时间:2022-08-15 13:08:51 | 来源:语文通



"I kick!" On Sunday, Xiao Gang was playing football, and when he played with interest, a passing of the football, the football fell into a darkness without any or obediently.In the pit, Xiao Gang ran over and stood at the entrance of the hole. This hole was very deep. He couldn't see the five fingers. After a while, Xiao Gang did not want to make a good way to take out the football.Xiao Gang, he cried immediately, the more he cried and sad.


"Hello, little brother, can I help you?" Asked Xiaoming carrying a big basket."My football has fallen into this pit! I can't get it up." Xiao Gang said crying."Don't cry, don't cry, my little brother, I will give you the football!" Xiaoming said, put the basket beside the pit, and then carefully stood the hole.Xiao Gang immediately stopped crying and stood there quietly.Xiaoming touched in the pit, touched west, looking around looking around.Suddenly, he touched a round, light thing, ah! It was football! Xiao Ming grabbed football and climbed up carefully.


Xiaoming finally got out of the cave, and couldn't care about patting the dust, and said excitedly, "Come! Look, your football is back!"After finding football, the bright smile returned to his face again. After thanks, Xiao Gang took the football and played again.


Xiao Ming patted the dark dust on his body, his back was basket, and he was about to leave. He suddenly thought of a problem: what should I do if someone accidentally falls into this pit?Well! Xiaoming was in contemplation.He looked at his big basket, his eyes turned, and a good idea popped up in his head.He said it, and he covered his big basket on the pit, but Xiao Ming looked at it and looked at it. He always felt less.Oh! By the way! How can I forget this! Xiao Ming patted his mind and thought of it.He made a brand and wiped it on the basket. The brand wrote it with a prominent: be careful !! There is a hole here! Xiaoming looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction and smiled satisfied.


Although Xiaoming stained his clothes and contributed the basket, it was all done for helping talents. Therefore, Xiao Ming was happy in his heart, humming Xiaoqu, and running towards the distance.









It seems that someone fell.Half kneeling on the picnic pad, I took the egg yolk cake in one hand, took chocolate cakes with one hand, turned around and looked at it curiously. It was Ren Zexi.It was miserable. The lower half of the body was trapped in the ditch, and she was still eating in her hand., The wooden board will collapse) a few glances, and continue to stabb the cake.








Someone fell, still there.This time (it seems to be Liao Ruicheng. It is also stuck in the pit in the lower body, lying on the wooden board like a lizard, it seems to have a pot in my arms? (Forgot, I didn't pay attention) I looked at the wooden board carefully, and it turned out to be cracked.I opened a mouth, um, it was easy to fall, so I must pay attention to it later, I don't want to do this "gift", I thought about it.








Isn't it? Come on? This time is a younger brother (I ca n’t remember who has anyone, anyway, this little brother must have fallen, but it should not be this order.)The face was a little twisted, and his eyebrows frowned, his eyes narrowed tightly, and he put on a "pain mask".Laughing around was all gloating, of course, the people who had already fell were even more happy.I am fortunate to have two honest legs and greedy mouths, and there is no jumping east, otherwise I am afraid this toss.








I do n’t know if I do n’t pay attention to it for the first time.I remember Hou Junrui that fell the worst. At that time, he seemed to fall in his body, leaving only a head and two arms to support his body hanging in the air.It may be because it is relatively small, stepping on the wooden board quickly, "slipping" is also very sharp; other students are stuck in half, most of the sound of wooden boards ...








Someone fell ...



It was two years ago. The teacher’s voice in Zhou Tian has basically been completely blocked. I only heard what I said to go out to play at the same table.Excited, I spent a day I was extremely excited. I have been thinking about how to play and how to formulate rules. I also discussed with friends in the courtyard for a long time the night before.


After the get out of class, I quickly walked to Xingqing Park, and it was not 15 minutes away from it. They still thought that I was late. I didn't wait for the get out of class to go after the class. , Captain, Captain, others, guns, what you use for you, what you use, get, discuss so much blowing.


