
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:12 | 来源:语文通



春节见闻作文 篇1春节的见闻作文 篇2春节见闻作文 篇3作文:春节见闻 篇4春节见闻作文 篇5春节见闻作文 篇6作文:春节见闻 篇7作文:春节见闻 篇8作文:春节见闻 篇9春节见闻作文 篇10

春节见闻作文 篇1


The sound of firecrackers immediately played up the festive atmosphere in the air. The sound of firecrackers immediately left a festive celebration on the streets.


The whole world seems to be covered with a red veil, and the New Year is everywhere. Even the dark gray sky is also like this. The Kongming lamps filled with wishes suddenly turned into moving stars and opened up red rivers. The sound of firecrackers not far away from me is like beating gongs and drums, playing accompaniment.


Mom put the food on the table and shouted for us to eat. Unlike the traditional New Year's Eve dinner, Grandpa told us a legend: Long ago, New Year was not a festival but a monster. Every winter, people would eat people and make trouble. Every winter, people would hide in other places. One day, a smart child learned about Nian's weakness and came up with a solution: everyone pasted red paper and set off firecrackers in front of their home, which scared Nian away. Nian never appeared again, and people left the habit of celebrating the New Year. After listening to this, we suddenly nodded. When I was young, I always thought it was a day to commemorate a great man, but now I think it's funny. Thinking about it, the scene of "one year old in the sound of firecrackers, spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu" suddenly appeared in front of me, and every family pasted red stripes on the door and set off firecrackers. Year, there is such a unique meaning! After dinner, our family came to see the Spring Festival Gala, talked about the great changes of the country, talked about the people's livelihood, and looked out of the window at the colorful fireworks. We followed the host to count down and welcome the arrival of the New Year. We toasted and celebrated together, saying the first sentence of the New Year's blessing. This night was the most unusual night I had, and we often remembered and missed it.


The Spring Festival will shine a different light in my memory! Spring Festival, I will never forget!

春节的见闻作文 篇2


The sound of firecrackers goes away every year, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu ". The Spring Festival is not only a lively festival, but also a festival of reunion. Shaoxing people also have strong feelings for the Spring Festival, which has a special flavor.


On the 23rd day of the lunar month, the Spring Festival kicked off. On this day, the family had to be cleaned up. All adults and children went to the battle together to clean the house. There was no dust and the floor was also shiny. The "dust" homophonic "Chen" represented the yearning for a new year. Next, we will ask the Kitchen God to go to heaven. Each family will light candles and put sweet glutinous rice food on it. We hope that these food will stick the Kitchen God's teeth, so that he will not say people's mistakes when he visits the Jade Emperor, but will offer more sweet words to make the coming year peaceful and peaceful.


From the 24th to the 29th day of the lunar month, the taste of New Year is getting stronger and stronger on the streets. The red lanterns are hanging high, and every family is preparing for the New Year's goods. Every face is full of smiles and has ardent expectations for the coming year.

终于,到了日盼夜盼的除夕夜,春节的最高潮也来临了。这一天,家家户户贴春联、剪窗花、倒贴福,这些年俗寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往之情。除夕的礼仪还有很多,在绍兴,首先要给祖宗“分岁”,就是祭祖。请祖宗要慢,祭的时间要长,准备的酒食要丰富,酒要斟三次,最后在桌帷前火化给祖宗的纸钱。到了吃 年 夜 饭 的时刻,这也是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜,丰盛的年菜摆满一桌,阖家团聚,围坐桌旁,共享团圆饭,心头的充实感真是难以言喻。团圆饭有着很多讲究,每道菜都有不同的寓意:火锅热气腾腾,代表着“红红火火”;“鱼”谐音“余”代表着“年年有余”、“吉庆有余”;菜头也可以理解为“彩头”,人们以此祝愿新的一年讨个“好彩头”……这些菜,不但美味,而且都寓意美好,寄托着人们的美好祝愿。

Finally, on New Year's Eve, the climax of the Spring Festival is coming. On this day, every household pasted Spring Festival couplets, cut window decorations and posted blessings upside down. These customs expressed people's yearning for a happy life. There are a lot of ceremonies on New Year's Eve. In Shaoxing, the first thing to do is to "divide the years" for ancestors, that is, to worship ancestors. Invite the ancestors slowly, sacrifice for a long time, prepare plenty of wine and food, pour the wine three times, and finally cremate the paper money for the ancestors in front of the table curtain. It's time to have the New Year's Eve dinner, which is also the most lively and happy time for every family during the Spring Festival. On the New Year's Eve, the rich New Year dishes were placed on the table. The whole family gathered around the table and shared the reunion dinner. The sense of fulfillment in my heart was indescribable. The reunion dinner has many stresses, and each dish has different meanings: hot pot is steaming hot, representing "red hot"; The homophonic "Yu" of "fish" stands for "more than every year" and "more than auspicious"; Dishes can also be understood as "lottery", and people wish a "lottery" for the new year... These dishes are not only delicious, but also imply beauty, and they express people's good wishes.

