
时间:2022-11-29 12:56:24 | 来源:语文通


I. [Synonyms] Pity, pity




Three, [English translation]

  1.take pity on sb.; have sympathy for

1.take pity on sb.; Have sympathy foror


2. [Basic Explanation]

  ◎ 悲悯 bēimǐn

◎ Compassion bēimǐn

  [sad and pityfull] 哀伤而同情

[SAD and Pityfull] Sorrow and sympathy


Five, [Detailed Explanation]

  亦作“ 悲愍 ”。慈悲怜悯;哀怜。 清 周亮工 《书影》卷四:“画家工佛像者,近当以 丁南羽 、 吴文中 为第一,两君像,一触目便觉悲悯之意,欲来接人。” 梁启超 《中国学术思想变迁之大势》第三章:“ 屈原 以悲悯之极,不徒厌今,而欲反之古也,乃直厌俗而欲游於天。” 章炳麟 《<无政府主义>序》:“其挥斥垢氛,解散维縶,悲愍众生之念亦以勤矣。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·<凯绥·珂勒惠支版画选集>序目》:“《自画像》……这是作者从许多版画的肖像中,自己选给 中国 的一幅,隐然可见她的悲悯、愤怒和慈和。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二十:“悲悯与宽容是一副眼镜的两片玻璃,具有这样圣者风度的青年,也不是难得遇见的。”

It is also "sad".Compassion and compassion; pity.Qing Zhou Lianggong's "Book Shadow" Volume 4: "The painter's Buddha statue is the first with Ding Nanyu and Wu Wenzhong.Chapter III: "Qu Yuan is extremely compassionate, and does not tires to the present, but the ancients are also nasty and want to swim in the sky."The atmosphere of scolding, dissolving the vitamin, the thoughts of sadness of all beings are also diligent. "Lu Xun's" and the end of the essay of the Jieting Pavilion "The Preface of the Selection of the Symposium of Keller Hui Zhi": "Self -Portrait" ... This ...It is the author's portrait from many prints to China. It can be seen that her compassion, anger, and kindness. "Ye Shengtao" Ni Huanzhi "20:" Mercy and tolerance are two glasses of glasses.The young man of the saints is not rare to meet. "


Four, [phrase sentence]

  1. 少了您的悲悯我将盲目终生

1. Luck your compassion I will be blind for life

  2. 艾青诗歌的悲悯情怀

2. The compassion of Ai Qing Poetry

  3. 他看到水差不多没了,心里充满了悲悯。

3. He saw that the water was almost gone, and his heart was full of compassion.

  4. 但是悲悯之心使我回向世间。

4. But the heart of compassion brings me back to the world.

  5. 若少了您的悲悯,我的灵魂怎得庇护?

5. If you have less compassion, how can my soul be sheltered?

  6. 花朵啊,悲悯这小虫吧,它并非蜜蜂,它的爱仅为一种失误和烦扰。

6. Flowers, compassion, this little bug, it is not a bee, its love is only a mistake and annoyance.

  7. 爱与知识我都已经得到了,它们将我引向天国,但又因悲悯之心使得我重回人间。

7. I have got love and knowledge. They lead me to heaven, but because of compassion, I return to the world.

  8. 师父的诗词委婉地道尽了?求道的艰辛,以及对众生走错道路的悲悯!

8. Master's poems are euphemistic and authentic? The hardships of seeking the Tao and the compassion for the wrong path to all beings!

  9. 渐渐地,我希望我所做的每一件事皆能以悲悯和助人做圆心,永远地向外扩散出去。

9. Gradually, I hope that everything I can do can make a round heart with compassion and help, and spread out forever.

  10. 该餐厅的一位老板nancy dang说:我们觉得这是我们的本分,我们只是略尽棉薄之力来表达内心的悲悯。

10. Nancy Dang, the boss of the restaurant: We think this is our duty, and we just have a slight power to express their inner compassion.