
时间:2022-11-07 13:09:13 | 来源:语文通



环保的高中作文 篇1高中生环保作文 篇2环保主题高中作文 篇3经历,让我收获成长作文 篇4经历,让我收获成长作文 篇5经历,让我收获成长作文 篇6高中生环保作文 篇7环保主题高中作文 篇8经历,让我收获成长作文 篇9

环保的高中作文 篇1


To protect the environment, start from the little things around us, and our living environment will become better. As long as we protect nature, nature will love us more. I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I think that as teenagers of future generations, it is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. If we do not understand the composition of the human environment and the seriousness of environmental pollution, ignore the laws and regulations on environmental protection, do not strengthen the awareness of environmental protection, and consciously fulfill the obligation to protect the environment, our lives will be destroyed in our own hands, and God will punish us severely.


For this reason, I have made up my mind to protect the environment, protect our homeland, and be a guardian of the environment. Let's join hands and work hard for the blue sky and white clouds, green water and green mountains, fresh air and beautiful environment! From this year, I will plant trees with my parents, which will be more meaningful. If everyone plants a tree or a bamboo on his birthday, it will be green and full of bamboo in a few years.


The environment is the most basic condition for our human survival. If we destroy the environment, it is equivalent to destroying our living conditions. At present, the ecological environment is getting worse and worse, which affects our water resources, air and food to varying degrees.


When can we remove the garbage here? This is what people complain to reporters. Yeah! Plastic products, such as garbage bags, will not rot, but also affect people's health. Look! The rubbish there has piled up into mountains.


Seeing this, I think that each of us should quickly find ways to beautify the environment. What can we do? By the way, plastic bags are always used when buying vegetables. If we use baskets instead, the environmental pollution will be reduced. Disposable chopsticks and disposable plastic lunch boxes will not only pollute the environment, but also waste a lot of wood every year. If we use our ordinary bowls and chopsticks after strict disinfection and reuse, we can save wood and reduce pollution. There should be more trash cans for daily use. One can hold recyclable garbage, such as vegetable peels and fruit peels, which can be used as fertilizer, paper scraps and rags which can be reprocessed and reused, and the other can hold non recyclable garbage. In our daily life, clear streams are polluted and become stinky ditches; The beautiful flowers and trees are polluted and will wither soon; Tall trees fell down in a loud noise of machines... These cruel pictures are the "masterpieces" of human beings!


Now, human beings are destroying the environment more and more seriously. Let's say the rivers around us, where the original water was clear and calm like a mirror. But in recent years, people have littered and discharged sewage, so that some rivers now become stinky ditches. When passing by, pedestrians always cover their noses. The water in the river is black, and there are many domestic garbage on the bank, which affects our city appearance and destroys the environmental sanitation. Although some rivers are under construction to clean up sewage, if people do not pay attention to the protection of these environments, it will be useless even if these rivers are constructed many times. Moreover, the destruction of the environment does great harm to us. It will bring a series of disasters, such as sandstorms, heavy rains, mountain torrents, tsunamis and other natural disasters.


In fact, it is not difficult to protect the environment: as long as we refuse to use disposable items such as plastic belts, we can reduce the generation of white garbage; Do not litter domestic garbage and store it according to relevant requirements; Do not throw pollutants into the water; Save electricity, water, coal and other resources, and reduce the discharge of industrial waste gas and sewage. If everyone can do this, our living environment will be greatly improved.

高中生环保作文 篇2


Black advertising has become a headache for every resident in the community. Look! There are big and small black advertisements on the electric pole, and colorful advertising paper on the frame of the bulletin board... We look at it in the eyes and worry in the heart. So, several of our little partners carried out a meaningful activity to eliminate black advertisements.


We took a small shovel, a cloth, a bucket of water, gloves and other tools from home to prepare for the fight. When we came to the community, we found that there were black advertisements everywhere, but we were not afraid. I thought: as long as we work hard, we will be able to eliminate them. So we started the cleaning work. I saw a black advertisement on the wire, so I quickly put on gloves, put the cloth in the bucket to wet it, took it out, wet the black advertisement again, and then I took out a small shovel to shovel it. First, I shoveled around the advertising paper. Hey, the edge of the advertising paper fell off a bit. I used my hand to hold the edge of the advertising paper and slowly tear it, but it just grabbed the pole. What should I do? By the way, you can tear it off. So I grabbed a corner of the paper and tore the black advertisement in half. In this way, I used a shovel to remove the residue while tearing, and finally eliminated the first black advertisement.


