
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:32 | 来源:语文通



中秋月作文 篇1中秋月作文 篇2中秋月作文 篇3中秋月作文 篇4中秋月作文 篇5中秋月作文 篇6中秋月作文 篇7中秋月作文 篇8中秋月作文 篇9

中秋月作文 篇1


I don't like moon cakes, but this Mid Autumn Festival, I really want to eat moon cakes. Because this year's Mid Autumn Festival, I was away from home. The mooncakes in this place cost ten yuan, while those in my hometown cost only two or three yuan. It is also because a person who spent the Mid Autumn Festival in other places inevitably yearned for the taste of his hometown.


After a lot of struggle, I plan to ask my parents in my hometown for some moon cakes. I asked for some one the day before the Mid Autumn Festival. It's the afternoon of the Mid Autumn Festival. The logistics speed is really satisfactory.


Opening the thick outer packing carton, I saw the package with a layer of plastic film. After tearing the tape for a long time, I saw the moon cake from my hometown and couldn't wait to taste it. Tearing open the package, I felt a little excited when I saw the familiar appearance, and then I bit it down. A familiar taste diffused on the taste buds, vaguely as if there was a taste of home.


This moon cake is the best I have ever eaten. I don't know whether this kind of moon cake tastes good all the time, or my taste has changed, or whether there is a magical magic in this city that makes this moon cake from across thousands of rivers and mountains more delicious. Who knows the real reason.


My father said that the transportation cost was more than 20. In fact, the cost of the moon cakes sent by mail was also very high, which could be regarded as gold moon cakes. However, even though the taste of my hometown is delicious, my hometown's mooncakes are also very delicious. In fact, how could mooncakes not be the sustenance of homesickness?

中秋月作文 篇2


The full moon in the sky and half moon in the world. A round of moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival will stir the homesickness of many people's hearts, and the beautiful moonlight will arouse the yearning of many men and women. Nostalgia, in the dense moonlight at this moment, will be as strong as wine, straight into the bowels; Miss, with the lights out, can not help but rush into the heart. This round of moon in the sky, like the clear moonlight, belongs to all the people in the world who have a heart to heart. The feelings and expectations of this night will give birth to the time and warmth of countless people.


When I was young, the Mid Autumn Festival was simple, simple, and the clearest and most lasting thing in my memory was three or two large mooncakes with sesame flavor. It is good for ordinary people to have several such mooncakes. In children's minds, the most intuitive and attractive thing about Mid Autumn Festival is these sesame cakes. On the 15th day of August, I looked forward to the coming of night. When the full moon rose to the Dongshan Mountain and shone on the farmyard, the festival atmosphere seemed to be much stronger all of a sudden, and I could almost see it flowing on the rural land together with the bright moonlight and mottled lights.


The moon in the sky is round, and the moon cake on the table is also round. The whole family sits together, and the meaning of round and round is more full. Mother will cut the moon cake into small pieces and divide them into the hands of her family. The Mid Autumn Festival every year will become a specific taste that will sink into her heart. It is rare to see my father smile calmly on such a day. The Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion. The full moon is the real joy. However, since ancient times, the moon has its ups and downs, and people have their ups and downs. At a young age, we don't know anything about it. So in the hearts of my parents, including many elders, how to view this day of reunion every year is naturally unknown.


When I was growing up, I gradually knew the words "When will the moon come? Ask the blue sky over wine", and then I knew the true meaning of "The moon will be especially bright in the Mid Autumn Festival". Until people were traveling, they didn't understand why so many people could not forget the inner portrayal of "The moon is bright in their hometown" wherever they went. "The moon is born on the sea, and the sky is at this time", which is not just a sigh, but a thousand harmonies from the heart that penetrate the earth and the sky! A folk festival, a full moon, thousands of life states, endless yearning and concern, interlaced together, constitute the middle autumn festival in August. As long as you stand in this festival, you will feel homesick, cherish people, be grateful, remember the past, or be lost in thought for thousands of miles, or see things and people. Every detail will touch the softness of your heart, and each wisp of feelings will make you feel overwhelmed and feel sorry again and again.


