
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:55 | 来源:语文通



重阳节作文 篇1重阳节节日作文 篇2重阳节的作文 篇3重阳节作文 篇4重阳节作文 篇5重阳节作文 篇6

重阳节作文 篇1


It is also the annual ninth day of September, also known as the Old Man's Day. On this day every year, we will advocate a happy holiday for the elderly. This year, we will go to Grandma's for the old people's day.


My grandmother is a retired teacher. The school congratulated her on this day. It not only arranged wonderful programs and celebration etiquette, but also gave her a beautiful big cake! In the evening, Grandma invited all the family members to have a reunion dinner in the "hometown" and also celebrated the Double Ninth Festival. At about 6 o'clock in the evening, the second uncle, the second aunt, my brother and my family arrived. Dinner started. Grandma cooked a table of her favorite dishes, including braised chicken, sweet and sour fish, Yangcheng Lake hairy crab, etc. I was dazzled by the good color, fragrance and taste on the table. My mouth watered. I couldn't help but eat first. While tasting delicious dishes, we talked about the Three Seas Classics from all over the world. How intimate and harmonious they are! Then we raised our glasses to celebrate Grandma's birthday.


After we had had enough food and drink, we watched TV programs about the Double Ninth Festival together in the hall. My brother and I could not stay idle. In order to make our grandparents have a happy festival, we were responsible for beating their backs. After a while, Grandma gathered everyone together again before dinner. Guess what we are going to do? Eat cake! I put the candle on the cake first, my brother turned off the light, and then the second uncle lit a lotus shaped candle in the center, "Pa!", The lotus flower opened wonderfully, and everyone was startled. But then the wonderful birthday song music sounded, and everyone in the family smiled and sang along with the music. Grandma was excited. When the candles blew out, the second uncle and mother cut the big cake into small portions and gave them to everyone to eat. The sweet, creamy and fragrant cake was really attractive! My brother ate three times at a time, and became a real "big cat". Of course, I can't see it any better. Finally, my mother made a bowl of longevity noodles for my grandma and grandpa respectively, and I first wished them a happy life. They smiled, so contented, so kind, so happy.


This year's Old People's Day is really happy. I hope everyone can have a happy holiday.

重阳节节日作文 篇2


The autumn is bright and the sky is clear. There are many small stations serving the elderly on the streets of Chongyang. Newspapers and radio stations begin to publicize how to respect and love the elderly. Nursing homes and residential homes have opened several more.


Most of the small stations serving the elderly are sincere, and some take the opportunity to sell some so-called therapeutic instruments. Just after doing a simple body measurement for the old man for free, the old man was too busy to take out the instruments and show them to the old man. With all his skills, he swore to let the old man buy it.


Some units will definitely take action on the day of Chongyang. They are called to send love to the elderly, but they actually earn fame for the unit, and they will send some unreliable gifts, such as vision care instruments, which the elderly can use but can't manage. Usually, there are often cases of abuse of the elderly in nursing homes. But the nursing homes still need to open, just change their names and regroup. As for whether the service quality has improved, it is unknown. Based on the current social environment, many families are children., When we are old, many people may have the opportunity to spend their twilight years in elderly care homes because of various reasons, or because the children are away from home or work, or because of their own reasons. Why don't people worry about such a situation in the future?


Really care about the elderly, do not only care about the form, do not express concern at festivals, do not need to use money and material to measure the degree of care. When you are away from home, the elderly will be very happy if you send a message or a phone call with sincere greetings. The economy is not very good. It's also filial piety to help the elderly do more housework and talk with them. As for corporate holiday love, we should really do something practical for the elderly and reduce the vanity of fishing for fame.


Caring for the elderly, how to do a good job in the Sunset Project requires the attention and efforts of our whole society. To treat the elderly well is to treat ourselves well.

重阳节的作文 篇3


The Jiujiu Double Ninth Festival represents everlasting life, and more importantly, we should respect and love the elderly. For the students to prepare home. The Double Ninth Festival composition 500 words: I hope that the Double Ninth Festival in my hometown will enable children to have a deeper understanding of respect for the elderly.


It is a traditional festival in China that the two suns meet on the ninth day of September, commonly known as the "Double Ninth Festival". As the saying goes, "I miss my relatives every holiday". Every holiday reminds me of my family and friends back home.


I like the Double Ninth Festival best in my hometown. On the day before the Double Ninth Festival, children would make parents or grandmothers cook tung leaf cakes. Pick fresh Wutong leaves from the mountain, wash them for standby, fry various ingredients such as peanuts, bacon, sausage and so on until fragrant, mash them, add a little wild vegetables and brown sugar, wrap them in flour, pinch them into a Ciba shape, wrap them in Tung leaves, bundle them, steam or boil them, and then use them. The taste is sweet and sticky, soft, and the aroma is unforgettable.


