
时间:2022-08-26 13:26:37 | 来源:语文通



My grandma is an old man in his seventies, but don't underestimate her, because he is tough and goes out every day because he walks with me to go home. After that, she will go home alone, sometimesLooking at the grandmother's back, it was really reluctant. Of course, there was a happy time on the way to walk with grandma. In addition to chatting with grandma and absorbing good air in the morning.Grandma starts to help housework, such as other dishes or flowers.


It's about to enter the winter. Grandma will invite my mother to buy some seeds of many vegetables such as cabbage and waves before the winter. Use time to plant many delicious and pesticide -free vegetables.Go to the vegetable garden to grow vegetables.However, my grandmother got up early, and I was sleeping sweetly, but when I arrived at the vegetable garden, my spirit was full, because I saw all the vegetables seemed to be greeted me like me.It made me jump to take care of them, so when the spring comes, our family can be full.


Grandma will take the initiative to teach me how to grow vegetables and how to fertilize me, and I will actively help these vegetables, flowers and fruits, so don't underestimate me!I am also a master of vegetables now, but I can't be planted like the vegetables that have been taken care of by my grandmother.In addition to planting vegetables, grandma will also teach me to plant flowers, so when I am boring, I will take the flower pot to dig the soil in the surrounding fields, dig Ah, and I will often dig some small trembling little.Animals, but sometimes you can dig some cute and fun small creatures.After digging the soil, I will learn to grow some flowers, but the finished products that grow so far seem to be scary!


Grandma plays a very important role in my life. She accompanies me to school, spending my spare time, and teaching me to grow flowers and vegetables. Grandma's life is so happy and free.So I like to stay by her most, of course, I am also a happy fruit in life.Thank you Grandma for your care and love for me. I want to thank her for their hard work and care, so that I feel that this family is more perfect and happier because of her grandma!



Grandma is old, holding her back, in the rest of the sunset, her figure is pulled old, old ...




The sunshine in June passed through the clouds silently, and put it into the hot arms of summer.The soil and fragrant sunlight is also mixed with the smell of gardenia ... Forever memory, the dandelion's smile is still rippling in the blue sky. On this way, because you have you, you will always be a sunny smile.


When I was young, I was going to my grandma's house every time I was the most happy.Every time I go back, my parents always have to prepare me for a backup snack, but I always tell me to eat less snacks.I look out through the window, wow! Is this the holy place on earth? Yangliu Yiyi, the summer wind blows, and the wild flowers in the grass also quietly come out, fighting for gorgeousness: red like fire, pink like a Xia, white like the white, white like the white, white like the whiteSnow, like eyes, like stars, blinking.The lake is blue like diamonds, and the microwave is rippling;Looking at the scenery of this group, I couldn't help but clapped my hands and applauded it. I took the flowers like a brocade with a camera.On the way, each household will be surrounded by fences. There are many livestock in the fence: cocks, hens, sheep ...Listen! The sound of birds and livestocks synthesize a rural symphony, as if welcoming us ...


When I got out of the car, I smelled the fragrance of each family, and it came over. I followed the familiar fragrance.Opening the wooden door full of years, when I turned the corner, I saw the Ginkgo tree who was in the grade. Similarly, I saw the big yellow dog bean beans who knew like a friend. Seeing my arrival, it couldn't help but grin and laughed.Seeing this funny look, our family laughed.Grandma came out, and I rushed into my grandmother's arms all at once. She smiled and asked, "Han Han is here? Is it recently growing tall?" I nodded excitedly and pointed at the door of the room, "Grandma ~ Go inLet's be hungry. "Grandma pulled my fleshy hand and went in.


After meals, I shouted that my grandmother told me her childhood story. Grandma didn't agree, but saw me so pleading, so I had to agree. "At that time, your grandma me, just caught up with the establishment of the Communist Party of China! At that time, countless revolutionaries were bravely sacrificed, and China became the two major parties; the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The Kuomintang used Chiang Kai -shek. Our Chairman Mao led. "Speaking of this, grandma was inexplicably excited, don't look at her 100 years old, her body is good!" Nanchang Uprising, a bloody uprising, my brothers all participated in that. Field uprising, but unfortunately sacrificed. But endless killing, endless guns, should be the shadow of my life. "I looked up to see my grandma, and saw her wrinkled face, there was a number. Qing's sorrow and sorrow, I seemed to see it. When I saw the scene of the time, the people did not talk about life, and the smoke rose, "Bang! Bang!" The bombing of the missile was deafening ... I lowered my head and saw a scar on the grandmother's hand, a one of the wounds, one I can't imagine what kind of harm I was hurt and what kind of life I lived at that time.


Today, Grandma looked at it, and Society Guotai Min'an, she lamented: "This is the power of the Chinese revolutionarian!" Yeah! Grandma's words really clear me.The persistence of the older generation, the spirit of sacrifice and bravery and fearlessness, China may still be in the deep water, and will not be like the country and the people today.


Once, my grandmother sent me to leave, and her eyes were reluctant; now, grandma sent me away, and my eyes were all expected to me. I hope I can be strong.


"The party is my life, China is my life." This sentence sounded in my ear again, so clear, so kind, I couldn't help crying —Party, grandma's love is in China!



