
时间:2022-06-24 14:26:31 | 来源:语文通



In our studies, we often encounter some setbacks. It is precisely because of these setbacks that let us grow slowly.


"One inch of time and one inch of gold, it is difficult to buy inch inch."This sentence made us understand the importance of time.Primary school is the most important stage. It is for future learning to play the foundation. I often reflect on it: now the primary school students are not studying, and I am thinking about mobile phones, games, TVs all day.Is a good way? As the teacher said: "As long as you learn seriously and listen to thinking, you can learn." I am a student who loves to learn, listen to the teacher's words, and think carefully.So, when I do a question, I will think about it, and finally make it, so that you will feel very powerful.We think: Who is learning for? Is it to learn to parents and teachers? If you think so, then you are wrong, and learning is for you to learn.The results of learning are the result of your own efforts.In the future, you will definitely thank yourself who is working hard now.


The process of learning may be boring, but some people feel very interesting.I think there is a good saying: only by paying can there be gains.The time is fair and will be left for everyone. The key is how you grasp the time.


I advise all students: We must focus on the idea of the teacher, follow the teacher's thinking, listen carefully, and do not waste every minute and every second.In addition, we must carefully complete the homework. The words should be written neatly. The landscape is everywhere on the road of learning. As long as you observe carefully, enjoy it, just learn it carefully.Learning knowledge must not only think about it, but also review it in class. You must read it outside the class. You must read it every day, accumulate some good words and good sentences, and help help improve the composition when writing.


The sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and the time is like an arrow. Time will not be left to everyone. We have to learn, learn, and learn, and we must not relax while we have a good years.



1、学习:学习读音为xué xí,是指个体由经验或练习引起的在能力或倾向方面的变化,也指变化的过程。是人类和动物普遍具有的活动。按内容可分为认知的、情感的、运动技能的;按是否理解可分为机械学习和意义学习。 通过阅读、听讲、研究、实践等获得知识或技能的过程学习一种语言学习数学学习 xué xí分词解释:个体由经验或练习引起的在能力或倾向方面的变化,也指变化的过程。是人类和动物普遍具有的活动。按内容可分为认知的、情感的、运动技能的;按是否理解可分为机械学习和意义学习。[study;learn] 通过阅读、听讲、研究、实践等获得知识或技能的过程学习一种语言学习数学分词解释:变化:事物在形态上或本质上产生新的状况:化学变化ㄧ变化多端ㄧ情况发生了变化。普遍:大面积的;有共性的:普遍反应良好|具有普遍意义。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。经验:①由实践得来的知识或技能:他对嫁接果树有丰富的经验。②经历①;体验:这样的事,我从来没经验过。...学习怎么造句,用学习造句»

2、风景线:风景线读音为fēng jǐng xiàn,是指供浏览的风景优美的狭长地带,多比喻某种景观、景象:街头秧歌表演已成为都市里的一道亮丽的风景线。风景线 fēng jǐng xiàn词语意思:供浏览的风景优美的狭长地带,多比喻某种景观、景象:街头秧歌表演已成为都市里的一道亮丽的风景线。分词解释:景观:①指某地或某种类型的自然景色:草原景观ㄧ黄山以它独特的景观吸引着游客。②泛指可供观赏的景物:街头雕塑也是这个都市的景观之一。浏览:粗略地看一遍。一作刘览。如:他通常在早晨喝咖啡的时候浏览五六种报纸。秧歌:一种与小歌剧相似的民间舞蹈,用锣鼓伴奏,有的地区也表演故事。中国北方农村广为流行。跳这种舞叫扭秧歌或闹秧歌。亮丽:1、明亮美丽:色彩亮丽|亮丽的风景线。2、美好;优美:他的诗歌很有韵味,散文也写得亮丽。...风景线怎么造句,用风景线造句»