After the distribution equipment, I took the rifle. The two of them sniped one charge. There were a total of three types of one person in total. The rules were roughly divided into two teams. You bring a helmet with five points.Instead of light, you need to go to the staff to resurrect when you are beaten five times. Every time you be knocked down, you will sound: "You have been killed, please go back to the starting point for waiting."


We walked forward slowly, and suddenly, a person shot from the pit and fired at me. I was startled, and quickly hid behind the tree.of……


He ran out and saw his clothes very embarrassing. He didn't play together more than us, and then played four people in the pit ...


I have to say that the position of the pit is really good. There are many people who come to the south and south. Of course, it is inevitable to see someone as an embarrassing situation as before.One more teammate ...


Of course, there are also situations that successfully hit the opposite side, but because it can be resurrected, I can't stand the waves of the opposite waves, and my ear sounds first: "You have been killed, please go back to the starting point for waiting." I was back to the pit.On the way, I saw that his teammates also went to the starting point one after another, and then they realized that the pit had fallen and was occupied by the enemy.


We walked to the pit spontaneously, to recapture that pit!


So a good real person CS, do n’t play with the pits, and later the staff went here to make the resurrection more convenient. Later, the whole was confused. I did n’t know how many times I came out of the resurrection point.Individuals were grabbing the gun. After I fell off the opposite side, the two of them started melee. I couldn't watch it next to me. I waited until the staff came to this farce to calm down.


In the end, the end of the pits and the end of our victory may end because the opposite side is one less than us, or it may be the reason why our captain has often played the gun method before. In short, we won, and the pit left me very deeply for meimpression.



A "case" recently occurred in our class."Great Detective" in our class -C﹒Sherlock Holmes, also a small C, stepped on the pit when he went to the bunker on the playground, and the leg was full.I spent great efforts with Xiao G before he dragged him out.Take a closer look, I still have a long day of shoes.I used the strength of breastfeeding, but the heel seemed to be rooted in the mud, and it couldn't pull it out.


The shoes were finally pulled out, so "C﹒ Holmes" quickly thought about it.Finally, he said, "There are only 2,000 truths." Xiao G listened, picked up his fist and said, "You give me reliable." Xiao C said with a smile: "Just make a joke.Class, so the pit must be dug in our class. "


The problem comes, the people in our class have not been to the playground recently, only a few of us came to play.If it was dug before, it was filled up long ago, so this pit must be dug recently.But who is a "murderer"?Where is the "murderer" now?After a while, Xiao C said, "By the way, I remembered, this was dug before. I was preparing to pit other classes, but I jumped in." Xiao G said, "I said how to feel a little familiar with itWoolen cloth."


Alas, this little C is really self -contained.



I am messing up my house every day. The small things such as books, books, and pen are thrown everywhere. The quilt kneaded into a ball and threw it on the bed.Even the pillow was crushed by my big head as thin as a piece of paper, similar to the same pillow.


Every time my mother packed the room, I couldn't find something to sort out something, and I had to spend a lot of energy to find it.


When I was about to go to school, I suddenly found that my language documents were gone. I was anxious. If I did n’t get a language document in the school, the teacher would punish me to copy the text.Turn it over again.Because there are several bookcases, I sweaty after I finished turning, and my clothes were soaked, just like just swimming.In the end, I could only pull my face to school.


I didn't expect it, I could only look at the book at the same table in get out of class. After class, the teacher was called to the office for tea.As a result, when I went to the balcony to pour flowers at night, I found my language documents. Just behind the flowers, my mother hid my language documents there.Who knows, who knows that I forgot to call, my language was left on the balcony by my mother, so I was angry! That was a smoke.


Seeing this, my mother said, and said a word to go outside for dinner, immediately grabbed the mobile phone and bag, and ran away with the elevator when she opened the door.


My dad also likes to hide my things. Once he asked me to find a sticker, and the most dangerous place was the safest place.


I found everything in my house, and I found it on the wall of the sofa cabinet table, and my eyes were almost blind.But I still couldn't find it. In the end, I surrendered and asked my dad to say the answer.


