
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:33 | 来源:语文通



快乐的五一节作文 篇1快乐的五一节作文 篇2快乐的五一节作文 篇3快乐的五一节作文 篇4快乐的“五一”节作文 篇5快乐的五一节作文 篇6快乐的五一节 篇7快乐的五一节作文 篇8

快乐的五一节作文 篇1


Today is the second day of May 1st.


As soon as I go in, ah!A sea of flowers appeared in front of me. There was a huge flower clock floating in the sea of flowers. A flower boat drove in the distance. The five flower pillars seemed to be the label lamp in the sea.There is a group of white pigeons at the door. Many tourists are feeding them. They are very cute. There are alpine botanicals, tropical botanicals, and hundred gardens in the large temperate room. Each rare flower and plants make us dazzling.


From the large temperature room, we went to the Chinese Pavilion again, where to show Chinese cultural and artistic and national characteristics, and some outdoor landscapes. This is the garden in the Chinese museum and a characteristic of the Expo Garden.There are gardens in the museum.


Through the back door of the Chinese pavilion, there was a small road, walking west along the path, and came to the Butterfly Pavilion. There were various butterflies in the butterfly museum, which made us look dizzy.


Then we went to the tree garden, and there were many trees in the garden, but I felt like it was climbing, because there were many hillsides, which was really interesting!Going up ten meters away, I went to the small temperate room, also called Bai Yun's fragrance, and walked in, ah!gorgeous!Various plants are strange.


Finally, we came to a garden called Chun. As soon as I entered, it turned out to be an open. The most spectacular place was to count the waterfall. The water poured down from the high cliff and it was really exciting!Intersection


It's a pity that time is too fast, we can only leave reluctantly.

快乐的五一节作文 篇2


With such a long holiday, I can open up my heart, happily, happy, and freely pass and dominate my own time and space.The following is the Third Grade May Day Composition compiled by Xiaobian. I hope it will be helpful to you.


May Day holiday, I went to Nanjing Xuanwu Lake.We first came to the cruise terminal. We rented a boat and visited the lake.Suddenly, I saw a few "flying saucers" drifting around the lake, and I thought it was an alien.After a while, the cabin opened, and then, a person drilled out and supported an umbrella.It turned out that he was a earth.In fact, this is just a flying plate -shaped cruise ship.


After going ashore, we saw several huge balls floating on the water not far away.Closely, it turned out to be "walking on the water".People can walk on the water in the ball.I think it's fun and go in.There is a zipper on the water walking ball. I got in from the zipper. The uncle outside pulled the zipper and then inflated the ball.After filling it out, I pushed me into the water.I rolled inside, and I couldn't stand up.I just lie inside and float on the water.In the end, the uncle outside dragged me on the shore.


Out of the water from the water, Dad rented a three -person bicycle.The three of our family rode on a bicycle and came to the Ultraman Animation Show.In addition to Ultraman, there are pet elf and blue cat naughty three thousand questions. They are all my favorite anime characters. I take a group photo with them.


This time in Xuanwu Lake, I saw so many novel things, it was really a good job!

快乐的五一节作文 篇3


Today is the May Day Labor Day, a holiday of the working people.Dad decided to invite the hardest grandpa in the family, grandma to eat.After dinner, my uncle said that he would take me and my sister to the zoo.The two of us are very happy!


As soon as I arrived at the zoo, my sister and I rushed forward excitedly.Walking and walking, we saw the cute little monkey, the eye -catching big monkey.Among them, there are ring -tailed fox monkeys, and the tail is around; the rat fox monkey, small, cute.Later, we entered the "Bird Garden" and met many birds, including peacocks, crickets, red -crowned cranes ... In the end, we watched hippos, foxes, tigers, lions ... many animals.


Today, although we are a little tired, we have seen many animals and learned a lot.

快乐的五一节作文 篇4


Today is the third day of the May Day holiday. My parents and my neighbor Xiaobao family went to the Xiaowei Forest Park to play together.


Today's weather is very good, not too hot, it is suitable for going out.We came to the water excitedly and saw that there were many large and small fish in the water swimming freely.We also picked a lot of wild strawberries. When we picked strawberries, we found an ant kingdom. There were many ants. We dug their 'nests and saw many eggs inside.


Their teams are very large, and they have been hollowed out.In order to prevent them from continuing to destroy the ground, we poured their holes with water. Most ants were poured to death, so that they could not do bad things anymore. We are really happy today.

快乐的“五一”节作文 篇5


On May 1st, my mother took me to Xuanwu Lake to play.The water of Xuanwu Lake is clear and green, like jadeite, like a mirror, making people linger.The calm lake is white, and it is connected to the vast sky.The pleasing beauty has attracted many tourists.We came to a small pond and saw that many small tadpoles were swimming in the clear pond water, the big head of black and black, and the small tail, swimming in the water, especially cute!I took a bottle to catch the tadpoles. I started to be a little nervous at first, and stepped on the stone carefully. Half of my body bent down, and I was afraid of slipping.After grabbing a few tadpoles, my courage gradually became bigger.In the end, I unknowingly grabbed 30 tadpoles!