The Mid Autumn Festival in front of us is difficult to calm down. It is mainly because of the growing age, the deepening of the local feelings, or seeing the time flowing, the many customs and human feelings washed away. On such days, it is more likely to be drawn into the mind. The full moon in the sky is silver, bright and clean, and the human feelings in the bottom of my heart rise and fall as clear as ever. The ups and downs of this kind of waves have nothing to do with a specific day, but in the atmosphere like the Mid Autumn Festival, it is more likely to expose my inner cowardice.


A month that reflects the city shines on the countryside far away; The moonlight on the windowsill of my home also waits in the courtyard of my hometown. The neon in the city will block the clear light on the ground, and the lights in the countryside will set off the moonlight as bright as water. Bathing in such moonlight, why force yourself to be where you are? With such a round of moon, there is more than human feelings in your heart. At this moment, calm down, warm a pot of moonlight, sip slowly with those souls who have never gone far, and slowly remember the fragments.


The sweet osmanthus, like a tide, also diffuses endlessly in the mid autumn night and the cool breeze. This burst of osmanthus, accompanied by the moon, is most likely to arouse homesickness. I really am a conservative person. In such an atmosphere, I always relish the worldly wisdom I have experienced. My brother and sister are over 50 years old, and their health is not as strong as before. Over the years, we have all lived in Su City. It is not easy to go back to our hometown, but also to come and go in a hurry. The time we spent together really counts as little. It's hard to get together after the Spring Festival, let alone the Mid Autumn Festival. Nephews also work outside. Every year, there is inevitably a lack of willingness to "reunite" on the Mid Autumn Festival. Naturally, there are a lot of regrets, but there are always many hopes and good things in mind. They hope that children who leave their wings can have a happy life and achieve something. They hope to meet again and enjoy their growth and progress. If so, it is no less than sharing a reunion on the Mid Autumn Festival night.


When we walked all the way, my parents probably felt the same way. They had to make a hard choice in the round and short. Even if I was a child, I still lived in my hometown in the countryside for a period of time. My father's expectations for us have not changed. In the full moon every year, we did not care about his white hair on his temples gradually increasing, nor did we care about the seemingly ordinary household plot that was so touching and tender; It was only when I looked back on my parents' death that I realized how deeply I felt. On such a day, how many men and women were thinking in the light of the full moon! That's why there are so many singing sighs, standing in the light and shadow, which makes people of all generations feel thoughtful, dare not enter into their arms casually, and can't help touching again and again!

盛一壶城里的月光,斟酌乡情。即便很多人不说出口,这也是中秋夜里,最合乎心境的事情。这一壶月光 m.niubb.net ,胜过酒醴,独有的味道,慢慢还原乡情绵绵。人说乡情是一壶浓烈的酒,我说乡情在中秋之夜就是一壶温醇的白月光。循着月光,我们可以跟故去的先人对话,循着月光,多少灵魂会在目光深处踏上一条归乡的长路。

Hold a pot of moonlight in the city and consider the hometown. Even if many people don't say it, this is the most suitable thing for the Mid Autumn Festival. This pot of moonlight, M.NIUBB NET, better than wine, unique taste, slowly restore the hometown. People say that nostalgia is a pot of strong wine. I say that nostalgia is a pot of warm and mellow white moonlight on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. Following the moonlight, we can talk with our departed ancestors. Following the moonlight, many souls will walk a long way home in the depth of their eyes.


As the saying goes, "In the third autumn, the osmanthus is fragrant for ten miles.". This year's osmanthus fragrance comes with the Mid Autumn Festival. The fragrance is quiet as a tide, and it is very mysterious. The sweet smell of osmanthus on the face is more exciting. The Mid Autumn Festival is more vivid and full of charm in front of the world. When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, autumn really stands in front of us, and the grass in front of our parents' graves is really rustling with the sound of autumn. I don't know how silent and mottled the moonlight on the Mid Autumn Festival night will be with such grass color. I don't know how deep and lonely the villages without human eyes will be. Even my brothers and sisters live in the north, south, east and west. Will this full moon send my greetings?


