
时间:2022-07-26 13:28:20 | 来源:语文通



Golden Autumn October, we ushered in the 64th birthday of the motherland's mother.During this National Day holiday, we came to Lanxi's grandmother's house to find the footprint of autumn.


When I arrived in the countryside of Lanxi Women's Port, I strolled alone on the embankment of the Lanjiang River alone. The Jiangfeng blowing slightly on my face, the river surface sparkling, very clear. I think the environment here is so beautiful that the environmental protection officer is swimming in the river.What's difficult--


There are rows of dense sugarcane forests in the fields, neatly and tall.This is the most important local crop in the local area. Because the soil is suitable for growth, the sugarcane here is stout and sweet. It can be described as well -known from far and near. Every year, vendors from all over the place to buy sugar cane in the air vendors.I saw the farmers who were so busy in Tiantou. I think this year must be another year of harvest.


The earth -colored soil -colored soil dishes are my favorite.The old chicken and old duck that raised for three years, the meatballs made of sweet potato flour, eight -corner loofah ... Especially this season's unique sugarcane -like sugarcane is slightly polluted by original ecological food.Let me enjoy this snack product thoroughly.


Lanxi's most famous attraction is "Zhuge Bagua Village".This is the biggest gathering place for Zhuge Liang's descendants of Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period.The architectural structure in the village is listed in the style of "gossip", and a large number of ancient houses in the Ming and Qing buildings are preserved.


Dad is learning ancient Chinese buildings, so we drove more than 20 miles and play here.Unexpectedly, this is also full of people.I saw several temporary parking lots full of cars.


After walking through a slate bridge, I came to the "Prime Minister Ancestral Hall". The plaques and beams of woodcarving were beautiful and exquisite.The statue of Zhuge Liang was placed on the hall, the fans of the fans, and the righteousness, a generation of famous generations of "bowing and dead", the incarnation of Chinese wisdom.


Leaving the ancestral hall and passing through the labyrinth -like alley, he came to "Zhongchi".Zhongchi is located in the center of the village, and the inverse land is yin and yang Tai Chi pattern. In addition, the two wells are fishy eyes, which is an out -of -the -box gossip picture.In that era, there was the concept of overall planning. I had to admire the wisdom of the Zhuge family--


After leaving Bagua Village, we returned to Hangzhou.But the earth -colored soil in the Lanxi River, the antique incense of Zhuge Bagua Village, made me reminiscent ...



1、十月:十月读音为shí yuè,是指...十月怎么造句,用十月造句»

2、金秋:金秋读音为jīn qiū,是指指秋季:金秋季节ㄧ金秋菊展。金秋 jīn qiū词语意思:指秋季:金秋季节ㄧ金秋菊展。分词解释:季节:一年里的某个有特点的时期:季节性 ㄧ农忙季节ㄧ严寒季节。秋季:1.秋末。 2.一年四季的第三季﹐当农历七月至九月。● 秋(鞦) qiū ㄑㄧㄡˉ◎ 一年的第三季:秋季。秋景。秋水(喻人的眼睛,多指女子的)。秋波(喻美女的眼睛)。三秋(a.指秋收、秋耕、秋播;b.指三年)。秋高气爽。◎ 庄稼成熟的时期:麦秋。◎ 指一年:千秋万代。◎ 指某个时期(多指不好的)。多事之秋。◎ 姓。◎ 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。● 金 jīn ㄐㄧㄣˉ◎ 一种化学元素,符号Au,原子序数79,黄赤色,质软:黄金。金子。金笔。◎ 金一类的,具有光泽、延展性,容易传热和导电的固体的通称(汞除外)。:金属。五金(旧指金银铜铁锡)。合金(两种或多种金属混合而成的金属)。金文(铸或刻在商周青铜器上的铭文,旧称“钟鼎文”)。◎ 钱:现金。基金。挥金如土。◎ 指兵器或金属制的乐器:金革(兵器甲铠的总称,引申指战争)。金声(a.钲声;b.钟声)。金鼓(锣鼓)。◎ 中国古代乐器八音之一。◎ 喻尊贵、贵重、难得、持久、坚固、有光泽等:金兰(友情深)。金刚(梵语意译,喻牢固、锐利、能摧毁一切)。金瓯(a.盛酒器;b.喻疆土完整)。金城汤池。◎ 一些动、植物因颜色似金而得名:金鱼。金乌(太阳)。金龟。金丝猴。◎ 中国朝代名:金代。◎ 姓。...金秋怎么造句,用金秋造句»