After dinner, I asked Grandma: "Let's take a walk!" Grandma said, "The fifteenth moon sixteen circle, we can just go to enjoy the moon." Grandma smiled and agreedIt's right.But grandma's legs and feet were inconvenient, so she had to sit in a wheelchair.When I arrived downstairs, I thought: I can finally take a walk with my grandmother. I have n’t taken a walk with her for a long time.


Wow! The moon tonight is really big and round, like a white jade plate hanging in the air.The moonlight was spilled, illuminating the red runway, illuminating flowers and plants, and people who illuminated and illuminated the big trees and play.


I pushed my grandmother to the runway. There were uncle and aunts running on the runway, children who chased me and rushing to trouble, and children who were riding a bicycle.Children riding a bicycle are really amazing, and they can quickly avoid pedestrians without ringing the bell.Through the runway, we came to the leisure area.There are more children who are swinging, there are treasure mothers who have gathered together, and some grandparents who are fitness.When grandma was healthy, she came here every morning and evening to work.


Passing through the leisure area and the strong osmanthus fragrance, I reminded me of the phrase "October osmanthus full of fragrance garden," it was really intoxicating.I pushed my grandmother and continued to move forward, and the sound of music became louder. Oh! It turned out that someone was dancing in the square and sang in the music: "Fire fire and fire ..." Good dynamic music.There was a aunt in front of the dance, and there was a group of men and women, young and old, and young and young, and they were running around, and some young children were running around.Because the sound of music was too loud, we left after a while!


Grandma said, "Let's go home to go home together." I pushed my grandmother out of the west gate in the community and came to the river.The moonlight sprinkled on the river, and the golden light shone, like a golden brown ribbon surrounded us in our community.I saw Grandpa who was sorting out his fish net.Grandpa particularly likes fishing. There are all kinds of fish, shrimp, screws he caught in the family ... I called: "Grandpa, let's go home." Grandpa responded, and after a while, they came over with their fish nets.Then we pushed my grandma together home!


It turned out that people's lives in the community were so colorful in the evening. I would often push my grandmother to take a walk and disperse her heart in the future, so that her mood recovered as soon as possible.



When is my fate with my grandmother? It is probably at the age of 2, so many interesting stories have happened with her. Since then, she has become the closest in my life."Holding" ...


I am ashamed. At that time, I had already exceeded the age of weaning, but I had not weaned. My mother was still able to send me to my grandma who was reluctant to me.I left.Later, without my mother, I started crying day and night. The tears in my eyes kept like the spring water.… "At that time, my grandmother saw that I was endless and kept crying, and she would hold me in my arms and sang the nursery song that I didn't know where I learned:" One flash, flash, and the sky is full of little stars ...… "I felt very novel after listening to the nursery rhyme, diverted my attention, and quickly stopped crying. Looking curiously, she looked at her grandmother's kind eyes, as if her eyes were filled with stars bright crystals.


In fact, what I had the most headache for grandma was that I didn't want to eat. At that time, she worked hard, but still didn't find anything I love to eat.Until one time, she accidentally talked about her childhood. When she was a child, she was very poor at home and did not eat much. Only half a bottle of oil was given in a year. At that time, most people were as poor as her family.If you ca n’t eat vegetables, go to the ground to dig wild vegetables to eat. Later, the wild vegetables were dug. The households could not be unveiled. It was almost full of food every day. The children also caused physical dysfunction due to serious malnutrition.Unstable, you can only hold the wall roots.Perhaps it was too small at that time. I didn't understand what my grandma was talking about, but stared at the grandma intently. Just when it was a story, I heard it and I didn't feel it.Fortunately, every time she eats, she will tell me the story of her childhood, and I also eat meals with interest.


Grandma is very cared for people. I still remember that it was summer at that time. The weather was surprisingly hot. I could n’t go out during the day. The temperature was too high. There were very few pedestrians on the street. As if you just stepped out, you will be baked. At that time, there was no air conditioning at home, and there was only one family of the electric fan. At that time, the power was stopped. The fan couldn't turn it. The grandma used the fan to fan me, as if I was tired. I was cool and fell asleep comfortably in the coolness, but she was sweating, her clothes, and her hair was soaked. In the evening, she will always consider that I have never went out for a day to play and I am afraid that I am boring, so I hold me into the courtyard to play. The summer night is always full of mystery. The faint shadow, the fine grass was swayed by the wind, and when you look closely, you will find that many small insects are lazy on the flat but slightly thorny grass. As soon as they are at night, they will shine. I often stare at them and look at them. Then I look at the stars in the sky. Grandma saw me very much like fireflies, and often helped me grab a few. At that time, she would put them in a small glass bottle. When she was sleeping, there was a slight light even in the lamp house. I remember that the stars in the sky were always so bright. Looking at the bright stars, my heart seemed to swaying the flowers that hoped. In the summer night, I would lean on my grandmother to count the stars, listen to the story, play the game ... … That time was the most memorable in my life.


Time is always coming and hurried, and hurried.Unconsciously, many years have passed, and the grandmother has gradually become vicissitudes, her hair is white, her eyes are spent, and Zou patterns are too much ... But I know that that love can never be erased.


She is my favorite "closure" in my life. Yes, I deeply know I love her, and she loves me ...


Author: Jin Mengjia


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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



On the morning of the weekend, a window was quietly brushed through the window that hid the dream, gently leap forward the opening of the windows, the time is leisurely, warm and comfortable.


