
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:48 | 来源:语文通



On Saturday, I wore a Morning News reporter's document and took a through train with my parents to reach the lively and extraordinary Taiwan famous city. When we got out of the car, we went straight to the seat of "Morning News". As soon as I sat down, a piece of music rang. I took a closer look. It turned out that the host was on the court. After a few words, the host briefly invited the first actor-Magic Dick. I saw a rope in his hand, set a simple circle, and then gently touched the rope in the air in the air. The incredible thing happened: the lap of the sleeve turned up, we couldn't help but we couldn't help but do it for it. He drums warm applause. He put up the rope in the applause, and then smiled at us while beckoning to us. Immediately afterwards, the wonderful shows were displayed in front of me. Some are fun, make us laugh, some are terrible. We all closed our eyes and did not dare to look at it, and some made us feel excited, some ... among them What makes me most memorable is the program of clown playing balls. I saw the clown picked up two balls first, played in the air, and then picked up a ball with his feet and played with our heads. We all applauded him. After a while of applause, he took out an iron ring from his waist and put the ball on it. The ball turned to himself miraculously. Then, he took four goals and placed it on his own hands and feet. After a while, the clown threw the ball again with his hand. In this way, he put the ball on the ground for a few minutes, and smiled down. There are many and many activities, such as testing your intellectual dragon boat competition, testing speed of football and interesting to shoot the five poisons, and so on. We are all happy one by one. This time I am really happy!



1、名品:名品读音为míng pǐn,是指1.名位品级。 2.名目品类。 3.名声品格。 4.高品级;名贵品种。 5.辨明品级。名品 míng pǐn词语解释:1.名位品级。 2.名目品类。 3.名声品格。 4.高品级;名贵品种。 5.辨明品级。分词解释:名贵:有名而珍贵:名贵花卉|那茶盅也是均窑的,名贵得很。名目:名称;名义:名目不宜太繁|巧立名目。品格:①品行风格:品格高尚|品格清于竹。②指文艺作品的质量和风格:与二三客论画品格。品级:①古代官吏的等级:这畿尉品级虽卑,却是个刑名官儿。②产品、商品的等级。辨明:辨别清楚:辨明方位ㄧ是非。...

2、游玩:游玩读音为yóu wán,是指1.亦作“游抏”。亦作“游翫”。 2.嬉游玩乐。亦指游览赏玩。 嬉戏玩乐游玩 yóu wán词语解释:1.亦作“游抏”。亦作“游翫”。 2.嬉游玩乐。亦指游览赏玩。[amuse oneself;play] 嬉戏玩乐分词解释:赏玩:对景物、古董、艺术等欣赏玩味:有恁样好花,如何空过?须把酒来赏玩。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...游玩怎么造句,用游玩造句»