
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:38 | 来源:语文通



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快乐的儿童节优秀作文 篇1


Among many festivals every year, I like Children's Day the most.Since June is our festival.


One year of June 1st, everyone held a "Celebrating June 1st" event in the school. After the show was performed, the teacher brought everyone a game: throwing a bottle, the pearls in the water, the tug of war, the crossfire, etc., which was interested in the interest.Dazzling.Among them, my favorite game is "throwing a bottle".The teacher sent everyone six laps, and I was anxiously waiting, and finally it was my turn.I was holding the circle in my hand, the first one didn't enter, and the second one didn't enter.I was a little disappointed and thought to myself: I want to learn how.Aiming first, then throw!So the circle in my hand seemed to find my own ideas, all of them went away, and I jumped happily, and the classmates cast my envy.


At this time, the teacher patted my shoulder and said, "Good, continue to work hard! Pride makes people back behind, humble and progressive." I nodded quickly.


Then, I participated in the game of "beads in the water".I lined up behind, there were so many people in front, like a dragon.I really want to start playing quickly!At this time I was so anxious like an ant on a hot pot.It was finally my turn. The teacher said, "The rules of the game are: 10 beads are pinched in one minute." I couldn't wait to use the chopsticks in my hand to pinch the beads, but the beads were rebellious like a naughty child, and I started to slow down slowly.Speed, I feel that our hands are trembling, and the beads almost slipped. Later, I learned how to pinch the ends of the beads and the average force. In the middle of the beads and chopsticksEssenceKung Fu is worthy of care. At the last moment, I finally completed the game!


This is really an unforgettable Liuyi!

快乐的儿童节作文 篇2


"June 1st" Children's Day, also known as "June 1" International Children's Day, is held on June 1st each year, which is a festival for children and children around the world.But who knows that the origin of the Children's Day of the June is so sad -in June 1942, the German fascist shot from the Czech Village.To commemorate them, in November 1949, the International Democratic Women's Federation decided to be the International Children's Day on June 1st each year.


Colombia will designate July 4th as Children's Day each year.In this festival, schools across the country must hold a variety of lively and lively celebrations. Children often wear various fake masks and play as clown to play on the street.


Most countries in western Africa have special "Children's Carnival", which usually lasts for one month.Africans can sing and dance, and "Children's Carnival". Although people's living conditions are different, all children will be happy and lively.


Russia's Children's Day and international "co -produced" are just on June 1.Whenever Children's Day comes, children from all over Russia will celebrate their festivals and perform some national songs and dances, and celebrations will be held in the school.


Although Children's Day in other countries is very lively, what makes me forget to return to Children's Day.


Our Children's Day will hold a happy event in the school.During the day, the students took their own food and cheered to the class.The school not only launch the Gala party "I want to go to June 1" for us, but also organize the "flea market" for us. It is full of large and small books. Students can buy it in the joyful way.Happy!The teacher will also give us the movies that the children love to watch in the class.Eat delicious food and carry out interesting game activities. The scene is happy and lively!In the evening, parents will not only take us to the playground to play, but also take us to KFC to make a meal, let us have an unforgettable "June 1" Children's Day.


This is the happy Children's Day. On this day, we strive to draw colorful childhood, and we also look forward to the rustic teenagers.

快乐的儿童节作文 篇3


Alas, is this the last Children's Day for Children's Day?Although it is not fun, it is still very meaningful. I will remember this Children's Day.


As soon as I entered the school gate in the morning, I saw my brothers and sisters wearing beautiful clothes, knocking gongs and drums, blowing flutes, swinging flowers, and welcoming us.The children talked about laughing, and everyone's face was full of joy.At this point, the campus has become a happy ocean.


The literary performance has begun, and I like the martial arts performance "China Dragon" the most.They are wearing unified clothing and doing neat movements, all of which are shaking. They fist and shouting slogans are so powerful.Unexpectedly, they still had one -foot kicking wooden board, and kicked the wooden board into two.Suddenly, there was a warm applause in the audience. I secretly thought that I would learn martial arts in the future, how mighty and handsome.


Happy time is always so short that the performance is over, I leave the school with a reluctant mood.


"Dear teacher, dear classmate. Hello everyone!" The four hosts are glowing, vibrant, and the performance finally begins.The second one in our show, my heart was pounding, very nervous.Started performance. Our class's "soundplay speaker" Zhang Yingning and four other small actors sang a wonderful singing with the music. We danced like a happy bird, jumping actively ...Finally, there was a warm applause from the audience.The students who watched the students stared intently, and the shows one after another. There were beautiful dances, beautiful recitations, and interesting sketches ... it was really wonderful.My favorite show is the fashion show. How novel clothes are wearing small models, and with a variety of masks!Some of them have the mask of anger birds, and some with the masks of the hepherds and the gray wolf ... It's so funny that the classmates in the audience laughed.

