
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:34 | 来源:语文通


日积月累作文600字 篇1日积月累作文600字 篇2日积月累作文600字 篇3日积月累作文600字 篇4日积月累作文600字 篇5

日积月累作文600字 篇1







日积月累作文600字 篇2


Looking up is spring, bowing down is autumn, and the wheel of destiny turns endlessly; The sun and the moon run through the sky and rivers run through the earth, bringing forth the transmigration of the four seasons and feeding the masses of people. With the passage of time, we have accumulated a lot of things day by day and laid the foundation for us tomorrow.


Singing the beautiful words of Yi An and reading the Chinese chapter of Bing Xin, I suddenly realized how much spiritual and cultural wealth the Chinese nation has had in the past five thousand years - a pearl that has been shining in the history for five thousand years. Isn't it because the ancients have accumulated over the years to make our cultural heritage more valuable and eye-catching?


Su Dongpo's broad-minded and bold words, "The river goes east, the waves are gone, and the ancient heroes", taught me that I can never lose my pride in frustration; "The willow shore, the gentle breeze and the waning moon" Liu Yong's words are subtle and graceful, which makes me feel the beautiful style of spring. The verses accumulated over the years made me feel the prosperity of China's five thousand years of cultural wealth. These cultural wealth accumulated day by day and month by month, which benefited us a lot.


The Chinese folk music, such as zither, lute, flute and suona, shines brightly on the world stage. But after this light, the ancients ponder hard day by day, talk and compare with each other month by month, and make a long journey to seek teachers year by year. Let's ask: if there is no accumulation of the ancients, why is there such a relaxing and joyful sound of nature.


Can you remember that Qu Yuan was not ready to serve the country, and when he saw the demise of the country, he resolutely threw himself into the river in the face of truth and justice; Do you remember the unrestrained, bold and uninhibited poet Li Bai who "can destroy the waist and power, making me unhappy"; Can you remember that Lu Xun, the great revolutionary, abandoned medicine and followed literature, and used his pen as a whip to break out a green grassland for Chinese people; Do you still think of Zhu Ziqing, a essayist, who would rather starve to death than eat relief food. Without their accumulated spiritual wealth, how can we inherit the spiritual wealth of China today from generation to generation?


What would we be like today without the accumulation of spiritual wealth and material culture in China for 5000 years? Thanks for the long history, thanks for the accumulation of the ancients, learn from the accumulation of the ancients, and work hard for future generations to inherit new spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.

日积月累作文600字 篇3


Early in the morning, when I opened the window and rolled up my long hair, I began to clean the room that I had not carefully cleaned in the past six months.


Sex. Huh? what is it? Ha ha, isn't this a sticker that I bought when I was a child to exchange for Jinnomoto cherry blossoms? I remember when I was in primary school, I went shopping with my classmates every weekend and bought big gift bags. I always thought these were very cost-effective, but now I find how naive I was when I was young.


Then I found a pile of scattered things, but my attention was attracted by the long forgotten album.


The cover is still so new, but the blue cover is covered with a layer of fog, which witnessed its growth.


The first one is my mother carrying her children to climb the mountain. My mother was very young then. Her willow eyebrows, big eyes, cherry mouth and skin like solidified fat all show her beauty. A few drops of sweat trickled down the white skin, the slender hands firmly grasped me, and the light brown pupils showed unique charm and beauty. It is full of vitality and joy.


At that time, I was very tired. My mother held me for a long time. Many uncles said they would let them hold me and let my mother have a rest. My mother is very stubborn and won't let go. Mother's back is warm and soft.


But now? Every time I stand at the kitchen door, looking at my mother's busy figure. Every time I go to school, I look back at my mother's eyes. I often look at the rough hands that bring me food.


When will Mom's back be less soft and depressed? When did Mom's back become less strong? When will mother's eyes stop shining like that?


Is it because of my ignorance, my unreasonable demands and my capriciousness that your back is getting thinner and thinner?