He let my clothes take off, and it turned out that he was posted behind me while I didn't pay attention. Dad was really bad.Another time.My pen is gone. Dad said that I asked me to find it myself, and gave me a treasure map. I turned around and walked around at home for more than half a lap. I finally found it behind my pants.Behind my pants, I did not finish my homework on time and delayed 30 minutes to complete.


Dad, you are really bad. I actually thought of this method not to let me watch TV. When I met such a professional "pit baby", I was really speechless.



"I have never seen such a shameless person!" The cry of the call came out of my mouth.It turned out that Teacher Shui was holding the idiom connection.


Speaking of the idiom to connect the dragon's idea, this was proposed by Teacher Shui himself. As soon as the words were exported, they were enthusiastically "welcome". The opposition was connected. However, it was invalid.The rules are: connecting the dragon in order, you can use the same sound, but the most pit comes, you have to answer it in ten seconds, otherwise, huh, wait for the penalty to stand!


Sure enough, the warm -up match was almost overwhelmed, leaving only five people.Well, the key points of knocking on the blackboard. The following is a formal game.The first person naturally had no pressure. The word "three hearts and two intentions" blurted out.Following a few people also received the "Box lunch" and walked down.


The game continued until the word "heart" was taken, and the "Zheng thief" was speechless at once. At this moment, Tang Yiyang whispered: "The heart is absent -minded." I didn't want to be heard by the smooth ears, and immediately answered successfully.The whole class is speechless, this is OK?


What about? What about it? This is my turn to answer the question. Teacher Shui made compassion, squeezed my eyebrows, repeatedly made a smile three times, and fingered the corner of my mouth with my fingers, and reminded me: "What is this?" Unfortunately, we can't ""There are a little bit of heart, and other students are also confused, guessing, none of them are right.Ten seconds arrived, and the spirit guy Gao Pengyu invited me into the "Box Jun District" of "Talent Squeezing"."Yan Ran smiled, it's stupid!" Teacher Shui turned his eyes at me.


The finals began. The shameless man used lucky magical power, and he won the right to issue the problem when he was fighting black and white. As a result, he won the second place with luck.Needless to say, Zheng did not want Face to win the fragrance of the whole class. It was really evil.


Afterwards, I remembered an idiom "smoke and dust rolling". I regret it. Really, I forgot that I can replace it with homophonic characters.



One night of autumn, the ancient Greek philosopher Taylor saw the starry sky clear and observed the stars on the grass.


While looking up at the sky, he walked slowly.Unexpectedly, there was a deep pit in front of the rain, and Taylor only took care of the stars and forgotten. He stepped on the air and fell down like a stone.When he understood it, his body was soaked in the water. Although the water was flooded and the chest was flooded, there were two or three meters away from the pavement.


When a passerby rescued him out of the puddle, Taylorus stroked his painful body and said to the man, "It will rain tomorrow!" The man shook his head with a smile, and told Taylorus as a joke to others.listen.The next day, it really rained, and people were so rich and amazed by Taylor's knowledge in meteorological science.Some people don't take it for granted. They said, "Taylor knows about the things in heaven, but can't see things under his feet." Taylor only smiled at this kind of laughter and said nothing.


Two thousand years later, German philosopher Hegel heard the story of Taylor.He thought for a while, and said a famous saying: Only those who are always lying in the pit and never look up at the high altitude will it not fall into the pit!



My surname is Zhu, from Zhukeng under Yongjia Bridge. Last Sunday, I went back to see Grandpa and grandma.


When I arrived in Zhuke, I found that everything had not changed. The river was clear. Sometimes I saw the little fish swimming, and there were a lot of dragonflies flying around freely.There are many dishes in the field. The most impressive is mung beans. It is light black and the dark green.There is an iron gate in the yard, with a shelf on the side of the iron door, across the creek.There is a tree in the yard. Looking right, there is a warehouse. This warehouse is quite large and there are various vegetables inside.There is a sink on the right side of the warehouse.There is always a stairs on the side of the handwashing pool, and there is a rooftop on the stairs.The breeze blew on my face, making me feel the freshness of Zhukeng air.


