
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:22 | 来源:语文通



桂花雨作文 篇1桂花雨作文 篇2桂花雨作文 篇3桂花雨作文500字 篇4桂花雨作文 篇5桂花雨作文 篇6桂花雨作文 篇7桂花雨 篇8桂花雨作文 篇9桂花雨作文400字 篇10

桂花雨作文 篇1


Autumn girl came to the world quietly, showing her unique beauty to people. She sprinkled the golden paint on the osmanthus tree in the park to make her look more beautiful.


In this sunny morning, I excitedly came to the park to enjoy osmanthus. Entering the park, a breeze with the fragrance of sweet osmanthus came to me and pushed me under the tree to enjoy the sweet osmanthus, as if welcoming my little guest. I looked at the osmanthus tree, ah! The sturdy trunk stood upright, like a soldier on guard, guarding the park. The strings of golden osmanthus, dancing in the breeze, like a shy girl, are very happy. From a distance, the huge crown of the tree seems to be a large green and yellow disk, and the straight trunk seems to be carefully dragging the disk. I'm afraid the disk will fall down and break if I'm not careful.


Looking at the beautiful scenery, I can't help coming to the osmanthus tree. Some of the osmanthus are budding, full to bursting, and some have already blossomed, revealing her lovely face, greeting us! The others are half open and half closed. They seem very shy and dare not poke their heads out. They are very beautiful. This beautiful scene can not help but remind people of the ancient saying, "The osmanthus falls in the middle of the moon, and the heavenly fragrance floats out of the clouds.". At this time, a naughty boy came to the cinnamon tree and shook up the beautiful cinnamon tree. In an instant, small golden butterflies flew down from the sky and landed on my head, neck and clothes... several pieces of osmanthus fell on my face, as if gently touching my face. The osmanthus fragrance came into my nose in bursts. It was not a strong perfume or the delicious food, but a unique and unspeakable smell. How fragrant! beautiful!


Ah! The clear fragrance of osmanthus, the beautiful posture of osmanthus, will always echo in my heart.

桂花雨作文 篇2


In the golden autumn of October, sweet scented osmanthus blooms for ten miles.


The charming fragrance of osmanthus attracted my mother and me to the osmanthus tree. I looked up at the sweet scented osmanthus tree. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the branches, making the sweet scented osmanthus more dazzling. The leaves were as beautiful as jasper against the sweet scented osmanthus, which reminded me of "crushing gold into thousands of light points, cutting it into jasper leaves".


I gently shook the branches, and several osmanthus flowers fell off. I picked them up and blew them in my palm. "Hoo", the osmanthus played skydiving. Mother shook the osmanthus tree vigorously, and it suddenly began to rain. "Wow, what a fragrant rain!" Sweet scented osmanthus rain falls on my head and body, and I am like a sweet scented osmanthus princess; The sweet scented osmanthus rain fell on the car, like naughty little children playing on the slide; Osmanthus rain fell on the ground, as if to the earth covered with an orange carpet.


I opened the prepared umbrella, put it under the tree, and shook the osmanthus tree with my mother. After a while, a thick layer was built in the umbrella. We came home with an umbrella of sweet scented osmanthus, and my mother soon made a cup of sweet scented osmanthus tea with crystal sugar. I picked up the cup, smelled it, tasted it, and it was delicious.

桂花雨作文 篇3


Grandmother's old house, with white walls and black tiles, is dilapidated and remote. She persuaded Grandma Zu many times, but she refused to move. She said that she would guard the osmanthus tree beside the old house. The osmanthus tree could not leave her.


During the holiday, the bad news of her serious illness suddenly came, and my mother and I hurried back. It was in the middle of autumn. When we were still ten miles away from the old house, we could smell the fragrance of sweet osmanthus, which was very clear and could overflow far away. The flowers, which were very sad and far away, were calmly telling the mystery of life.


In front of the house, Grandma Zu was standing in front of the osmanthus tree, leaning on crutches, wearing a taupe cotton gown, and hunched over her craggy body. The dazzling gold and the plain grey brown formed a strong visual contrast, but there was no sense of contradiction. Grandmother smiled and waved to me when she saw me: "Come on, girl, Grandmother, show you something rare."


The light autumn wind sent chilly, and Grandma's voice was weak and weak. My heart suddenly became sour. Is the end of life so powerless?


Grandmother turned around, and so did I. Right in front is the osmanthus tree, which is in full bloom. The shadow of the tree is mottled yellow at the cross slope. Osmanthus fragrans are delicate and soft. The pale yellow petals hold the black stamens, just like the clock of life, ticking down the clock.


"The wind is coming." Grandmother's hoarse voice sounded. I have my eyes on the cold weather. A yellow light and shadow flitted in front of me. I suddenly looked up and saw several lights and shadows brush the cinnamon tree and paint most of the sky.


