
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:10 | 来源:语文通



六一儿童节作文 篇1六一儿童节作文 篇2写六一儿童节的作文 篇3六一儿童节作文 篇4六一儿童节的作文500字 篇5六一儿童节作文 篇6六一儿童节作文 篇7

六一儿童节作文 篇1


Hope, hope, I finally looked forward to the Children's Day. On this day, I wore a bright red scarf and came to the school happily.


At 2:00 p.m., the headmaster announced the beginning of the trade activities, and the originally quiet campus immediately became lively! The students took the goods they had already prepared and went to their shop area to place the goods. Even the quiet and shy students shouted loudly:


"Don't miss it! A 50% discount! The clearance sale!"


"This classmate, come and see how good the material is! I'm trading at a loss! It's not so cheap outside!"


All the way down, we sold a dazzling array of things, which made people dazzling. Our stores were also very creative. Some gave gifts, some won prizes, and some took photos.


The teachers are also attracted. Look! A teacher took a fancy to a book, looked carefully, and then bargained with the child. The child was also good at trading, and promoted his book: "Teacher, I have sold this book very cheaply, only 13 yuan! The original price is more than 20 yuan, and the book looks very strange. Look how beautiful the cover is!" The book was finally sold to the teacher in the children's promotion.


Almost every shop is patronized by "customers", who are particularly careful to select every commodity carefully to see whether the price is affordable. Some commodities have unique functions, which look like a pill, but when opened, they are a ballpoint pen; It looks like an apple, but it is actually a luminous lamp... Whenever this happens, "salesmen" will take the trouble to explain to customers, sweating all over their heads, but when they see their own achievements, they will laugh with joy.


In this trade festival, the students were fruitful and happy. They also used the business money they earned to buy class supplies and experienced the feeling of being a salesman. Today's trade festival is happy and colorful, and let us realize that it is not easy for parents to make money. It is really a meaningful June Day!

六一儿童节作文 篇2


Finally, it's the International Children's Day that we are looking forward to. This year's Children's Day is on the weekend, and Mom and Dad are also on holiday. We decided to play in the amusement park.


After dozens of minutes' drive, there was a traffic jam on the road, so we came to the amusement park. There are so many people here. Many of them are like me and my parents. I saw my classmates playing "rafting". I also called my parents to play together. After passing through the dark cave, there are monsters with red eyes on both sides, but I am not afraid. I know this is a fake monster. I look at the front more and more bright and the exit more and more big. Shua! We rushed down the ramp from a height of more than ten meters, causing water spray all the way. Although we wet our clothes, it was very interesting.


I've always wanted to do a roller coaster, but I couldn't ride it in the past years because my height is less than 1.4 meters. But this year, I've grown a lot. I've met this requirement, so I want to experience it. Mother was afraid of heights, so she dared not ride. My father and I sat on the chair, buckled the fasteners, and the car moved slowly. The gradient of the track in front was gradually rising. Little by little, I felt like a snail, slowly climbing up. However, my excitement and impatience turned into panic at the moment when I reached the summit. This speed is much faster than the previous "drifting"! I was caught off guard by the sense of oppression when I sprinted down from a high place in turns and turns again and again. The roller coaster finally stopped with the screams of all of us. When I got off, I still felt unable to stand up. It was too exciting. After slowing down for a while, I stepped out of the car with trembling steps. My father touched my head and said I was brave, but I was afraid to ride the roller coaster.


In the following time, we went to ride the merry go round and drive the bumper car. At noon, I had a simple meal in the amusement park. In the afternoon, I started other projects. After playing for a whole day, I left the amusement park reluctantly. It's really a full and happy Children's Day.

写六一儿童节的作文 篇3


"June 1" Children's Day is coming, and our class is gathered together, with a happy and sweet smile on our faces, and we give each other beautiful greeting cards. I took a large stack of cards that had been written, ready to integrate into this warm and loving group.


