
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:45 | 来源:语文通



我的妈妈小学作文 篇1妈妈我想对你说作文700字初中 篇2我的妈妈小学作文 篇3别着急,慢慢来 篇4

我的妈妈小学作文 篇1


My mother, a special housewife.


She has dark hair and a small mouth, which is used to say my shortcomings and "put out" different "mouth" line; Shuilingling eyes are used to observe my every move.


Mother has different personalities. First, the character of the tigress - as long as I said she was bad, he immediately started to refute, but he never said I could. He looked at her allies with terrible eyes - Dad "asked for help", and I raised my hands to show "surrender" without waiting for Dad to say a word.


2、 Angel like tenderness - I remember one time when I was taking the math exam for 82, my father immediately frowned and began to teach me a lesson. At that time, my mother came to my father to ask him to forgive me. My father said that my mother would not pursue me anymore, and the terrible storm ended. But I cried for some reason. Lying in bed, my mother came to comfort me. I didn't know why she suddenly felt like an angel in front of me.


My mother's hobby has always been play badminton. Although she trained me to play badminton, I always win play badminton with her. She felt humiliated. At 19:19, the competition was fierce. She took advantage of my carelessness and said, "I won.". Jumping and jumping like a child.


This is my mother, a special housewife.

妈妈我想对你说作文700字初中 篇2


Mom, I have something in mind that I always want to tell you, that is, we need to get rid of a bad problem together.

妈妈,你很容易冲动。那一次,我考得太烂了,走在回家的路上,背着沉沉的书包,树上的小鸟似乎也在嘲笑。回到家,我一把丢下书包,阴着脸躺在沙发上。妈妈回来了,看着我那惨不忍睹的分数,她立马火上头顶,胸脯一 www.chayi5.com 起一伏,如同一个大气球,脸涨得如同关公,我仿佛能看见妈妈血管里的血液全部涌到头顶。“你每次都要考砸,考砸了还说是什么发挥失常,每一次都让我失望。”这模样令人胆战心惊。“这,这张试卷难度挺大的。”我小心翼翼地为自己辩白,可没想到这竟是火上浇油。“难也有人考百分,是你的错!”说完,你一冲动“唰唰”把考卷撕成了四片,八片,然后随手一扬,飘到了地板上。您知道吗,试卷坏了,我的心也随之碎了。当您走后,眼含着泪花的我颤抖着双手,拾起试卷的残骸,用胶带,小心地修补着。最终,留下一道道触目惊心的“伤疤”,永远也无法恢复原状。

Mom, you are very impulsive. That time, I did badly in the exam. Walking home, carrying a heavy schoolbag, the birds in the tree seemed to laugh. When I got home, I left my schoolbag behind and lay on the sofa with a overcast face. My mother came back and looked at my horrible score. She immediately got on top of her head, with a WWW.CHAYI5.COM rising and falling on her chest, like a big balloon, and her face was swollen like Guan Gong. It seemed that I could see all the blood in my mother's blood vessels pouring to her head. "Every time you fail in the exam, you tell me what's wrong with your performance. Every time you fail in the exam, you let me down." This appearance is frightening. "Well, this paper is very difficult." I carefully defended myself, but I didn't expect it would add fuel to the fire. "It's your fault that some people get 100% in the exam!" After saying that, you impulsively "Shuasha" tore the test paper into four pieces, eight pieces, and then waved it to the floor. You know, when the test paper is broken, my heart is broken. When you left, I shook my hands with tears in my eyes, picked up the remains of the test paper, and carefully repaired it with tape. In the end, they left behind a series of shocking "scars" that can never be restored to their original state.