快乐的儿童节优秀作文 篇4


This day is the annual Children's Day of Liuyi, and everyone's face is full of joy of festival.In the morning, after the new young pioneers in the first to third grade joined the team, Director Tan announced that the tourist tour began, and everyone jumped three feet high.There are six activities in the garden. One is blowing candles, the other is to order nose, the third is to pass the wooden bridge, the fourth is to cast table tennis, nothing is to shoot, and six are blindly touching basketball.These activities are distributed around the campus, and a long dragon is lined up in each garden.I came to my favorite event -blowing candles.Line.I saw the first child who was not panicked. When it was blowing, the candle was not extinguished. At this time, the people on the side said, "Oh, so stupid, so easy to blow out." The second child was the second child.Like the panic, the little deer was very nervous at this time. When it was blowing, the candle was extinguished. The audience on the side laughed and said, "Really, this is OK." The third young classmate stepped up slowly, inhaling deeply, oneBlowing, but the potential is small, but it is not destroyed. At this time, the people on the side began to laugh again ...


After a long time, I finally got to me. I walked slowly, thinking that if I can't blow it, I will be ridiculed by everyone. If I die, there will be prizes.So I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and blown up without panic.Seeing the candle extinguish, I was happy to jump three feet high. At this time, I seemed to get the gold medal at the Olympic venue. At this time, the teacher rewarded me with two sugar. These two sugars were like one.Bettings.I not only got the praise of everyone, but also the joy brought by success, and my heart was sweeter than eating honey. After that, I went to line up ...


At the end of the game, I got a lot of sugar.What a happy Liuyi Children's Day!

快乐的.儿童节的作文 篇5


Children's Day is here, and the school will start the science and technology festival again.The classmates were excited and came to school early, looking forward to the beginning of the science and technology festival.


The teacher sent us a bubble gun. The classmates were curious and excited, ready to "shot" in front of the podium.Soon, the opening ceremony began. We took the bubble gun and walked high to the podium. At the stage, we raised the bubble gun and began to hit the bubbles.The bubbles flew to our heads, and there was a soft feeling. Some students were curious and stretched out their tongue. As a result, the bubbles were stained on the tongue, and he hurriedly retracted his tongue back.


Walk across the podium and come to the grass to listen to the principal.Half an hour passed, and the opening ceremony was still not over. The students couldn't help complaining and wanted to start the science and technology festival activities quickly.Some students felt too boring, and sprayed bubbles on the grass with others.Bubbles are piled up, some are like a small earth, some are like a small table, and some like a squat puppy.The opening ceremony was finally over, and the students immediately ran into the experimental classroom they liked.


I participated in many experiments, and the most interesting thing was the candle pumping machine.How to pump water?First fold one straw into arch -shaped, one passing through paper, then two glass, one add some water, and the other is a bunch of candles ignited.Then put the straw with a piece of paper on the mouth with a candle, and insert the other end into the water in the other cup.In this way, the water will be sucked into a cup with candles.Why is this?It turned out that the candle burned the oxygen in the cup and dropped the air pressure in the cup. The other cup would automatically irrigate the water into a cup with a low gas until the two cups were the same.I also watched many interesting experiments and bought a small production.


Today I not only know many scientific principles, but also feel the beauty of childhood.

快乐的儿童节优秀作文 篇6


Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the annual "June 1" Children's Day is here.I ran into the classroom carrying the snacks full of schoolbags.What the teacher said, I didn't listen to anything, I only heard a sentence, "You can eat it."


After the teacher ordered, I couldn't wait to pull the potato chips, and was preparing to open the ring. Suddenly, four or five people came up from all sides, and the potato chips were ransacked with a thunderbolt, so exaggerated.There is no residue left!Excessive!Alas, my mother has always explained that I want to share food with others and be a magnificent person.Forget it, I endure!


I took out a imported jelly and was preparing to send it to my mouth. Suddenly, a buddy flashed beside me and said, "Brother Jia, your jelly, look good, there is English on it!"He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.Helpless, I handed him the jelly to him.I was very unwilling, reminded: "Slow! You are fat enough! This calories are super high! Are you sure you want to eat?"


"Brother, let me get fat! This can set off your Yushu Linfeng!" He blinked his little eyes and smiled with his face.Okay, I am a generous person, I endure it again.


I have a snack for my bookbags, and I have gone through the front journey one after another!There is only one bottle of spray sugar, this time I will never be assigned to others anymore.I unplugged the lid and prepared to exhaust, and the two buddies came over again ... the result can be imagined.


My Yangti Ai: "Is it Christmas today? Am I the legendary Santa?" At this moment, the whole class was staying, silent ...


One second, two seconds, three seconds ...


"Yu Jiaao! Taste my sugar ..."


"Brother Jia! My jelly!"


"Ao! I ..."


I immediately had a lot of snacks on my table, and a warm current poured into my heart."June 1st" should not be called Children's Day, it should be called "Share Festival"!

快乐的儿童节作文 篇7


"June 1st" is here, I'm so happy!


The Children's Day of June 1 is the festival of children all over the world. On the day of the festival, the children's doors were wearing beautiful dresses to celebrate their festivals happily.Some go to the playground carnival, some go to watch magic movies, and some to eat food meals.


On the day of "June 1", I put on a beautiful pink dress and went to participate in the food activities with my father and mother. I participated in the fishing dumplings. After a while, I caught four fresh meat dumplings.Taste one, so fragrant, delicious!Then, I participated in the painting egg activity again, that is, I painted my favorite animals and colors on the salted duck eggs. I drew a cute little rabbit, also painted a lively little whale, and a bow ...Turning salted duck eggs into a colorful big egg, so happy!I spent a happy day.


"June 1st" is really a colorful festival.