Let's go!Let's go to the backyard's house.I went to my mother -in -law next door.As soon as I got there, I saw the magnificent big rooster, one proudly stood up and rushed to me "Oh, oh", I thought naughty: "Don't tease it?"Just thinking, they rushed to me again "Oh, oh".I learned it, and "Oh, oh" called, the rooster seemed to be angry, "oh oh oh", as if reminding me to stop, don't imitate it."Hee hee, I have to learn." I said to the big rooster naughty.At this time, my mother -in -law came out, I ignored the big rooster and ran to my mother -in -law.Mom suddenly came to say: Lele, let's take Mao Mao to play in front.


Go to the river, wow!A lot of dragonflies!East and west, so beautiful!I sat directly on the ground and watched a dragonfly flying in the sky.



Teacher Wang held a large carton and walked in happily.Before the teacher Wang spoke, Chen Xuanyu, a bird of Chen Xuanyu, began to stir, and the classmates followed the discussion.


"Teacher Wang, do you want to change a little rabbit like a magician?"


"Teacher Wang, do you let us run from the fifth floor to the first floor to pick up a few stones and run back to give you some stones into gold?"


Teacher Wang seems to be unable to stand our curiosity, so we have to let us come up, but there are only two places, and you ca n’t tell anyone.The most cunning is Teacher Wang or Mongolian, alas, might as well not play!


"Uh", Teacher Wang closed his eyes gently, "Well, eight." It seemed to be preparing to do eye exercises, we calculated it together, Ohno, Ohno, wow, why isn't it me?


The male classmate was happy, laughed like Yuyan, and even jumped away, you almost vomited blood.


"Teacher Wang, what is this Dongdong?" The three steps flew down with two steps.


This time it was Chen Xuanyu. She laughed her eyes. It looked like an expert, nodded gently, and quietly told me: "It was Cai Lun created." Isn't it paper?


There were two more people came up and touched it with their hands.Teacher Wang took out a piece of white paper from the box and slowly flipped a noodle, which reads the two characters "knowledge" on it, and said heavily: "Knowledge is wealth, knowledge changes destiny."Commernts>


This lesson is really interesting!



The scenery of painting pit villages is beautiful!


On the weekend, my mother and I came to the village of Paining to enjoy the scenery.The painting pit village is a small mountain village in Qijing Mountain, Shitai County, Anhui Province.It is built according to the mountain, and the peaks are rolling.The trees on the mountain put on colorful clothes this season, with pale yellow, dark yellow, red, red, light green, green green ... in the sky in the sky, some like a rabbit like a rabbit., Jumping around; some like an eagle, open wings; some look like a male lion, roaring and rushing to the distance ...


There are only thirty households in Xiaoshan Village. The white -wall Daish house is a typical southern Anhui style building.Ancient posts and ancient stone bridges everywhere in mountain villages seem like a beautiful Jiangnan oil painting.


The Pitchi Village was listed as "Autumn Photography Creation Base".The autumn autumn is the local characteristics.On the sunlight, local villagers put their dogwood, corn, red pepper, persimmon, sweet potato chips, pumpkin strips, etc.A string of red lanterns, a touch of red ribbon, dancing happily behind the room.


The scenery of the punching village is beautiful, known as "the pure land under the cloud, the autumn color on the top of the mountain!" If you have the opportunity, you must come to appreciate it!



The Lukeng Reservoir tourist area is in Lukeng Town, Northern Dianbai County, along the Qiasa Line of the Provincial Road, about 60 kilometers from Shuidong Town, the county.Founded in 1960, it is the largest reservoir in this county and surrounded by green mountains around the reservoir. Because it is far from industrial pollution, it still maintains a fresh environment and a pleasant air.The biggest feature of the reservoir is the pure and green water quality, and the surface of no pollution looks like jadeite jasper.Coupled with the undulating green mountains and the looming wild bird cranes around them, people feel a kind of joy to return to nature.Because the reservoir is surrounded by green mountains on all sides, the green islands can be seen everywhere. One of the islands has caves, which are places where tourists like to play.


