy (except for being criticized by my mother). I got three steel jumpers through labor, and I carefully put them into the British mailbox piggy bank that my father gave me!