
时间:2022-07-12 13:23:32 | 来源:语文通



Every time the "Eleventh" is coming, Nanzen Temple will hold a theme event called "Snack Street" on schedule. It is not except in 2021.My ghost has already wanted to be full.Remember, the saliva is lost.


Therefore, I brought excited emotions and considered the Nanzen Temple according to the unable to bear. At this time, the Nanzen Temple was already crowded and crowded.Like a collection of days without money.On the standard, I don't take the upper hand.In the group, I have been rubbed into pancakes.Suddenly there was a burst of scent surrounded me, teased my ghost.My belly was hungry. At this time, my nose -like nose found the military situation: there was a strong sweetness and deliciousness. I smelled the fragrance and rushed to the small shop.Spicy hot and sour soup.The hot and sour soup is not only good, but of course the fortune fortunes are not low. Do you hope that everyone is very hoped?Let me take a look at me.


Crystal -clear fans are immersed in dark red soup, and there are louver windows, stockings high -heeled shoes, and vanilla.It also looks unique, the red yellow, crushed.The aroma is mixed with a spicy smell. This soup can't help but make you saliva, and the method is very simple: just cut the vanilla and dry beans, scoop a spoonful of fans in the pot prepared beforehand, and then fish again.Point stockings high heels, water tofu.Just put it in Xianglai.


I scooped a spoonful of soup with a spoonful of scent. At the beginning, my mouth was sour, and the strange smell gradually faded, and there was a spicy taste in my mouth.A hot and sour soup is stored in the mouth.


Usually, I eat all the dates, just like pig Bajie to eat ginseng fruit -I ca n’t eat the taste, so I passed my mouth and left nothing.After this time I learned that eating sour soup should be bite carefully.In the case of taste, you must grasp the way, first look for the head, and in the inhalation mouth of the "嗖", it tastes smooth and delicious, and it is more fun to eat.Play".


After listening to my detailed introduction, do you want to try it?Then you come to Wuxi.You are undoubtedly not easy.Because the hot and sour soup in Wuxi is the most characteristic and the most memorable.I love the "hot and sour soup" of my hometown, do you?



1、酸辣汤:酸辣汤读音为suān là tāng,是指用豆腐﹑鸡血﹑团粉﹑辣椒﹑醋等调制的羹汤。酸辣汤 suān là tāng词语意思:用豆腐﹑鸡血﹑团粉﹑辣椒﹑醋等调制的羹汤。分词解释:羹汤:用肉菜等做成的汤。团粉:烹调用的淀粉,多用绿豆或芡实制成,也叫粉团。调制:使发射的高频振荡的某一参数(载波)按欲传送的信号(调制信号)变化而变化的过程。在电信方面,常用调制信号去改变一个等幅振荡或一串脉冲的振幅、频率、相位或持续时间等。辣椒:①一年生草本植物,叶子卵状披针形,花白色。果实大多像毛笔的笔尖,也有灯笼形、心脏形等,青色,成熟后变成红色,一般都有辣味,供食用。②这种植物的果实。‖有的地区叫海椒。豆腐:食品,豆浆煮开后加入石膏或盐卤使凝结成块,压去一部分水分而成。...

2、风味:风味读音为fēng wèi,是指事物的特色(多指地方色彩):风味小吃 ㄧ家乡风味ㄧ江南风味ㄧ这首诗有民歌风味。风味 fēng wèi词语意思:事物的特色(多指地方色彩):风味小吃 ㄧ家乡风味ㄧ江南风味ㄧ这首诗有民歌风味。分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。民歌:民间口头流传的歌曲。古代有多种名称,如“歌”、“诗”、“风”、“谣”、“山歌”、“曲子”、“谣令”、“时调”等。民歌按题材可分情歌、劳动歌、悼歌等;按体裁可分山歌、号子、小调、舞歌等。江南:①长江下游以南的地区,就是江苏、安徽两省的南部和浙江省的北部。②泛指长江以南。特色:事物表现出来的独特的色彩、风格等:艺术特色|特色点心。...风味怎么造句,用风味造句»