
时间:2022-08-26 13:26:40 | 来源:语文通



The hero is an unknown person, a selfless dedication, and a person who donates the country.The heroes in my mind are the uncle of the firefighters.


Firefighters will face difficulties in danger over and over again, and they are not afraid of sacrifice.The fire field, flood resistance, and earthquake resistance are indispensable.The flame is ruthless, and it can easily take life.Every time they perform the task, they cannot think of death.But thinking of the responsibility of carrying the mountain on their shoulders, they would definitely rush towards the fire.


While the firefighters did not make unnecessary sacrifices while defending the safety of the masses, each of them did a day -to -day training: using fire strips and fire hydrants, loaded running, back and off the carbopic cylinder, transported the wounded with a cable car to transport the woundedEssenceUnder the scorching sun, each of them wore a thick protective suit, rushed to the observation tower, and slipped from the wall outside the wall.The sweat was soaked in the inner layer of the protective clothing, but they never complained.Because they have such concepts: usually ten drops of sweat, a drop of blood less than the fire.


The training of firefighters is not effective: During the Dalian fire on July 16, 2010, the firefighters joined forces to extinguish the fire for 8 hours.It can be seen how important training is usually.


Nevertheless, in the Liangshan fire in Sichuan a few years ago, the trees were ignited due to lightning strikes and caused a fire.Firefighters and forest guards together, countless stocks are like swords that are out of sheath, pointing to the source of fire.But 30 people sacrificed in this battle, let us pay tribute to them together.


This is the hero in my heart -firefighters.



In life, there are many characters who make extraordinary deeds in ordinary jobs, they are also heroes.Such as police officers, soldiers, navy, etc., but the hero in my heart is a firefighter.


When I was a kid, I thought that there was no greatness of firefighters, but I would extinguish the fire, and I would.


Once, some children were playful, picked up the branches, ordered the fire. I saw it, came a bucket of water, sprinkled it towards the fire, and the fire was extinguished.Looking at such a fire that is easy to destroy, I feel that the firefighters are not great.But one thing later changed my thoughts.


Once, I saw a house on fire. The firefighters came to the scene and started to extinguish the fire. A adult next to him cried and said, "My child, my bitter child, he was only a few months old, heaven, heaven.! Why do you treat me like this? "Suddenly, a firefighter was ready to rush in. Everyone stopped him and said," You didn't see the fire as big as the fire, you went in to get one more life. "The firefighter said,"Maybe it can be saved? "After that, I rushed in. After a while, I was dark, and the firefighters who were holding the baby in my arms came out. The thunderous applause suddenly sounded at the scene, and I also gave the firefighters.Admire.


This is the firefighter, the hero in my heart.



Uncle Firefighter:




Maybe you have forgotten me, but I engraved you in my heart: tall figures, orange clothes, white helmets, peaceful smiles, warm arms.I, the little girl who came out from the well, without you, I would have been taken away by the cold well water for a long time. Thank you for giving me the second life.Hope and happiness.


I remember that I was 5 years old and I played with my partners at the well. Because the edge of the well was too low, I ran too fast, stumbled by the stone, tilted my body, and knocked on the edge of the well on the opposite side. I stepped into the well entrance with one step, and my body fell straight. Although I was wearing a thick ground jacket at that time, although I opened the elbow joints, I was all incomparable. I was frightened. The only thing I could do in panic was crying, crying, crying! It wasn't until my body was stuck on the wall of the well until the chill came from the bottom of my feet. I found that the mouth was "deep and unpredictable", and the well was dark. I could only see the large bowl of the bowl of mouth, and I could only hear my mother's heartbreaking crying. I was in panic again. In addition to crying, we still cry! Suddenly, I heard a special voice: "Dudu -Dudu-" The voice made the noisy crowd settle down, and then I saw a orange light flashed in the well mouth, but I couldn't hear the miserable cry of my mother, I know I may have saved. But after a long time, I didn't find any changes in the well. Gradually, I'm tired, cold, sleepy ...


When I opened my eyes again, I saw a smiling strange face and felt a large and warm arms.It is you, the uncle of the firefighters wearing orange clothes, came to save me.You lowered your head and said gently, "Don't be afraid, baby, uncle came to save you. You hid in your uncle's body, your uncle takes you out!" Then, you hug me tighter, my head is tight, my head is tight, my head is tight, and my head is tight.Sticking to your chest tightly, I heard your calm and powerful heartbeat, I no longer sobbing, no longer afraid.When a strong sun shot towards me, I saved it, raised her head to see the mother with tears, saw a disappointed father, saw the villagers who looked concerned, and even saw you, many different different kinds of different kinds of different kinds of different kindsYou, you all wear the same clothing, all wearing the same helmet, all over the same anxiety ... Thank you, let me return to the sun again, let me reunite with my parents again!


