
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:46 | 来源:语文通



那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇1那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇2那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇3那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇4那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇5那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇6那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇7

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇1


One midsummer last year, my parents and I took a plane to Sanya to play. As soon as we got off the plane, the sun shone relentlessly on us. My mother put her hand in her face and said, "The sun is so strong that it is almost drying me. Go back to the hotel and buy some coconuts to avoid the summer heat!" We all nodded in agreement. After returning to the hotel, my mother and I took a bag and went to the open-air vegetable and fruit market.


When I came to the vegetable and fruit market, I was dazzled by the dazzling fruits. My mother came to the coconut shop, bargained with the seller for a while, and then took the coconut back to the hotel.


Suddenly, I saw an uncle wearing a gray T-shirt and a sunshade hat. In the vegetable and fruit market, he was very conspicuous because of his clothes, so I looked at him closely. At that moment, he walked to a hawker selling carambola. While the hawker was doing business with others, he took some carambola, took off his hat, put the carambola on his head, and quickly put on the hat. The whole process was completed without stopping. It took him about two or three seconds to put the carambola into his pocket.


Although he acted quickly, he might have put the carambola under his hat before others knew it, but I could not escape my keen eyes. I immediately realized that this behavior was stealing! I gave a "bang" in my mind. I didn't know why. I immediately rushed forward, grabbed the hand of an uncle, and asked him in my loudest voice: "Uncle, why did you steal the carambola from the shopkeeper? Those carambola are all the hard-working money of the shopkeeper, not for you to steal. Please take out the stolen carambola quickly!" But he would not stop, trying to argue that he did not take carambola. At this time, several people nearby couldn't help but run to open their uncle's hat first. "Dong Dong Dong", several carambolas fell out. "It seems," said an aunt, "you really stole the carambola from the peddler!" The uncle sighed and admitted that he had stolen carambola.


At this time, my mother smiled at me, the people beside me nodded, and the security guard who came up gave me a thumbs up. At that time, I felt as if I had become a beautiful scenery in summer.

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇2


My friend, do you know that there is such a culture in the mysterious East, which has a history of 5000 years. It is used by a quarter of the people in the world. It has a fluent voice and straight and fluent lines. Yes, this is the Chinese character, the national soul engraved in our hearts and flowing in our blood.


One horizontal, one vertical, one word at a time, one upright Chinese character on the paper. The straight strokes and powerful strokes are just like the straight back and indomitable spirit of the Chinese people; Just like the heroes in the Three Kingdoms Period; Just like those figures who came forward and sacrificed their lives for the country when they were oppressed by imperialism; Just like the heroes who fought and died for the country one by one during the Anti Japanese War. Chinese characters, folding constantly; The Chinese soul is immortal.


In a word, a poem is like a song with deep feelings and wisdom. A Chinese child has been influenced by Chinese culture and education since he began to learn English, and he has experienced the joy of "being crazy about poetry and books"; Feeling the solemn and stirring chivalrous feelings of "heroes will never return"; As well as the continuous yearning of "everlasting and everlasting, this hatred lasts forever" and the rebellious and unruly Chinese classical literature of "natural talent will be useful, and thousands of gold will come back after being scattered", either joy or majesty or sadness, are precipitated in the hearts of Chinese people and engraved into the souls of Chinese people through one Chinese character after another.


In Chinese calligraphy, regular script is standard and dignified; The swan of running script is like a startled dragon, floating like a floating cloud; The official script is forceful, generous, and moderate; The bold and unrestrained cursive script, flying and elegant, composes the stories of our Chinese people from generation to generation, and casts the national soul of our Chinese people from generation to generation.


The horizontal screen is vertical, which shows the integrity of our Chinese people; With one stroke and one stroke, what we write is the eternal passion of Chinese people; Little by little, what we write is the wisdom of Chinese people. This is the Chinese character, and this is the Chinese soul.

