
时间:2022-09-29 13:18:19 | 来源:语文通



中秋节日记作文400字 篇1中秋节日记作文400字 篇2中秋节日记作文300字 篇3过中秋节日记作文400字 篇4过中秋节日记作文400字 篇5过中秋节日记作文400字 篇6过中秋节日记作文300字 篇7过中秋节日记作文400字 篇8过中秋节日记作文400字 篇9中秋节日记作文400字 篇10

中秋节日记作文400字 篇1


Mid -Autumn Festival is a reunion festival. Each household will be happy to celebrate Mid -Autumn Festival together. Every Mid -Autumn Festival, there will always be a lot of tourists go home to reunite and spend this festival with the family. Mid -Autumn Festival is a happy holiday.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is here, and every family is reunion.Every household can hear the sound of firecrackers.


Dad rode a motorcycle and carried me to my grandma's house for the holiday.Uncle and dad and grandma prepared a rich dinner in the kitchen. The vegetables they cooked exuded a strong fragrance, which was really snoring.


After dinner, it was almost seven:30, and many people gave us moon cakes.There are various flavors, with strawberry, pineapple flavor, banana flavor, etc.I can't wait to try it.But you can wait until the moon comes out before you can enjoy the moon!


My sister and I stood outside the door to release fireworks.Some fireworks are like waves, some are like sun flowers, some are like a starry star, and some are like parachutes.


The moon didn't know when he quietly rose into the sky, and the earth was bright.The round moon is like a large jade plate, and the stars in the distance are like pearls.We sat under the big banyan trees and ate moon cakes while appreciating the moon. They couldn't help but think of the ancient poem "The moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be on the ground.


Time has passed unconsciously, and I should go home to sleep.When I left, my grandma gave me a box of strawberry moon cakes I like the most, and I happily said goodbye to my grandma.Dad went home on a motorcycle.


I spent a pleasant night!

中秋节日记作文400字 篇2


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. We are ready to be Mid -Autumn Festival.I bought three ~~ Six big bags about six big bags at once!Ah, this is so tired!About 1000 ten 1000 meters = 20xx meters. Oh, the leg sour is as painful as acupuncture.


Ah Mid -Autumn Festival is here!We brought the lanterns out of the sky and the fireworks were bright on the ground!It turns out that there is such a beautiful Sister Chang'e must also be very happy to watch us Mid -Autumn Festival. I am very happy. This Mid -Autumn Festival is too happy.


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival and I go to my mother -in -law's house with my grandma.At 8:00 in the evening, we arrived at our mother -in -law and went to wash the dishes.After washing the bowl, we opened a small table on the balcony and put cantaloupe, apple, grapes, and moon cakes. A pot of milk tea was soaked on the balcony to enjoy the moon on the balcony.The moon slowly rose, round and big like a big jasper plate.A group of children in the community were better than anyone else's lanterns, and small lanterns were shiny in the children's hands like a dragon flowing on the street.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is my favorite festival.Today, my parents are going to take me to my grandfather and grandmother. We set off for my grandfather's grandmother's house and let me drink orange juice. I drank a glass of grandpa for me!At night, my grandmother asked us to eat moon cakes and finished the moon cake mother and said, "We are going back." Finally, the mother took me and my father to barbecue and the meat was so delicious.

中秋节日记作文300字 篇3


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, it reached August 15th in the lunar calendar. Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, also known as the reunion festival. It is a good day for family members to reunite, taste moon cakes, and drink the moon.


After dinner with my parents and I was waiting for the appearance of the moon father.Through the window, I saw the moon rising slowly from the corner of the building. When the shy little girl rose to the top of the building, she seemed bold, and suddenly jumped out. Suddenly, the moonlight was full of the earth.Moonlight is on the leaves, and shadows can be seen on the ground.I watched the moon dull, as if I saw Wu Gang, who was cutting osmanthus trees, beautiful Chang'e, lively and cute jade rabbit.You see, Sister Chang'e laughed at me, it flashed, as if saying, "Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!"


We sat on the balcony and ate moon cakes while watching the moon. We took out a few moon cakes. The moon cakes had five kernels, black sesame, lotus roe.very delicious!I remembered the verse in "Gu Langyue Xing" "I don't know the moon in the hour, calling as a white jade plate. I also suspect that Yaotai Mirror, flying in the Qingyun".After eating moon cakes, our family went to the outside of the building to spread the moon!There is a round of golden bright moon hanging in the sky, as if a large jade plate is set off in the dark blue sky.A gust of wind blew on the body, it feels really comfortable!


I like to watch the lights after the Mid -Autumn Festival.

