
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:55 | 来源:语文通



小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇1小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇2小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇3小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇4

小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇1


Today is the last day of 2021 and our happiest day.


At 8:00 a.m. on January 1, 2022, although the sun has already risen, the cold weather has not converged. There is no wind. In the quiet classroom of the school, every student's heart is quiet. Even the classroom is quiet.


There was not nobody in the classroom. In the past, there were all students looking behind. The bell rang, and the party started. Suddenly, the classroom seemed to explode. Suddenly, the teacher became serious, and then said with a smile: "The party has officially started.". Host Ye said that let's invite Yao Shenyang to play and let's warmly welcome him. Hello, everyone. My name is Xiaoshenyang. Although I grow up like this, I was really handsome when I was young! My mother took me out on the street. My mother was asked: Sister, where did you buy this monkey! Then we laughed. Next, I want to find a bodyguard to protect me. Next, let's invite Escort Yue. I tell you, if I talk to others, you must stop me. If you know, the bodyguard will nod. Hello, brother. Stop quickly. Please shake your hand. I was carried away before I could shake it. This is Yao Shenyang who walks up to Yin and touches Yin's face with his hand and says a little sister. Then he was entrusted to leave. Then we laughed and finally saw a funny one.


With the passage of time, the get-together is over. Let's welcome the new century and future, let's work together!

小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇2


Today is the last day of 2021. Our class will hold a New Year's Day get-together. At eight o'clock in the morning, we came to the classroom. The windows of the classroom sprayed with snow all kinds of beautiful patterns. The classroom was hung with ribbons and colorful balloons. On the blackboard, there were four characters, "Happy New Year's Day". Once I entered the classroom, it was like entering a happy heaven. I put down my things and sat down on the seat. At this time, the get-together began.


The teacher gave oranges, peanuts and melon seeds to everyone, and then the students performed. Some of the students tell stories, some sing, some dance, some do magic tricks, and some have riddles. The most ridiculous program is the magic performed by Wang Zhexin. The content of the magic is to mess up the cards, and then take the first card and say what the card is called. Wang Zhexin was right the first three times, but the fourth time he said spade 7 was plum 7, and the fifth time he said spade 10 was spade 10. I think he doesn't distinguish between spade and plum. Wang Zhexin blushed and walked off the stage. At this time, all the students in the class burst into laughter, and even Teacher Li smiled happily. Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, the get-together was about to end. At the end of the day, Mr. Li was going to issue certificates and prizes to the students who were good at three. Mr. Li read the names of the students who were good at three one by one. At the third meeting, I read to me. I was so happy to get the certificates and prizes, and then bowed to everyone.


Go back to your seat. The get-together ended in laughter, and I walked on the road home with joy. Today, I had a very happy time.

小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇3


There, the students showed their talents heartily; There, the students laughed unrestrained; There, the students watched the performances excitedly. There is a place full of laughter - -- get-together.


When we stepped into the classroom, we were shocked. The desks and chairs are neatly placed around the classroom, with a large space in the middle. There are five powerful characters written on the blackboard: New Year's Day get-together.


We sat on the bench, and with the host coming on the stage, this happy moment was getting closer and closer to us. The performance began. The students prepared a variety of programs: funny sketches; There are also ancient poetry recitations handed down through the ages; There are also cross talks that make people laugh. Each program is so wonderful and interesting.


It's our turn to perform our poem "Seven Poems from the Army" (its fourth). I and other students in our group rehearsed once again when we were waiting to go on stage, making sure there was no risk. Looking at the students' expectant eyes, my heart suddenly became nervous, but considering our hard rehearsals these days, my nervous mood gradually calmed down. With the beginning of the recitation, a magnificent picture emerged in my mind and I could not help but blend into it. After we recited the complete poem rhythmically, the students gave thunderous applause, and the teacher also gave a approving look. After we left, we held the teacher's reward candy in our hands and felt happy. With the performance of each program, the New Year's Day get-together has come to an end.


Happy times are always so beautiful and short. We look forward to the next get-together.

小学生元旦联欢会作文 篇4


The class will hold a New Year's Day get-together! When I heard the news, I could hardly bear to feel happy. It was exciting to think about it.

可是接下来我就又犯了愁:在这样一个欢乐的场景里,每个人都免不了要出一两个节目,到时候我该为大家准备什么节目呢?想来想去,我觉得自己虽然没有 什么擅长的项目,但是我可以为大家做好后勤保障工作。比如:利用板报小组的特长,办一期关于元旦的板报。再用彩纸、花束把班里装饰得漂漂亮亮的。还可以为 表演的同学提供帮助。

But then I made a worry: in such a happy scene, everyone has to give one or two programs. What programs should I prepare for you? After thinking about it, I think that although I am not good at any project, I can do a good job of logistics support for everyone. For example, take advantage of the advantages of the blackboard newspaper group to run a blackboard newspaper about New Year's Day. Then decorate the class with colored paper and flower bouquets. It can also help students who perform.

此外,我还可以为大家提出一些好的意见和参考。我觉得可以让班里唱歌好的同学为大家唱一首歌,或是让“完美舞步”高琳茜为大家跳一支舞。记得以前四 年级的时候,李雪靓和李兆堃同学主持的四四TV,曾经深受同学们的喜爱,因此我推荐这两名同学做这次联欢会的主持人,相信他们一定会把联欢会的气氛带动起 来。张家楠、李晟源这两位同学都对悠悠球有着浓厚的兴趣,所以我觉得可以让他们在联欢会中展示一下他们那高超的技术。另外在表演的时候,还可以让“青春之 火”这首歌做为音乐背景,烘托会场的气氛。

In addition, I can also give you some good suggestions and references. I think we can let the students who are good at singing in our class sing a song for us, or let the "perfect dance step" Gao Linxi dance for us. I remember that Li Xueliang and Li Zhaokun used to host the "four four TV" in the fourth grade, which was very popular with students. Therefore, I recommend these two students to be the hosts of this party. I believe they will certainly bring the atmosphere of the party together. Zhang Jianan and Li Shengyuan are both interested in yo yo, so I think they can show their superb skills at the party. In addition, when performing, the song "Fire of Youth" can also be used as the music background to set off the atmosphere of the venue.


In a word, as long as we pool our wisdom, we will surely make the party a complete success.