
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:33 | 来源:语文通



清明节的思念作文 篇1清明节的思念作文800字 篇2清明节的思念作文 篇3清明节的思念作文700字 篇4清明节的思念作文700字 篇5清明节的思念作文 篇6清明节的思念作文700字 篇7清明节的思念作文800字 篇8清明节的思念作文 篇9清明节的思念作文700字 篇10

清明节的思念作文 篇1


The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming to us in the spring breeze of April. While eating the sweet and delicious grass dumplings, it also reminds me of my infinite yearning for Xiao Yong, the black dog


When I was five years old, my grandmother had a little dog with a powerful black coat and a white wavy short coat on her belly. The eyes are bright and bright, and the sharp vision is full of the spirit of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers. One mouth can see its long, chilling teeth. The cry was very fierce. The four legs seemed weak, but they were extremely explosive. It was a piece of cake to jump onto a 1.5 meter high wall.


If he sees me, Xiao Yong will come out to greet me respectfully and throw himself into my chest like a spring with his legs. His tail wagged enthusiastically, and the bell on his neck jingled. When I saw a stranger, he barked and tried to rush. His bravery made the yellow dog half a head taller than him dare not bully him. It is also meddlesome. Grandma's shoes on the balcony were soon moved by it; I just fed him some delicious food. When I turned around, I saw other dogs eating. He tilted his head and didn't fight for it. It seemed to say, "Eat! Eat! Don't be hungry!" It makes people angry.


I didn't expect his meddling would kill him one day. Grandma's house was full of mice and chewed up all the boxes and wooden clothes hangers. Grandma was very angry, but she could do nothing. One day at noon, I was taking a nap when I heard the "squeak" sound. It must be those damn mice! I rolled out of bed and rushed out of the door, only to see a gray mouse lying under Xiao Yong's paw. It was Xiao Yong who caught it. We are all very happy. Isn't this just "dogs take mice - meddling"?


The next morning, I got up and my home was quiet. I shouted, "Xiao Yong! Xiao Yong!" But I couldn't hear a dog barking. I was wondering when Grandma came in and said sadly, "Xiao Yong is dead!" It turns out that it ate the mice it caught yesterday. Who knew that the mouse had taken the rat poison. I can't believe my ears: is this the end of meddling? While I was complaining about Xiao Yong, I hated the mouse to death: Why did I have to pull a cushion when I was going to die? Tears swirled in my eyes.


The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, Xiao Yong, how are you in the kingdom of heaven? Is there a new owner? May you be happy and healthy in heaven!

清明节的思念作文800字 篇2


The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. Like last year, I went to visit my grandfather's grave with my mother. On the way, I kept asking my mother: "Mom, Mom, what does Grandpa look like?" My mother always said kindly, "Just like my mother!" My grandfather died when my mother was in the fourth grade, and did not leave a photo. Whenever other students mentioned how good my grandfather was to me, I always felt envious and sad.


When we arrived at Grandma's house, we were greeted by Grandma who was over sixty. I came to the room, folded the paper flowers, and also folded the thoughts into the paper. In the afternoon, when the sun was shining, my mother, aunt and grandma went to the mountain to sweep grandpa's grave under the scorching sun. As soon as I got to the foot of the mountain and looked up, I saw a green scene all over the mountain. Auntie took a hoe to remove the grass and cut the thorny vine. Soon, a path was "opened" by us.


When I came to Grandpa's grave, the first thing I saw was an earthenware pot covered with moss, which was tightly sealed and only exposed a small section of the ground. There was Grandpa's ashes. Auntie and Grandma began to weed. One moment, they hoed the small bamboos on the tomb, and then they cut the weeds again. Soon, we saw a clean tomb.


I quickly took out the paper flowers and paper tapes from the bag and sprinkled them on my grandfather's grave. Finally, I put a bunch of beautiful chrysanthemums on the pottery jar. My mother said that chrysanthemums represent missing relatives. At this time, the tomb turned into a big flower chair like magic. Grandma also placed round duck eggs, delicious meat, red apples, and sweet and delicious six flavor preserves in front of the tomb.