The door of the wardrobe was half open, and my mother was helping me organize clothes.She took out a light beige sweater from the closet, and the soft sunlight fell on the sweater, reflecting a touch of soft light."Daughter, this dress is small, should you throw it away?" Yu Guang in the corner of the eyes touched the soft light, I smiled and shook my head: "Stay."


The sweater is soft and soft, and the style is pure, but the grandmother uses a few days in the morning, and it is slowly woven one by one.Chenguang jumped at her dexterous fingertips, and the silver needle and the line danced. Under the eyes of grandma serious and focused, they intertwined into a beautiful movement in a district.


When I was a kid, I sat next to my grandma and watched my grandmother out of the silver needle back and forth. A sweater slowly shaped under the silver needle. I found it was novel and interesting.I begged my grandmother to teach me to knit sweaters. Grandma touched my hair loving and agreed with a smile.Grandma carefully wrapped the wool to my fingertips, patiently taught me to walk the wool on one end of a silver needle, and then picked it to one end of the other silver needle.At first, I woven it "with eyes and eyes", but soon, the line was disturbed by me.Grandma knocked on my head with a smile, helplessly retracted the needle line, dismantled the part of my messy part by little, and patiently woven it patiently.


Grandma likes to woven sweaters with Mahai. Therefore, the sweater woven from her grandmother is soft, like the silk cotton candy, the fine velvet hair of the birth lamb, which is comfortable and durable.


But as I grew up, I no longer like my grandma's sweater.I obsessed with the chic and unruly adidas baseball shirt. I pursue the atmosphere and elegance of the Burberry trench coat, but I don't know how to appreciate the purity and simplicity of the grandma's sweater, and I don't understand the love of my grandmother to knit the sweater on the sweater.


However, grandma still woven sweaters every year and mail it to me.After the year, my grandmother's sweater was piled up by me in the corner of the wardrobe. Together with my grandmother, my grandmother was full of expectations in my heart.


In the early autumn of the year, after receiving the sweater from the grandmother, the uncle called: "... This may be the last time her old man woven the sweater. People are old, their eyes are spent, and they are always accidentally scratched by silver needles.Breaking your fingers. "I looked at the newly taken beige sweater, and a touch of beige was so soft, just like grandma's loving eyes.


Grandma, I still owe you sorry, and I owe you. Thank you.



Let's talk about eating first.In the past, my grandma had a lot of brothers. Every day at home, she rushed to eat.There are very few foods. Sometimes they overturned a bowl of rice, and their mouths were eating on the ground together.In your hand, grab a meal and send it into your mouth.


If you go to school, you are still hungry, so you have to go to the farmland to steal food, pick two taro, and pick two eggplant. It is common.Once, someone passed, and grandma was almost found.


Grandma lived in the hut when she was a child. Once, grandma was sleeping together because the bed was very small and there were many brothers. Grandma was squeezed out of bed. Grandma saw that the brothers' clothes were wet.The hut at home is a roof with a grass cover. Although the rain can't enter a rain, it is inevitable that the rain is leaking.Grandma quickly took out everything in the house.Not enough.Sometimes the hut not only leaks water, but also leaks on all sides.Winter is very cold.


Grandma's life can really be summarized in one word, that is, the word "bitter".



"Fight" with grandma?You may feel strange when you hear this topic, right?In fact, my grandma and I fought with saliva, not a battle similar to the battlefield.


My relationship with my grandma is not very good, I will fight a few words from time to time.A small noise in five days, a big noise on seven days.The frequent time was a noisy day, the noisy was dark, and both sides were almost dry and dry. They exhausted their words and shouted their throats. In the end, they could only rest temporarily and end the "war".However, the next day, we will re -fuck the old business again.


The two of us quarreled were basically uncomfortable because I did not do my homework; then the lead of the fuse was followed.Will do "and so on.Then there was Wuyun densely, and the two of us stared at each other, and the thunder was in one touch.After the flashing thunder of the moment, the world of wind and rain appeared.The two of us tightened our throats, and the tone was several degrees more than usual. People who didn't know would think that we were singing Peking Opera.When quarreling, we will use the most ugly vocabulary in our minds, and we will also emit with the most harsh tone.Such a quarrel made people feel stunned.


In fact, the reason for our quarrel is insignificant, just something I should do.But because of my disobedience and big work, the sesame became watermelon instantly.


After the quarrel, we will still be angry with each other, and we will not ignore each other.It seems that there is no relationship between the two of us.I called her, and she said, "Don't call me!" When looking at, the original gentle eyes became severe, as if they had changed.The two of us basically remained silent and each regarded each other as air.Even sometimes grandma left this floor directly, and when I was sullen, I kept patting things or throwing things heavily.


In fact, I know that the quarrel is wrong, and it is even more wrong to quarrel with the elders, but sometimes I can't help getting angry.When you are "angry", you can keep calm several times.



Grandma is 69 years old, and all kinds of housework work is very good at work. The neighbors praise that she is diligent and fast people, but grandma also has a problem, that is, it is conservative and difficult to accept new things.


On Friday, Grandma insisted on going to the mall. Dad and mother went to work. Mom said, "You are inconvenient, you are not safe to go alone. Buy a pair of flower pants online and free shipping." After our persuasion, Grandma decided to stay inat home.


Before going to school, I told my grandmother gently: "Grandma, just buy a pair of flower pants on the computer." Grandma nodded and sat on the sofa without goodness.


