
时间:2022-09-28 13:23:29 | 来源:语文通



难忘的一件事作文 篇1我最难忘的事作文 篇2难忘的一件事作文 篇3难忘的一件事作文 篇4我最难忘的事作文 篇5

难忘的一件事作文 篇1


In my life, there are a lot of things that make me unforgettable. Among them, what makes me the most unforgettable is the game this afternoon.


This afternoon, we played "whispering, quickly passed".game.You must not know how to play, I tell you.The teacher said a whisper, passed to the first classmate, and the first one quietly passed to the second classmate, so I kept passing, not let others hear it.If you pass wrong, you will come again.


After the teacher ordered, "Starting." Zheng Zeyi began to pass, and at the beginning, it was smooth. We made a quickly, and then it was a little messy.It's my turn, and I heard something "which Kiss" in my ears, so I passed on.Later, the teacher announced the answer to know that "we are good children, we love to learn."


Although we were wrong, it was fun.We all have fun!

我最难忘的事作文 篇2


I remember one year, and I went back to my hometown to see my grandmother with my parents.


There is a field outside the house of the grandmother, and there is a pond on the other side of Tian Kan.The pond water is like a mirror, reflecting the distant mountains and nearby flowers, like a paradise.


On that day, my grandmother was preparing lunch.I was boring, and when I saw my uncle's fishing rod standing on the wall, I said to my grandmother, "Grandma, I'm going to fish." Grandma hasn't returned to God yet, and I have "disappeared" "without a trace".Essence


After a while, I came to the pond. Today, the pond is already full of people who come to fish. I picked up the fishing rod and sighed: "It seems that there will be a lot of gains today."On the bait throwing the fish line hard, I saw a layer of ripples in the pond, and the fish line fell into the water "quietly".


After a while, it seemed that there was some movement, and the buoy sank little by little. I grabbed the fishing rod and pulled it up. The fishing rod was bent like a bow. It seemed that it was a big fish hook.There are too many fish in the pond, they are extremely "cunning". I dragged it a few times, and the fish was not pulled ashore by me.Just heard the sound of "嘣", the fish line was completely broken, and the big fish had already fled.There was no way, I had to go home with a fishing rod with a fishing rod.


When I got home, my grandmother asked me with a desperate look: "Oh, what happened to my grandson?" I told my grandmother 151, my grandmother laughed and said, "It's okay, I ate it.Rice called me to take you to fish together. "


In the afternoon, I tied the fishing rod and took me to the pond again.This time, with my "instructor", I was full of confidence.I said to me, "Big nephew, the fish can't keep pulling all the time when the fish hooks.Broken. "


It's really "listening to a meal, and I am winning for ten years."After listening to the words of my uncle, I did it according to the instructions of my concubine. After three or five minutes, there was really a fish.This time I didn't pull it with brute force, and after a while I caught a carp.


At that time, I harvested a lot, caught a mood and calm.It's an unforgettable fishing!

难忘的一件事作文 篇3


There are many things in the winter vacation, but what I can't forget for a long time is to learn to let fireworks.


On the morning of the New Year, because people like to put fireworks and bamboo, I publicly took me to the supermarket to buy a large and small fireworks.I am very happy. As soon as I got home, I quickly took out a spark of a little bird like a little bird, but because I was too close to the fireworks, I was accidentally burned.After treating the wound, I also patiently taught me how to put firecrackers correctly.


Under the careful teaching of my grandfather, I learned.But I think there is nothing new about this method, so I came up with a new method: take out a firework, then lit it in the bottle, and the bottle is thrown into the air in the air.My friends and I clapped their hands and applauded.Later, I took the magic stick fireworks to ignite, and then let them prepare several empty jars to go up, shoot with fireworks, and see who shot more.In this way, we played for a long time, and finally I shot at most ...


The Chinese New Year is really happy, not only delicious foods, but also many fun.

难忘的一件事作文 篇4


The albums of the years are full of memories. The summer of the stars runs, and the string of footprints hold me through that interesting childhood.