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇3


In many cities, the increasingly congested traffic is everywhere, which makes people miserable. However, the emergence of public bicycles has added another scenic spot to the city.


Taiyuan also has public bicycles during the National Day. The orange red car body and the fruit green "tail", dressed in a bright, lively and dynamic "costume", are like vigorous children, which can not help but brighten people's eyes. Although they are not much different from ordinary bicycles, they have the same body and tail, but different "clothes" bring people different feelings. From a distance, rows of neat orange red and green cars are placed there, which makes people relax a lot. What is more striking is that on both sides of the fruit green "tail", there are eight characters: green travel, low-carbon life.


The use rate of bicycles is really high. According to statistics, during the National Day alone, about 15000 people rented public bicycles, with an average of 8 cycles per bicycle. Among them, 98% of the rental time is less than one hour, and they enjoy free riding. It is not only cheaper than crowded buses and taxis, but also gradually cultivate people's awareness of low-carbon life and energy conservation.


There are so many people renting cars. When I went to school in the morning, the car rental station I passed by was always full of bicycles. At noon, when school was over, I found that there was a lot of space. Then look at cyclists. Some are brothers and sisters who go to school with schoolbags facing the rising sun. Some are office workers who go in a hurry without stopping. Some are housewives who go out to buy vegetables and are in a happy mood. Some are grandfathers with silver hair and bright spirits. If I can ride it, I will also ride such a bike on the road full of laughter and laughter. It seems that low-carbon life has been everywhere.


If everyone has more green in their hearts and a care, the sky will become more blue, the flowers will become more fragrant, the water will become clearer, and people will become more spiritual. I hope this beautiful scenery can become better and better.

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇4


Smile is the universal "language" of all mankind. It is the messenger of friendly communication, the symbol of peaceful coexistence, and a beautiful landscape!


To treat people with a smile can always make people feel very comfortable.


This summer vacation, my mother took me to Sanya by plane. Who knows, because of the flight delay, our 6:30 flight was delayed for three hours! We considered ourselves unlucky and had to wait. The long three hours like three centuries have finally ended, and we all take our own tickets to board the plane. When we got on the plane, the first person to greet us was a stewardess. She smiled and made us feel comfortable. She also said from time to time: "Hello, welcome aboard!" This soft voice and warm smile bring a little warmth to the cold cabin. As we walked into the cabin, the crew members greeted us with smiles, which became a beautiful scenery. After the plane took off, the stewardess was more responsive to her mother's requests. She kindly sent her pillow and blanket. When I saw their smiles, I felt very kind.


The touching smile is not necessarily only reflected on the plane. During the Youth Olympic Games, volunteers "Little Green Lemons" also welcomed guests and young athletes from all over the world with a smile. Not only that, the mascot "砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳砳······


Smile is a fire that warms you in winter; Smile is still a shade of green, cool in summer, it is the common language of mankind, but also a beautiful scenery! Friends, let's smile together, the earth is more beautiful because of the smile!

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇5


Now the living standard of Pukou people has been improved and they are very demanding of everything. In order to meet the requirements of people, a new type of transportation was born, which is the rickshaw.


The rickshaw does not use gasoline, so it will not pollute our city; The speed of the rickshaw is moderate, and it will not harm our life; It's also very cheap. You can go anywhere for 1 yuan. It is not crowded when people sit in the car, and they can breathe. It is really cheap, and it is very popular among Pukou people. But people are not sages, can they be familiar without fault? What's more, things? As business became more and more prosperous, the number of rickshaws in Pukou began to soar. A month later, there were more than 700 rickshaws, almost all over the street, which seriously affected the driving of cars and caused serious traffic jams. They also park at will, causing accidents in densely populated areas such as schools and vegetable markets. In addition, traffic accidents have increased dramatically in the past month, with hundreds of rickshaws. How to give full play to the advantages of rickshaw parking, make up for its shortcomings, and form its own characteristics?