Grandma was sitting in front of the computer table, but the screen was dark. She clicked a key gently, and the computer still did not respond."Hurry up." Grandma said to herself.After some struggle, grandma gave up.


When we come back, Grandma told us from beginning to end: "I boot for a long time, this machine hasn't responded ... is it out of power, charge it!" It made us laugh.Dad said, "Mom, the computer does not need to charge, you need to press the start -up key."


After listening, grandma said sighed, "I should learn more, learn more about new knowledge and some new things!"



Among my math teachers, the most impressive impression of me is our teacher.To this day, I still remember that her hair shoulder shoulder, and a few silver silk has been added to the black hair, which may be overworked for us!The little eyes were very sharp. We did a small movement in class and could not escape her "fire eyes".Teacher Ren usually treats his classmates seriously. He always has a face in class, so that we have some fear when we go to her class.


When Teacher Ren is in class, he always tells the content very specific.Whenever we have questions, she always lets us think independently and think of the answer before telling us to exercise our ability to think.She is not only my good teacher, but also my friend.


Once, when I met a problem, I went to find her with my classmates.When she arrived at the teacher's bedroom, she asked us to sit down and give us drinking water, biscuits, fruits.Give us patience to explain the problems until we understand.We go to her bedroom to play. She always entertains us enthusiastically, talks with us, and cares about our habit of living at school. In cold weather, she told me to wear more clothes.


Teacher Ren not only concentrated in class, but did not have a little bit tiger, and the spare time was no exception.EssenceAt the time of class, you must also hurry up to correct your homework.After school, she left the office very late.I have to go back to the room to prepare lessons at night ... It's really hard!This is the epitome of many teachers.Teachers, you can rest.


My math teacher Ren Ren is a good teacher with a very diligent duty in school. In our lives, we have given us warmth and care.I love my math teacher Ren.



In the life of a person, there will be many teachers. Their image is like a clock and forever in our minds.Some teachers make me unforgettable. Some teachers make us "hate", but in my memory of the long river of memory, the deepest memory is my enlightenment teacher -my grandma.


Grandma is a simple and kind rural person. If he has not read a book, he will always be waiting on that acre and half -point fields.


When I was born, my grandmother had passed the sixty, and her body was still very tough, but her hair was full of white hair and a frost with wind and frost, which was particularly easy to see his old.


When two or three years old, grandma always held a book "Three Hundred Tang Poems" and read it to me in the word. The read was really like a scholar who learned to be rich.As if you are immersed.


By the age of four, she often took me out to play, knowing many strange lives in nature.Go to the woods to drink tea, listen to the sound of birds quietly, and listen to the sound of flowing water; go to the small river, go to the water barefoot, catch fish and shrimp, fight water;Fragrance; sitting in the small courtyard, Wang Yun rolled in Yunshu, watched the flowers blooming, listened to the grandma telling stories, singing folk songs.This species is really a fairy -like enjoyment.


By the age of twelve, grandma taught me how to sew clothes, teach me braids, teach me to cook vegetables, teach me to wash and dishes, as kind and kind as the teacher.


When I get older, I listened to my grandmother about my childhood, and laughed for a while, and I was angry for a while, but when my grandma said that she was listening to me in order to read poems, since I studied the words and poetry of the poems for two years,In order to allow me to learn cultural knowledge well, and feel the profound and colorful of Chinese culture. At that time, I was really moved.


Grandma, you are my good teacher and friend, you are your spirit of studying hard to study hard. It has influenced me in a subtle way. I am obsessed with Chinese classical poetry and songs. I have learned how to get along with nature and nature.Self -reliance.Grandma, you use your granddaughter's heart to interpret the true meaning of love.Grandma, you are my enlightenment teacher, and even a different teacher in my heart.



At this moment, when I wrote this feeling, the book came to my mind again.First reading this book must be in the second year of high school.At that time, a reading corner was established in the class, and a bookcase was also specially bought. There were various books donated by classmates.I happened to be a bookcase managing this bookcase. When I was sorting out the bookcase, I glanced at it, eh?"Who Moves my cheese", the name of this book seems to have listened to people, it is a best -selling book!I didn't go to see it at the time.After many students borrowed this book, I finally decided to "taste the cheese".


It is ridiculous, and now I ca n’t remember who the author is, and the general content is not vague.Everyone can understand and form a view of their own.It wasn't until that day I saw its name on the book list in my classmate, and I knew it was so impressed with the impression.Today, I might as well organize my thoughts and write it out.


Due to the influence of the family, because of the subtle way of education, I seemed to have been obedient since I was a child. I listened to the teacher and listened to the parents. I was also very courageous. Maybe my "cheese" was just the result that made them satisfactory?So I followed my parents and teachers to customize the map for me, looking forward step by step, looking for my "cheese".There are twists and turns on this road, but I have no intention to think about anything else. I thought to find "cheese". In this way, I also took the "cheese" in my first cheese station.The next cheese station.


In order to allow me to enjoy better educational resources, when I was in junior high school, my parents resolutely decided to let me go to the "cheese station" in their minds.I was used to the previous route. In that new environment, I lost my direction. Not only did no one outline the route of looking for cheese, but most of the students around me had no direction, just a few "little mice" were looking for in front of them.I feel that I am backward and far behind ... Finally, I climbed out of this gray cheese station in a state of not starving.It's really sad to think about it now, but at that time, the thoughts in my heart were extremely simple, and I didn't know where the next stop was going.


