
时间:2022-06-13 13:29:21 | 来源:语文通

  20xx年8月8日 农历 六月廿四 立秋, 一伏(头伏)7月13(庚寅日) ------- 7月22

20xx, August 8th, June 24th of the lunar calendar, one volt (head) July 13 (Gengyin Day) ------- July 22

  二伏(中伏)7月23(庚子日) ------- 8月11

Erfu (Zhongfu) July 23 (Gengzi Day) -------- August 11

  三伏(末伏)8月12日(庚申日) ------ 8月21日; 今年的立秋是在二伏,所以说天气还是比较闷热难当的。

Sanfu (ending) August 12 (Gengshen Day) -------- August 21st; this year's Liqiu is in the Erfu, so the weather is still sultry and difficult.


"Lili Autumn" has arrived, but it is not that the autumn climate has arrived.The climate season should be based on the "average temperature", that is, the average temperature for 5 consecutive days in the local area is below 22 ° C, so that the real autumn season.China has a vast region. Although there are differences in climate in various places, at this time, most areas have not yet entered the autumn weather. Moreover, the end of each year is still on the 3rd after the autumn.Especially in the solar term of the southern China, it is still in the summer and summer. At the same time, because the typhoon and rainy season gradually gone, the temperature is more hot, so Chinese medicine is called "Chang Xia" during the period from the beginning of autumn to autumn.After the beginning of autumn, it is still within the sky, and it will gradually cool down after the summer solar term.