
时间:2022-07-04 13:32:13 | 来源:语文通



Chenxi gradually exposed, and the sky gradually became slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly brilliant. When everyone was still in the warm bed, a quiet street was wearing orange clothes pants and the same color shading elderly -Chen Huogen -Chen Huogengrandfather.He cleaned up every part of the street community, and never ignored a hint of dust in a corner.During the day, the three -time cleaning of the morning, middle, and late was Grandpa Chen's motionless work.In the world of winter cold salt cream, he also waved his brooms and organized the orderly sorting streets in an orderly manner.


One morning, I ate breakfast in my hand and hurried to the college as I hurried.Grandpa Chen was working quietly on the street as before.At this time, Grandpa Chen was relaxed opposite to a car to rent a car, and at the moment the vehicle went through Grandpa Chen, he threw a pack of garbage from the window glass.Looking at a dusty street, suddenly the garbage was sprinkled down, as if a dirty and ugly devil happened beside the white and cute angel.I couldn't help but "Gaden" in my heart, perhaps from the pity of Grandpa Chen.At this time, Grandpa Chen pulled up the garbage truck, picked up the big broom and a big iron buns on the side of the hateful garbage, put the garbage on the iron bucket hard, poured into the hand -pushed garbage beside the road.In the car.Grandpa Chen's behavior has received praise from passers -by's five -star, and I can't help but hold my thumb for this respectable person!


On the road to the college, I flashed a scene a few days ago in my mind: a young man in his twenties, when he crossed the road, he exaggerated to his partner: "I canThrow a cola bottle from one side to the trash can directly opposite! "Others waved their hands, indicating that they couldn't believe it.At a glance, the man blushed, and he picked up the pot and smashed it opposite opposite. He almost hit Grandpa Chen, who was already sweeping the street.Grandpa Chen saw it, and didn't say anything. He just bent down to pick up the pot pot and put it in the garbage truck.At this time, he raised his head and looked at the proud young man quietly, and the young man quickly stopped excessive. From his eyes, he could see that he felt depressed and ashamed of his behavior.


Little friends, if you leave the garbage everywhere unknowingly, think about these diligent and outstanding cleaning workers who are unknown and willing to dedicate selfless dedication!They are like hard -working bees. In their daily work, they have no complaints. In their hearts, everyone's happiness is more critical than anything.what!Diligent and outstanding cleaner, Grandpa Chen in my heart, you used your two hands to create a comfortable natural environment for the people of Shanghu. You are a beautiful scenery on the streets of Shanghu Town. Your personal behavior is alsoBecome a beautiful scenery in the hearts of others.You deserve the honorary title of "Pan'an Most Beautiful Shanghu People".



1、靓丽:靓丽读音为liàng lì,是指漂亮;美丽:扮相靓丽|靓丽的容颜。靓丽 liàng lì词语意思:漂亮;美丽:扮相靓丽|靓丽的容颜。分词解释:扮相:①演员化装成戏中人物后的外部形象:他的扮相和唱工都很好。②泛指打扮成的模样:我这副扮相能见客人吗?容颜:脸相:容颜美丽|丑陋的容颜。漂亮:1.鲜明夺目;美观:长得真漂亮。2.精彩,出色:干得漂亮。 3.比喻通达情理。美丽:1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。...靓丽怎么造句,用靓丽造句»

2、风景线:风景线读音为fēng jǐng xiàn,是指供浏览的风景优美的狭长地带,多比喻某种景观、景象:街头秧歌表演已成为都市里的一道亮丽的风景线。风景线 fēng jǐng xiàn词语意思:供浏览的风景优美的狭长地带,多比喻某种景观、景象:街头秧歌表演已成为都市里的一道亮丽的风景线。分词解释:景观:①指某地或某种类型的自然景色:草原景观ㄧ黄山以它独特的景观吸引着游客。②泛指可供观赏的景物:街头雕塑也是这个都市的景观之一。浏览:粗略地看一遍。一作刘览。如:他通常在早晨喝咖啡的时候浏览五六种报纸。秧歌:一种与小歌剧相似的民间舞蹈,用锣鼓伴奏,有的地区也表演故事。中国北方农村广为流行。跳这种舞叫扭秧歌或闹秧歌。亮丽:1、明亮美丽:色彩亮丽|亮丽的风景线。2、美好;优美:他的诗歌很有韵味,散文也写得亮丽。...风景线怎么造句,用风景线造句»