It is strange that it seems to be God's will. Under my parents' efforts, I still helped me find a new cheese station. This time, as my father once said, we can only go to this stop.The future is all of you.I walked into this cheese station ignorant.Because I was too far away from home, I had already returned home once in those semester in those three years.But thinking about it is a trivial matter, big things are my confusion.


In this cheese station, I tasted the sweetness and bitterness. When I first arrived, I felt like a disabled little mouse and found my cheese.Not ideal, the result was a hysterical crying, and the scene was difficult to release so far.


Even if it was not ideal, I knew that I had no way to retreat, and I could only go forward. I marched forward while healing.How did you come over?In the second exam, I made a lot of progress. At that time, my heart seemed to be on, and the door that was locked for a long time suddenly opened.From then on, my progress will be surprised by myself.In fact, in this cheese station, my memories are the most, there are tears of failure, and there are happy tears. The two years ago, "sadness and joy" came over.


In the third year, it was the legendary high school.Until today, I still dreamed of the scene at that time, and someone called it a nightmare.I don't fully agree.Think about those days, I really miss it. The right side of the blackboard is replaced with celebrity quotes every day. The teacher encourages again and again, the grades are ups and downs, and the mood is full of shade.I have been responsible for a long time.Some people call it "Black San".At that time, each of us sketched a beautiful "cheese" in our hearts, for this cheese, he kept struggling.Compared with now, I am a high school in high school.I really miss the sense of fullness brought by the fast -paced learning life.


After the smoke disappeared, the college entrance examination was over. It didn't feel it. The college entrance examination passed.I think a little mouse who has been closed for a long time is finally liberated, but how does the college entrance examination that have been said before?At that time, I knew that this time the cheese station should have chosen it myself, and I chose a lot of small stations that I was satisfied with under all kinds of considerations.Then the results came out, am I numb?heartbroken?Or ... After some choices, I resolutely decided not to read it. Go forward. The previous "Holy Land" must be one.The place I sit is my new cheese station.


When I walked from home, my heart was full of curiosity.Sitting on the train, I regret it, why is it so far?At this new place, I was at the most confused moment in my lifetime, and I didn't have to look for cheese at once, because I didn't know if there was a cheese I wanted here!I walked carefully in this big cheese station, drifting with the doctrine of the golden mean, I didn't want to go too far, I didn't want to be too backward, I just wanted to spend this stop mediocre.But I gradually discovered that my thoughts were too shallow. This cheese station was extremely important. If I found my supply here.Then I will have the next stop. If I come out from here, then I do n’t have the next cheese station to go.So I told myself that I was in my spirit, my future lies in my dedication!


I have been arranged by my parents since I was a child. Now I have planned it myself, and I am naturally very sparse, but because I do n’t know what I am in front of it, I must use my best to fight today. I hate this kind of confusion. I hate this kind of doing nothing.I hate my various behaviors that waste youth.I know that I can't be lazy, but I don't want to let myself decadence. At this moment, I thought of the mice in "Who Moved my cheese".Simple plots, simple ending reflects the thoughtful reality.So I asked myself, "Who moved my cheese?"


Today, I sit in the university classroom and occasionally recall the past. Occasionally think of the future, and setting the goal for myself from time to time, but it is difficult to complete.I often feel that my youth is grinding and virtuality in boring.Seeing inspirational quotes is only "heartbeat" but no "action".I don't know if anyone has moved my cheese, and what I wrote today will I think of these after a few years.In fact, the reality is very simple. Maybe in the moment I was in a daze, others had already boarded a new cheese station.


Since ancient times, scholars have to suffer, of course, the premise is that you have inspirational.I look at the classmates around me. I don't know what their inner world is, but most people's aura is a laziness, indifferent state.Why do we always complain about the unreasonable national system, but we have never thought about changing ourselves, changing the group of young people, and then changing our country?Only when we go up can society be injected with fresh blood, China will rise, and it will be strong!My cry is too weak, I wonder if people who sleep in the iron house have meaning to wake up.


I admire those Olympic athletes, for the honor of the motherland, they have worked hard to train, standing on the podium of the Olympic Games, and listening to the solemn national anthem. All the previous sweat and tears seemed to be no longer important.Even outsiders such as me were very moved and were extremely proud.But when our country gradually became the "manufacturing kingdom" and "world factory", only we knew that our core technology was still too small, and most of the profits were still included by others.What kind of taste is our heart?It's like overturning the seasoning box!


In the society, the evaluation of the "post -90s" is divergent. Isn't my person who is a "post -90s" part of it?I always feel that I have a lot of ideas in my heart, but if I really want to do something, I do n’t feel hard. I often feel very good in myself, but often hover between self -negative and inferiority.I thought my intention would hurt myself, so I sank.But I think I am sober now to know where my next "cheese" is, so I have to hurry up and armed myself. Only then can I not blindly deny myself and doubt myself.


Here I want to borrow some of the contents of Mr. Liang Qichao's "Juvenile China" to end.I hope this article can awaken the people around and warn myself.There is something to change, for the sake of tomorrow!Therefore, today's responsibility is not in others, but all in my teenager.Junior wisdom is national wisdom, young rich is the country, the young is strong, the young is strong, the young independence is the country's independence, the free national freedom is the country's freedom, the adolescent progress is progressing, the juvenile is better than Europe, the country is better than Europe.Then Guoxiong is on the earth.At the beginning of the red day, the road was large;The emperor;Beautiful, my teenager China, not old with the sky!Strong, my Chinese teenager, no country with the country!



