
时间:2022-11-29 12:56:26 | 来源:语文通




2. [Basic Explanation]



  (1) (动)大醉。

(1) (Move) Drunk.

  (2) (动)沉浸在某种境界或思想活动中;侧重指境界。

(2) (movement) immersed in a certain realm or ideological activity; focusing on the realm.


[Composition] Partial formal: Shen [Drunk


[Example] Drunk in the atmosphere of joy.(Polying)


[Symbol] intoxication


1. [Synonyms]


Drunk, immersed, drunk, drunk, obsessed, drunk, coma


Five, [Detailed Explanation]

  ◎ 沉醉 chénzuì

◎ Drunk chénzuì

  (1) [become intoxicated;be heavily drunk]

(1) [BecomE Intoxicated; Be Heavily Drunk]

  (2) 大醉

(2) Drunk


Three glasses of turbid wine go, where does the flowing flowers know how to know? - "Ru Lin Wai History"

  (3) 比喻沉浸在某事物或某境界中

(3) Metaphor is immersed in something or a realm

  常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路。——宋· 李清照《如梦令》

Chang Ji Xi Pavilion is dusk, and he is intoxicated.—— Song Li Qingzhao "Ru Dream Order"


Drunk in the joy of festival


Three, [English translation]

  1.get drunk; become intoxicated; {医} ebriety (嗜酒中毒)

1.get drank; BecomE Intoxicated; {Medicine} eBriedy (alcoholic poisoning)


Four, [phrase sentence]

  1. 他完全沉醉在表演事业当中。

1. He was completely intoxicated in the performance career.

  2. 他靠杜松子酒每晚沉醉如死。

2. He is intoxicated by Du Songzi wine every night.

  3. 他们沉醉在狂欢之中。

3. They are intoxicated in the carnival.

  4. 我沉醉于全国宽怀和欢乐的气氛中。

4. I am intoxicated in the atmosphere of the nostalgia and joy of the whole country.

  5. 喝了茶,我很快地从沉醉中清醒过来。

5. After drinking tea, I quickly woke up from the intoxication.

  6. 艾舍斯特沉醉于自己的骑士精神,继续嘟囔着。

6. Aisiast was intoxicated by his knight spirit and continued to mumble.

  7. “你看到过这样的美景吗?”克莱尔沉醉地喃喃低语。

7. "Have you ever seen such a beautiful scene?" Claire murmured with a whisper.

  8. 他变得沉醉了,不拘束了,几乎看不清牌,也坐不端正了。

8. He became intoxicated, unrestrained, and almost couldn't see the cards, and he couldn't sit right.

  9. 可能是太阳晒得太历害,也许是因为我沉醉在亲吻之中了。

9. It may be that the sun is too much calendar, maybe because I am intoxicated in the kiss.

  10. 在一种沉醉的状态中,他注视着晚开的山毛榉的淡红花蕾。

10. In a state of intoxication, he stared at the lighter red flower buds of the late -opened mountain hair.