We lit the incense and held it in a line to worship the public. Later, we burned paper money and set off firecrackers. "Pa pa pa......" The sound of the cannon seemed to be Grandpa's blessing.


Suddenly, my nose got sour and I cried loudly: "Grandpa, Grandpa, I want Grandpa!" My mother said to me, "Don't cry, son! It is impossible to revive a dead person. Although your grandfather is no longer here, he will be pleased to know that his grandson is healthy and clever. As long as you study hard and get good grades, you will miss him best." I nodded wisely. Later, my mother took my hand and walked down the mountain with everyone.


Grandpa, I must study hard to achieve better results.

清明节的思念作文 篇3


The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. Like last year, I went to visit my grandfather's grave with my mother. On the way, I kept asking my mother: What does my grandpa look like? We can easily say: "We need to be honest!"! (Fake Ye Naixiao died when his mother was in the fourth grade, without leaving a photo. Whenever other students mentioned how good my grandfather was to me, I always felt envious and sad.


When we arrived at Grandma's house, we were greeted by Grandma who was over sixty. I came to the room, folded the paper flowers, and also folded the thoughts into the paper. In the afternoon, when the sun was shining, my mother, aunt and grandma went to the mountain to sweep grandpa's grave under the scorching sun. As soon as I got to the foot of the mountain and looked up, I saw a green scene all over the mountain. Auntie took a hoe to remove the grass and cut the thorny vine. After a while, a path was opened by us


When I came to Grandpa's grave, the first thing I saw was an earthenware pot covered with moss, which was tightly sealed and only exposed a small section of the ground. There was Grandpa's ashes. Auntie and Grandma began to weed. One moment, they hoed the small bamboos on the tomb, and then they cut the weeds again. Soon, we saw a clean tomb.


I quickly took out the paper flowers and paper tapes from the bag and sprinkled them on my grandfather's grave. Finally, I put a bunch of beautiful chrysanthemums on the pottery jar. My mother said that chrysanthemums represent missing relatives. At this time, the tomb turned into a big flower chair like magic. Grandma also placed round duck eggs, delicious meat, red apples, sweet and delicious six flavor preserves in front of the tomb


We lit the incense and held it in a line to worship the public. Later, we burned paper money and set off firecrackers. (saying the end of the ninth century...) Xie Qiao's remonstrance seems to be grandpa's blessing to us.


All of a sudden, my nose got sour and I burst into tears: Ah, Grandpa, I want Grandpa! Don't cry! It is impossible to resurrect a person after death. Although your grandfather is no longer here, he will be pleased to know that his grandson is very healthy and clever. As long as you study hard and get good grades, you will miss your grandfather best. ) Fake Ye nodded. Later, my mother took my hand and walked down the mountain with everyone.


(I wish the passers-by on the road would die...) Look out, I must study hard and strive for better results.

清明节的思念作文700字 篇4


Winter has gone and spring has come. It's the Tomb Sweeping Day again. In my impression, Qingming is always bound up with rain. Outside the window, the rain is still falling, just like the thoughts of Qingming Festival


The grass grows and the warbler flies. The rape flowers are blooming all over the mountains, and the golden color seems to give some comfort to those who miss their loved ones. Outside the yard, beside the cattle pen, under the big locust tree. Slowly to recall the past, time unconsciously backflow. The Tomb Sweeping Day and the rain left me no sadness, just a beautiful and poetic picture.