The partners are also working in full swing. Some were drenched with water, some were wiped with cloth, others were started from left to right, and two shovels were put together... We worked harder and harder, and finally eliminated the black advertisements in the community.


Looking at the new community, everyone smiled. I think: if we all love the environment and take the community as our home, we believe that our environment will be cleaner and more beautiful.


To those who post black advertisements, I also want to say something: "You should stop posting black advertisements everywhere in the future. Our living environment is very good. It is uncivilized for you to post black advertisements casually, and we firmly oppose you."

环保主题高中作文 篇3


The word "environmental protection" may be familiar to us all. But, please ask yourself, have you ever done environmental protection? Perhaps, as young pioneers, we should be close to environmental protection; Perhaps, as young pioneers, we should publicize environmental protection to people; Perhaps, as young pioneers, we should set a good example for our younger classmates; Maybe.


When I was young, I had never known the word "environmental protection" before. After eating snacks and drinks, the poor plastic bags and cups were blown all over the sky and the ground by the wind. At this time, my mother would criticize me and educate me, but I said with disapproval: "Anyway, there are some so-called 'urban beauticians' sanitation workers. It doesn't matter whether they throw them into the garbage can or not!" Mom said, "Although there are sanitation workers, we can't take environmental protection lightly. There is a saying that" urban sanitation depends on everyone ". After all, there are only hundreds or thousands of sanitation workers in a city, while there are hundreds of thousands of residents in a city. If one person throws one piece of garbage, it means that one sanitation worker should pick up dozens or hundreds of them in time. Do you think it's too late?" Maybe it was too small at that time. I was impatient. She threw her mother aside and ran back home. She shook her head helplessly. I always think my mother is too nosy. What's the matter with city sanitation! Damn it!


But after that time, I seem to have grown up. It was probably the summer vacation of Grade 4. I went to the community with several classmates to volunteer, pick up the garbage in the community, and help the elderly walk At first, I thought it was just picking up rubbish! Absolutely not very tired. We went to Panhuoqiao Community. This place is not the same as I imagined. I thought that there were only one or two pieces of paper on the floor of Panhuoqiao Community, but it was unexpected. The floor was full of garbage bags and plastic bottles, which was different from what I thought. We have to let nature take its course! We picked it up bit by bit, and the chilly wind blew in gusts, but our faces were still dripping with sweat. At this time, a beautiful little girl was led by a very beautiful aunt (that should be her mother!). The little girl said with a sarcastic tone: "Is there something wrong with these people? Are there sanitation workers? They are picking up stinky garbage. Is it because they have no money to sell it at home? Hehe." At this time, I did not know whether the sweat or tears were dripping from my face. I picked up the runny nose and tears. Buzz! How can you bully others too much. I cursed in my heart. Aren't we trying to keep the city clean? Are we wrong? What qualifications do you have to teach us?


I remember when I was a child, did I laugh at the volunteers and sanitation workers who contributed to urban environmental protection? Do I look down on them sometimes? Do I, like a little girl, never say thank you to the people around me who have worked hard for environmental protection? My answers are all "yes". I think of the sanitation workers. They not only pick up garbage in the hot sun and cold wind, but also suffer from the cynicism of us, but they seem to have no regrets. Now I want to solemnly say to them: "Thank you."


We Young Pioneers should be close to environmental protection, learn to protect the environment, advocate environmental protection and publicize environmental protection. Close to environmental protection: environmental protection is not as simple as picking up garbage, but also waste paper recycling, waste utilization, etc. Being close to environmental protection will make our economy more relaxed, our life more frugal, and our resources more abundant... It is really important to be close to environmental protection! It is also important to advocate and publicize environmental protection. After all, my own strength is not enough. The whole society should unite and work together to create a better environment.


Maybe you will ask, how to achieve environmental protection? I would like to say that environmental protection is not a big deal, but a bit of health. "Don't let the goodness be small." In our daily life, we can not litter; We can put the waste paper such as the waste draft paper in a special box. When the storage is too much, you can sell it. In this way, we not only have a few yuan of pocket money, but also save resources and protect the environment. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone? When we go out, we try to ride a bike or take a bus. Cycling not only reduces fuel pollution, but also exercises the body. Taking the bus can save unnecessary money and protect the environment. Getting close to environmental protection is very simple. In fact, it is around. As long as you are good at observation, you will find many ways to get close to environmental protection. You may also ask, how to promote and publicize environmental protection? I want to say that we can write more articles to appeal to people to be close to environmental protection! We can also take some photos to show the beauty of nature, so that people can't bear to hurt them, and they can get close to the environment on their own! We can also go to the community to distribute posters about "getting close to the environment", so that people can always remember "getting close to the environment".