But I can only warm the moonlight in the autumn night in a pot, slowly consider and sip, and let the lingering cinnamon fragrance wrap the lingering hometown and penetrate into the viscera.

中秋月作文 篇3


Today is the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, the traditional Chinese festival, the Mid Autumn Festival.


The day before yesterday, my mother had bought a lot of fresh vegetables in the supermarket, bought a large piece of pork, and two big carp. In the morning, my mother and grandma cut vegetables, cut meat and steamed buns together. After lunch, my mother began to prepare dinner.


Mother first chooses and washes the dishes, then cuts and blanches the dishes, and puts the blanched dishes on the plate to prepare the hot dishes for the night. The vegetables were blanched, and my mother began to kill fish again. I didn't want to see the scene of killing fish. I went into the house to do my homework.


At about six o'clock, I went out of the room and saw my mother come out of the kitchen and put the cooked dishes on the table one by one. Then, my mother asked me to go out and call grandma, grandpa, dad, sister and brother for dinner. Grandparents and grandparents came, and my father and sister and brother also came one after another. Our family sat together and enjoyed the dishes cooked by my mother and the Mid Autumn Festival reunion dinner happily.


Grandpa broke a mooncake and gave me a piece of it, which was filled with sesame, Grandma with bean paste, and Mom with jujube paste. We tasted moon cakes of different flavors and said they were delicious.


The moon hasn't come out yet, Grandpa said, let the clouds cover it, and it will snow on the Lantern Festival. Just after eight o'clock, I saw the big and round moon coming out of the clouds. Through the thin clouds, it looked like a big golden moon cake, which made people drool. After a while, the clouds dispersed, and the moon became white and bright, like a big round jade plate hanging in the night sky, and the small stars beside it twinkled like crystal diamonds.


Looking at the white and beautiful moon, I thought of Chang'e.


I like the Mid Autumn Festival. I hope the moon next year will be as bright and beautiful as today's.

中秋月作文 篇4


Looking up, I found it was moonlight, and then I went back. I suddenly thought that a few simple words at home would become immortal poems, which deeply expressed Li Bai's yearning for his hometown, relatives and friends, and gave some consolation to the tourists.


Last Mid Autumn Festival, our family drove to Tibet. The flowers and plants on both sides of the road are very beautiful! At night, the bright white moon is more like a bright street lamp, illuminating our way forward. Let's go, Moon! This makes my young mind full of curiosity! I can't help wondering why the moon always follows us.


When we arrived in Tibet, it was already dark. The brave Tibetans warmly welcomed us. A large bowl of mutton, a pot of thick milk tea, and a cup of sweet old wine on the table are mellow and full-bodied. One mouthful can moisten the dry heart. When I looked up, I saw the bright moon. Outside the composition, there was a circle, like a big moon cake, like a circle. How beautiful! The moon is surrounded by stars, like a big sister, telling stories to stars, and like a mother, holding her own children. The moon smiled so happily. Is it really because of the arrival of Chang'e sister that they became more excited?


After dinner, a bonfire party was held. Everyone is holding hands, like a lotus, surrounded by layers. Several fires broke out in the center. People sing and dance together. Not friends are better than friends, not relatives are better than relatives. Everyone comes from all over the country. It's fun to sit together and enjoy the moon cake!


On a sultry moonlit night, a Prime Minister thought of a love song and sang a true love song. How bright the moon is at home! Thousands of miles away, I suddenly felt deeply yearning for everything in my hometown.

中秋月作文 篇5


Some people say that mooncakes on the Mid Autumn Festival are the best to eat. Some people say that the Mid Autumn Festival can be rested, which is very comfortable. Some people say that I can sleep at home for a day on the Mid Autumn Festival, and I'm so happy... I said that the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is really beautiful.


The moon at 15 is full and mellow. The soft moonlight shines on people, making people drunk. That is the most beautiful shape of the moon. It is simply hanging on the night, so lovely that people want to kiss.