Looking at the photos one by one, this is my mother's attention when combing her hair. This is my mother's comfort when she got good grades for me. This is my mother's pain when she worried about my study again.


Chunfeng took the album in his hand and brushed away his tears, leaving only two lines of tears.


Day after day, year after year. Over the years, I have accumulated too much things, too much love and too much debt, which is an unbearable relief in my life. A little more, even more, makes me feel nothing.

日积月累作文600字 篇4


There is a kind of magic that can change stars. It is an envoy sent by years. It quietly permeates our lives. It is very abstract and has no specific appearance. It is "accumulated over time".


However, even if it is the same as time, we can not tell its true appearance, but I can still "see" it.


The rain slid down the eaves like a broken bead, and the old house was hazy in the misty rain. I like walking past the old house on rainy days, stepping on bluestone slabs and listening to the sound of rain "ticking". The eaves of the old house are the oldest wooden structures carved with various patterns. The rain fell on the ground, and it repeated thousands of times.


Every time I pass by the old house on rainy days, I always see a row of sunken small pits on the stone slab just below the eaves of the old house. On a sunny day, you can see a slight green in the small pit, which is the moss growing over time.


This Aodang is a masterpiece of water drops, which is a kind of power. It comes from persistence and accumulation! A drop of rain hit the palm of your hand, painlessly. How to make a small hole in the hard slate with such a small force is amazing! This is the result of perseverance, which comes from perseverance accumulated over time.


Swallows fly back here every spring. They especially love under the eaves of old houses, and they come here to build nests almost every year.


At first, they were busy flying in and out, stopping under the eaves from time to time and holding something in their mouth. I couldn't really see it.


After a period of time, I suddenly looked up and saw a small swallow nest, which was about to take shape. Swallows still fly in and out, stopping by the nest from time to time.


After a while, the shrill cry of the newborn swallow came out, accompanied by her father and mother.


Time and time again, swallows built a warm nest for themselves and their children with only the grass and mud they took from their mouths. This is a kind of power, which comes from the pursuit of happiness and the persistence accumulated over time.


Life is not a cumulative process? The true meaning of life is contained in every moment of every day. The pursuit of success requires long-term efforts accumulated day by day.

日积月累作文600字 篇5


Although a drop of water is small, we can not underestimate the power that is formed by tens of millions or even billions of drops. Stone "wearing" is easy for human beings to do, but who would like to turn into a drop of water to achieve this phenomenon? This tells us that we should learn to accumulate. Accumulating seemingly small power will turn into huge energy in the future.


Helen Keller was originally a healthy and lively girl. When she was 19 months old, she became blind, deaf and aphasic due to an emergency. From then on, Helen Keller became irritable, wayward and lonely. Until she was seven years old, she walked out of the darkness and loneliness, felt the mystery of language and understood the magic of knowledge under the painstaking guidance of Miss Sullivan, who was full of love and patience, was close to blindness and was only 20 years old at that time. Helen Keller was thirsty for knowledge. Over the years, with her amazing perseverance and the education and help of Miss Sullivan, she completed four years of study at Harvard University with excellent grades, and completed "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", becoming the first deaf and blind person to obtain a literary scholar in human history.


We cannot underestimate our own small power. At that time, Qin Shihuang did not realize that the uprising led by the two peasants could overthrow his hegemony; Now, the mole ants can even break a river bank. Small forces are powerful and terrible when aggregated. Only by facing up to these seemingly insignificant things can we know how to accumulate the right and important experience that is not obvious in life.


We should have a perseverance. No one can accomplish this arduous task without perseverance. The reason why Yugong could move the mountain was his unswerving faith and determination. Only a perseverance full of perseverance can smash that small drop of water to the stone day and night. If a drop of water is abandoned halfway, it cannot achieve "stone piercing". This shows the importance of perseverance.


In a word, the reason why a small water drop can pierce a stone is that it cannot lack the accumulation of small power. In the normal life process, we should learn to have a perseverance and a pair of eyes, accumulate small power, let it continuously sublimate, change into huge energy, and then "drop water pierces stone".