Osmanthus Rain! The sweet scented osmanthus flowers are led by the wind, like golden butterflies, flying, they are going to dance out the melody of life; Like a bulging sail, they are going to pursue the ultimate of life; If the vast sea, ups and downs, they are to dig the treasure of life


The golden curves are up and down, left and right, colliding, overturning and overlapping


"Nanny, you should know that people are just like the sweet scented osmanthus rain. Only by welcoming the sunshine of each day, absorbing the nutrition of the earth and listening to the teachings of LEAF, can you end your life with great vigour and no regrets." Grandmother sighed meaningfully.


I can't help feeling that this vigorous' sweet scented osmanthus rain 'unexpectedly has this vigorous philosophy of life.


Don't miss the sweet scented osmanthus rain and the most beautiful ending of life.

桂花雨作文500字 篇4


In order to reward us for our outstanding performance in the open class and encourage us to play better in the big break competition, Miss Wang promised us to eat her own sweet scented osmanthus cake today. When I read this morning, many "foodies" (including me) in the class were already fidgeting, expecting the figure of osmanthus cake to appear at the stairway with Mr. Wang. Sure enough, at the end of the morning reading, Mr. Wang came to the classroom with a big bag of frozen osmanthus cake. At that moment, a group of "foodies" finally broke down and jumped up: "Wow, sweet scented osmanthus cake! I want it! I want it!" I wish I could fly to pick up a box and pour it into my mouth.


After early reading, the students took the osmanthus cake and ate it with gusto. We both want to swallow raw food in a big mouthful, but we are not willing to swallow it in this way, so we have to taste it in small mouthfuls. Zhong Ziwei was the funniest one: he jumped on it like he had been hungry for 800 years and ate the sweet scented osmanthus cake. After eating the sweet scented osmanthus cake, the students began to praise Mr. Wang's skill: "Mr. Wang, I haven't eaten yet. I want to eat another piece." "I want another box!" "I want another bucket!" "I want another room!" "I need another warehouse!" The discussion was like selling osmanthus cake in the classroom.


Besides, this sweet scented osmanthus cake has six layers, three layers of sweet scented osmanthus and three layers of coconut milk. Coconut juice is sweet and melts at the mouth. The thick smell of coconut juice instantly occupies my mouth. The sweet scented osmanthus is in the transparent cake, which is full of sweet osmanthus. Take a bite, and the fragrance and sweetness of osmanthus will spread in your mouth immediately.


The sweet osmanthus cake still contains the sweat of Mr. Wang's hard work. Six years of love between teachers and students, I am afraid that life is just once; How many teachers can I meet who love students so much?

桂花雨作文 篇5


Everyone likes the sweet scented osmanthus, and I have a special love for it.


There is a sweet scented osmanthus tree in front of Grandma's house. When I was young, I didn't know it was a sweet scented osmanthus tree. I always collect many fragrant flowers and sprinkle them gently to the sky. I stand in the middle and feel the fragrance of flowers wholeheartedly. Later, I learned that this is a sweet scented osmanthus tree. When the flowers on the tree were called sweet scented osmanthus, I became more and more fond of her. I always like to put osmanthus flowers in books, so that books can also send out the fragrance of osmanthus flowers. The sweet smell of sweet scented osmanthus made me infatuated, but the rain of sweet scented osmanthus made me even more intoxicated.


One day, Grandma asked me, "Shuangshuang, since you like sweet scented osmanthus so much, why don't Grandma shake you some sweet scented osmanthus?" "Good!" I replied excitedly. So I asked my sister to help shake osmanthus. Grandma gave me a basket to collect the fallen osmanthus. Before we came to the osmanthus, a refreshing fragrance of osmanthus wafted to us. Once I couldn't wait to collect the osmanthus with a bottle. Grandma hugged the osmanthus tree and shook it. Sweet scented osmanthus floated down like rain. Some floated on my body, some floated on my head, and some floated on my eyes like a naughty child. The sister on the side laughed that I was a beautiful flower, but she also became a beautiful flower. My sister and I, you laugh at me, I laugh at you, bursts of laughter in front of the house. "How fragrant and beautiful! Grandma let me have a try!" I look eager to try. "Hmm." I also hugged the osmanthus tree with my hands, shaking and shaking, shaking and shaking. The osmanthus jumped down like a obedient and sensible child, one, two, three... They were eager to jump down. My sister was dazzled and hurriedly picked it up with a basket, but after catching this one, the other one ran away; After receiving that one, this one slipped away. My sister was so busy that she was dizzy. Fortunately, Grandma was quick and quick. She soon picked up a lot of them. I, who loved sweet scented osmanthus, stood in the middle again, stretched my hands and turned round and round, as if I were a sweet scented osmanthus and a fairy. At this time, Miss Feng came, and many osmanthus flowers floated down as if they had heard the command. At this time, it seemed that there was a "osmanthus rain" in the sky. I quickly picked up the basket to collect the osmanthus flowers one by one. The osmanthus flowers in the basket were gathering more and more, emitting more and more fragrance, and the interest in harvesting osmanthus flowers was growing. At this time, my face was full of smiles, and my eyes were full of osmanthus flowers. The rain came in time, The fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus rain has filled my heart. How I wish the fragrance of this flower would live in the world forever!


