
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:51 | 来源:语文通


一个同学神气十足地走上讲台,老师问:“同学要多一点还是少一点?同学立马说道:“多一点!”老师神秘地一笑,让同学转过身,闭上眼睛,抬起头,同学张开了血盆大口, 老师倒入了几个小球 正当我觉得是巧克力时,只见同学张开口,眼睛紧闭,像一支火箭一般冲出了教室,直奔垃圾桶大吐特吐。随后他淡定地回到了座位,露出了笑容,并说着:“千万不要吃……” 我感觉很奇怪,心想:是苦的?辣的?甜的?还是他不想让我们吃?他一个人等会儿要独吞,故意要这么说的呢?我有些看不明白了。

A classmate stepped to the podium. The teacher asked: "Students should be more or less? The classmates immediately said," a little more! "The teacher smiled mysteriously and asked the classmates to let the classmates.Turning around, closing his eyes, and raising his head, the classmates opened the blood basin. When the teacher poured a few small balls, when I felt that it was chocolate, I saw the classmate open, her eyes were closed, and they rushed like a rocket.After leaving the classroom, he went straight to the trash can vomiting. Then he calmly returned to his seat, showing a smile, and said, "Don't eat ..." I feel strange, thinking:What is sweet? Or did he not want us to eat? He would be alone when he was alone, and he wanted to say so? I can't understand it.

另一位同学也大胆地走上了讲台,目视前方,十分淡定,她慢慢地把“美食”含在口里,双手撑着桌子,表情非常淡定,她镇定自若地说:“挺好吃的。”到底是好吃还是不好吃?我们纳闷,之后我也尝了,一入口那感觉就像一匹烈马在我口里狂奔,紧接着又是油漆味,我把鼻子掐住,流出了眼泪,这个东西真是太难吃了 。

Another classmate also boldly stepped onto the podium. In front of her, she was very calm. She slowly put the "food" in her mouth, holding her hands with her hands, and her expression was very calm.Eat. "Is it delicious or not delicious? We wondered, and then I tasted it. It felt like a fierce horse rushed in my mouth, followed by paint.With tears, this thing is really ugly.



1、东西:东西读音为dōng xi,是指①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。东西 dōng xī词典解释:①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。分词解释:南北:1.南与北;南方与北方。 2.从南到北;南北之间。 3.或南或北。比喻不专一,不固定。 4.指“南学”与“北学”。 5.计谋。指本领。 6.明代俗称男子汉。西边:1.西部边境。 2.泛指西面。东边:(东边儿)东。距离:①在空间或时间上相隔:天津距离北京约有一百二十公里ㄧ现在距离唐代已经有一千多年。②相隔的长度:等距离ㄧ拉开一定的距离◇他的看法和你有距离。...东西怎么造句,用东西造句»

2、难吃:难吃读音为nán chī,是指1.没有味道的,没有香味的。如:抛掉难吃的食物。2.味道怪。如:这个奇怪的水果有一种难吃的味道。难吃 nán chī词语意思:1.没有味道的,没有香味的。如:抛掉难吃的食物。2.味道怪。如:这个奇怪的水果有一种难吃的味道。分词解释:水果:供食用的含水分较多的植物果实的统称。为家庭或待客常用的果品。如梨﹑桃﹑苹果等。味道:1.体味道的哲理;体察道理。 2.情味;意味。 3.滋味。 4.气味。奇怪:1.希奇特异﹐不同一般。 2.不寻常的人或事物。 3.觉得奇异﹐惊奇。食物:1.吃的和其他东西。 2.偏指吃的东西。 3.吃粮食等。这个:1.指示比较近的事物或人。 2.指代事物﹑原因或情况等。 3.表示夸张。 4.表示训斥。...难吃的近义词,难吃的同义词是什么»