On the mountain path, the drizzle drizzled, but suddenly something was missing. The little girl's silvery laughter still reverberated in her ears, but without the kind figure. I still remember the weather like this a few years ago. It was the same day. Grandma was holding an umbrella in one hand and a crutch in the other. I tightly held her hem and walked in the drizzle during the Qingming Festival. While walking, I listened to Grandma recite the poem Qingming by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu. This is the only poem she can recite and understand the real meaning. Grandma recited one sentence in front of her, and I parroted one sentence behind me, Although she didn't mean it, she really recited it. Grandma was naturally overjoyed and took the trouble to explain it to me one by one. From time to time, I would insert a sentence, "How can people on Grandma's road die?", "Apricot Blossom Village, where is it?" After listening to this, Granny explained something to me. Although I heard it vaguely, I seemed to see a drizzle in front of me. A passer-by who was riding on a donkey leaned down to the little shepherd boy at the roadside and asked what was going on. The shepherd boy held the whip of cattle driving in one hand and pointed to the hut that was silent in the rain not far away. On the top of the wet hut that was drenched with rain, a scarlet wine banner was on the roof of the hut, The time is fading and the time is coming.


Now, the person is still the same person. She still smiles kindly in the photo, but the Yin and Yang are separated. Although the person who died is no longer there, the memory is still fresh, as if it was yesterday. It is the memory that is constantly being cut.


In front of the grave, I sent a bunch of chrysanthemums, which are flowers condensed by missing. I bowed three times deeply, saluted three sticks of incense, and gently kowtowed to Grandma to wish her happiness in heaven.


The dead are gone. Please cherish the people in front of you. In front of the Tombstone of the Tomb Sweeping Day, infinite sadness was expressed, and the drizzle of the Tomb Sweeping Day also turned into my deep yearning for Grandma.

清明节的思念作文700字 篇5


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there was a lot of rain, and people on the road wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy pointed at the Apricot Blossom Village." Write the special atmosphere of Tomb Sweeping Day.


Qingming Festival is both a solar term and a festival. It was also called the March Festival in ancient times. It has a history of more than 2000 years. "All things are clean and bright when they grow. That's why it's called Qingming." After the Tomb Sweeping Day, the rain increases, everything turns from yin to yang, and the old is reborn. It is a scene of spring and beautiful scenery. People like to go out for outings on this day. Qingming Festival is also a day for sacrifice and tomb sweeping. One after another drizzle can show more light sorrow.


Tomb Sweeping Day is grand, our great grandfather. Mother's grave is on the beautiful snow peak hillside. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, there are people all over the mountain, and the mountain is bustling. The adults prepared many cakes and snacks, fruit drinks, cold dishes and cold noodles. Some children took hoes, others took shovels and followed them. The whole family went up the mountain to sweep the tomb. The tomb sweeping activity was very interesting. When we arrived at the ancestral tombs, we were busy driving. Some weeded and some added soil. Soon, we would tidy up the weedy graves. Then we would insert colorful tomb money into the new soil of the graves, and use a brush to dip red paint to completely describe the calligraphy on the tombstones. As a result, the graves that had not been repaired for a long time suddenly looked fresh. The adults took out offerings and put them in front of the graves, After burning incense candles, we fired guns and prayed, and burned a lot of paper money. These offerings were for our ancestors to eat, and paper money was for our ancestors to use, showing our filial piety. Then everyone kowtowed and worshiped in turn, from big to small. Some of them still recited words. Look, my cousin said, "Bless my ancestors! Let me enter Mianyang Middle School!" I also read: "Bless me to enter the top 20 in the monthly exam!" How ridiculous. Grandparents read, "Bless our family!", Finally, I ate wine and food in front of the tomb and went hiking. How happy!


The dead are gone. Please cherish the people in front of you. In front of the Tombstone of the Tomb of the Tomb Sweeping Day, infinite sadness will be expressed, the tears of the worshippers will be strung into wet memories, and the warm spring breeze will not clean the eyes. The long journey of life does not stop. The continuation of the lineage is a series of bold ellipses. The white hair of the elderly is the most striking question mark of the Tomb Sweeping Day. Filial piety and support are the only correct choice, and the best interpretation of the Tomb Sweeping Day by the descendants of the Chinese people. Let the heart of filial piety live day by day, and insist on treating your parents and the elderly well.