Although the sweet scented osmanthus rain in my childhood has passed for a long time, every action, expression and smile has been deeply etched in my heart and can't be erased any more

桂花雨作文 篇6


Spring is the season when rape flowers bloom in my hometown. Every year when I return to my hometown, I will see rape flowers standing proudly like Queen Huang.


When I was young, my father teased me: "Every day, do you know what that flower is?" I look at the flower and don't know its name? So one of them said, "Little yellow flower." Dad smiled and told me that it was called rape flower. From then on, I knew its name.


I like rape flower because it looks arrogant. One by one, they lifted their heads proudly like queens, stood tall with their chests outstretched. Looking around, they looked yellow, like yellow lakes, quietly blooming.


Every autumn, I can see many people harvesting "rape flowers", so I asked my father curiously: "rape flowers are gone, what are people doing in the rape field?" My father told me that the rape flower has borne fruit. It is rapeseed. Rapeseed can be used to extract oil, and the edible oil we eat is extracted from it. Curiously, I led my father to collect rapeseed with my grandparents. This is the first time I took a cutter to help my grandparents collect rapeseed, and the first time I looked closely at my favorite "rape flower". It turned out to be a treasure. No wonder it is so arrogant.


Later, I never saw rape flowers again, because science has developed, with all kinds of oil, rape flowers are less.


I also remembered the happy scene of collecting "rape flowers". This is my childhood memory, and it is also my unforgettable memory!

桂花雨作文 篇7


In autumn, Hangzhou is full of sweet scented osmanthus, but only the osmanthus in Manjuelong is the most famous. This time, the activity of playing sweet scented osmanthus was held in Manjuelong. It happened that the sweet scented osmanthus rain in lesson 7 was also related to the activity. Two other students and I participated in the activity.


At 8 o'clock, the village head arrived on time. At the same time, I also took two long sticks for playing osmanthus and a lot of cloth for picking osmanthus. Start playing osmanthus, eh? Why is it different from the sweet scented osmanthus rain in the text? It was beaten down here, but in the text, the sweet scented osmanthus tree was held and the sweet scented osmanthus was shaken down? The village head seemed to see through my mind and said, "Children, this is different from our text. In fact, the text says that it is wrong to shake osmanthus flowers. When you meet a big tree, you cannot shake it down, and you will also destroy it and shake some leaves!"


The village head began to play osmanthus in person. He must be an old hand at playing osmanthus. The osmanthus rain he beat down is big. The sweet scented osmanthus falls down and is so dense that it is hard to see where it is. I immediately became intoxicated with it, smelling delicious and taking a breath. It was the fragrance of heaven! When I woke up from the sweet scented osmanthus rain, I was already covered with sweet scented osmanthus. I just shook the sweet scented osmanthus on my head and body clean.


It's my turn to play osmanthus with two other students. Let's take the stick and play osmanthus! "123 Strive to hit the Guiyu!" "Hurt - Hurt -..." We fought hard to hit the osmanthus flowers and some leaves and branches onto the cloth, but the pole was too heavy to use. Soon we were tired and let the next student play.


"Fine fragrance and light smoke, competing for the harvest of Guizi to celebrate the harvest year. Children can enjoy waving flowers, and the flowers and rain can be colorful into sweet dreams." With full fragrance, we went home!

桂花雨 篇8


Yangming Villa is really a treasure. On the continuous grass slope, there are always surprises all the year round. Today, my mother said she would take us to see the osmanthus rain!


The car drove to Dashiqiao. The osmanthus fragrance in the evening wind was like my mother's silk scarf, gently covering me. The sweet smell filled my nose and mouth, just like my mother's embrace, was always so fragrant. The car continued to move slowly. The sweet scented osmanthus trees on the green lawn were all dressed in "golden thread clothes" in a week, shining in the sunset. It was really beautiful!


Finally, we stopped in front of a huge golden flower ball. My brother and I rushed out, ran to the golden blanket, jumped on the ground and rolled. It was so cool. I couldn't help coming to several handstands. This is my favorite carpet. It's fragrant and soft. My brother and I lay on the lawn and looked up. This cassia tree, small orange flowers, grew densely in clusters and emerged from the branches and green leaves like naughty flower fairies.