The sky was slowly dark, and I put all the caught tadpoles in the lake because I wanted them to turn them into frogs to eat pests.I think today is the happiest day.


Instructor: Ouyang Lili

快乐的五一节作文 篇6


Today, Yang is bright, and there is no cloud outside.My aunt and I went to Jinquan Farm with all my classmates.Early in the morning, we came to the starting point to concentrate.After getting in the car, we played the game, had words to connect dragons, memorized Tang poems, guessing words, and several students told jokes.Time passed quickly and suddenly went to the farm.

我们就急匆匆赶往目的地,那是一个用大棚做的大厅。阳光大厅那里大得不得了 www.bai www..cn huawen.cn ,在那里我们和爸爸妈妈们一起做“蜈蚣行走”、“一圈到底”、“齐心协力”、“快速普通话——保镖”、“黄婆卖花”、“跳桑巴舞”。最后还跟家长一起跳兔子舞。玩了游戏,我们去向餐厅进攻了。那是一个叫《渔民之家》的餐厅,坏境很好。结果才还没上完,我们就跑去玩了。

We hurried to our destination, which was a lobby made of greenhouses.The Sunshine Hall is too big to be www.bai www..cn huawen.cn, where we do "walk", "one circle to the end", "work together", "fast Mandarin -bodyguard" with our parents, "Huang Po sells flowers", "jump samba dance".Finally, he danced with parents.After playing the game, we went to the restaurant to attack.It was a restaurant called "Fisherman's House", which was very bad.Before the end, we ran to play.


We moved freely in the afternoon.My aunt and I challenged the Dulin Bridge. With the help of the aunt, they successfully passed.Then we went to fly a kite. Because of the wind, we couldn't put it on, but we still ran very happily.Time passed quickly, and suddenly returned home.The result was traffic jam on the road, taking this opportunity to buy a big watermelon with my aunt.Although we have been playing for a day, we still don't feel tired.Guessing the mystery in the car, all of them got the prizes.


Today we have been playing very happily. From excitement early in the morning to night, I hope that such activities can be more!

快乐的五一节 篇7


The annual May Day is here. On the day of the holiday, we came to the Ocean Park of Wanzhou to play. This is fun here!


As soon as I entered the aquarium, I saw a lot of small fish and swim in the water.After walking through a staircase, I saw another large pool. There were two large baby fish in the pool. Each one was as long as the height of the eight -nine -year -old child. I also stopped listening to their calls.Is it like the legendary cry described in the legend?


Going back, there is a large aquarium, all of which are sharks.There are a few body shapes, of course, there are many small sharks. Their teeth are very sharp and their eyes are very fierce, as if they want to eat us in one bite.


There are not only ferocious sharks but also beautiful jellyfish in the aquarium. Those jellyfish will change their own color with the lights. It looks like a colorful umbrella.What impressed me most in these jellyfish is the tentacle jellyfish, because when they are very hungry, they will eat their own kind when they are hungry. Is it particularly horrible?


There is also a region in the aquarium called childlike germination. There are many cute little animals in this area, such as rabbits, swans and raccoons. You can feed these animals and contact them close contact.I used food to lead the rabbit over, and then took it up while eating, stroking it gently, its hair touched very soft and comfortable.At this time, you can clearly see the two large incisors. When it bites, you can also hear the crisp sound.


We walked to the fourth floor and came to the area of Penguin's life. It was swimming happily in the water. If you touch the glass with your hands, it can also interact with you!In addition to penguins and sea lions on the fourth floor, you can watch the sea lion performance here. The sea lion is smart. It uses its own hand to pat its belly to signal the audience applaud. It will not only jump the circle, but also turn the ball ...


We are so happy to play this "May Day" Labor Day.

快乐的五一节作文 篇8


Today is May 1st, and our family went to People's Park.


When I came to the People's Park, I saw the crowd's bustling and the shoulders, but the crowded did not affect the mood of tourists. The tourists showed a happy look, all of which were shaking, as if everyone had five million.


Entering the garden is even more lively. Each attraction is full of people, and there is no place to stand. My brother and I finally squeezed into the "forest adventure" and bought a ticket. I stood in front of the door. At this time, my parents and the pale were pale. My sister came. I cried and saw this scene, I didn't dare to go in, but there were three generals of my father, mother, and sister in the back. I completely broke my back. At this time, someone came out from the inside. In the car, my brother said, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen." After listening to my brother's words, I was a little optimistic, but I was still scared. The car started, and the surrounding music sounded, making me creepy. Heartboy. There is only the sound of music and cars. I think there is only this. I just prepared to relax, "咦", why the neck is so itchy, I touched it, furry, strangely itching. I laughed, my brother listened to me and laughed. At this time, it seemed that there was a hand grabbing my back again. My laughter was even greater, and the fear when I came in was gone, only happy and happy. When I went out, I suddenly saw a skeleton. Before I had time to be afraid, I went out. Dad asked me how I was playing, and I was afraid. I said, "Don't be afraid."


Unconsciously, the darkness slowly came, and I reluctantly left the People's Park.This is really a happy May Day.