清明节的思念作文 篇6


"Ding Lingling... Ding Lingling..." The alarm of the mobile phone kept thinking, waking our family from sleep. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, so we finished washing up early and had breakfast. We went to visit my grandfather's grave with our relatives who had made an appointment with us. Our family went downstairs by car, but there were too many people going to that mountain, so there was a traffic jam for a long time. At the foot of the mountain, we parked in a corner. Then take out the paper money, paper articles for daily use and pots of flowers from the trunk.


Along the way, a rustle of mountain red smiled to us as if the breath of spring was injected into my heart, making me relaxed and happy. At the top of the mountain, we were sweating profusely, but we went to visit Grandpa's grave without taking a rest. We first cleaned up the dust in front of the tomb, then tidied up the tomb, and finally put several pots of flowers in front of the tomb. Light some candles and incense. We built a wind barrier with surrounding granite, and then lit a fire inside. Slowly burn the paper money to Grandpa bit by bit. When I burned the paper money to my grandpa, my heart somehow became so uncomfortable, recalling the past events between me and grandpa. Tears flow down like they can't stop. Looking at the fire in front of me, I seemed to see my grandpa, and I couldn't help thinking of the little things that my grandpa spent with me when he was alive.


The most unforgettable thing for me is that every time on the school pickup day, my grandfather would walk from the first floor of the dormitory to the sixth floor to help me tidy up my clothes. I have asked him several times when I saw him coming up almost every time with a big sweat on his head. Grandpa, "Are you tired?" He always wipes the sweat off his face first. Said, "I'm not tired." When he came downstairs, he always took the heaviest thing by himself, instead of letting me take things. He always encourages me every time my academic performance drops. I hope to do his best to improve my performance. Watching the fire slowly dissipate, I returned to reality from memory. Dry your tears. Mom said, let's worship! therefore. Each of us made three obeisances. I hope my grandfather is in heaven, and I wish I could improve my academic performance and be admitted to key schools.


"It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die." Although there is no rain on this year's Qingming Festival. But my yearning for my grandfather will never change.

清明节的思念作文700字 篇7


Tomb sweeping is a tradition and one of the Chinese virtues. Tomb sweeping is a form of commemorating the dead. There is a poem that says, "It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival." However, this year's Tomb Sweeping Day did not have a drizzle as usual, but a scorching sun.


To go to my ancestral tomb, you must pass through a lush banana forest. Along the way, we walked along the thorns and muddy path. After a long journey, I finally arrived at the cemetery.


The tombstone is quietly and alone in the banana forest. It is lifeless all around. I can't help feeling sad. In front of the tomb, there are already many weeds. So, several uncles and my father took hoes and cleaned up the weeds and mud in front of the tomb without saying anything. My mother and I, as well as my aunt, were rubbing a yellow piece of paper. After rubbing a large bag, we went to the back of the gravestone, picked up a handful of yellow paper, waved our hands and sprinkled it into the air. According to my mother, this is called "gold and silver treasure".


My aunt brought out the sacrifice. I saw that there were snow-white duck eggs, mouth watering roast ducks, fragrant spring rolls, and other miscellaneous snacks, cookies.


When the incense burner in front of the tomb is lit, the tomb sweeping ceremony begins. Our whole family stood in a row, holding incense in our hands, and silently said: ancestors, we have come to see you and brought you food, please enjoy it slowly. Then we put incense in front of the tomb.


Finally, we need to burn paper money. We rubbed them evenly, and my cousin rubbed them the most funny. He rubbed them as hard as he could, hitting them like sandbags, so that the hell money did not spread evenly, and his fist was stained with gold scraps of paper. After the paper money was rubbed, the candles were lit, and the paper money was burned in stacks. After all the paper money has been burned, we will give it a circle with wine.