The rickshaw has become the most important issue. I think the parking of the rickshaw should be regulated. In order to make it not occupy the road, we can set a white line on both sides of the road as a boundary to give a fixed space for the rickshaw parking. It is prohibited to park at the entrance of the school, the food market, the city square and other densely populated places; It is forbidden to park cars on the ring road, big turntable and small turntable to avoid accidents; It is also forbidden to park in some narrow alleys. The violators will be sent to the traffic police brigade for handling. They will not only detain the rickshaw for one month, but will also be fined and warned. If they do it again, the right of the rickshaw owner to pick up the car will be canceled, and the owner will be allowed to self review.


It is well known that rickshaws are driven by the strength of their owners. In order to earn 1 yuan, they often ride their bikes in the hot sun, and when they get 1 yuan, they are already sweating and panting. In winter, their faces were red and their hands were frozen like carrots. As a quality city, we should respect the hard work of human owners! We should be considerate of those human owners. When going uphill, we should take the initiative to get off the bus and wait for the bus to go uphill before sitting; When the chain of the car is broken, we should take the initiative to get out of the car and not block the view of the owner; Don't blame the car owner when he or she doesn't ride in place.


We should also encourage all cities to use civilized language for human car owners, so that human cars can become a beautiful scenery in Pukou.

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇6


When the warm spring breeze brushed my face and the warm sunshine shone on me, I thought of the beautiful scenery again


That day, my parents and I went to Beimen Street to mend our shoes. Although it was already warm in spring, the wind was still sobbing. In a long, narrow dark alley sat a white haired old man, who was the person we were looking for - the shoemaker. From a distance, I saw only a small, hunchbacked old man. Can he mend shoes? I am full of doubts.


My mother and I walked over with shoes. First of all, I saw his calloused hands with blue veins exposed, like a rake. I can only see his side face: dark skin, wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, a wrinkled black felt hat on his head, which looks very shabby. His coat is patched, and dust falls on his coat. The old man looks even more shabby. Can you mend your shoes when you are so old? The sound of ding, ding, ding woke me up. I wanted to persuade my parents to leave, but before I could say anything, I was interrupted by an old voice:


You, are you here to mend your shoes? The shoemaker spoke.


Well, here you are. Father handed the shoes to the old shoemaker.


OK, OK, sit down, sit down. The shoemaker smiled and nodded, took the shoes and pointed to the stool beside him.


At this time, I clearly saw that his dark skin had cracked, his shabby black felt hat was no longer clean, his hair was a little messy, but his eyes were bright and bright. The wrinkles on the corners of his eyes and the tiger lines on his forehead made him even older. One hand has cracked, and ten fingers look like ten branches.


I sat on the stool. Although it was a stool, it was actually the same as the grass mound we discarded. Just as I sat down, the old shoemaker spoke: Little girl, look, if you sit here, what about your mother? As he spoke, he raised his finger to his mother.


My heart clattered. At home, my mother and father brought me a stool to sit on. But now, the old people have said so. Do I want to get up? I hesitated for two seconds before I stood up, reached out and dragged the stool to my mother, asked her to sit down, looked at the old man, and then nodded to him. Hmm... Yes... The old man nodded knowingly and looked at me with a smile, like looking at a naughty bag who had done something wrong. My face turned red.


The shoemaker didn't say much, but he began to mend his shoes skillfully. I looked up, feeling curious, and asked, "Grandpa, why don't you rest at home, but come out to mend your shoes?"? The shoemaker turned around and smiled kindly. He joined us in our daily routine: I had a good skill in mending shoes in my early years. These old people are too busy at home. Their children are married and don't want to burden them. So I went out to do my old job and pass the time. ha-ha.


I heard that. I was surprised. Such an old man should live at home and enjoy his family's happiness. His children and grandchildren are happy. However, he is willing to come out to do crafts, even though his hands are worn out. How admirable!