In fact, I know I'm often impulsive. That time, you helped me clean the bookshelf and accidentally broke my beloved porcelain toy bunny. I got angry in a moment. I knew you didn't mean to, but when I looked at the fragments on the ground, my aunt brought them to me. You broke them. I usually touch them gently, but you are so rude. So I roared, "What are you doing? Do you know that I like it best?" Her mother said with a guilty face, "It's Mom's fault, Ding Ding. I'm sorry. I'll buy another one to compensate you." After that, go to pick up the pieces on the ground. "Don't move!" Mother froze. "You can't buy it!" My voice is much colder than before. It's not like the original voice of a child. "Just one, limited edition." "What on earth do you want?" Mom suddenly broke out at this time, like an angry leopard ready to attack. I also straightened up, like a mine that broke the lead and was about to explode. Our mother and daughter touched our noses, and the room seemed to be filled with invisible smoke. Fortunately, at this time, "God sent soldiers from heaven". Dad came and calmly pulled us apart to pacify us.


Mom, let's join hands to get rid of the bad habit of impulsivity. As the saying goes, "Impulse is the devil." Don't let impulsion affect family harmony.

我的妈妈小学作文 篇3


My mother has waist length hair that all girls admire, like a waterfall. She always said that girls with long hair are good-looking, so I also have long black hair. However, I think it is better to cut my hair short in such hot weather recently, otherwise I will sweat a lot and my hair will be wet every day like a bath, so I cut my hair short the other day.


I didn't know what my mother did in the company until one day during the winter vacation, when my mother took me to her company to do my homework, my uncles and aunts in the company called her "Wang Express! Wang Express!" I thought to myself, "Does Mom receive express delivery in the company?" Later, I finally understood that everyone's name was "Accountant Wang".


My mother said that the accountant is the chief financial steward of the company. She worked very carefully for fear of recording the wrong number. She said that she had to find out the cause of every penny mistake. So even though I check my math homework so hard, my mother can always find the wrong problem. Alas! It seems that I knew how to play when I was in my mother's stomach, and I didn't inherit her good habit of being careful.


Although Mom works so carefully, you must think that she has a good temper, but when she is angry, she is like a fire breathing Tyrannosaurus. Whenever I make mistakes, my Tyrannosaurus rex mother will nag about me, and my tears will burst out like flowing water.


Although my mother always nags me, I know my mother is also concerned about me, and I love her very much.

别着急,慢慢来 篇4


"You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry," as the saying goes. So don't worry about things. If you worry, you will be in a mess. If you mess up, you will not be able to do everything well. So don't worry, take your time.


Every time I do something, I always hear my mother's voice: "Don't worry, take your time." In fact, I was a grumpy girl before, but one thing made me change this habit.


It was a cloudy, gray day. Swallows flew low. Frogs kept calling "quack quack" in the grass beside the pond, which made people feel cold. I wore a sweater, sat on the sofa, and learned to knit sweaters with my mother. To tell you the truth, my mother knitted this one on me.


"Alas, this step is to thread first... to the left... to the right. It's wrong." My mother is teaching me. "Alas... how hard it is to learn!" I said impatiently. My mother knocked on my head, frowned and said: "How could it be easy? Don't worry, take your time." I nodded. It was raining outside the window, and the frogs stopped barking. Maybe they went to take shelter from the rain! It's annoying. It's raining. I continue to learn, step by step. "Ah, Green Composition Network!" I screamed, and the needle stuck on my index finger, bleeding...... "" Are you okay? Are you okay? " Mom said anxiously. "It's nothing. It's a small matter. It's bleeding." I pretended to say that it really hurts.


The rain outside the window is getting worse. It is still dark when it is "ticking" under the window glass. "Why are you so careless?" Mother said with concern. While talking, she bandaged my wound. I was at a loss and wanted to learn how to knit sweaters quickly. "Don't worry, take your time." Mother said kindly. I picked it up again, continued to weave, left to right, right to left, knotting... "A series of steps have been completed, God, I learned!


When the rain stopped, the sun shone on the earth as if it had just got up, cicadas began to call, and birds began to chirp. I really think that all these are happy for me to learn how to knit sweaters. "Yeah!" I hugged my mother happily. Mother said in a deep and deep voice: "All said, don't worry, take your time." I said, "Yes, that's right!"


Sure enough, don't worry about anything. Take your time. The efficiency and results will be very high.