When it comes to the moon, we must mention Chang'e and her Jade Rabbit. When she was molested by Pig Bajie and demoted to the Guanghan Palace on the moon, she resisted the tears in her eyes and walked to the Guanghan Palace with her beloved Jade Rabbit Yiwu. Everything in it was so cold that Chang'e had to make a small cake - she called it moon cake, and sometimes she ate some. The Jade Rabbit pounded the medicine every day. Not far from the Guanghan Palace, Wu Gang used his axe to chop down an immortal osmanthus tree


I seemed to see the round moon again. A man was chopping down a tree with great force, and beside him was a bouncing animal pounding medicine. A beautiful woman sat at the table quietly holding the dough with her fingers, without any expression on her face.


I don't know whether they are living well now.


Will Chang E resent Zhu Bajie? Certainly not. I believe that what Chang'e wants is to stay away from the so-called "heavenly principles".

中秋月作文 篇6


Today is the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. It is a traditional Chinese festival, the Mid Autumn Festival.


This day is a happy time for families to get together. In the evening, Grandma prepared a table of delicious dishes. We happily gathered around the table, eating and enjoying the happiness of family reunion!


At this time, my brother suddenly asked me a series of questions: "Brother, why is there Mid Autumn Festival? Why do we eat moon cakes on Mid Autumn Festival?" This question really puzzles me. I can't answer it clearly. At this time, my mother secretly pulled my coat corner and said to me quietly: "Check on the Internet!" Yes, after the reunion dinner, I immediately turned on the computer and found the answer.


The answer is this: August 15 is the middle of autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival or Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on August 15 is rounder and brighter than those in other months, so it is also called "Moonlight Festival" and "August Festival". On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, people try their best to get together with their families. In the sense of the double circle of people and the moon, August 15 is also called "Reunion Day".


After listening to this, my brother nodded with satisfaction. This Mid Autumn Festival has taken root in our minds.


Then we put the prepared food for the month: moon cakes, pomegranates, pears, etc. on the small table on the balcony. When we looked up at the blue sky and found the round moon hanging high in the sky, our family hoped that Chang'e and the lovely Jade Rabbit would share food with us, and the friends in the world would get together.


This scene reminds me of the poem written by Wang Jian of the Tang Dynasty:


Watching the Moon in Fifteen Nights


White tree dwelling crows in the atrium, cold dew silent wet osmanthus.


Tonight, people are looking at the moonlight, and I don't know who will fall in the autumn.


I hope the world will live together forever! We should cherish this day!

中秋月作文 篇7


As night fell, the park gradually became quiet, and only frogs were singing


The moon is particularly round tonight, because it is the Mid Autumn Festival night. Every year on the Mid Autumn Eve, every family gets together, eats moon cakes and enjoys the full moon.


But the night outside is so quiet. The small pond in the park is quietly marked with a big moon! The little frogs are also having a family concert! Singing and dancing, singing and dancing around the "big moon". Take a look at the small flower bed beside the small pond. The flowers are like beautiful and charming princesses, while the little bees are lovely elves. They dance around the flowers. How wonderful!


There is a small pavilion between the small flower bed and the small pond. There was a family eating mooncakes while chatting. They talked happily, but what were they talking about? Oh, they are telling the story of the moon. Do you still remember Chang'e Flying to the Moon? Once upon a time, there was a man named


There is also a place called "Small World" in the small park. Once inside, there was a small forest. Because it was autumn now, the leaves turned yellow and fell down. Fallen leaves cover the path in the forest, forming a beautiful landscape. There are many pictures hanging on the wall beside the path. Go to the back, and then go up a few stairs, which is a viewing platform. Tonight, some people are here to watch the full moon.


The moon emits soft moonlight, as if revealing a sweet smile, which is extremely beautiful.


The night in the moonlight of the Mid Autumn Festival is quiet and beautiful

中秋月作文 篇8


The moon is full when the Mid Autumn Festival comes. The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming quietly, and every family is preparing for it. The smell of each home is the taste of happy reunion.