In the later days, I learned from my parents and mother's mouth that the well Iokou I fell in was particularly small, and an adult was not allowed to go to the well for rescue, so you dispelled this idea.Later, you would like to dig this well to dig this well and then implement the rescue, but this requires a lot of physical strength and energy.However, the situation was very urgent at that time. I had begun to be collapsed, and the crying was getting weaker and weaker, and I didn't allow it to think about other methods.So, you started fighting, spending the simplest tools, spending the greatest strength, and spending more than two hours, I rescued me who was dying.At that time, you just remembered me, and the clothes were dirty, as if you didn't see it; the bubbles were grinded on your hands, as if you didn't feel it; the cold winter exuded a big sweat, but you did not shout to be tired.... I didn't take a long time until I hugged me into my arms.


Later, I often saw you in TV and Internet news. You rescued in the turbulent river flow, rescued in the collapsed ruins, and beside the burning fire, holding a water gun to rescue ... You are always sweating.It is full of dust. You always comfort the parties with the most gentle words. You always face us with the most brilliant smiles. You always whistle after saving people, leaving a cloud without leaving a name.Essence


Uncle, thank you, you are the great hero in my heart!


To this




A girl rescued by you


June 15th


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Uncle Yang Kezhang, a firefighter that moved China in 2017, was a firefighter.In a fire -extinguishing rescue battle in 2015, a two -year -old girl stepped on the sky and fell down. When he fell from high altitude, Uncle Yang Kezheng hugged the girl tightly, and changed his life to keep the child's child.Life, but he sacrificed himself, presented a life of only 27 years old.


Uncle firefighters is a real man who faces the heroic heroic and fearlessness! Uncle Yang Kezhang is their representative.The mission of firefighters is to rescue life. In the fire, they are soldiers. They need to fight blood and do not give up every life.They often jump into the strong smoke for us for us to save our lives.


The uncle of firefighters is a tough guy with the best skills! Fire, floods, snow disasters, traffic accidents, water falling, high -rise buildings to save people, and even stabbing horse honeycombs and other small and small things have to risk dangerous rescue and rescue.The guardian of the guardian is the hero who melted with flesh and blood.


Uncle firefighters is a hero, but they are not super people! They will be injured or even sacrificed! The young man is strong, then China is strong! Then our firefighters are strong, and our people can live in peace.


Praise the heroes in my heart, the firefighters! They are the most handsome retrograde people! They are the patron saint of ordinary people!



In my heart, firefighters are amazing heroes.What impressed me the most was the uncle of the firefighters, Chen Lu, who was self -denial.


Every time the fire occurred, Uncle Chen Lu arrived as soon as possible, thinking: Hurry up! Hurry up! Earlier to a second to save one life.When he arrived at the fire location, facing the terrible fire, facing the house that might collapse at any time, he rushed into the sea of fire without hesitation.Every time after saving people, Uncle Chen Lu was sweating and fell to the ground.


In the summer of 2020, Lujiang County, Anhui Province suffered a flood of a hundred years.The village was in a hurry, and the masses rushed.Uncle Chen Lu, who was the instructor, quickly assembled the team, led the players to fight for 96 hours in a row, 411 police officers, and moved to 5 towns and villages to rescue and transfer 2,665 people.Due to the long period of soaking in the water, Uncle Chen Lu's knees were swollen and the pain was unbearable.However, in the face of the disaster situation, Uncle Chen Lu was covered with ice with ice with two towels on his knees. After simply handling it, he set off again.


When Uncle Chen Lu and his colleagues evacuated the two old grandma, he told the captain that he seemed a bit like heat stroke.The captain suggested that he suspend the latter operation.Although Uncle Chen Lu said weakly, his eyes said firmly: "It's okay, it's okay! I know there are still seven or eight people in that place, I know where the location is! When I come back, I will rest againThe turbulent floods are constantly approaching the trapped people.Uncle Chen rushed to the front and led four rubber boats to set off again.Near the village committee, the water level gap suddenly increased from more than 40 centimeters to more than three meters.Uncle Chen Lu shouted loudly: "Tell your head, look up ..." But it's too late.The rubber boats taken by Uncle Chen Lu were rolled in the flow vortex.In this way, Uncle Chen Lu was swallowed by the ruthless water ...


In front of the flood, Uncle Chen Lu stood out without hesitation, race with time, fighting with death, and firmly guarding the beautiful home with his precious and young life! He is the hero in my heart.He sacrificed, but he has been living in my heart ...