Let's make a contribution to environmental protection. Let environmental protection haunt us forever. Environmental protection, it does not need more beautiful words to decorate it, it is so simple, so beautiful. It requires us to be close to and care for it. Only our closeness and care can make the word "environmental protection" shine. Close to environmental protection, let the word "environmental protection" be embedded in our soul!

经历,让我收获成长作文 篇4


On the morning of April 9, 2022, students from Class 5, Grade 5 of Jiankang Road Primary School lined up in a neat line and quietly waited for a long-awaited activity.


The practice base for primary and middle school students is a place we have always looked forward to and longed for. We will spend the next five days there. When we left home for the first time, our parents were excited and expectant. We are the successors of communism. The yellow school bus, which inherits the glorious tradition of the revolutionary ancestors, starts slowly in the morning wind, and the loud singing comes from the bus and floats away with the wind.


The following days were tense and novel: at six o'clock in the morning, we got up to do morning exercises, stood in line to go to the canteen to have dinner, washed our clothes, folded our quilts, and tidied up our internal affairs. At night, we went to bed on time for many things that we had never done at home before. Here we had to do it ourselves. Thinking of our usual performances at home, some students could not help blushing.


After leaving the school and classroom, we learned a lot of knowledge beyond the book in one expansion training: the low altitude rope net taught us that we should learn to persist in whatever we do; Walking on the tightrope with two people makes us learn that people should help each other and work together; Saving nature has taught us that protecting the natural environment is the responsibility and obligation of each and every one of us. With orderly lines, loud slogans, quiet restaurants and neat pieces of tofu on the beds when eating, we seem to have grown up a lot


On Thursday evening, everyone gathered to sing and dance. The red campfire lit up the smiling faces of the students and the hearts of everyone. Thinking of the end of the life in the base the next day, the students were reluctant to leave, and some people even dropped golden beans.


However, time will not stop because of our nostalgia, and the activities of the Practice Base will be pulled down by our reluctance. In the short five days, we have not only learned a lot of survival skills, but also learned independence and unity. I think this experience will definitely make us unforgettable.

成长中难忘的一件事作文 一次经历一生收获800字习作 常言说:人小志气大。我从小就立誓要当联合国秘书长,可不是空穴来风喔!这不,我日积月累的知识储备终于有一天在学校派上了用场,为我赢得了荣耀和尊重。

One unforgettable thing in my growth I learned 800 words from a lifetime of writing. As the saying goes, "Small people have great ambitions.". I vowed to be the Secretary General of the United Nations since I was a child. It's not groundless! No, my accumulated knowledge finally came into use in school one day and won me honor and respect.


On that day, I was more cheerful and radiant than usual. I almost ran out of the school gate cheerfully. When I saw my mother waiting at the school gate, I said excitedly: Mom, Mom, today I become a little star of the school! I used the trash bin model made of cans and cardboard to receive an exclusive interview with a reporter from Guiyang TV Station. My interview was the best and won the applause of the audience. Soon, the TV station will broadcast the feature film "Ecological Civilization Starts with Me", which will contain my wonderful scenes.


That afternoon, in biology class, I designed a comprehensive garbage bin model by hand and brain. My work was appreciated by the teachers in the school team and recommended to the TV reporters who came to our school to shoot special films. When I face the camera, because I know well, I can answer the questions of the reporter without hesitation. The reporter asks: Where did you get the inspiration for inventing this trash can model? I replied: When I stayed at a Japanese house, I found that the owner took two bags of garbage and threw them into the nearby trash cans every morning. The trash cans were special in shape and had different types, and they suggested which trash should be thrown into. I designed this trash can model according to the Japanese trash can classification method. In particular, a reporter asked me: Are you satisfied with your environment? Do you have any good suggestions to protect the space where we live? I replied: Compared with countries with advanced environmental protection concepts such as Japan and Switzerland, many places in our city lack environmental protection concepts, which leads to relatively backward environmental protection. Just looking at the garbage sorting process, we lag behind Japan and Switzerland. Although our natural endowments are good, if we blindly pursue economic growth while ignoring ecological civilization, this resource will also be wasted in the backward environmental awareness and behavior. As soon as the chatterbox is opened, I will talk endlessly, making the students and journalists present impressed. My strong strain force and expressiveness attract all eyes and lenses at once like a magnet.