Lukeng Reservoir is one of the three major reservoirs in western Guangdong. It was a period of "afforestation and greening for construction of water conservancy" in the late 1950s.Multi -time built.The scenic spot in the district was occupied by Ao Ting, which was built to commemorate the good servant Wang Zhan'ao and recorded that the white military and civilians were actively participating in the construction of the reservoir at that time.


The reservoir originated from the goose phoenix in the northeast, with an altitude of 1348 meters. It is the highest peak in the electricity and white. At this peak, it can be viewed at a glance.Phoenix Shui Shui ".


There are two natural islands in the middle of the reservoir, floating on the water.The fog is covered, looming, like two girls wearing light yarn and mountain.The trees on the island are dense and shaded.The temperature is 6 lower than the surroundings.C, with villas and hotels, has become an ideal place for people to avoid summer, healing, conferences, and tourism. The area of the reservoir area reaches more than 7,000 acres and the water storage capacity is about 115 million cubic meters.The boating of the water is on the water, and the source is upward, and you can appreciate the forests, strange stones, strange rocks, Liuquan, and waterfalls of the villages along the way, the villages and mountains of the villages, villas and mountains.


The mountain in the southeast is a white -famous victory -Wangfu Mountain.There is a famous attraction "Wangfu Stone" on the mountain.Wangfu Shi once left a beautiful legend: In ancient times, there was a loving couple living under the mountains, mainly farming, no men under their knees, only one woman.Due to the war, her husband was conquered in Xinjiang, and his wife hoped that Lang returned early. He took his daughter to the mountain twice every morning and evening to look south. Waiting for the year, there was no news year after year.Later, Panfu was eager to go up the mountain with her daughter, looking forward to the tea rice.One night, suddenly the electricity flashed and thunderous, the storm was raining, and the mother and daughter turned into two rocks. Standing on the mountains, the beautiful legends of Wangfu Stone attracted many tourists.With ink, Yin Liu Yuanlong, a Dianbai County of the Ming Dynasty, Zeng Fu Poetry praised:


The dignitaries were stretched out for a day, and there was no pro -stone as a neighbor on the left and right.


Yun Yan lazily combs Chitose, and the moon eyebrows are often locked at four o'clock spring.


The fog is wiped by the wind, and Xia Zuo Rouge is uniform.


There is no treasure mirror in front of Mo Dao.


Does He Daizheng go back?Acacia changes in Qingshan.


The statue of Wannian should have no race, and the eternal love is not yet lingering.


Yunjin Man pave the snails, and the moon comb is incorporating the eyebrows.



Last night, I heard grandma saying that she accidentally stunned downstairs, fell down, and broke her legs.I went downstairs early this morning to see, and I did not know how to appear on the flat ground.I think: If children or elderly people accidentally go in, how dangerous is this! If these two pits can be filled, no one will be injured anymore!


I hurriedly called two friends and told them my thoughts, and everyone agreed.So we said that we would do it. First, we found some soil, picked up some water, and then poured the soil and water and mud into the pit. After filling it, it was flattened, so that a pit was filled.We also filled the other one in the same way, waiting for the mud to dry.


We are very happy because we have done a meaningful thing!



Today, my father, mother, sister, and cousin go to the secret realm of deep pit. I go to play with the cousin to play the expedition kingdom.


I want to play Qiu Qian again.I sat on the Qiu Qian, and I asked my dad to push me again. I shaken, and I was shaking, so I asked my dad to stop Qiu Qian.I went to play the slide. First of all, I had to walk across the bridge, then climbed, and then walked the stairs. After walking the stairs, I took the slide and slid down.Then go to the hammers to the hammer to play the big hammer with only one meter two or more. I did not reach one meter two, so only my mother, sister, and cousin went to play the hammer.It was really terrible to go to the glass pair of glass war roads. When I saw it below, I was afraid of going to finish the glass warfare, and we went home.I have fun.



Today we go to the holes to play.When the car arrived in Zhongbao, we walked to the hole.Along the way, the green forests, clear streams, fresh grass, and bright flowers accompanied us. Our steps are very brisk, so we will reach holes in a while.