Looking around, I found a man sitting there. Ah, isn't he the famous "naughty bag" in our class? His eyebrows were locked, his eyes were eager and sad, and he looked at the bustling crowd with envy. The naughty boy has lost his old mischief and can't see his nimble eyes and running around. When I looked at his empty hands, it suddenly dawned on me that naughty boy must be very depressed because he did not receive a greeting card from anyone.


I turned my eyes and thought to myself: The naughty boy sat there alone and nobody paid any attention to him. It's so pitiful. If one day, I am also forgotten by this group, I must have a bad taste in my heart. I could not help feeling a trace of pity in my heart.


I must help him to integrate the naughty boy into this big family.


So I took out the most beautiful 3D greeting card from my schoolbag and wrote in delicate and refreshing words: Lovely naughty bag, Happy Children's Day! I wish you to study hard and make progress every day! After writing, I carefully folded the card in half, came to the dejected naughty bag, smiled and said: "naughty bag, this is the card I gave you. Happy International Children's Day!" The naughty boy looked at me in surprise, his eyes flashing with excitement, and asked excitedly: "Is this really for me?" I nodded. The naughty bag rushed into the crowd with a greeting card held high and shouted, "Look, I also have a greeting card!" Looking at his back, I smiled


That card is not only my blessing to the naughty boy, but also a witness of our friendship.

六一儿童节作文 篇4


Today is the "June 1" International Children's Day, a festival for children all over the world. In the morning, our school held a charity bazaar for the first to fifth grades of "Happy June Day". The purpose of this activity is to help poor children to have a happy Children's Day.


At 8:40, when we came to the booth of our class, I saw that the whole campus was full of people and bustling. I also saw many charity goods in my class, including toys, stationery, and dolls. Our class implements division of labor and cooperation. Girls are responsible for buying dolls and boys are responsible for buying books. When we put items on the table, many students gathered to have a look. Among them, several senior brothers came to see me, and I shouted, "Hey, big brother, buy something for showing love! We have football, stationery, and books! What do you want to buy?" The elder brother said, "Let me see first." Then he walked around in front of the booth, looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on the football. He asked, "Brother, how much is this football?" I said, "20 yuan". The three of them talked about something and then said, "Why don't you make it cheaper? Will 10 yuan be all right?" "No, this is genuine, and it costs 70 yuan outside," I continued. "In that case, we won't buy it." on dit. When I saw this, I hurriedly said, "OK, I'll sell it to you for 15 yuan." We deliver goods at one hand and pay money at the same time. In this way, the first "business" of our class was completed. I watched them happily walking with the football in their arms and thought: Although the football was 5 yuan cheaper, it was worth raising 15 yuan for our class. I wish them a good return for their kindness. After more than an hour of hard selling by my classmates, we sold out all the charity goods. In the end, my class raised 1331 yuan, which was the top of the grade.


My "June 1" Children's Day is very meaningful, because I use my own practical actions to help people in need. A drop of water can be insignificant, but if it is gathered into a spring, it will be enough to moisten the thirsty heart.


I believe that our donations will help poor children and make them successful step by step.

六一儿童节的作文500字 篇5


The most interesting thing in childhood belongs to the festival that every child has in common - International Children's Day. Every time International Children's Day comes, the school will hold a very interesting June 1 activity. On this day, we will have a happy and happy life!


I clearly remember that in the afternoon of the June 1st Festival this year, I came to the school. The first thing I saw was that the classroom was dressed like a paradise. The black and white windows and walls were covered with colorful balloons and colorful pictures. I sat on the chair, and many students also happily sang songs afterwards, with a festive atmosphere everywhere.