I remember when I was a kid, I often asked Grandpa's crop seed seeds such as sweet potatoes and corn to grow again every year in the land. Grandpa said with a long focus: "Because of planting melon, beans and beans!" I heard Grandpa's words, thinking whether it was a toy for toys? So I stole some toys and ran to the field to plant the toys on the ground. After planting, I used a piece of white pebble as a sign. When I got home, I happened to meet my mother. My mother asked me where did I just go? I did n’t tell my mother for a long time. After a few days, I could n’t wait to run to the field to see how the toy length I planted. I went to find that the toys that I planted did not grow new toys. I thought it was time not. Later, I went to see it many times in a row. It still didn't grow. I was very sad. So I ran to ask Grandpa why the toys I planted did not grow new toys? Grandpa laughed after listening, and said to me cheerfully, "Silly grandson, corn and sweet potatoes are plants and toys can not grow new toys?" I realized that after listening to Grandpa, I suddenly realized that I hurried to go and ran away. Dig my toys in the field, and they were rusty when I dug it out. It turned out that the colorful appearance is now turning into a black shout. When I got home, I washed it with water many times and I couldn't make it back to the original.


Childhood!It's really interesting.

我最难忘的事作文 篇5


Happy summer vacation is here again, I have to make good use of this time.


One day, I was sitting boringly in front of the desk, and my sister quietly came from behind me to see my unhappy look, and suddenly scared me. I was scared that my heart disease came out, and the room was suddenly.Li Feng was filled with the laughter of his sister, and the sister asked, "Why have you been so careless?" I whispered to my sister, "I'm so boring, is there anything interesting to do?" Sister sitting in a chair meditableAfter a while, I said a lot, "Aren't your schools conducting volunteer services? Let's help those who need help!" I smiled and nodded, and thought of the home for the first time. I ran to ask my mother, mother, mother, motherAgree, I said that taking me and my sister to the elderly to help the elderly today.We were very happy and immediately got into the car.


After half an hour of journey, we finally arrived at the home for the elderly. We bought fruits and flowers and walked into the nursing home together. A enthusiastic aunt came on the face. She received us and explained to us the overview of the elderly home. The aunt explained to us: More than 50%of the elderly in the nursing home cannot take care of themselves. Most of them suffer from neurotic disease or dementia, which brings great difficulties to nursing work, and communication is not very convenient. Here we see a lot of elderly people, it is really unbelievable! Then, we did it hot towards the world, my sister swept the ground, and my mother dragged the ground. Of course, I was doing the window that I was best at. My sister and mother were working hard, and I was unwilling to show weakness. I wiped the glass inside and outside. Suddenly, I found that a few small stains were protesting to me! I wiped it hard and found that it was useless. I changed the "tactics". I poured it with my hands and entered some "fighting". This abominable "enemy" was finally eliminated by me. I laughed happily! My mother immediately told me to shut up and said, "This is the elderly, not an amusement park, but it is not possible to make a loud noise!" The sister couldn't help but lowered her head ashamed. "Finally finished cleaning!" We were sweating, but when we saw this dry home, we showed a sweet smile on our faces.


It's time to accompany the elderly. Our room is walking around. Talk to the old people about their hobbies, their own lives, and massage them. I find that every old man here has a touching story. I amI like to listen very much, I really hope to hear every day!When we walked into the last room, a pale grandfather sat on the lounge chair and watched a chessboard next to him. My sister and I quickly walked in and asked the grandfather's name and needs.He played chess.Grandpa said, "My surname is Shen, and it turned out to live with his son, wife and daughter -in -law, because the daughter -in -law always humiliated his wife, she jumped to suicide, I asked them to divorce, they refused, I felt that I was tooI was annoyed, I sent me to the home for the elderly. "I listened to Grandpa Shen's story, moisturizing my eyes, and always hated her daughter -in -law.The father -in -law sent it out so much!After playing chess, we said "byebye" with the old people in the elderly and got on the car.


It's so happy today. I like a home for the elderly. I will come to see the elderly in the future!