That day was my most confident day. Later, some relatives and friends told me that they saw my interview on TV.


This success has inspired me a lot. First of all, I accumulate, study hard, and ask questions. Secondly, I have prepared enough materials at home the day before my biology class. Thirdly, I devote myself to the class with mature thinking and quick hands and brains. Finally, I had good communication skills during the interview, conquered myself and won respect.

经历,让我收获成长作文 篇5


I live in a very ordinary and ordinary family. Although this is the case, it brings me endless happiness and knowledge.


I remember when I was in kindergarten, I saw many parents buy good food for their children, and they also cried and asked their mother for it. But they asked for it many times, and my mother didn't buy it for me. Slowly, I learned the reason why my mother didn't buy it for me: it turned out that my mother didn't buy it for me because I was disobedient and too capricious. After I knew it, I learned to be obedient: I walked on the street and ignored some delicious food, but my mother took the initiative to buy this and that for me. At this time, I suddenly understood a truth: it is useless to cry and be capricious. I should be a good boy who is both sensible and obedient. Since then, I have developed a good habit.


The kindergarten life is over. I came to the experimental primary school and felt very fresh. Everything is different from the kindergarten.


When I was in the second grade, our school opened a special class of "Little Journalists". My father and mother told me to apply for this class when they knew about it. They think that writing a composition is a difficult task for a child who has just learned composition, so it will be very helpful to lay a good foundation for writing from an early age.


In this special class, I met my first teacher, Mr. Lu. Once, Mr. Lu selected the works of several students in his class and put them on the municipal Grass newspaper. Unexpectedly, only my work was published on it. I was so happy that my heart was as sweet as honey. My father and mother were also very happy and praised my progress from time to time. Since then, I have loved writing. My father saw that my interest in writing was so high, so he took time to take me to observe nature. He also said that it would enrich my imagination.


Therefore, there are more and more books on my bookshelf, and more and more good words and sentences are accumulated in my mind. My father often said to me, "Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a spirit..." Since then, I have been writing compositions. My father takes me to see the wonderful changes of nature every week. I have a composition every week, and then I submit it to newspapers and magazines. However, after the project was launched, it was all lost in the sea and there was no news. After two months of persistence, I was a little frustrated. Then I suddenly saw the sentence "persistence is victory" posted on the top of the desk, so I insisted again. At last, my kung fu has paid off, and I begin to harvest. After I received two consecutive awards, my confidence in writing has been strengthened. My father and mother also smiled, and they said to me with one voice: "You are great! You are great!"


After a while, my father and my mother discussed and bought me a computer. Looking at this new computer, I was not sure how happy I was. I thought: I must redouble my efforts to live up to the expectations of my father and mother. In the future growth years, I will write to give hope to others and harvest hope; Give confidence to others, and you will gain confidence. Perhaps, sincerely, as a beginner, she needs more hope and confidence than I do, more eager to encourage and identify, more eager to support and trust. Maybe I should give her the chance. But, what can I do? I have been looking for a long time to get on that stage. Maybe I didn't do this, and what I lost was just an opportunity, but for her, maybe it was confidence and courage!


Night, silent, silent. Take her lecture notes to find her. When I was knocking at the door, I heard the practice sound. With a mellow and crisp voice, clear articulation, rich feelings, and correct pronunciation, there is no trace of timidity and decadence, and only hard work and perseverance can be heard. I was shocked and speechless... The notes in my hand had slipped away quietly for a long time


The next day, on the stage, under the gorgeous lights, she was radiant and confident, without the fear and timidity of a beginner. Is it just the courage and faith created by one day's practice? no There is no fatigue at all, only youthful vitality and burning passion.


Maybe I should have let her go. Thinking in my heart, I had no time to regret and envy, and only expressed support and blessing in warm applause and crazy cheers. The last sound glided down the perfect arc in the air, and she rushed off the stage with tears, blood boiling and warm embrace. At that moment, I felt that she was slightly breathless due to her excitement, rising and falling with her chest. At that moment, I knew that the original choice was right. I, no longer regret!


Lose an opportunity to gain the growth of another heart. This is worth it! Give others growth, and they will reap growth; Give success to others, and you will reap success. This was a tremor from the deepest part of the soul, which resulted in strength and confidence. How can I fail?


The standing of a mind is a spiritual self creation. I, though, am just a applauder growing up in witness. However, I do not regret doing so!