He added: My family lives in the alley behind. We looked in the direction of his fingers, and a tall building stood behind him. Yes, the living conditions of the old shoemaker's family are good. He then said: I am old and can't compete with you young people. You see, you have cars and houses. You live a very good life. Your ideas have changed. Few people will be thrifty. We nodded and said yes. The three of us listened quietly. Later, he said in earnest: You are still young, you should take more pains, do more for others, and learn to bear hardships and stand hard work.


After listening to the words of the old shoemaker, I couldn't help but admire him. He who eats bitterness must be a master. Exactly. The old shoemaker told me this truth with his words and deeds.


Whenever I pass Beimen Street, I always think of the beautiful scenery

那一道亮丽的风景线作文 篇7

在生活中,常常会有许多人做许多好事,再配上周围的景色,十分的动人、美丽。我们把这个叫做风景线。这不,在公园里,我就看了一 道亮丽的风景线。让我慢慢 讲吧。

In life, there are often many people who do many good things. With the surrounding scenery, it is very moving and beautiful. We call this scenic line. No, in the park, I saw a beautiful scenery. Let me speak slowly.

星期六一大早,我就和爸爸、妈妈一起,去紫金山锻炼。在山中,一幅这样的画面吸引了我们的注意。只见一个环卫工阿姨,用双手在树上用绳子打了一个结,并把另一头系在自已的腰上,然后左手拿着一根粗大的竹竿,双脚踩在坚硬的岩石上,一小步一小步,坚难的爬到山壁上,用右手的竹竿在钩一个东西,我们定睛一瞧,啊!她在钩一个嵌在石头里的的空矿泉水瓶,但是那个空水瓶在石头里卡的太深了,那位环卫工阿姨想了一个办法,用一个细树枝去把嵌在石头里的瓶子掏出来,于是她慢慢地爬了上去,不一会儿,就找了一根长树枝,她高兴的赶快下山,不 巧 ,这时候阿姨的脚滑了一下,差一点摔倒,我们都为她捏了一把冷汗。在她的不懈努力下,树枝终于把瓶子掏出来了,环卫工阿姨那黑瘦的脸上有了一丝笑意,这时太阳出来了,照在她身上,行成了一道亮丽地风景线。环卫工阿姨冒着危险去 掏 那个空瓶子,她就是希望紫金山上能干净,我们不能乱扔垃圾,伤害她那环保之心呀!

On Saturday morning, I went to Zijin Mountain to exercise with my father and mother. In the mountains, such a picture attracted our attention. An environmental sanitation worker aunt tied a knot with a rope on the tree with both hands, and tied the other end to her waist. Then she took a thick bamboo pole with her left hand, stepped on the hard rock with her feet, and climbed up the mountain wall with difficulty step by step. She hooked something with the bamboo pole with her right hand. Let's have a close look. Ah! She was hooking an empty mineral water bottle embedded in the stone, but the empty water bottle was too deep in the stone. The sanitation worker aunt thought of a way to take out the bottle embedded in the stone with a thin branch, so she slowly climbed up, and soon found a long branch. She was happy and hurried down the mountain. Unfortunately, the aunt's foot slipped and nearly fell down, We all had a cold sweat for her. With her unremitting efforts, the branch finally took out the bottle. The black and thin face of the sanitation worker aunt had a smile. At this time, the sun came out and shone on her, forming a beautiful landscape. The sanitation worker aunt risked her life to take out the empty bottle. She just hoped that the Zijin Mountain would be clean. We can't litter and hurt her environmental protection heart!

环保从自己做起,只要你少吐 一口痰,少 扔 一点垃圾, 少吸一口烟,并不把烟随地 乱扔……这个世界,就会干净很多。

Environmental protection starts from yourself. As long as you spit less, throw less garbage, smoke less, and don't throw cigarettes everywhere... the world will be much cleaner.