过中秋节日记作文400字 篇4


When the moon arrives at the Mid -Autumn Festival, the Mid -Autumn Festival is really a festival that makes people miss my hometown.People who work and study in other places will rush home to reunite.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival, we went to Grandpa's house, and divided into three groups in total to see who was the fastest and most prosperous. Our group of iron rings using tires, so I got the first.The loud sausage was roasted into a black sausage. Everyone dared not eat it. I quickly scratched the black place. I also roasted ingredients such as slices of meat, shiitake mushrooms, oysters and other ingredients.


Tonight's sky is hung, round and big moon, as if looking at me.I lit the fairy stick of the big branch, and immediately burst into colorful sparks.The neighbors also cast a variety of fireworks to embellish the black sky colorful and beautiful.Because of the "Bama" typhoon, my father only returned for six hours and was temporarily transferred back to duty. My heart was sad.The last Typhoon Morak made many people's houses flooded and homeless. Some people were still washed away by big water, causing my loved ones to be unable to reunite, so I think I am very happy.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival I have a lot of life. I went to five places in total, grilled five times, and suck a lot of smoke. This means that everyone is safe and there is a way to get together.Cherish each other.

过中秋节日记作文400字 篇5

9月8日 星期一 晴

Monday, September 8th


The Mid -Autumn Festival is one of the traditional festivals in my country. It is the 15th lunar calendar each year. It is said that it is to commemorate Chang'e to run the moon.Whenever the Mid -Autumn Festival, you have to eat moon cakes.


The ancients: people have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear.I finally understand the meaning of this sentence ...


Today is the day before the Mid -Autumn Festival. After dinner, I sat on the balcony to look for the moon, but the moon seemed to be caught and she never saw her out.After a while, she might be a bit lonely, and she jumped out of the clouds, as if to say to me, "Come, come, catch me!" Looking at her, I popped out "Chang'e runs to the moon"Legend, I don't know if this legend is true or false.The moon rose from the treetops, and released the light gauze and cold glory, and the river was split in the river, which became more and more cold.I saw a round of Haoyue in the sky, and the shadow in the pond, rushing up and down, seemed particularly bright.The hazy moonlight cast a mysterious shadow, sprinkled with floating light on the water, as if countless silver fish swimped there.The moonlight hung through the mottled trees, and a layer of broken silver was spread on the ground.Each green seems to be immersed in cow milk quietly.Only this gentle and quiet moonlight can be so good.


Although the fourteenth moon is not as bright as the fifteenth moon, it is still hung in the sky, and it is still so bright against the end of the night.

过中秋节日记作文400字 篇6


Today, the autumn is high, and the autumn wind is small. The family of our family went to Kunming Lake. The Kunming Lake was very large, the lake was clear, and there were many new flowers and trees next to the lake.


We went to the children's amusement area, where there was a rain house experience, surfing board, white sand, and cute little bear, tiger, piglet ... I like to play surfboards the most.More slippery.


After that, we visited the cultural relics in the park again.We watched our dad tell us about historical stories.


We went to the small train station to buy a ticket. After buying the ticket, we went to line up to get in line. The small train yelled and took us around the entire lake.With the "Bridge", I reminded me of the cowherd and weaver ... we played for a long time and returned home.


In the evening, my parents and I made an appointment to enjoy the moon, ready to chant poems under the moon.However, due to the weather, the moon did not come out, hiding in the clouds, as if they were catching and hiding with us.I had to read a book at home and read a set of "Chinese Memory Traditional Festival", which read "The Story of the Moon".


Xiaoyueer, do you want to bring me in my dream tonight, fly into the sky to find the little jade rabbit on the moon, and find Sister Chang'e and lazy Wu Gang?

过中秋节日记作文300字 篇7


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival comes!This is also my most hopeful festival.Because that day, you can eat moon cakes while enjoying the moon.

中秋节的夜晚,我和爸爸妈妈吧桌子和椅子搬到了楼顶上。然后再把月饼和水果拿上去,摆在桌子上。有苹果、梨子、桃子和桔子。我拿了一个月饼刚要吃,爸爸说:“慢,先不要吃。”我迷惑 不解地问:“今天是中秋节,为什么不能吃啊?”爸爸说:“必须先拜月亮,来年就会五谷丰登,人们就会有一个大丰收。”

On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, my parents and my mother's table and chair moved to the roof.Then take the moon cakes and fruits up and place it on the table.There are apples, pears, peaches and oranges.I took a moon cake just to eat, and my dad said, "Slow, don't eat it first." I asked puzzledly: "Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, why not eat it?" Dad said, "You must worship the moon first, andWhen the grain is rich, people will have a big harvest. "


We sat down and enjoyed the moon while eating moon cakes. Suddenly, the mother yelled, "The moon comes out!"