Give others growth, and they will grow

经历,让我收获成长作文 篇6


The growth of the body is imperceptible, but the growth of the mind is watered with tears. Time will pierce the delicacy and magnificence of youth, carve the parallel lines on the forehead of the beauty, and nothing can escape the sickle it sweeps, while we grow up day by day and become mature again and again in the operation of the second hand, minute hand, and hour hand.


I thought that the summer could be condensed into eternity, but I realized that some memories can only be treasured forever.


That summer, I didn't cry, we really laughed too much. A group of people, several gatherings, became our parting without sadness. Laughter obliterated our sadness and looked forward to the beautiful past. Even the memories seemed so redundant. The Li Song became


The last farewell of our youth.


What is the sad autumn wind painting fan?


Another group of people, strange buildings, alternative life, dug up my broken memories and knocked on my desolate mourning platform. I have never experienced sadness before, and now I truly understand the feeling of melancholy. All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men. Yes, but how can we forget those of yesterday?


At that time, only Tao was common.


More and more numb to run about, more and more plain life, more and more thick melancholy. Without their real attention, everything would be lost.


Affectionate since ancient times, hurt parting, even more that cold autumn festival!


It's all fate. It's fate that brings us together, and it's fate that makes us separate. Since the fate is over, why should we cry over the moon? Looking back on those days when we fought together and made troubles together, we can't help crying: If we just saw you for the first time, why should we leave with sadness?


There is nothing in the world. Where can we get dust?


The word of fate is unique, and you lock your eyebrows after several times of reincarnation.


The world is so big. After several reincarnations, I don't know who I sent to you. Each reincarnation is a surrender, a struggle, accompanied by sadness and tears, and also a gift of stronger and stronger hearts, and we are bound to gradually "grow up" in this reincarnation again and again!


Cherish what you have now and remember what you got. Some people will never come back after leaving, while others will always accompany them. Those who have left need not be forced to stay. Those who have not left should be treasured. Not all people are willing to witness your growth, not all people are eager to see you fall. For those I love, and more for those who love me, I cannot always stay in the crevice of that period of time. I must follow the second hand, minute hand and hour hand to speed up my pace


Time will bite. If you don't leave, you will be covered with scars. It's not that the world changes too fast, but that you turn around too slowly


Light and shadow interweave, day and night change, the world is stable, and the years are quiet. The bright moon is beginning to slant, which makes the night quiet. All the regrets add luster to my life


In the early morning light, the slightly drunken mist lingers around this elite campus. At this moment, I don't feel lonely, because I have gained growth and pursued my dream!

高中生环保作文 篇7


I stood on the bridge head, looking at the winding blue water of the ancient canal. In the clear river water, naughty little fish are playing. They sometimes come out of the water, sometimes dive into the water, and sometimes blow out a few bubbles. When the breeze blows, the water ripples into the clouds. The willow trees that have just blossomed green buds on the bank stretch out their tender waist and legs, swaying with the wind. The grass just came out of the ground, admiring the new world curiously


I can't help blurting out: "The ancient canal, you really look like a crystal necklace hanging on the southwest plain of Shandong!"


In that year, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty ordered the excavation of this world-famous artificial canal in order to communicate between the north and the south. With the passage of time and the development of science and technology, modern means of transport such as automobiles, trains and airplanes have emerged one after another. This ancient canal, which has made great contributions in history, has gradually been ignored and forgotten. The waste water discharged from the factory poured into the canal, where the garbage of the residents along the bank found a "home". There are white foam and garbage floating on the river surface, making the clean water muddy and dirty, emitting a bad smell. In summer, mosquitoes and flies gather here, making residents on both sides of the canal uneasy day and night.


The river flows silently. Like an abandoned old man, it is crying, wailing, and telling the accumulated grievances in its heart, but it is ignored. It had no choice but to sigh endlessly.


When the spring breeze of "five stresses and four beauties" came, the people of the ancient city, under the leadership of the municipal government and the environmental protection department, worked out a series of measures: the factory wastewater was treated; Workers and peasants went to battle together and thoroughly cleaned the river bed, making the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal communicate with Weishan Lake. Since then, the winding blue water has slowly flowed through the urban area. Graceful willows are planted on both sides of the river, colorful flower beds are dotted, and the green lawn is like a piece of carpet. The jade hall soy sauce garden with a long history, the famous Taibai Building at home and abroad, and the magnificent Dongda Temple are like bright pearls inlaid on the silver ribbon.


Ah, the ancient canal is winding with clear water. It will reproduce the prosperous scene of "fish and shrimp flying at the shallow bottom and water transportation busy" in the spring breeze of the construction of two civilizations.