We put our umbrellas under the tree, and my brother and father held the trunk together. One, two, three, they shook up. With the evening wind, osmanthus flowers fluttered down one after another, like thousands of small butterflies, fluttering into our umbrellas and falling on our heads and shoulders, really like raindrops all over our bodies, making us into little golden men. Mom recorded this moving moment with video.


These swaying osmanthus, called "living flowers", have more fresh fragrance than the naturally falling "dead flowers". They are the best for making osmanthus candy, osmanthus cake, osmanthus tea and osmanthus pillow. When the moon came out, the fragrance became stronger and stronger. It seemed to flow around in the moonlight. We and the grass slopes, trees, and small insects on all sides became more and more quiet, as if we were about to enter a sweet dream. The osmanthus fragrance made everything drunk!

桂花雨作文 篇9


Sitting quietly on the stone bench, smelling the fragrance of osmanthus, I wonder how wonderful it is!

如果你在大香林的话,那就一定能体会到那种享受。 在大香林门口,你丝毫感觉不到桂花的存在,但是你只要走上550米的路,还没见着桂花,就能闻到一阵阵清香。走完700米路,漫山遍野的桂花准让你目瞪口呆,含有酒香的桂花香味使你陶醉不已。 我们找了一个位置坐下,一边吃东西一边赏桂花。一阵风拂过,桂花纷纷落下了,我们满头满身都是桂花,活像一个桂花人。我终于明白了为什么这个地方叫香林花雨。我们一边叫一边拾着吹落在桌子上的桂花:“好美的桂花雨哦!” 这些桂花,种类不同,颜色也不同,有白的和金黄的。每一朵桂花有四片花瓣,花瓣呈水滴状。我在树丛中寻找着桂花,竟找到了一朵三片花瓣的桂花。那迷人的桂花香气,我久久不能忘去。深深吸一口,特别的香,能胜过任何花。

If you are in Daxianglin, you will definitely experience that kind of enjoyment. At the gate of Daxianglin, you can't feel the existence of osmanthus at all, but if you walk 550 meters, you can smell the fragrance of osmanthus before you see it. After 700 meters of walking, you will be stunned by the osmanthus flowers all over the mountains and plains, and you will be intoxicated by the fragrance of osmanthus flowers with wine fragrance. We found a place to sit down and enjoy the osmanthus while eating. A gust of wind blew and osmanthus fell one after another. We were covered with osmanthus, just like a osmanthus person. I finally understand why this place is called Xianglin Huayu. We shouted and picked up the osmanthus that fell on the table: "What a beautiful osmanthus rain!" These osmanthus flowers have different kinds and colors, including white and golden ones. Each osmanthus has four petals, which are in the shape of water drops. I looked for osmanthus among the trees and found a three petal osmanthus. I can't forget the charming fragrance of osmanthus. Take a deep breath. The special fragrance can surpass any flower.

那时,总觉得自己的鼻子不够用,恨不得深呼吸下,将浓郁的香气尽染五脏六腑, 那香味真是无法形容。 桂花,你怎能不让我陶醉?

At that time, I always felt that my nose was not enough. I wanted to take a deep breath and dye the rich fragrance into all the organs. The fragrance was really indescribable. Osmanthus, how can you not make me intoxicated?

桂花雨作文400字 篇10


At a parking spot, I half leaned under the osmanthus tree and watched the flowers float down one by one


Most of my childhood was spent in the countryside, where the brook murmured, birds sang and flowers sang They were my best friends when I was young. Now, those things have been forgotten almost, but what is still fresh in memory is the enchanting "sweet scented osmanthus rain".


Every October or so, the osmanthus in the backyard of my hometown has been fragrant for ten miles. The sweet scented osmanthus was dazzling yellow, like a charming girl "half covering the hibiscus to hide her shame"; And like brave paratroopers, waving in the wind. It was the autumn harvest time. The adults had no time to take care of us. I called Jingjing and Xiaowei and they ran into the backyard, closed the door and were about to enjoy the golden bath.


Xiaowei held the tree and shook it vigorously. The osmanthus tree could not help shaking. It threw one beautiful flower after another like a fairy scattering flowers. The wind blew gently, and yellow flowers flew all over the sky. We hugged the tree trunk, talked, laughed, jumped, and watched the flowers whirling, dancing, swaying on the branches... I don't know how long it took, but when we were tired of playing, we lost our legs and collapsed on the ground, letting the breeze touch our cheeks


When adults came back, they saw that we were covered with osmanthus and yellow flowers piled up all over the ground. They naturally understood. Fortunately, they did not disturb us. Therefore, we will be more unscrupulous to "defile" the spirit of the osmanthus tree.


One day, my parents came back and said they would take me to the city to study. Even though a hundred of them didn't want to, I still went there and never went back.


Osmanthus is still falling silently, but I am already in tears. The story of sweet scented osmanthus rain will never be found again, only in dreams.