I have a grandmother who keeps pace with the times.Don't look at her grandmother is nearly 60 years old, but her thoughts, actions, and hearts are not only behind but also keeping pace with the times.


In the hot summer, my grandmother learned to drive. How many people advised her not to be so hard, but the grandmother said, "It's okay, the body is okay, and learned to drive to speed up the rhythm of life and work."


In recent years, my grandmother with old flower mirrors always sat in front of the computer. I watched her check information on the Internet for a while. I saw her sending E -Mail for a while. See, I was still playing computer games at this moment!I asked my grandmother, "Grandma, why are you so fashionable?" Grandma said, "It's not to get closer to the world."


Grandma loves to read books, a lot of "Readers", "Harvest", and newspapers, but the grandmother's grandmother's "Fashion" magazine's grandmother ordered the grandmother.She also said, "Keep the pace of the times."


When I was listening to English tapes and learning English words, my grandmother came to make fun.Pick up the English that has been discarded for nearly 40 years and learn with me.Ask her why, she still said the old saying: "It's not to not fall behind society."


The most fashionable thing is that every Friday night, my grandmother will stare at Hunan Satellite TV early and wait for the beginning of the "super girl".It is surprising that the three girls who entered the top three were guessed by her grandmother.Grandma also likes host He Yan.Grandma's heart is the same as our young people.


It's also good at the grandmother who keeps pace with the times.



A few days ago, I went to the new teahouse in front of the community and sat.I have always loved the position of the word "Xi", so that I don't have to see others who are in the cuminity because they see the double -in -pairs and shared heaven.


"Little girl, can you fight here?"It's normal, this teahouse has been a scene of prosperity since the opening.


I nodded and motioned him to sit down.The red circle that represents the price on the invoice is in the same place.


The old man smiled, and obviously found this coincidence, saying, "I come to this tea building, I always like to order a glutinous rice."


I also smiled: "I always feel that this glutinous rice is too sweet."


He picked up the tea cup at hand and picked a cup of Pu'er."You young people, every time you come to the teahouse, you love some rose tea. The tea is sweet. With this glutinous rice tadpole, it is too sweet." He pushed Pu'er to me."Come, try."


I took a sip of tea and tasted this glutinous rice.Sweet but not greasy, like jade rabbit.


I still remember that when I first arrived with her girl, she poked the glutinous rice cricket with a fat little hand.The rolling little fat man slowly collapsed and gradually returned to its original state.Cute but too sweet, now the memories of them are finally complete.


Thanks for the encounter that day, and what was written was that the glutinous rice tadpole and the champion was also the champion. It was the dry food prepared by the neighbors of his neighbors when a showcase entered Beijing in ancient times.The title of the imperial list was presented to the emperor and was named "No. 1".



I have a grandmother who is not separated. When I was in school, my grandma gave me and helped me end up with a schoolbag.When I was from school, my grandma came to pick me up. My schoolbag was still a grandma to help me carry it.For this matter, my mother and grandma do not know how many fights quarreled, and the mother always said; 'Don't you always pet him, what should he do if he grows up after he spoils him?'Then call me over and say;' Do you know if you are ashamed, let your grandma help you do things, afraid you will not be afraid that your classmates joke you.'


Although my mother often talks about grandma, but grandma longed for me to pick me up at the entrance of the school long ago. I know that grandma did this to let me learn less and be scolded by my mother.But I disappointed her expectations for me, and always came out. Every time I came out to see my grandmother waiting for me, I was embarrassed to say, "I come out late again." Grandma said; "Next timeThat's OK. "


Grandma went back to Luoyang to see a doctor last Tuesday. When she left, she whispered to me with my hand and whispered, "Zhuang Grandma returned to Luoyang for a while, you have to obedient to make your mother angry." I said, "I knowThe day after grandma left, my life was all messy.In the morning, I could n’t find socks and shoes in bed together. I finally ran to school and ran to school. I found that I did n’t bring a stationery box with a stationery box.


Alas ... Now I find out how important grandma is to me. In my life, I need my grandmother to care and care for me, and I love my grandma more in my heart.



I pull radish with my grandma


I remember one day, my grandma and I pulled the radish with my grandma. What an unforgettable day?


Grandma carrying a basket on her back, holding a hoe in her hand, and saying to the girl who was watching TV, "Don't blame me this time I didn't call you, but I called today I go to pull the radish and go." This time I listened to it.Suddenly, I jumped off the sofa all at once and said, "Go, definitely go, it is impossible to go," so my grandma and I embarked on the way.


When I came to Caiyuan, I "crazy" and started a trip to the radish. At the same time, I also told my grandmother, let's come to a radish game, I want to "hum, hum, I must put a large radish , Grandma must be envious and praised, I am really amazing, "I thought about finding my left and right, I couldn't find my head, so I couldn't find it, so I used the function of" the power of the flood, "the function of the eyes of the fire, and looked at it. I finally found it by me. I stood in front of it, stood up with my sleeves, and then grabbed the leaves. Ah, I used one -third of the strength to flutter. The radish was pulled out by me, but I didn't expect it to be a radish leaf. Alas, I sighed and pulled up lazily. I saw this radish without impact. I gave up. I said, "Don't be discouraged, come on, let me laugh with you." Said to laugh at me, the golden sunlight shines on the grandmother's face, really like a kind goddess, giving me endless power, and even spiritual spirit. On the biggest comfort and encouragement, I struggled to be strong, pulled hard, and I was on the sky, and I showed a sweet smile.