环保主题高中作文 篇8


Don't you feel sick when you walk on the wide road, enjoy the green trees and red flowers beside you, and suddenly smell the stink coming from your nose? When you are walking on the golden beach, the sea breeze is blowing you, and you feel very comfortable, suddenly a plastic bag flies on your face. Don't you feel disappointed? When you are studying hard, don't you feel bored when you hear the noise from the nearby construction site?


I believe everyone will have the same feeling. There is a river near my home, called Qiang River. My father said that the water here used to be very clear. You can see the small fish swimming freely in the water. But now, people throw rubbish into the river, and factories discharge waste water into the river. Before long, the river became stinky. A few days ago, when we were having a picnic, I accidentally found that the forest was full of felled stumps. It was full of holes and was shocking. Dear people! The river is crying, the forest is crying, and the earth is calling!


The earth is the great mother of human beings, and it is the home of human beings. The earth selflessly provides us with mineral resources and atmospheric resources. Forest resources. Water resources. Biological resources, etc. With the resources provided by the earth, we can live happily for generations! We should try our best to protect the earth and use resources sparingly, so as to benefit future generations and mankind. But instead of protecting the earth, we human beings are increasingly exploiting resources and wasting resources. Birds and animals are killed everywhere, garbage is thrown everywhere, waste gas is discharged everywhere, and river water is polluted everywhere. As a result, the earth's resources are constantly lost, renewable resources cannot be regenerated, and the resources that should not be reduced are greatly reduced. Now, our mother earth has been destroyed beyond recognition by us, from a beautiful white swan to an ugly duckling. You see, how much damage human beings have done to the earth!


With the rapid increase of the world population, human overexploitation and waste of water resources in the original, and industrial pollution, freshwater resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Due to the lack of water, rivers in some regions dried up, crops withered, livestock ran out of water, and even "water wars" occurred in some regions It is understood that 70% of the earth's surface where we live is covered by oceans, and only about 2% of the fresh water is available; 87% of fresh water is stored in polar glaciers and permanent "snow cover", which is difficult for human beings to use. Therefore, the available freshwater resources in the world are limited, and some of these meagre freshwater resources are polluted by "dirty water", making only 0.5% of the 2% freshwater that can be directly used. Therefore, protecting water resources is an urgent task for human beings.


If we don't save water resources, then the last drop of water that humans will see will be their own tears!


Sleeping human, wake up! Good people, don't be stubborn, listen to my advice, and act quickly! I sincerely hope that we can work together to build our beautiful home ---- a green home!

经历,让我收获成长作文 篇9


I remember that in the winter vacation of the third grade, the teacher assigned a special assignment - New Year Money Promotion Record. The purpose is to let us experience the experience of small businessmen. Achieve the fruits of growth in practice.


First, on the day before Valentine's Day in 2022, my father drove me to the flower market to purchase flowers. Considering that the next day is Valentine's Day, and roses are the most popular on Valentine's Day, my father and I went to a store to purchase 30 roses, which were decorated with hand drawn flowers and packaging bags. After the purchase, we took the roses home. Because roses are sold the next day, if you want to preserve them, you must soak their roots in water. So we took a basin, filled it with water, and put the roses together in the water, waiting for the next day.


The dawn shines on the earth, and a new day has come. We got up early. After dinner, we took out the roses soaked in water, and wrapped them in a zipper and a packaging bag in turn. Finally, wrap them in kraft paper, take some things and go out. We came out from home early, about seven or eight o'clock. The street was empty, and there were few people. At this time, no people came in and out of the Silicon Valley building next to it. We just walk along the street to see if there are any objects we can sell. As we walked, we suddenly met three little sisters, which was an opportunity I could not miss. But because I was shy and embarrassed to talk to others, I felt like quitting. My father said to me: "You should learn to face others, overcome the fear in your heart, and dare to try. Maybe it is not as you imagine." After listening to my father's words, I rallied and asked them: "Little sister, do you want to buy roses? Five yuan a rose." To my delight, they bought two roses, which added some courage to my heart. After we sold out, we returned to Silicon Valley. As far as I know, there may be more people downstairs in Silicon Valley from 9 to 10 o'clock. That was true when we got there. When I found a suitable position, I began to sell, but most of the people who asked were just asking, not buying, so I had to lower the price again. In this way, many roses were sold. Until noon, I sold all the roses. In addition to the cost, we also earned 40 yuan.


I took the money and walked home with my father, feeling very happy. Through this activity, I overcame my fear and reaped the fruits of growth.