一切祭拜完了之后,我们就要在墓前聚餐。望着墓碑 .cn ,使我一股思念之情油然而生:想想他们生前对我的关爱,我不禁一阵惆怅。这时,我看见了远处火红的杜鹃花。杜鹃花又称清明花,它是纪念和安抚亡灵的最佳物品。于是,我跑了过去,摘了几束插在坟前,希望他们都能得到安抚……

After all the worship, we will have dinner in front of the tomb. Looking at the tombstone. CN, I felt a sense of yearning: I couldn't help feeling sad when I thought about their love for me. At this time, I saw the red azalea in the distance. Rhododendron, also known as Qingming flower, is the best thing to commemorate and pacify the dead. So I ran over and picked some bunches and stuck them in front of the grave, hoping that they could be pacified

最后,叔叔要放鞭炮了。 “噼里啪啦”鞭炮便绽开了花儿。

Finally, my uncle will set off firecrackers. "Pi Li Pa La" firecrackers then burst into bloom.


Why do you want to visit the tomb? It is to commemorate the dead relatives, remember their looks and sounds, and express your sadness; It is a kind of faith, making a wish in front of our ancestors, so that we can gain more this year.

清明节的思念作文800字 篇8


He is a boy with a funny face who often causes trouble. He is a little rebellious, arrogant and crazy. It seems that he is the only one in the world. If his requirements are not met one day, he will fight fiercely. But on that special afternoon, the boy cried.


That afternoon, it was as clear as a blue paper, and several white clouds floated slowly with the wind. As usual, he dragged a classmate to play with him. However, the classmate seemed not to want to play and pushed him away. Now he was angry and said, "Why don't you push me?" He picked up the classmate's pen and threw it on the ground. When the student found that his beloved pen was abandoned on the ground and disfigured, he immediately became furious.


"Are you sick? Pay me the pen!" The student stared, his teeth chattered, and his eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger, just like an angry lion stomping its feet and asking.


"Anyway, I won't pay. You can do whatever you like." He bit his lips tightly, his face flushed, and hit back righteously.


"Do you want to compensate? Wait till your mother comes. I'll let your mother compensate!" I saw that the classmate's eyebrows were twisted into pimples, and the veins on his face were about to burst out, so he refused to be outdone.


"My mother? Forget it. She's used to it. You can do whatever you want!" His neck stretched longer and straighter, just like the cocky white goose in Feng Zikai's pen.


"Don't let me run into your father. If you run into me, tell him!" The classmate rolled his eyes to look for a chance to break through.


"Who do you think I'm afraid of? No one can control me!" His face was disdainful, and the corners of his mouth were curved.


Seeing here, you will find that he is very tall and will soon become a "fighter". And that classmate is like eggplant with frost, why! The combat power value is about to drop to zero, which means that the battle is about to end.


"I, I, I... I tell your grandpa to go..." The student's tongue almost froze, and he pursed his lips, reluctantly struggling out such a sentence.


A gust of strong wind rolled towards this side, and the "warrior" in front of him suddenly turned over and his whole body was trembling slightly. It seemed that he was going through the whole spring, summer, autumn and winter in those few seconds. The tears in his eyes seemed to have been in a dark well before, but now they began to run around wantonly. There was a strong feeling that hit him like a flood. The word "grandpa" seemed like a sharp bayonet straight into his heart. He didn't even have time to moan. His lips squirmed unconsciously: My grandpa, he's gone. He rushed downstairs without looking back


It was the Tomb Sweeping Day of another year, and the wind in the late spring with a sense of coolness also gave birth to some desolation. Can the flying pearl flowers convey his missing for his grandfather?

清明节的思念作文 篇9


Tomb sweeping day, for the memory of forgetting, just because can not forget.




I do not know whether it is accidental or inevitable, unintentional or coincidental. Every time this season, the face of the sky begins to cry, and the heart of the earth begins to shake inexplicably; At this time of year, it is raining like smoke, fog and silk, and blowing like sighing, complaining and weeping wind.


I came to the pond slowly against the wind and rain. "Grandfather!" Tears rushed out of my eyes like a fountain, but grandpa could no longer answer me!


Grandpa, do you remember? no You must remember how many spring, summer, autumn and winter we spent together by this pond? How many mornings and evenings have you spent? At the edge of the clear pool, we catch snails together; On the smooth stone bench, you hug me and tell me the story of Lei Feng. Today, the water in the pond is still clear; The snail is still crawling; I still remember the story of Lei Feng, but you came back again.


