
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:44 | 来源:语文通



朝花夕拾读书笔记摘抄及感悟 篇1朝花夕拾读书笔记摘抄 篇2朝花夕拾读书笔记 篇3


Picking up读书笔记摘抄及感悟 篇1


Picking up


Love at dusk


Dusk is not just an end, but also a new start.




The beauty of dusk, the quiet, beautiful and beautiful, made me obsessed.On the vast field, the sky was floating everywhere, and the sunset slowly fell in the sky, just like the beauty who was about to sleep, showing the quiet and beauty of the dusk, which made me deeply immersed in it.


The sunset was slightly stuck on the golden land, and Chaoxia also turned gorgeous under the rendering of that dusk.Under the breeze of the mountains in the distance, the sound of "sandsha sand" sounded, as if the dusk of the dusk was played, and the prelude to the night's coming.


In my eyes, a person's life is like one day, early in the morning, and dusk in old age.Although "the sunset is infinitely good, it is just dusk." But it can ignore it, because even in his later years, it can release glory.


I remember that in my childhood, my father told me his experience of his youth, and one of them made me remember.When his father was young, he had been to many places, and he experienced many very interesting things during the meantime, but the one he was most impressed was only that matter.When I went to the mountain at a time, I saw an old man who was nearly sixty years old and challenged the peak like them.The father and his party also wanted to help the old man on the road, but the old man refused, but just said: "Although I am left in dusk, I am not convinced!"


"Don't convince the old!" Yes, just disobey the old!Many people are afraid of being old. It seems that life is meaningless and meaningless.But I do n’t think so. Even when I was old, I would have their own pursuit, and they would live. The master of Chinese painting Qi Baishi was like this. He also learned to paint skills in his later years and became a master of Chinese painting.


"People are old, not old!" Dusk is not only an end, but also a new start!

朝花夕拾读书笔记摘抄 篇2


1. When a person has only memories, his career is probably boring, but sometimes he does not even have memories.("Picking Pick up" small quotes)


2. People, can be upright, naturally a great progress; can speak, naturally a great progress; can write composition, naturally a great progress.However, it was degenerate, because the empty words began at that time.It is indispensable to speak empty, and even if you do n’t even know that you do n’t know the argument of violations, you ca n’t be “good at Yanhou” for animals that can only be screamed.


3. I always want to seek up and down, get a darker, darkest, and darkest spell, first cursing everything against vernacular and obstructing vernacular.Even if people are dead, they really have souls. Because of this evil heart, they should fall into hell, and they will never repent. They must first curse everything against vernacular and obstruct vernacular.


4. The rat, always refuses to bite in one bite, must play with, let go, catch, catch, let go, and wait for yourself to be disgusted.The bad temper of the weak is the same.


5. I seem to have encountered a thunderbolt, and all of them are frustrated; hurry up and open it, open the paper bag, is a small book, a slightly over, a human face, a nine -headed snake, ... Sure enoughThey are all inside.


6. The rain changed the mood of the park. Among the clouds and mist in the northwest, it is a distant mountain with ink painting. This is known in the garden building.


7. The weather in Guangzhou is so hot that the sunset is shot from the west window, forcing people to barely wear a single dress.The pot of "water horizontal branches" on the desk is what I have never seen before: it is a tree, as long as it is immersed in the water, the branches and leaves are cute.Look at the green leaves and edit the old manuscript, and finally do something.To do such things, it is really a day of life.


8. The day before yesterday, "Weekly" has been determined; this time it is the "Reading the Old Things" in "Mangyuan" in "Mangyuan".With dew folding flowers, the color fragrance is much better, but I can't.It is the bizarre and miscellaneous mind in my mind, and I can't make him instantly transformed into a bizarre and complicated article.Or, when he looked at Liuyun, he flickered in front of my eyes.


9. When a person has only memories, his career is probably boring, but sometimes he does not even have memories.


10. Black clothes, no one likes to watch.There are also in the "Yin Death", and the chest is leaning against the wall and standing gloomyly; that is really "touching the wall."

朝花夕拾读书笔记 篇3


"There is also a garden behind the Sanyi Bookstore. Although it is small, you can climb the flower beds to fold the plum blossoms and find cicadas on the ground or osmanthus tree. The best job is to catch the flies to feed the ants and quietly no sound.However, the classmates went to the garden too much, too long, but it would not work. The gentleman yelled in the study: 'Everyone went there?! "..."


Reading Mr. Lu Xun's "Chaohua Xi Shi from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Book House", enjoying the innocent feelings revealed from the lines from time to time, there was a fascinating natural painting in front of him.


"Oil sings are sang here, and the piano play the piano here. Open the brick, sometimes you will meet the crickets; there are **, if you hold the back of the spine with your fingers, you will shoot.A burst of smoke ... "


I read Mr. Lu Xun's prose full of memories of childhood, just like the childlike child who reads Mr. Lu Xun's heart and yearn for freedom.Suddenly, I seemed to see Lu Xun, a young age.While the adults were not paying attention, they got into Baicao Garden.He is accompanied by insects, picks wild flowers and wild fruits, and then catches birds with playmates, but because of his anxiety, he always can't catch a lot; he often listens to the nanny's long mother to tell stories, so he is very afraid of the one in the Baicao Garden GardenRed traine snake.In Sanyi Book House, although Mr. Shou's severe teachings, he still can't bear the childishness of the students. When he reads in God, he did not find that his students were doing all kinds of things.The armor of the paper paste on the nails is high -quality drama, and Lu Xun is converging to paint ...


All feelings are so naive and fascinated. Maybe it has caused resonance in my heart. I really don’t understand how I love one of the articles in "Picking in the Flowers", especially the author's eyes from a child's eyes.The world, it is kind and passionate to read.


In the article, Mr. Lu Xun showed his enthusiasm for his love and freedom. He hoped to play freely and in close contact with nature. He did not want to be tuned by his parents and slaves all day. This was unique to children. Once upon a time, I was far away from my childhood, entered the teenager, and every day in this busy study, I was scratching. But I think I am still a childish child, and sometimes I have a sweet childhood dream. Recalling those childhood trivial matters, I often remember it, and I couldn't help it. My family originally belonged to the suburbs of the city, and there was a large field nearby. When I was a kid, I always went there to enjoy the sunlight of the spring, the autumn breeze, and the piece of rapeseed that I always picked up. Among them; when I was a kid, I went to the door to the door as soon as I did n’t wipe the mouth every day. I went to eat tofu flowers with my friends and went to the field to play together. After all kinds of flowers, I was afraid of the owner, so I hid the flowers in the tree hole. After a while, I went back to the flower to wither, but I was still intoxicated in the free space of free. Today, the building has built a building on the field. My friends and I are both "www. ".cn "worked hard, so I couldn't feel the kindness of nature, and I had a lot of freedom, but I was still intoxicated in the free space of free. Now, because of the wild building, my friends and my friends are working hard for my own future, so I can't feel the kindness of nature, and I have a lot of freedom, but I still love nature and yearn for freedom. Whether it can be achieved now. This may be the similarities between me and Lu Xun, so that I have moved so much after reading the article. Childhood has gradually become far away, and only a trivial memory is left. It is better to read "Picking in the Flower" to experience the childhood dreams of that era, and love nature with Lu Xun and yearn for freedom.