
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:44 | 来源:语文通



After dinner, my father and I went to the youth square in the university town to play football. When I was near the square, I heard the noise of noise.Look, it turns out that many people are playing in a circle.

After dinner, my father and I went to the youth square in the university town to play football. When I was near the square, I heard the noise of noise.Look, it turns out that many people are playing in a circle.


I squeezed in the crowd and watched the cover of others. There were happiness in the set, and there were no frustrations in the set.I looked at it and fascinated. I also wanted to play, but my father did not agree, and said that after playing the ball, I had to leave the place where I was reluctant to play, but I was absent from time to play.I have been thinking about the cover circle, and I have no effort to play. Under my hardship, my dad also saw that the ball could not play if you did n’t set up the circle. Finally, I agreed that I went to the pace.

I squeezed in the crowd and watched the cover of others. There were happiness in the set, and there were no frustrations in the set.I looked at it and fascinated. I also wanted to play, but my father did not agree, and said that after playing the ball, I had to leave the place where I was reluctant to play, but I was absent from time to play.I have been thinking about the cover circle, and I have no effort to play. Under my hardship, my dad also saw that the ball could not play if you did n’t set up the circle. Finally, I agreed that I went to the pace.


We came to the place of the package to buy 20 laps. At this time, my mother also joined our camp. After each of us divided into several laps, the mother first started watching his performance.There is no middle, either left or right.It's my turn again. I haven't played this game before. I was a little nervous, but I still couldn't hide my excitement and started my performance. At this time, I squatted.Throwing the first circle, the circle was in the air, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the air. Finally, it fell on the doll's ears accurately. I was in China! I am excited.I hit it, but there was no one in the back. In the end, my dad also put a doll, which was much better than me.

We came to the place of the package to buy 20 laps. At this time, my mother also joined our camp. After each of us divided into several laps, the mother first started watching his performance.There is no middle, either left or right.It's my turn again. I haven't played this game before. I was a little nervous, but I still couldn't hide my excitement and started my performance. At this time, I squatted.Throwing the first circle, the circle was in the air, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the air. Finally, it fell on the doll's ears accurately. I was in China! I am excited.I hit it, but there was no one in the back. In the end, my dad also put a doll, which was much better than me.


Over time, we reluctantly left and went home with great joy.

Over time, we reluctantly left and went home with great joy.



After dinner, my father and I went to the youth square in the university town to play football. When I was near the square, I heard the noise of noise.Look, it turns out that many people are playing in a circle.

After dinner, my father and I went to the youth square in the university town to play football. When I was near the square, I heard the noise of noise.Look, it turns out that many people are playing in a circle.


I squeezed in the crowd and watched the cover of others. There were happiness in the set, and there were no frustrations in the set.I looked at it and fascinated. I also wanted to play, but my father did not agree, and said that after playing the ball, I had to leave the place where I was reluctant to play, but I was absent from time to play.I have been thinking about the cover circle, and I have no effort to play. Under my hardship, my dad also saw that the ball could not play if you did n’t set up the circle. Finally, I agreed that I went to the pace.

I squeezed in the crowd and watched the cover of others. There were happiness in the set, and there were no frustrations in the set.I looked at it and fascinated. I also wanted to play, but my father did not agree, and said that after playing the ball, I had to leave the place where I was reluctant to play, but I was absent from time to play.I have been thinking about the cover circle, and I have no effort to play. Under my hardship, my dad also saw that the ball could not play if you did n’t set up the circle. Finally, I agreed that I went to the pace.


We came to the place of the package to buy 20 laps. At this time, my mother also joined our camp. After each of us divided into several laps, the mother first started watching his performance.There is no middle, either left or right.It's my turn again. I haven't played this game before. I was a little nervous, but I still couldn't hide my excitement and started my performance. At this time, I squatted.Throwing the first circle, the circle was in the air, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the air. Finally, it fell on the doll's ears accurately. I was in China! I am excited.I hit it, but there was no one in the back. In the end, my dad also put a doll, which was much better than me.

We came to the place of the package to buy 20 laps. At this time, my mother also joined our camp. After each of us divided into several laps, the mother first started watching his performance.There is no middle, either left or right.It's my turn again. I haven't played this game before. I was a little nervous, but I still couldn't hide my excitement and started my performance. At this time, I squatted.Throwing the first circle, the circle was in the air, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the air. Finally, it fell on the doll's ears accurately. I was in China! I am excited.I hit it, but there was no one in the back. In the end, my dad also put a doll, which was much better than me.


Over time, we reluctantly left and went home with great joy.

Over time, we reluctantly left and went home with great joy.



1、套圈:套圈读音为tào quān,是指1.圈套。使人上当受骗的计策。 2.两个套连的圆圈。套圈 tào quān词语解释:1.圈套。使人上当受骗的计策。 2.两个套连的圆圈。分词解释:两个:两个钱的省称。指一些钱财。上当受骗:因信假为真而被欺骗、吃亏。圈套:一定的范围、格局:我不是要教人步步相随,都来入了这圈套。引申为引人上当的计策:小心中了他的圈套|设了圈套来坑害人。计策:为对付某人或某种情势而预先安排的方法或策略。...

2、游戏:游戏读音为yóu xì,是指体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。游戏 yóu xì词语意思:体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。分词解释:打牌:用纸牌玩的游戏或赌博。如:打牌输掉了一大笔财产。接力:一个接替一个地进行:接力赛跑 ㄧ接力运输。体育运动:即广义的体育。参见“体育”。一类:1.一个种类;同一种类。 2.谓第一等。竞赛:互相比赛,争取优胜:体育竞赛ㄧ劳动竞赛。...游戏怎么造句,用游戏造句»

3、难忘:难忘读音为nán wàng,是指1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。难忘 nán wàng词语意思:1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。(1) [unforgettable]∶无法忘记难忘的时刻(2) [ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动(3) [memorable]∶值得记忆的难忘的岁月分词解释:海里:计量海洋上距离的长度单位,一海里等于1,852米。旧也作浬。记忆:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。忘记:1.不记得。 2.该做的事没有想到去做。 3.没有感觉到。永远:1.长远;永久。 2.一直;从来。 3.晋代隐居于庐山的两个高僧惠永与惠远的并称。...难忘怎么造句,用难忘造句»