On Friday night, I lived in a new house to watch 32 -inch LCD TVs and eat apples, bananas, grapes and other fruits and nut foods. I saw 11 pm.At eight o'clock the next day, my grandma said that she was advised to get up and read.For breakfast, I saw the eggs, milk, bread, porridge, etc. I protested loudly: "Grandma, you are really bad grandma, why do I eat milk, eggs, throw away, I am tired of eating."At this time, the kind grandma was a little angry, and she told me about her childhood:


She said: When she was a child, the country was in a period of natural disasters, and the family economy was difficult.A family of six and one meal is six or two rice and some sweet potatoes. Only pickles used for meals.Sometimes each person eats a sweet potato porridge of one or two rice. Even the stomach is not full. Where can I eat the snacks, wearing the "Thousand Children's Clothing", a dress boss wears it.The second and old three rounds go down, and wearing a stupid and heavy "wood" on his feet.


At that time, there was only one junior elementary school in the village. Although it was a school, it was just two low soil houses, narrow and dark.Tick, tick "the floor drain.Taigong Tai Po is blinded by his grandma 'improper ", and east -west borrowing her grandmother to go to school. Grandma cherishes the hard -to -learn opportunities and study hard, but later life is becoming more and more difficult. She has to drop out of school and drop out of school.After that, my grandmother had to go up the mountain to pick up the firewood and go down to the field to watch the ducks and watch the cow. When the farm is busy, I will work in the early days. When God always has a eyes, the grandfather and the grandmother want to let the grandmother go to the night school.After that, she took the book to read the three more than the middle of the night. When I read the duck during the day, she brought the textbook and waited for the duck to read the book and read it in the field ...


Grandma choked here."Child, cherish it! Your childhood is compared to grandma in heaven." Yeah!What should I do in the future?



On my growth path, there was a kind and ordinary person behind me who supported me and encouraged me. It was she helped me when I was in trouble, and comforted me when I was sad.That's mine.grandmother.


My grandma is sixty years old, with a few silver hair on her head, and my body is a bit weak, so one of my wishes is to be a doctor. The reason why I want to be a doctor is because I want everyone to be healthy.Grandma she is happy and understands.But grandma is meticulous to my homework!


Grandma she made is very delicious. When I came home from school every day, I smelled a fragrant meal.


Once, when I returned home from school, I smelled the fragrant meal as usual as usual. I thought: Good incense!It must be that grandma is cooking again.So I hurried to the kitchen and asked grandma: Grandma, what to eat today?Grandma said, "There are cabbage, steamed buns and meat today. You will be ready in a while. You go to the room to write your homework." Okay "I said.


After a while, the meals were ready. Grandma brought the food and said to me, "It's time to eat, let's wash your hands!" I said; Okay."I went to wash my hands. I went to dinner after washing my hands.


When eating, I said to my grandma, "Grandma, the rice you make is so delicious." "Eat more if you are delicious." Then he put the vegetables in my bowl."Grandma you eat too!" I said.


Of course, there is still a harsh side behind the kindness. In terms of learning, grandma will educate me strictly.Once, when I was writing homework, because I had too many homework, I was hastily.Why!It is coincidentally. At this moment, my grandmother came to see my homework and picked it up and asked, "This is your homework? How can I mess around.", So ... "Write it again, write well." Grandma said to me seriously.I looked at my grandma's serious face.I helplessly wrote the homework again.


The kindness of the kindness is also manifested from this incident. It was the final exam in the fourth grade. When the test notice was issued, I was stunned.First, mathematics is not so ideal and only takes 60 points.I thought: What is going on this time?How to get so badly.


On the way home, I was sad. When I got home, I ran into the room and lay on the bed and cried.Grandma came and asked, "What's wrong, what's going on? After understanding the situation, Grandma encouraged me to say," Don't be discouraged, as long as you study well in the future, and grandma believes that you will achieve good results."After listening to grandma's words, the heart of my loss of confidence was full of hope.


In the fourth grade, I transferred to a private school. After passing the efforts of this semester, I achieved good grades: 89; mathematics: 95.I went home and told my grandmother about this good news, and my grandma praised me.I am very happy and think: Grandma encouraged me, grandma is the guidance of my life.Whether in study or life, my grandmother gave me meticulous care and help, and also gave me great encouragement.So I want to use my actual actions to express my mother's painstaking effort to me!


I love my good grandma, this kind of affection is taller than the sky, deeper than the sea.



I have the best grandma who grew up with me from an early age and love me very much.She has a gray hair and a little wrinkles on her face. She often smiles with kind smiles like an angel.


Grandma is my "exclusive nanny". Whenever I go to grandma's house, she always meets me with a big smile and a big arm, so that I like to go to my grandma's house.Slide and sand pit are my child's toy. Grandma will often take me to play the slide that will never be greasy. I remember that I often wielded my grandmother while slipping with my grandmother.I am afraid that I will be injured.Grandma will also take me to play sand. When I see the sand pit, I hold a bucket with one hand and hold the shovel in one hand, and I can't wait to run to the sand pit. Sometimes my grandmother will pile up with me with carefree.Sandcastle.At 4:30, my grandma would take me to take a walk and climb the mountain near my grandma's house, so when I was young, I saw a strong tree almost every day.My mother often says that I am a strong child, and I want to thank my grandma for their hard work.