吃完 年 夜 饭 后,大人们热切地攀谈着家常,孩子们欢快地玩耍、嬉戏。大年三十还要守岁,旧时,这一夜往往要守岁至天明,接“灶神”,贴春联,点蜡,挂祖先遗像。最好每间屋都有灯光,取明亮兴旺之意。大家一边看着春节联欢晚会,一边吃着瓜果,等待着新年的到来。

After eating the New Year's dinner, the adults eagerly talked about the family habits, and the children played happily. On New Year's Eve, we had to stay up until dawn. In the old days, we used to stay up until dawn, pick up the Kitchen God, paste Spring Festival couplets, light wax, and hang ancestral statues. It is better to have lights in each room, which means bright and prosperous. While watching the Spring Festival Gala, everyone ate fruits and melons, waiting for the arrival of the New Year.


The first day of the first month is the New Year. As the saying goes, "30 meals, one coat". On this day, young and old people wear new clothes, which also means to get rid of the old and welcome the new.


From the New Year to the end of the 15th day of the first month, during this period of time, children have enjoyed receiving red packets, visiting and watching lanterns. No wonder some people say that the Spring Festival is a children's festival!


The Spring Festival in Shaoxing is a happy, happy and unique occasion, which conveys people's ardent expectation for the coming year and good wishes for the new year.

春节见闻作文 篇3


The New Year is coming. In order to add to the festive atmosphere, every family should paste Spring Festival couplets. In previous years, my mother bought the Spring Festival couplets from the supermarket. Since I learned calligraphy, I have been entrusted with the burden of writing Spring Festival couplets.


The term Spring Festival couplets must be familiar to everyone, but few people really know it. First of all, the Spring Festival couplet is divided into two parts, the horizontal scroll and the couplet. The horizontal scrolls are generally composed of four characters, while the couplets have no limit on the number of characters, but the antithesis is required to be neat. The upper and lower couplets should not only have the same number of characters, but also have the same parts of speech. Reading more Spring Festival couplets is actually a good way to learn. Reading all kinds of Spring Festival couplets is like walking in a colorful garden. This New Year, I will not only write Spring Festival couplets for our own family, but also prepare to write more pictures as New Year gifts for grandma and aunts. Just do what I say. I prepared my brush, ink, paper and inkstone. After a morning of hard work, the four couplets were finally completed. Grandma is old. I wish her a happy and auspicious old age. Therefore, the couplet I sent to her was: "Peace" is worth a thousand gold, "Heshun" is full of blessings, and the horizontal inscription: "Happiness and auspiciousness". I wish my aunt and her family good luck in the new year. The couplet I sent to their family was: "All is well, all is well.". Banner: Happy New Year. I wish my second aunt and her family all the best in the new year. Therefore, the couplet sent to their family was: A heaven sent peace blessing, and the people from all over the world were rich and noble. Horizontal scroll: Everything goes well. And I hope my own small home will always be full of joy and happy every day. So I wrote such a couplet: celebrate the harvest, celebrate the family happiness, and welcome the new year full of glory in the hospital. Horizontal scroll: Happy family.


When Grandma and her family received the Spring Festival couplets I wrote, they were all full of praise and carefully pasted them on their doors. I was very proud to see all this, because these Spring Festival couplets were made by Master Hu!


Writing Spring Festival couplets not only brings us a lot of fun, but also makes me more interested in learning calligraphy!

作文:春节见闻 篇4


The annual Spring Festival is coming again. As a child, of course, I like this festival very much. I am one year older! You can also change into beautiful clothes, accompany your parents and grandma to watch the Spring Festival Gala, go out to pay New Year greetings to relatives and friends, get lots of red packets, and even look at the distant village fireworks to celebrate the festival!


The New Year's Day and the New Year arrived. We were dressed up and ready to go to the New Year.