I remember that it was a dark night, and the moon was hidden behind the thick clouds. I was dragged home by you from your classmate's birthday party. No matter what you asked, I never answered, and secretly complained about your troubles. When crossing the street, you should lead me. I was still angry, so I broke away and walked forward stubbornly. Suddenly, there was a sound of the steam whistle. Before I could react, I felt that an external force pushed me hard, and I rolled to the grass on the roadside. With the harsh friction sound, I looked up. You and the car were only "0.1" mm away. At that time, I was really scared. Fortunately, the car stopped in time, and you were not injured. You looked at me shiveringly: "Nothing, don't be afraid!" I tried to smile, remembering my attitude at the moment before, and I was very regretful.


The wind is whistling and the rain is falling. I stand in front of your grave silently. I don't know whether it is a pile of loess, or a solitary swaying dog tail grass, or the inscription after being washed by the wind and rain. It is like a sharp sword stabbing into my eyes, so meaningless tears moisten my lips and teeth - bitter. This kind of pain contains heartache, an incomparable pain. The adults knelt down there. Although the road was muddy and their brand-new trousers were covered with yellow mud, they were still like statues, unwilling to leave for a long time


The sky is weeping for today, and the earth is sighing for today. Maybe history will forget you, but I will never forget you; The writing of history engraved on the tombstone can disappear with the passage of time, but the memory engraved in my mind is always clear; The visible tombstone may fall, but the one standing in my heart will stand forever.


Qingming, the rain is still falling, the wind is still blowing, I still miss

清明节的思念作文700字 篇10


It is also a Qingming Festival with spring rain and petals. I followed my mother to the West Mountain to visit the tomb.


The rain is silent, the petals are falling silently, and everything is very dull. The shadow of Grandma waving a fan to drive away mosquitoes for me flashed in my mind again. Grandma, put down the palm leaf fan and go to have a rest! You are weak and ill. How can you support staying up late for me like this! I still remember that once, when a heavy rain in summer brought a sense of coolness, a group of black mosquitoes accompanied. I was so disturbed by them that I couldn't sleep well. Grandma had to get up and hold me in her arms. She took the palm fan and tried to drive away mosquitoes for me. Her hands were sore, but her mouth kept humming lullabies for me. I feel sorry for you and let you go to have a rest, but you waved your hand and said: "Grandma is not tired. Grandma doesn't like sleeping. She likes driving mosquitoes for you and watching you sleep." Grandma, I was too young to be sensible at that time. I believed it and fell asleep in the cool wind when you waved the fan. You said that you were not tired, but your eyes, which became red because of staying up late, had already betrayed you. How can you not remember the blood thicker than water.


Looking at the scattered wild vegetables near Grandma's graveyard, I can't help but think of Grandma's favorite spring day to pick out good days and take me to dig wild vegetables on the ridge. When I was a child, I liked my grandmother to take me to dig wild vegetables. But when I cooked wild vegetables and put them on the table, I never used chopsticks. I always preferred fish. At this time, Grandma was eating with relish, and kept saying, "Alas! This wild vegetable is delicious, tender and fresh. It's really delicious." "Is it really so delicious?" I couldn't understand how comfortable Grandma looked. "Of course, if you eat as much as I do, you will know that it is much better than fish and meat. And if you like to eat wild vegetables, you can also know as much as Grandma about those folk stories you love..." At that time, I was "deceived" by you and believed that I wanted to know as much as you do about folk stories. I just followed you to learn to eat wild vegetables, so I am not picky today. Grandma, you "tricked" me into eating a lot of "bitter" wild vegetables. Now I understand that you are for my good and you want me to have a healthier body.


Grandma, I really hope you can live. I would like to grow up "deceived" by you forever. It's so happy to be "deceived".


God seems to be able to understand my feelings of missing my grandmother. In the evening, when the neon light outside the window first came on, the intermittent spring rain carried pieces of petals with me, and my infinite yearning for my grandmother floated far, far away