Grandma is also my "exclusive chef", and her cooking food is very delicious.Usually, she will cook the porridge that makes me praise, and ham egg fried rice with a big index finger. They often make me full, and no matter how many mountains and seafood, I can't eat it; in the summer, I like to drink grandma to make my own self -madeThe mung bean paste milk is threatened, thirsty, delicious and healthy; in the New Year, my favorite annual rice cakes, fragrant and delicious. These are "love foods" that grandma specially prepared for me.


Grandma lives alone now, and I often go back to accompany her. I hope she can be healthy and long -lived. I love my grandma.



The past


When I was a kid, I liked to play with my grandma the most. For example, when I was cooking, when my grandmother stood in the kitchen and cut the vegetables, I would walk carefully, and then suddenly jumped out of the grandma from behind.At this time, I said to me: You are naughty, scare grandma jump.Whenever I always said, "Grandma will play with me", "Good" grandma crying and laughing, put down the kitchen knife that was cutting the carrot, and pulled me to play and saved it.


During the power outage at home, because the hotness of the solar poisonous home was uncomfortable. At this time, my grandmother always took me to the ashamed tree in the courtyard to cool down, moved a rocking chair and a small stool, and we sat under the shaded tree to feel the grandmother.The shaking fan came from the coolness of the fan. Listening to the story of the grandma telling the story, he gradually lay on the rocking chair and fell asleep.




Later, I grew up in middle school. Grandma also moved to my aunt's house to live. My aunt's house was in another city. It took about an hour from my house to my aunt's house. At the beginning, we often told her that I have recently passedHow about, whether the exam or the exam is the exam, and finally I asked "when will you come back when you come back" every time I say "grandma?" But every time my grandma said, "Look at it again"


Gradually I don't know when it started, my grandma and I gradually rarely contacted, because the pressure in learning was too high, which caused the grandma to contact me later, and I was just "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA random answer, I no longer tell her about my affairs, even if I encountered uncomfortable things, I was only buried in my heart.




Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.It was another summer. I have been admitted to college while I was on vacation and returned home. I sat in the house and watched the ashamed tree in the courtyard. I suddenly thought of it.The coolness, listening to my grandmother tells me the story.I started thinking about grandma. I don't know why I came back, but I couldn't live in my house.


"Squeak", the wooden door was pushed away. I came to my grandma's house and walked in slowly. The smile that her grandma hung on her mouth was squeezed with the juice machine to squeeze the apple into juice and drink.Looking at grandma's hair that was not in black hair, it was a bit inconvenient to move. I suddenly realized that my grandmother was old, and I couldn't play with me like before ...


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On weekends, I do homework in the study as usual.Suddenly, a crisp and loud voice passed into my ears: "Open meals!" It turned out to be grandma.I looked up at the clock on the watch wall, and it was seven o'clock. I stretched my waist and walked out of the study slowly.


I glanced at the "delicious" on the dining table, and I took a sigh of aroma, "Ha, a good table!" After that, I grabbed the bowl and rushed to the rice cooker.Clear, very seductive.I sat on the stool, picked up the chopsticks, and walked around the meals, hesitating who I wanted to eat.When he was hesitant, Grandpa brought my favorite Dabao fish in front of me, and I quickly moved the chopsticks to its head.I took the lead in a fish belly, gobbled, and I was afraid that the ducks in my mouth would fly away.Grandma told me to slowly eat the fishbone to get trouble in my throat.


Grandpa and grandmother rarely eat fresh vegetables and meat, but have a soft spot for the overnight tofu.I was puzzled and asked the reason. Grandpa only said, "I don't like to eat fish, I just like to eat fish heads." After that, Grandpa clamped the fish head into his bowl and sucked it.


Since I ate too much dish and I ca n’t eat rice, I slowly put the rice dumplings in the bowl together, and I wanted to pour it when they were not paying attention.The grandma sitting on the side saw it, guessing my inner thoughts, and said to me with a long -term focus: "Don't waste food, a little bit a little every day, you can waste a lot of things!" I heard this sentence, I listened to this sentence,I had to eat it barely.I thought to myself: I ca n’t waste it every day. Alas, why is my grandparents so save?


The food on the table was almost eliminated. I helped my grandparents to clean up the chopsticks, and saw my grandmother wrapped the leftovers with plastic wrap in the refrigerator. It must be eaten tomorrow.I couldn't help but say: "You eat leftovers and leftovers every day. It's not good for your body. If you can't finish eating, don't barely." The sentence I said touched grandma, she talked to me, talking about me.A period of experience when he was young: "In the past, we had five people in our family. At that time, the food was limited to the food. The rice oil and meat were allocated in the family population.In the case of yourself, try to make your child full. People who have experienced such experience when they were young did not dare to waste food. Compared with that year, you are more happy now.


I flowed a warm current from my heart, and my grandma's words deeply touched me.From them, I saw the traditional virtues of Chinese traditional diligence and thrift.Let me learn a good habit of "saving food and never wasted."The right amount of rice, turn off the lights, save water, not extravagant and waste.It's like a large amount of money.It taught me that there was a tower that can become a tower.