The first stop was a relative living in our community, and we set out happily. When we walked on the path of the community platform, I found several people with a child near the grass of the community platform. Instead of wearing bright clothes, they were dressed in rags. They sat next to the garbage collection "open car". There was still a lot of garbage in the car. Presumably, they had just collected garbage in the community. I looked at the child beside the car and at my expensive clothes, and suddenly felt very sad. Although we often see them working hard, today is the New Year's Day. They should wear beautiful clothes and go to New Year's greetings happily, just like us. Children should have fun. However, they continue to work at this time. Think about what our life would be like without their hard work? At the moment when I saw this scene, I felt that I should cherish the happy life my parents gave me and learn more to create a better future for my family.

春节见闻作文 篇5


The sun shone into my big window, and I opened my eyes in a daze. There are so many voices outside. I was curious. After looking at the calendar, it suddenly dawned on me that today is the Spring Festival!


Next, someone is preparing some firecrackers, and I'll just watch. The man seemed to be lighting firecrackers for the first time, and he was careful to approach with a lighter. At the moment of approaching, he turned around like a rabbit and ran away. The firecrackers crackled. With a burst of sparks, the first firecrackers sounded in the community. As if it was the first thunder, the firecrackers in the community began to ring one after another.


I saw a child showing off his new clothes to his friends, who looked at his clothes from side to side with envy; Some old people are playing chess and laughing happily; Some teenagers are in the competition, all of them are neck and neck. New Year is full of new energy.


When night came, our family sat together and had a delicious meal. We seem to be in a war. After dinner, we still "smell the fragrance, and the fragrance is not lost".


In the hall, we watched the Spring Festival Gala. Those wonderful programs and beautiful songs made us all applaud and praise. Then on the balcony, we watched the starry sky, listened to the beautiful music, and heard the fierce firecrackers, which made us feel indescribably comfortable.


Winter is coming, and New Year is getting closer and closer to us. As the saying goes, "Adults look forward to planting in the fields, while children look forward to the New Year.". Children look forward to the Spring Festival mainly because they have new clothes to wear and can eat things that they can't normally eat.


We have a custom here that every family will go to clean the house and buy food for the New Year when the New Year is coming. It's time to steam steamed buns after this day. Grandma said it's to worship immortals, but is it a superstition? I don't know. Let me investigate. Oh, yes, remember to buy sugar when you go shopping this day. Ah! I almost forgot that I had to buy firecrackers.


The New Year's Eve is almost a rehearsal for the Spring Festival. As soon as it gets dark, every family starts to cook New Year's food. "Pa", "pa", "pa" is about to have dinner. As long as children hear this sound, they will go home. On this day, every family is very busy, and you can also see friends and family who have been reunited for a long time. After dinner, the adults went to watch the Spring Festival Gala together, and the children all went back to their friends' homes to play. I have to watch the New Year's Day. I can't sleep until 12 o'clock. It's really a pain for me, a lazy person! But you can also receive lucky money!


The men all go together in the afternoon, but what about the women? It's unfair to entertain guests at home. Children certainly know how to eat, drink, play and sleep. On this day, just go to someone's home and say some auspicious words. Your pocket is bulging.


The Lantern Festival is coming, and another climax of the Spring Festival is coming. On this day, every family will eat Yuanxiao at night. The meaning of Yuanxiao is: round and round. At night, they will go to the temple fair. There are many lamps, including gauze lanterns, palace lanterns, and various forms of lamps.


The Spring Festival, as its name implies, should be a festival to celebrate the arrival of spring, and it is the most influential traditional festival in China and even in the Chinese world. From the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, people are immersed in the joy of the festival. Those relatives and friends from all over the world, regardless of the mountains and rivers, go home in the name of worshiping their parents and reuniting with their relatives in the Spring Festival.


The most important part of the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival feast. Adults are busiest on this day. The kitchen is steaming hot, fried, steamed and fragrant, and pots and pans sing together; Grandpa and grandma are skilled in knife making, and Mom and Dad are good at cooking. Lazy people like me should also take part in cleaning the house and receiving guests. And I look forward to the early opening of the New Year's reunion dinner so that we can enjoy ourselves.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, relatives arrived one after another. After a quiet talk, they were seated according to seniority. A full table of dishes, a full cup of nectar, and a full of family love filled the whole space. Relatives first worship Zuliezong, bless grandparents, parents and other elders, and then bless each other or tease brothers and sisters. After three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere became more heated. Some toasters and others depended on the wine, and the wine glasses made a clang. It takes at least an hour or two to give up a New Year meal.