我急忙望向天空,黑黑的天空中出现一轮圆圆的月亮。慢慢地从云雾中间出来,它显得非常清晰,如此明亮,就 像是从天空长出来的一样。是天空中最璀璨的明珠,被星星包围着,散发出一种神秘感。啊!太美了,我欣赏着明亮高挂的月亮,突然想起了一首古诗“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在高云端。”

I hurriedly looked at the sky, and a round moon appeared in the black sky.Slowly came out of the clouds in the middle of the clouds, it looked very clear and so bright, just like it grew out of the sky.It is the brightest pearl in the sky, surrounded by stars, exuding a sense of mystery.what!It's so beautiful, I admire the bright and high moon, and suddenly remember a ancient poem "I don't know the moon in the hour, calling as a white jade plate. I also suspect that Yaotai Mirror, fly in the high cloud."


At this time, Mom and Dad heard it and said, "Son, you are awesome!"


The Mid -Autumn Festival is so beautiful!

过中秋节日记作文400字 篇8


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival has passed, and the barbecue is still full. Walking on the streets and alleys, I always see that every family is in the barbecue. After baking on Saturday, it will be baked on Sunday. I do n’t know how much pollution is increased to the earth.


The next day I saw my classmate's diary and wrote: "Dad said, this year, no grilled meat is. In order to reduce pollution for the earth, we just eat moon cakes to peel grapefront to appreciate the moon." Students said that although they were disappointed, they had a low -carbon Mid -Autumn Festival.For the earth's strength, it is much more practical.It is really happy to see that students use the low -carbon knowledge just taught in Chinese lessons to actual life, and they can really implement it.


I also live a day without barbecue on the Mid -Autumn Festival, and use a walk to chat with the moon to replace the barbecue. It also gets the warmth of meeting with my family, and I have a healthy festival.


If more people can respond to low -carbon life, I believe the speed of the earth's warming will slow down.Eating barbecue is a burden on older people. If you can avoid it, try to avoid it.Of course, children like barbecue the most, but I think it can be reduced, such as baking or baking again every other year, which is good for everyone?


I still remember the backyard at home when I was young to enjoy the moon cake with my family, chat, and children play games. Although the fresh picture is a few years, I still remember it;It is good for everyone to do something for the earth.

过中秋节日记作文400字 篇9


Early in the morning of August 15th, I was stunned by my mother from the bed. My mother told me: "Today is the traditional festival of the Mid -Autumn Festival in my country.


We just arrived at the grandparents' house, and my aunt and uncle had a family who came back. Mom and grandma opened their cooking in the kitchen.At noon, the dishes on the table are so rich!There are my favorite spicy chicken nuggets, braised pork ribs, and fried vegetables ... A large table is delicious, and I can see me drooling.After the meal, everyone cited the toasts to wish my grandparents healthy and longevity, and family reunion. Grandpa and grandma laughed at the face. The lunch ended in a blessing sound.After a meal, the grandma cut out a plate of moon cakes. Grandma said, "Everyone must eat one piece, family reunion!" Moon cakes are the must -eat things in Mid -Autumn Festival, symbolizing reunion and beauty.


In the evening, the family went out for a walk.In the autumn night, the moon rose, hanging high in the sky, the moon disk was so bright, the moonlight was so soft, like a light crystal ball.We walked forward slowly, I looked up, the beautiful moon was holding the shining little stars, and followed us and walked.


Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival night, my family and I went to the moon.

中秋节日记作文400字 篇10


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a reunion, warm, and happy day.The whole family should sit together, eat moon cakes, and see the Mid -Autumn Festival party.But I live a reunion day.


This is the case: Mom accompanies her brother to Tianjin to go to high school, usually only me and my father at home.This Mid -Autumn Festival considers my brother and I only rest for two days, and there are only two days away from National Day, so I won't come back.Although I understand in my heart, there are still some little frustrations, because Mid -Autumn Festival is to reunite!


In order to make up for this shortcoming, I can use WeChat video!So I called my mother, my mother boasted that I was smart!Although the reunion cake cannot be eaten together, "the confidant at home, the world is neighboring." And the mother and brother "are alone in a foreign country, and every festival is thought." Maybe we want to be together, and both parties are silent.No words.In order to break this dignified atmosphere, I said, "Mom, brother, you can't eat reunion cakes, then I can help you eat!" "No!" Brother yelled, I have stopped the reunion cake on my mouth, I stopIt's down.I laughed first, and in the end we all laughed.


Through this Mid -Autumn Festival, I can better appreciate the mood of overseas travelers "being alone in a foreign country, every festival."Although unable to reunite, the heart has reunited.