
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:08 | 来源:语文通



五一劳动节作文300字 篇1五一劳动节作文300字 篇2五一劳动节作文300字 篇3

五一劳动节作文300字 篇1


May Day finally came. On that day, the sun was shining brightly and the flowers were blooming in spring. On this beautiful day, I came to school to practice dancing. Fortunately, 47 other students and I were selected by the school to participate in the campus collective dance competition in Zhanjiang City. Therefore, on May Day, we will come to the school for training. We are dancing social dance. The teacher keeps teaching us new moves, and we are also learning hard. We are very busy when we turn around, change partners and change places.


Dancing is not easy. We should not only accurately use body language to express music, but also reach the goal of infecting the audience - one minute on stage, ten years off stage. Although I am very tired, I don't care. In particular, when I think that only through hard work can we achieve the recognition of the audience, I always feel that pain is joy. Isn't this pursuit just a kind of enjoyment? Although I can't go to play on Labor Day, I still feel very happy because I love dancing!

五一劳动节作文300字 篇2


Today, I went to my grandfather's vegetable garden to work for the first time. I was very happy.


When I arrived at the vegetable garden, I saw a harvest scene: big and round tomatoes, colorful peppers, green and tender vegetables, and purple and big eggplants.


My grandfather asked me to pick edamame beans. I went to the side of edamame beans and pulled up the edamame vine by its roots. Grandfather came up to him and said, "You should pick the mature edamame beans. Don't pick the ones that are not mature. You see, those with a plump belly are mature." After listening to my grandfather, I picked all the ripe green beans into my basket.


After picking the green beans, I went to water them again. The bucket is big and heavy, but I'm not afraid! I have grown up! I grabbed the handle of the bucket, puffed my stomach, and lifted it vigorously, then the bucket was lifted. Although I felt very tired, I still insisted on lifting the bucket to the floor. I scooped up a ladle of water and gently poured it on the vegetables. After a while, the soil became wet. The vegetables in the garden are as fresh as rain. Looking at these dishes, I wiped the sweat on my face and smiled sweetly.

五一劳动节作文300字 篇3


Today is the May Day labor holiday. After breakfast, my mother drove me back to my hometown to play.


There are so many cars during the festival. I was stuck in traffic jam for nearly an hour at Xiamen Bridge. I told jokes to everyone in the car, which reduced everyone's impatience when racing.

我们在将近中午的时候才到家里,将近半年没有回老家,大家就分头开始打扫一下卫生。我先整理了衣柜里的衣服,然后还去洗了碗与杯子。吃饭的时候妈妈问我:“劳动辛苦吗?” 我擦了一下额头上的汗珠,点点头说道:“辛苦,但是我以后还会帮助妈妈与奶奶做些家务劳动! ”妈妈的脸上露出欣慰的微笑,掏出两元钱给我,说:“这是你今天的辛勤劳动的所得。”

We arrived at home at about noon. We didn't go back to our hometown for nearly half a year, so we started cleaning up separately. I sorted out the clothes in the wardrobe first, and then I washed the dishes and cups. At dinner, my mother asked me: "Is it hard to work?" I wiped the sweat on my forehead, nodded and said, "It's hard, but I will help my mother and grandma do some housework in the future!" Her mother smiled and gave me two yuan, saying, "This is your hard work today."


After lunch, my neighbor's brother and I went to the canteen to buy a mechanical pencil with the two yuan. Holding a brand new automatic pencil, I was very happy to think that it was my work.