No matter how much wine they drink, they will never forget one thing: watching the "Spring Festival Gala" on CCTV. There are too many people in the living room to squeeze. They just watch the TV in the bedroom, the computer in the study, and even use their mobile phones to browse. When the host of the Spring Festival Gala rang the bell of the New Year, thousands of fireworks were set off, reflecting the city like a colorful psychedelic city.


After New Year's Eve, it is New Year's Day. As far as I can see, the streets are crowded with traffic, and the alleys are crowded with pedestrians. There is a continuous stream of people going out to pay New Year's greetings. Adults and children, no matter where they meet, they all wish each other well. The sound of happy New Year is heard all the time; Fireworks and firecrackers resonate, deafening.

春节见闻作文 篇6


During the Spring Festival this year, the author made a good record of what I saw, heard and felt during the Spring Festival in the villages and towns. I felt the new changes and new atmosphere of the local people in the new era.


New Year goods become "tasty". I remember when I was young, my family was still poor, and there was sugar for the Spring Festival. The whole family, men and women, old and young, were already very happy. They never cared what the sugar was, as long as it didn't expire. Later, the family's life gradually improved, and the number of New Year goods gradually increased. I remember when I was just in the fifth grade, my family's standard New Year goods were all boxes of fruit, a chicken, a duck, a fish, several packages of melon seeds, and gift packages for children. I only remember so much. By now, in addition to chicken, duck, fish and meat that must be prepared, other things have begun to enrich. Many seafood, sea fish and yak meat have come to the table. Snacks have also become more and more abundant, including all kinds of nuts, chocolate, yogurt, etc. A lot of imported snacks and products are also on our table, including milk and chocolate in Germany, biscuits in Malaysia, too many in Japan, Korea, Europe and ASEAN. There is even camel's milk and horse's milk.


Gifts become "tasty". As the New Year goods become more and more abundant, the number and variety of gifts are also more and more abundant, which is just like the New Year goods. In my impression, at that time, my family and relatives were relatively poor. They basically gave each other two boxes of fruit, a chicken, and a package of Wangwang gift bags for children. Nowadays, it has changed a lot. In addition to the growing variety of fruits, fruits are a must (and the variety of fruits is also very rich), and gift giving has become flexible and sophisticated. For example, this relative has a relatively young child, probably in the kindergarten grade. Just prepare a box of children's milk and some snacks. The fruit is also according to the taste of relatives and friends. Basically, I seldom send chicken, duck, fish or meat.


Entertainment becomes "tasty". I remember when I was young, the local people especially liked to participate in the games held by the local government - chess games, word puzzles, and

作文:春节见闻 篇7


On the evening of the second day of the first month, after having dinner at my grandmother's house, I went shopping with my parents.


On the way, I heard the laughter coming from a distance. I hurried to see it. It turned out that a group of children were preparing to set off firecrackers. I saw an uncle squatting on the edge of a rectangular cardboard box to prepare for the fire. He shouted to the children around him: "Go away quickly, go far away, I will start the fire." At the end of the speech, I saw a meteor bullet strung out of the cardboard box, rushing into the air and exploding in mid air. A beautiful fireworks blossomed in the night, and a "crackle crackle crackle" sounded in my ears. One, two and three are like chrysanthemums, peach blossoms and peonies. They are like fire trees and silver flowers. We children are laughing, jumping and clapping in the distance.


After watching the fireworks, my parents and I went on to the supermarket. Ah, the supermarket is so busy! Although the smiling mouth was covered by the mask, people's eyes were full of laughter, as if it would overflow. Occasionally meet acquaintances and say "Happy New Year!" Of course, our children are the happiest. On weekdays, they want to eat some snacks, and adults are always not allowed to buy them. Today, adults will buy whatever they want to eat. So the children walked through the shelves to see if they liked one thing or another, so they put them in the shopping cart.


I bought a drink and came out of the supermarket. On the way home, I held my parents' hands and jumped to the ground. The sound of firecrackers kept rising and falling.


Happy New Year!

作文:春节见闻 篇8


The Spring Festival is coming. After some discussion, our family decided to celebrate the Spring Festival at Grandma's house.