Then, we sat in the classroom and listened to the radio. In the radio, the headmaster expressed his congratulations on our holiday with happy words, and we were immediately happy. After the broadcast, the teacher arranged an interesting program for us. One of the things that made me feel very interesting was to taste my own dishes and snacks with each other. First, I ate chicken nuggets of Little A and enjoyed them. Then I ate ham and beef slices of Little B's corn flavor. It was really fun! At this time, I handed out my own specialty dumpling for everyone to taste, and everyone was full of praise after eating it. In this activity, I not only realized profound friendship, but also realized that happiness comes from communication and sharing.


After that, the teacher held a raffle. When I went to the raffle, I was very surprised. Finally, I won the first prize and a beautiful gift. I was very happy.


Finally, we ended our most interesting June Day this year with the song "Childhood".


This is one of the most interesting things in my childhood, and he will always accompany in my heart. What's your most interesting thing? Come and share it with me!

六一儿童节作文 篇6


The performance of International Children's Day ended successfully! When I found my mother in the shadow of parents, my mother was smiling at me. I knew that my mother's smile was affirming my performance. She must have felt my efforts this time.


Indeed, I have made a lot of efforts for this International Children's Day performance, and my mother has also made a lot of efforts. Every day after school, I practiced until dark with my classmates. When I walked out of the school, my mother had been waiting for me at the school gate for a while, and this kind of day had been going on for almost half a month. Fortunately, it is finally over. My June 1 performance has ended smoothly, and my mother and I can go home early again.


My mother led me on the way home. I looked up at her every now and then and smiled. My mother was amused by my smile. Finally, she couldn't help asking me, "Little fool, why do you always look at my mother?" I smiled and said to her, "Look at my mother." I know my mother. Although she is good-looking, she is very shy. If I tell her like this, she will blush, and it will be even redder than my face with powder blusher. Sure enough, my mother's face turned red after hearing what I said, which made me feel that my mother was more like a child than I was.


"Mom, you look good." I said this to my mother again, and held her hand more tightly. My mother spared a hand, squatted down on my little face, pinched it and said, "Mom is not as good-looking as you are. You are the best looking princess today." I didn't expect that my mother would use the trick of "treating others in their own way" to deal with me. After listening to my mother, I blushed myself. It turns out that I am really my mother's child. When people praise me, people become very shy.


Mom saw my shyness, and then she began to laugh. After laughing, she took my hand and said, "Let's go, Mom will take you to buy ice cream! We are going to have a happy Children's Day!" In this way, my mother and I went to buy ice-cream with red faces. After eating the ice-cream, our faces will not be so red!

六一儿童节作文 篇7


When the bell of "June 1st" rings in the early summer of June, the students in Class 5 (3) will enjoy their own festival!


After a hard time sleeping in the morning, I found that the activity of "hand-painted T-shirts" had begun. The students all started their childhood unique. Imagination adds a lot of color to this year's June Day. Each of them has his own dream. I would like to know what kind of expression they will have when they see these paintings in a long, long time.


Then, the soul stirring "brand tearing" began. The students are divided into four teams and playing games with their opponents! They run as fast as horses. Look! They are emitting the power of youth! Dust flew on their toes. Their eyes were fixed on their opponents' famous brands, but they never thought of "Mantis catching cicadas, sparrows behind". It doesn't matter if some students get hurt, because it will be a good memory of life! Wish all the students feel the power of heat together in this cool season!


The next game tested the collective spirit of the students. The students were still divided into four groups. Each of them took a "bridge" to let the ball pass through. Only by reusing the bridge twice and pouring the ball into the cup, they won. "Come on!" The students are not in a hurry. "Alas, the ball fell." However, "winning or losing is a routine for soldiers". Do a few squats, learn from experience, and try again! The whole judo hall was filled with cheers from students!


"Hungry?" It doesn't matter. It's time for food sharing soon. Our group brings almost all fruits. The students passed on food and friendship


Well, it's time to "go home and find your mother". The students reluctantly left the campus that brought them countless happiness. This year's June Day ended perfectly with the "rustle" of the paintbrush, the "swish" of the running, and the "tut" of the mouth