We play and play happily.Play the balloon first. We are divided into two teams. Each team is thirteen. Each child invites one adult to help, one person blows alone, one person ties, and see which team is blowing more, which team will win.I started to blow, I desperately blowing, blowing one after another, my mother tied one after another.Their team did not show weakness, just blowing the balloon hard.The balloon was blown out. Looking at the balloon on the ground, we couldn't help thinking: Win! But count it, yeah! Our team only blows forty -five, and their team blows forty -nine.Our team was frustrated one by one.


We played treasure hunt again. The adults put red paper around, covering the prizes of the sheep and sheep seal, and there were no prizes who cried.I was looking for it carefully, and I didn't even let it go, but in the end I found only two prizes.Other classmates were much better than me, and they found nine or ten sheets in a while.Although I found only two sheets, I changed two lollipops I like.


When we arrive at the stream, we like to play water guns the most.I put water in the water gun, shot, wow, so far! Many students scrambled to play with me to play with me.I gave them the water gun generously, and let them choose who played first, and I feel that everyone can play happier and happier than one person.


I'm so happy today!



In the sunny, cloudless, and cloudy morning, the duckling Feifei hummed small song, "Where is the spring? Where is the spring ..."


The duckling Feifei walked on the way to the friend Huang Huang's house happily. The duckling saw that there were some colorful flowers on the roadside. He was instantly attracted and suddenly ran to the flower.The flowers were so beautiful. He was fascinated and couldn't move. He only cared about the beautiful flowers. When he didn't pay attention, he fell into the hunter's trap -a big and deep pit.He was very scared and shouted loudly: "Help, help ..."


Near the deep pit, a little monkey was picking bananas on the banana tree in the forest next to him.When he took the banana and was about to go home, he heard someone shouting for life. He looked for it, and found it for a long time.When he was planning to give up, he found that there was a big pit in front of him. When he looked inside, it turned out that the duckling was calling for help.


The little monkey said to the duckling: "Don't be afraid of duckling, I'll save you." He first stretched his hands to the duckling and wanted to pull the duckling up, but the pit was too deep, and the little monkey's hand was enough to be small.duck.Then he thought about it again, and he stretched its tail into the pit, but it was still enough.What should I do? The little monkey scratched his head in a hurry. He suddenly remembered that there was a bamboo forest in the forest, and he ran to the bamboo forest next to him to find a bamboo.I couldn't climb up at all.


At this time, the little monkey had a clever machine and went to Uncle Xiong who lived next to him.At this time, Uncle Xiong just took a walk next to him. The little monkey immediately ran to Uncle Xiong and told Uncle Xiong when he dropped the duckling into the pit.


As soon as the little monkey finished speaking, Uncle Xiong ran to the room and took a bucket, which was still filled with water. Uncle Xiong asked the monkey: "Which pit does the little duck fall?" Then take me over. "The uncle brought to the pit where the duckling fell into, and saw Uncle Xiong a move -just poured the water into the pit.


At this moment, the passing elephant saw that they were trying to save the duckling.The elephant said: "I'm here to help." Then the elephant used its nose to hook the duckling, but the pit was too deep and still did not save the duckling.


Then they thought of a good way, each of them went to take a bucket.They came to a small river, filled the bucket, and the elephant absorbed water with their noses, and then they poured water into the pit together.


Finally, the water was filled with deep pit, the duckling came up, and the duckling was saved.



On Saturday's composition lessons, the children of our third -year composition class were "pitted" by the teacher.


At eight o'clock in the morning, I came to class.As soon as you arrive, you will take the exam.This made me frown, but the teacher said that there would be a big prize for the exam, and this temptation was to me.Before the exam, the teacher repeatedly emphasized: "Look at the question first, then write the test paper. Be sure to follow the test requirements." After the test paper arrived, I saw that the first line of words was the test requirements."There are few questions in this exam, only five minutes! The prescribed time is ready, there will be rewards." Ah?Such a short time.I ca n’t even look at the topic, we all desperately write, the time is here, we have not finished writing.After the teacher put the paper on, he sighed: "Oh! If time passes, can you finish writing?" "Yes." We said in unison.


