If you can't change yourself, you will change the world; if you can't change the world, you will change yourself.
——The composition questions
In the past, I was a person who didn't want to go to school and often walked in the classroom, but since the moment I got it, I changed.
On a sunny morning.The Sun's father climbed up the mountain from the east, with a bright smile, and the flowers and plants stubbornly raised their heads under the shower of the sun.I still fell asleep in bed, but heard the sound of reading in the distance. I shouted, "Is it annoying?" My mother walked in, asked me to get up quickly, and said, "Look at how many others others areDiligence, so long, you have not worked hard, the boss is sad. "
So I took out the stool and sat at the gate, thinking, "How can I compare with others, but he is three in the class!" I sat at the gate and read it.
After lunch in the afternoon, my mother assigned me to write homework with him. I complained that I left the past and sat with him, but saw that he closed his eyebrows and remembered the type of question.I wrote for a while, and gradually raised the small difference until I saw that he was still thinking about this question. The desktop was full of paper everywhere, so I slowed down and did my homework again.
During the time of playing, I asked him why he was so hard to learn and studied. He said, "Play with you every day, and play with happiness, but when he grows up, he is not so happy to find a job."
Since the moment I hit, I suddenly realized that I changed. Every time I heard the sound of reading, I could not help but take out the books.Every time I saw him doing homework, I quickly took out my work and wrote it. After daily hard work, I also got good test scores in countless exams and won praise from students.
He said yes, you consume a day now, waiting for the same difficulties for a year, so we must cherish every day, do not consume every day, and use the time on interesting things, so that there can be a certain way to make a certain way, and you can do it.For a moment, I changed.
1、改变:改变读音为gǎi biàn,是指①事物发生显著的差别:山区面貌大有改变ㄧ随着政治、经济关系的改变,人和人的关系也改变了。②改换;更动:改变样式ㄧ改变口气 ㄧ改变计划ㄧ改变战略。改变 gǎi biàn词语意思:①事物发生显著的差别:山区面貌大有改变ㄧ随着政治、经济关系的改变,人和人的关系也改变了。②改换;更动:改变样式ㄧ改变口气 ㄧ改变计划ㄧ改变战略。分词解释:和人:1.王莽时女官名。 2.使民众和顺。差别:形式或内容上不同的地方:区别。大有:1.《易》卦名。即干下离上。象征大﹐多。 2.丰收。样式:1.式样,形式。 2.指文艺作品的体裁。如诗歌﹑小说﹑散文﹑戏剧等。...改变怎么造句,用改变造句»
2、自身:自身读音为zì shēn,是指亲自;自己。自身 zì shēn词语解释:亲自;自己。(1) [self;oneself]∶自己泥菩萨过江,自身难保(2) [personally;in person]∶亲自分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。亲自:自己亲身。● 身 shēn ㄕㄣˉ◎ 人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:身躯。人身。身材。身段。船身。树身。◎ 指人的生命或一生:身世。献身。◎ 亲自,本人:自身。亲身。身教。身体力行。◎ 统指人的地位、品德:出身。身分(fèn )。身败名裂。◎ 孕,娠:身孕。◎ 量词,指整套衣服:做了一身儿新衣服。● 自 zì ㄗˋ◎ 本人,己身:自己。自家。自身。自白。自满。自诩。自馁。自重(zhòng )。自尊。自谦。自觉(jué )。自疚。自学。自圆其说。自惭形秽。自强不息。◎ 从,由:自从。自古以来。◎ 当然:自然。自不待言。自生自灭。放任自流。◎ 假如:自非圣人,外宁必有内忧。...自身怎么造句,用自身造句»
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