Whenever I think of my childhood fun -cutting beard for kittens, I can't help laughing.
On the afternoon of my five -year -old year, the temperature was very hot, and I lay on the sofa boringly to rest. At this time, my kitten meowed how to group words.A good idea, cut the cat's beard!
Therefore, I prepared a scissors and some snacks in advance.I put the snacks on the ground, ran behind the cat, opened my arms, and fluttered like an eagle -catching chicken. I knew that the kitten realized that I avoided it.Chasing the right side, it rely on the left to hide, and it is not in my arms.In the future, how can the kitten meow up, as if you are saying, "What are you doing?" This time I made me very angry, how can you make you so wild!At this moment, I remembered a good idea. Usually, my mother seduced me with chicken legs, so I can also seduce cats with chicken legs.Later, I took a chicken leg from the refrigerator and came to the kitten's eyes. The cat looked at the chicken leg, and meowed how to form a word.Don't like it! "I don't know what to do now, what should I do!
After a while, I was smart and remembered a good idea: I always see my mother fed with kittens and cat food. Perhaps, this is the favorite of kittens!Therefore, I ran to the wooden cabinet, took some kittens and cat food, and put it in a dish where the kitten often eaten.Sure enough, the kitten is "upper", it saw it, and immediately finished eating.I took this opportunity and hurried to the kitten and hugged it tightly.Later, I took out the scissors prepared beforehand, and only heard "click" several times. The beard of the kitten was gone.It seems to be saying: "Little master, what are you doing?" I ran aside with cheerfulness and said, "Cut, cut it, finally cut it!"
As everyone knows, at this time, my father came back, and I said to my father, "I did a" big event "today and cut the cat's beard." The father said, "Do you know what the cat's beard does?Cutting will have a great damage to it. "" Isn't it made good? "I said.The father also said, "No, the cat's beard has a great effect, it has the effects of catching mice and protecting vision. If it is cut off, the cat will be more stupid, and it will continue to endanger cats walking.! So don't cut the cat for the cat! "At this time, I didn't feel guilty.
What is the interesting thing in my eyes, how is it interesting!
Time is as fast as a meteor. In a blink of an eye, I am 10 years old.Thinking of those things in childhood is really nostalgic!
When I was five years old, I often heard adults talk to plane and plane?I have been thinking during that time: What is the plane?Once, my mother -in -law bought a few chickens from the market and saw those chickens always waving their wings and eager to fly.This is, I think: This is the plane?It feels cool to sit, right?I have to sit on the other day when I have time.
One day, when I opened my eyes hazy, I found that it was in the morning. I suddenly heard my mother's footsteps, and I thought: The opportunity is coming. When they go out to catch the collection, I will not go.I can go to fly "chicken".My mother walked to my side and asked, "Baby, go to the collection?" "No, don't." I replied that I pretended to be very sleepy.It didn't take long for the whole family to gather and stayed.
When I saw them gone, I jumped out of bed immediately, went to fly "chicken" and I grabbed a chicken. I went up without saying a word. I looked at the chicken and said, "Fly, fly!" IKeeping the chickens, the chickens couldn't stop screaming.After a while, I looked at the chicken again, found that the chicken was ravaged, and pulled my head.After another three minutes, I looked at the chicken again and found that the chicken was sitting alive to death, and I kept crying.Mom and they came back, and when I saw me crying, I asked me why I cried.I told them the ins and outs of this incident, and they realized that they realized and laughed again. I was ashamed and ashamed, and I couldn't wait to find a hole in the ground.
This incident has been a long time, but I often think of it.Naive childhood is really nostalgic!
1、儿时:儿时读音为ér shí,是指儿童时代。 童年谈及儿时故乡的景物,如在眼前儿时 ér shí词语解释:儿童时代。[childhood] 童年谈及儿时故乡的景物,如在眼前分词解释:儿童:较幼小的未成年人(年纪比‘少年’小):儿童读物。时代:①社会发展的不同阶段或时期:原始时代|社会主义时代。②个人生命的某个时期:儿童时代|青年时代。③美国新闻周刊。1923年创刊。以报道国际、国内新闻为主,并大量使用图片。有国内版和国外版。国内版在纽约出版。国外版分大西洋、亚洲、拉丁美洲、南太平洋等版。各版内容基本相同。● 时(時) shí ㄕˊ◎ 一切事物不断发展变化所经历的过程:时间。时不我与。◎ 较长的时间:时代。古时。◎ 泛指一段时间:时光。时令。时分。◎ 现在的,当前的:当时。时下。时务。时宜。◎ 常常:时常。学而时习之。◎ 一年中的一季:时序。四时如春。◎ 旧时的记时单位,一昼夜十二分之一为一“时辰”,深夜十一点至次日凌晨一点为“子时”,中午十一点至一点为“午时”。◎ 现在的记时单位,一昼夜的二十四分之一:时钟。时差(chā)。◎ 某一时刻:按时上班。◎ 不定时,有时候:时而。时阴时晴。◎ 机会:时机。待时而动。◎ 姓。● 儿(兒) ér ㄦˊ◎ 小孩子:儿戏。◎ 年轻的人(多指青年男子):男儿。儿女情。◎ 男孩子:儿子。生儿育女。◎ 雄性的马:儿马。● 儿(兒) er ㄦ◎ 作助词(同前一字连成一个卷舌音):小孩儿。...儿时怎么造句,用儿时造句»
2、趣事:趣事读音为qù shì,是指有趣味的事。 有趣味的事奇闻趣事在许多严肃的活动中存在大量趣事趣事 qù shì词语意思:有趣味的事。[funny thing;interesting episode] 有趣味的事奇闻趣事在许多严肃的活动中存在大量趣事分词解释:趣味:情趣意味:趣味无穷|清荣峻茂,良多趣味。● 事 shì ㄕˋ◎ 自然界和社会中的现象和活动:事情。事件。事业。◎ 变故:事故(出于某种原因而发生的不幸事情,如工作中的死伤等)。事端。◎ 职业:谋事(指找职业)。◎ 关系和责任:你走吧,没你的事了。◎ 办法:光着急也不是事儿,还得另找出路。◎ 做,治:不事生产。无所事事。◎ 服侍:事父母。● 趣 qù ㄑㄩˋ◎ 趋向:志趣。意趣。旨趣。◎ 兴味,使人感到愉快:兴趣。乐趣。情趣。雅趣。妙趣。相映成趣。趣事。趣味。● 趣 cù ㄘㄨˋ◎ 古同“促”,催促;急促。...趣事怎么造句,用趣事造句»
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