"Please take a closer look at the test requirements and read each question." The test paper was found, and Teacher Zhang motioned us to see the last question.Oh my god!The question actually wrote: "Just write one or two questions." We were blindfolded instantly.The teacher is too bad, and I dug us such a "pit".Let me take the test again!Oh, my big prize.


In this exam, I did not get a big prize, but I felt deeply: I have to be careful and read the questions.Don't be fascinated by the external temptation!Life is the same as the exam. Be careful and not careless.


I will remember this incident.



Today, it is rare to be a good weather. It is a sunny day. My uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin, aunt, cousin, and I went to the secret realm together.


We first made the car's car and came to the secret realm of deep pit. At the door of this playground, there were many decorations, which were very beautiful, but we didn't have time to appreciate these decorations, and they hurried to the playground.


As soon as I arrived in the playground, the first thing that came into view was a lot of flowers and trees, which were beautiful!We were fascinated by these scenery soon, until the aunt said, "Hurry up, there are more fun inside!", As soon as I heard that there were more fun, we hurriedly ran with my aunt.After a long time, I finally saw the more fun things, but the white mist was in front of me. This feeling made us really like a dense jungle. We tightly supported the wall and walked forward step by step.Suddenly fell, and suddenly the white mist disappeared. A tree house, which came into view. This imitation tree house was like real, and there were many imitation mushrooms on this tree house, colorful, we admired the tree house while we appreciated the tree house.Beautiful scenery, while walking on the stairs and found a slide, we sat up and didn't respond yet. We slipped from it and slipped to the ground.We played several times and felt that there was no meaning at all, so we left this game facility.


We saw a tall one that could be swinged, and we lined up. Later, we knew that this was called a big hammer. We lined up for a few minutes and then sat on the hammer.


When we sat on a big sledgehammer, we were very happy and were not nervous at all, but as soon as we saw the floor below, we slowly trapped it, and we couldn't step on the ground.When the personnel knocked on the bell, the big sledgehammer slowly started. First, it turned slowly, and then faster and faster, and it rose to the trees. At this time, I felt that my heart was about to jump out., But next time, it is even higher, and it seems to be on the blue sky. It seems to be together with Bai Yun. I screaming in fear. My throat was dumb. I was thrown on the blue sky again.I was scared to step around, but I couldn't step on the floor. Later, this big hammer became slower and slower, and then stopped completely. We walked down, but I was very nervous. LaterIt feels much better, so we play other projects again.


We have been playing for a long time, but we still think that this big sledgehammer is more fun and more exciting!


Author: Sun Yedi



"Communicate the four water hugs, and scatter the thousands of tens of thousands of houses. Deeply growing rhumarius planting rice, not deep or shallow lotus." It is indeed a good poem.Full of truth.The water in the upper reaches of the big river is placed around to form tens of millions of streams, moisturizing tens of thousands of downstream, and created a suitable living conditions for the rhder -cut rice lotus lotus to allow them to live their own pose.


This richest poetry contains philosophical poetry reminds me of the relationship between the country and the people.For more than 20 years of reform and opening up, the technology has developed rapidly and the economy has made rapid progress. The country is full of water, and it is put down to nourish the rich, the people, and the poor. This is a good thing.The average distribution on the heads of "rhombus", "rice" and "lotus", which leads to the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, even more than 55 times, which makes the rice loses the water gradually dry, while the rhombus has a large area of waters, And the strength is getting bigger and bigger, the longer and lush, even the "lotus" that is not in good perthobes has expanded its own site through the light of "rhombus".


The old saying goes: "Not suffering from poor and uneven."The country is rich and strong, and the people are safe.The river is full of water, and the people are determined.At present, a practical and feasible policy is introduced to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, let the binaryization of cities and villages gradually curtain, and let the advantages of education and medical care shared the people, so that "rhombus", "lotus" and "rice" are moisturized.It is also the profound truth that this poem tells us.