On the way back to Grandma's house, the scenery outside the car window is still so beautiful. There are mountains, streams and villages. Sometimes, you can see a high-speed train flying past.

过春节的前一天,村里的家家户户都贴上了对联:竹报平安步步高,花开富贵年年好,横批,万象更新。旧岁又添几个喜 下联:新年更上一层楼 横批:辞旧迎新……看着这些对联,就让人感觉到喜气洋洋。

On the day before the Spring Festival, every family in the village had pasted couplets: "The bamboo newspaper is safe, the flowers are prosperous, and everything looks new.". There are several new couplets added to the old year: the new year is even better. The horizontal inscription: "Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year"... Looking at these couplets, people feel jubilant.


On the morning of New Year's Day, my sweet dream was awakened by a burst of firecrackers. After getting up and washing, after eating the traditional Chinese New Year meal, we will pay New Year's greetings to the adults. Red envelopes are our children's favorite. They are sweet and come one after another. Adults receive blessings.


At noon, my father told me that there would be an annual stilt competition in the village. Every family would participate in the competition, including dancing, gongs and drums, and children's cheers. as one falls. The festival atmosphere was pushed to a climax.


The village also held a basketball game. The referee blew his whistle, and the cheerleaders of both players would cheer for their favorite team. The fierce competition was even more exciting. Although not so professional, it also added a happy atmosphere to spring.


The Spring Festival activities in my hometown are colorful, and the Spring Festival in my hometown is full and happy!

作文:春节见闻 篇9


When the Spring Festival came, my parents took me back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year with my grandma. They decorated the lanterns and decorated the decorations everywhere, beaming with joy, and my mother's home was also pasted with red Spring Festival couplets.


On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, everyone is busy cooking the New Year's Eve dinner. You see, they are all very busy. I've come to join in the fun and help Grandma cook. Grandma said that she would make a big meatball tonight, and her hometown would do it every year. Grandma first brought a pot of steamed rice and stirred it. It will be used later. Then she took out a root √ green radish and a washboard. I helped Grandma wash the green radish and peel it off. Then she put the washboard at an angle of 45 degrees. She picked up the green radish and rubbed it up. It was fun to rub the vegetables. After a few clicks, a large radish disappeared. I also rubbed and sang: I am a great cook, Good cooking skills, cheerleading. Then my grandma mixed the shredded radish, rice and meat together, put the seasoning, and then she squeezed them with her hands. One by one, lovely round radish meat balls were put into the oil pan. Soon, the white radish balls were wrapped in a layer of golden coat, and the smell came out, not to mention how fragrant. Grandma also made potatoes and lotus roots. I originally made meatballs for Grandma, But in the end, she became a helper. Grandma fried me and ate at the same time. Ha ha, the food was delicious.


During the Spring Festival every year, family members get together, cook together, laugh together, play together, eat together, bless each other, and have lucky money. There is a thick atmosphere of family affection and festive joy everywhere. It's so happy!

春节见闻作文 篇10


The Spring Festival is happy, but of course, the happiest are our children. We can wear new clothes and hats and happily set off firecrackers.


On New Year's Eve, our family had a big dinner. The adults put the cooked chicken, duck, fish and squid on the table. I could not help swallowing a mouthful of water and wanted to pick up a piece of chicken leg to eat. My father pulled my clothes and my mother stared at me. I immediately understood. I quickly clipped it for Grandma and Grandpa. Everyone praises me as a good boy. Then, I took a piece of chicken for myself and ate it with relish, but it was so hot that I vomited out. The elder sister smiled and said, "Little greedy cat, you are in a hurry. Don't eat too fast. The good food is still ahead. I'm full. I'll see how you eat it later." After a while, my mother served the last dish - pearl meatballs. Just as my mother was about to give me one, I tried my best to quickly pick up the chopsticks and give everyone a meatball. Everyone laughed "ha ha". I took the opportunity to pick up the drink, imitate the adult's appearance, coughed twice, and said: "I will say a few words (ellipsis) when the Spring Festival is coming." My father smiled and said: "Don't put on airs, say something quickly." I then said, "First of all, I wish you all good health, smooth work and good luck. Then I wish you progress in your studies and all-round development!" "The ghost girl," said her mother, pretending to be angry. "Ha ha ha" Our whole family laughed.


The clock at zero strikes, and the Year of the Rooster has passed, ushering in a new year - the Year of the Dog. I am still jumping and jumping, intoxicated with the beautiful night scene.