In the past, my hometown was very poor. Tongyeba could only be eaten once or twice during the Spring Festival. And they are mostly made of wild vegetables, few of which contain meat. If any child is lucky enough to eat the tung leaf cake with meat, other children must envy him to death. I remember once on the Double Ninth Festival, Grandma made some tung leaf cakes with wild vegetables and some flour, and left the only tung leaf cake wrapped with eggs to me. I held it in my hand. Although I was so greedy, I couldn't bear to finish it in one bite. I was afraid it would be gone next time. I wanted to keep it for a while. However, at this time, the family dog rushed out and took the Tongyeba. I was angry and worried. I chased the dog and beat it. Grandma saw it and scolded the dog while trying to get Tongyeba back. But people can't be faster than dogs. After a while, the dogs will carry the tung leaf cake without a trace. I cried bitterly. Grandma comforted me by saying that she would wrap me another tung leaf cake with eggs, but she could not find any more eggs after searching all corners of the house. On the Double Ninth Festival that year, I sat at the table with tears in my eyes and ate the coarse and hard to swallow potherb cake with adults. I couldn't tell what it was like.


But now it is different. In just over ten years, the face of my hometown has undergone earth shaking changes. When the electricity is on, the night in the mountain village is as bright as day; The road has been built, and the hometown is no longer poor and closed. The villagers' coke is broken because of the power connection! We celebrated the day by beating gongs and drums on the spacious asphalt road. Now on the Double Ninth Festival, there are not only chicken, duck, fish and meat on the table, but also fashionable drinks such as "Pepsi Cola". Tung leaf cake is naturally essential. But now the tung leaf cake is no longer just a kind of potherb that is difficult to chew, but a variety of fillings. It has all kinds of appearances and tastes great.


"I am a stranger in a foreign land". In order to study, I have left my hometown and come to Jishou. But whenever I recite this poem written by Wang Wei, I can't help thinking of the Double Ninth Festival in my hometown, and the memorable Tongye Ba.

重阳节作文 篇4


Now I have lost my former flair; Now I have no ambition of the past. At this time, I was like a deserted grass, growing alone on the barren land, and was baptized by the scorching sun and thunderstorm. Endure the maddening loneliness and the emptiness that erodes the heart.


I no longer crave the so-called money and power; No longer expect teachers and parents to cherish their academic achievements; No longer expect to establish a good interpersonal relationship with the barbarian like high school students. I just want to.


I just want someone to accompany me, someone to comfort me, someone to protect me. Can let me have pain to complain about, have feelings to rely on; Can let me pour out my heart and reveal my heart; Help me heal the wounds in my heart, which are hard to heal with my own efforts.


But who will notice my broken grass? Who would sacrifice their time to protect me, a person who has nothing to do with them? I only have to freeze my mind, let him be as hard as steel to resist the outside disturbance, hold my heart, and let him be as calm as stagnant water, even if the wind and rain come, even if the sun is hot.


I will silently wait for the arrival of spring in the beautiful grass of the Double Ninth Festival.

重阳节作文 篇5


Autumn is bright and sunny. The Double Ninth Festival is coming on September 9. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for the elderly. Respecting the elderly is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. We primary school students should carry forward this virtue.


There is a nursing home near our community. Every time I pass by it, I can't help looking at it. Those old people who have lost their health are poor. They have worked hard all their lives. They should have enjoyed their old age, but they have to live alone in the nursing home. So, a few days ago, I had a discussion with my neighbors to visit the elderly in the nursing home on this Double Ninth Festival. Our idea was supported and praised by our parents. In the early morning of that day, we came to the nursing home with fruits and food. Many adults had arrived early with their children. The nursing home was very busy, and the elderly were smiling. We helped them clean, sing, tell stories, and watch their happy and excited eyes. We were very happy. A morning passed in the laughter of everyone. To do good for others is to store happiness for ourselves. We decided to go to the nursing home to show love for the elderly on the Double Ninth Festival next year.


At noon, when I returned home, I was more and more wrong. What did I do for my grandmother, who accompanied me when I was growing up? "Crows have the kindness to feed back, and lambs have the virtue of kneeling and nursing." I said, "Grandma, I want to wash your feet." I used the basin to fill with water, and helped Grandma to the sofa. I pulled up the trouser legs for the milk, took off my socks, and put my feet into the water. Grandma cried with joy, I said, "Grandma, why are your foot calluses so thick?" Grandma sighed, and the time went back to 40 years ago. After their marriage, grandparents gave birth to aunts, second aunts, third aunts, fathers and uncles. Grandpa worked in Henan Oilfield to make contributions to China's oil industry. Grandma took five children to farm in her hometown of Shandong. It was very hard. Grandma has a strong personality. The crops she planted are growing well. Who sees who praises it, Her feet were tired for years at that time. In the early 1990s, Grandma took the children to the oil field to reunite with Grandpa, still working for the family. Later, with our generation, Grandma took turns to cook and wash clothes for us, pick us up from school to school


Tears could not help blurring my eyes. I seemed to see that in the days to come, a little girl helped my grandmother who was inconvenient to walk and walked slowly forward. That little girl was me.

重阳节作文 篇6


Today is the Double Ninth Festival. My parents told me that the Double Ninth Festival is a festival for the elderly. We should respect, respect, love and help the elderly from an early age. So today I decided to do something very meaningful.


After breakfast, my father and I went to the flower shop and supermarket to buy a lot of lilies and some food. Then we went to the garden of the community and gave these things to the grandparents who were chatting. We said to each grandpa and grandma, "Grandpa, today is the Double Ninth Festival. I wish you a happy holiday and good health.". They don't know how happy they are. They also praised me as a good and sensible boy, and I was very happy!