In a boring afternoon, I opened "The Wolf" again.
This is an animal novel written by Shen Shixi. In this book, my favorite is the mother wolf Baisha. It was trapped on a floating island because of chasing incense.There are only a few trees and it on the island.Three days, four days, five days ... have passed, I don't know how many days, hungry, the body has been weakened to the extreme, even the call is gone? Finally, the floating island leaned on the shore.Bai Sha had a serious illness, and it arrived in Xishuangbanna. There was no similar to it here.I really worry about it, how do it survive?
It met a dog, and the dog would give Bai Sha meat every day. What surprised me was that Bai Sha didn't eat it and gave birth to a little wolf.But then the little wolf lost.Bai Sha took a few years to find a little wolf.
I admire Baisha very much. It has no food on the floating island, but it survives strongly.I don't know how it survives.Later, I thought it must have the will of steel -like, and I have the belief that I never give up!
The love of the mother wolf Baisha also moved me. In order to find the lost little black wolf, it had to continue looking for a leg, but to find the little wolf back.Seeing it, I thought of my mother.Once I lost my walk, my mother looked around, and found it here. I almost asked the whole community. Later, when I found me at the door of a shop, when she saw me, she was in a hurry to cry.EssenceHugging me, crying and letting me leave.Every child is the mother's heart! It turns out that all the motherly love in the world is ordinary selflessness and greatness.
The story in this book is fascinating, and the protagonist Bai Sha also makes us remember. I recommend everyone to read.(Jiang Qihan Ningbo Donghai Experimental School)
1、有感:有感读音为yǒu gǎn,是指有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”有感 yǒu gǎn词语解释:有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”分词解释:感受:①受到(影响);接受:感受风寒。②接触外界事物得到的影响;体会:生活感受ㄧ看到经济特区全面迅速的发展,感受很深。关外:指山海关以东或嘉峪关以西一带地区。出关:1.出关口;到塞外。 2.谓和尚或佛教信徒坐饿关结束。江乡:多江河的地方。多指江南水乡。感触:跟外界事物接触而引起思想情绪:他对此事很有感触ㄧ旧地重游,感触万端。...有感怎么造句,用有感造句»
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