After reading this poem, it was even more promising for the country's punch to regulate the property market, and heavy punch smashed into the "rhombus" that expanded the site.The lotus "Lotus" speculators also suppressed, allowing rockets to gradually return to rationality, squeezing out the scourge of real estate bubbles to the Chinese economy, let the real estate develop healthy and orderly, and let the people look up at high psychology.House prices panicked no longer trembling.


The biggest attribute of the house is living, and it is abnormal if it deviates from this attribute.The development of real estate must not only build a villa to a group of wealthy people who belong to the "rhombus" to meet the needs of their luxury and enjoyment, but also build more ordinary commercial houses to improve the quality of life in the "lotus" family.Rooms, so that more "rice" that can't afford the room can live in the house, and there is a home to return.At this point, we may wish to learn from Singapore and Hong Kong's experience.Singapore's group houses are only 5%of commercial housing. They are sold in the market to meet the needs of rich people. The remaining 95%are affordable housing and low -rent housing; the situation in Hong Kong is similar to Singapore.The total amount of development and construction houses is only about 5%, and the others are affordable housing, which ensures that most people have houses to live.


"Planting shallow rice in the depths, not deep or shallow lotus flowers." Let people's livelihood, justice and fair river water flow down under the sun, moisturize millions of households, let each pit, let each pitAll radish finds the nests of their own living, so that "water chestnuts", "lotus" and "rice" can live dignified, in order to meet the requirements of the scientific concept of development, and to meet the harmonious progress of society.


The 2010 college entrance examination has ended, and candidates have also entered a long summer vacation with various moods.The composition of the college entrance examination is a topic that we are very concerned about each year. We are too lazy to read the full score composition of the college entrance examination.High school has been exposed, and there are so many cattle in the flowers of the motherland. I am very pleased.



Looking at straight pit from a distance, it is like a shy little girl hiding in the mountains.


Following the teacher's pace, we walked on the way to straight pit and was preparing to go up the mountain. A large forest appeared in front of us.Yellow ginkgo trees, orange maple trees and green pine trees make people feel refreshing.There are two kinds of flowers on the side of the road, and the attitude is different. This kind of flower hasn't thanked the flower again.When the breeze blows from the woods on the right, I feel like I am.


After walking for half an hour, we came to Zhikeng.The lush grass hides a stream.The two proud white goose stretched the head and neck in the water, shouting loudly.It seems to be saying, "I am the master of this river." The two big black pigs ate grass leisurely in the pig nest.哼 humming the beautiful music in front of his door.I seemed to come to Wonderland.


After lunch, I sat quietly on the stone and looked at the "Tiger Harley" written by Shen Shixi. At this time, the stream seemed to be accompanied by me. The grass on the road seemed to listen to my story quietly.


In the afternoon, we reluctantly returned to school, thinking in our hearts, and goodbye to the beautiful straight pit.


Author: Cheng Zhiyuan


Instructor: Wu Zhijun


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One day in the summer vacation, my father took me and my brother to the Langkeng Reservoir.Along the way, my brother and I sang in the car, dancing, and excited.After a while, Dad's car reached the foot of the reservoir.


When I get out of the car, it is a spectacular dam. Looking at it is like two huge trapezoids from a distance. Looking at this trapezoidal, it is up to many large rocks, and the stones are very flat.There is a straight step in the middle of the two large trapezoids. We happily walked up the steps before climbing for a while. My legs could not be eaten. My legs were particularly sour, so I was tired.But look up, there are half of the steps in the heights. When I was about to give up, I saw my younger brother still climb up without looking back.Yes! Catch up with my brother, otherwise it would be too shameful! So, I took a few deep breaths, and I still kept climbing up slowly, and finally climbed to the top of the reservoir, it was not easy!


Standing on the dam, looking at it: the green and green in the reservoir, calm like a bright mirror, the blue sky reflected in the water, the white clouds, and the towering peaks.Beautiful landscape painting.Suddenly a breeze blew, and the water surface rose layers of ripples.On the green trees not far away, there is still a egret, like a blooming white magnolia, which is really beautiful.In this beauty, we are happy to support tents, picnics, fishing ... the dam is full of laughter.


The sky was getting dark, and my father said, "We should go home." I could only leave this beautiful reservoir reluctantly.