For example, the Easterners are used to eating lotus root cakes in the reunion dinner on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. The lotus root cakes can be big or small, but they are all round. A full plate of lotus root cakes is like countless large and small moons, symbolizing reunion.


Early in the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, Grandma began to get busy making lotus root cakes. Grandma first bought lotus root, minced meat, onions and other materials from the nearby vegetable market. When I got home, I started to mix the stuffing. She first cut the onions into chopped onions, took out a large bowl, poured all into the bowl, and then poured the minced meat into the bowl, kept stirring, and mixed the minced meat and chopped onions together. After stirring, Grandma rolled up her sleeves, took out the large kitchen knife, put on her apron, and was ready to show her skills. Take out the lotus root. Grandma aims at the center line of the lotus root, slightly raises the kitchen knife, and suddenly splits it down. With a click, the lotus root has been split in two.


With the sound of the knife hitting the cutting board, a basket full of lotus root slices was cut. They are even in thickness, as if they had been measured. The lotus root pieces in the basket are different in size. The lotus root pieces cut from the head are very small, less than a quarter of the big ones. It's time to add stuffing to lotus root slices. Grandma took out two lotus root slices of similar size and put them on her left hand. With her right hand, she took a spoon to scoop a spoonful of filling and put it on one of the lotus root slices. She evenly distributed the filling in each round hole, then covered another lotus root slice on it, compacted it, and removed the excess filling, so that the basic shape of the lotus root cake was well prepared.


In the evening, Grandma poured all the lotus root cakes into the pot that had been poured into the oil. Every time she poured in a lotus root cake, there would be a splash of oil. The sound seemed to be giving me a blessing! The lotus root cake doll looks beautiful in the oil pan. The original white and tender body is inlaid with a layer of gold, which is glittering. Take a bite. It's crispy. The scent of lotus root and the aroma of meat are mixed together, very delicious.


In the evening, the whole family sat together, had a reunion dinner, and tasted delicious lotus root cake. What a warm and harmonious picture! Holding the lotus root cake, I wish in my heart that this round lotus root cake can bring happiness and satisfaction to everyone!

中秋月作文 篇9


The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is supposed to be pure, but this year the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is shrouded in dark clouds and can only vaguely see her beautiful shadow. The autumn grass beside the hedge is no longer full of vitality. When a breeze blows, it swings with the wind and has no power to resist the enemy. I sat quietly under the osmanthus tree, kissing the fragrance in the wind, but my thoughts flew far away


Remember, it is also the silent night of the Mid Autumn Festival. But the moon on that night was very round and bright, and the moonlight was very gentle. However, I was not so lucky that night.


After dinner, I was so excited that I rushed everywhere. Unexpectedly, I slipped and fell over. I cried because of the pain. Grandpa ran out quickly, picked me up, and anxiously asked, "What's the matter? Where did you fall? Let Grandpa blow for you, and it won't hurt. OK, stop crying, stop crying!" "My foot hurts." I cried. Grandpa gently pulled up my trouser leg. I had a large piece of skin on my knee and was bleeding. Grandpa took the plaster and gently applied it to me. Looking at me who was still sobbing, my grandpa broke another sweet osmanthus from the tree and unexpectedly smiled very kindly and said, "OK, stop crying. I will reward my baby granddaughter with a sweet osmanthus, OK?" "Hmm" I smiled with tears on my face.


"When the moon is out of the sky, the wind comes to the water." Nowadays, osmanthus is still brilliant, but people are separated by yin and yang. I am alone and quietly hold my chin to gaze at the sky. Is the brightest star in the sky you? My dear grandpa, you said: If one day you wake up and find that I no longer speak, no longer open my eyes, and don't be sad, I have turned into a star, quietly guarding my little angel.


Looking at the gloomy moon in the sky and breathing the faint fragrance in the air, my heart is sad. Mid Autumn Moon, Reunion Moon, just a moon, but how do you reunite me?