
时间:2022-09-02 13:19:42 | 来源:语文通



It is you who rushed over when I was injured when I was injured. It was you. I made a delicious meal for me every day to make me happy and full of energy all day.


It is you, coaxing me every time I am sad; it is you, encouraging me again and again when I am unhappy; it is you, you, or you -my mother!


I still remember that when I was 9 years old, I was already 1.4 meters. One night, I initiated a high fever and never retreated.The meals are a little nauseous.You knew that he was anxious to go to the hospital to see a doctor, and I suddenly realized how thin you were. I seemed to be an adult, and I didn't know when the tears were flowing down.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence


In addition to your care at home, what happened at school is that you helped me to handle me how to deal with various variables in growth.I accidentally made my classmate's teeth in two halves. At that time, I was anxious. You ran to the school for the first time to bring your classmates to the hospital, and then comforted me on the way home and said it was okay.Although I was particularly anxious at the time, I also calmed down after listening to you.And secretly vowed to never be so careless again.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence


Once, I did n’t get well and I was very guilty. I was worried that I would be scolded after returning home, but you did n’t scold me, but to analyze and think with me one question, how beautiful your gentle voice!It was a cold night, but my bedroom was warm.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence


Finally, under your patient counseling, I scored good results, and finally broke through 90 points.I am very proud, and I feel light and fluttering. After you know, you come over and say to me calmly, "Children, don't be proud, what is the success of one exam and what to represent, keep and refuel, and strive to get better next time."It is when you make me understand that life is unsatisfactory, not discouraged, when life is smooth, not proud.We must always maintain a good attitude and develop in a better direction.Now I can't help but sigh with these existing achievements: Mother!Thank you for your care and companionship for so many years, mother!I don't know how to return you, thank you for your life!