
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:47 | 来源:语文通



Hello everyone, I am the fifth grade of Fifth grade of Xiaoli Central Elementary School in Changqing District.The sudden outbreak of this time made each of us panic. The students could not take the Internet lesson.Learn with!


The ancients Yun "book is still medicine, can heal all diseases." A wonderful day, of course, it should be started from reading. This is a long morning, and when I open the book, I smell the scent of books! I read the book in the book seriously Every word, they are like living little ants, want to share food with me! After reading for a while, write down the post -reading feeling, so that the whole person and the book are a lot closer! After breakfast, they have a full bit. , I started to learn again. I looked at the online lesson, remembering the notes carefully, listening to every step that the teacher said, I didn't understand it and looked back, until I understood it, each lesson had the summary of each lesson. It is a bit severe, and the summary of the summary must be memorized. There are each formula and ingenuity of each question. After you carry it, you can fight with the small elves in the mathematical textbook! At this time, it's time to remember English words, carry the short essays and sentences. The short essay mainly carries the two parts of each unit. You can also turn over the small videos sent by the teacher, and ZOOM, ZIP into their world. Remember the short text, I can't memorize it, I can understand the meaning of the whole story first, and then I will carry a lot of back! After I finish the essay of each unit, I turn it to the textbook's 74th pages. Pen, where I can't carry myself, memorize two or three English words a day, so that I will be relaxed and will not forget. There is still a lot of time away from the evening, at this time, I can move freely! Now it's easy to let go. When I go out, I wear a mask, hold the tackling rope and have long rubber bands, and go to my good friends to play together. We can play together. We Three of these three items were surprisingly played, and the smile on the face had never stopped. When I went home, I took off the mask. The first thing was to wash my hands first, rub the soap left and right. After washing it, I poured a glass of water and drank it in one breath. Next, I was reading the time. While reading a fun book, I will laugh when I encounter interesting clips. When I encounter some tragedies, I will be sad with the protagonist. Every time I read a book, I will write down my feelings and remember This wonderful moment.


I like this time schedule very much. The morning time is valuable, and the time in the afternoon is easy! During the epidemic, learning is an essential thing for us.Learn together!



1、学习:学习读音为xué xí,是指个体由经验或练习引起的在能力或倾向方面的变化,也指变化的过程。是人类和动物普遍具有的活动。按内容可分为认知的、情感的、运动技能的;按是否理解可分为机械学习和意义学习。 通过阅读、听讲、研究、实践等获得知识或技能的过程学习一种语言学习数学学习 xué xí分词解释:个体由经验或练习引起的在能力或倾向方面的变化,也指变化的过程。是人类和动物普遍具有的活动。按内容可分为认知的、情感的、运动技能的;按是否理解可分为机械学习和意义学习。[study;learn] 通过阅读、听讲、研究、实践等获得知识或技能的过程学习一种语言学习数学分词解释:变化:事物在形态上或本质上产生新的状况:化学变化ㄧ变化多端ㄧ情况发生了变化。普遍:大面积的;有共性的:普遍反应良好|具有普遍意义。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。经验:①由实践得来的知识或技能:他对嫁接果树有丰富的经验。②经历①;体验:这样的事,我从来没经验过。...学习怎么造句,用学习造句»

2、规划:规划读音为guī huà,是指①比较全面的长远的发展计划:制订规划丨十年规划。②做规划:兴修水利问题,应当全面规划。规划 guī huá词语意思:①比较全面的长远的发展计划:制订规划丨十年规划。②做规划:兴修水利问题,应当全面规划。分词解释:问题:①要求解答的题目:考卷上有六个问题|我提一个问题,请大家思考。②需要研究解决的疑难和矛盾:交通问题|不成问题|没问题|写什么是一个问题,怎么写又是一个问题。③关键;重点:问题在于廉政|问题在于资金。④意外事故:出问题|发生问题。比较:①就两种或两种以上同类的事物辨别异同或高下:有比较才能鉴别ㄧ这两块料子比较起来,颜色是这块好,质地是那块好。②介词,用来比较性状和程度的差别:这项政策贯彻以后,农民的生产积极性比较前一时期又有所提高。③副词,表示具有一定程度:这篇文章写得比较好。...规划怎么造句,用规划造句»