
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:53 | 来源:语文通



Today I took a bath early and sat on the sofa and waited for "First Lesson"! This is my second time I watched this show.The ignorant child in elementary school.


Ideally illuminate the future.The ideal of uncle Rizini is to protect the territory of the motherland!


Teacher Zhang Guimei's ideal is to allow ordinary girls to study in high school!


Grandpa Yuan Longping, the father of Chinese hybrid rice, is as long as the ears of rice are as long as brooms.


The astronaut, Uncle Nie Haisheng, Uncle Liu Boming, and Uncle Tang Hongbo's ideal is to complete the mission of the motherland's assignment and realize the dream of Chinese aerospace!


I also imagine that the uncle of the astronauts will move towards space in the future! But what I need to do now is to unite classmates, love teachers, respect the elders, and study cultural knowledge carefully.



Hi, the first lesson of school, did you read it?


In the first lesson, there must be no less.Only by recognizing history can we cherish the present and grasp the future.The children look at TV seriously, it is beautiful.This show is really meaningful and changed the child's inner concept of the motherland.It turns out that many people in the world sacrificed for the peace of the motherland ...


One hundred years ago, China was in a semi -colonial and semi -feudal society.Today, China stands in the east of the world with a proud gesture of self -confidence and self -reliance.Every inch of land in the motherland echoed the heroic song written by youth and bloodpool, and the light of ideals and beliefs shone behind each strong song!


When a little girl told her heroic father's deeds, her grandfather once said to her father: "The border guards patrol the border day and night, so that the border of the motherland can be peaceful, and the herdsmen can live in peace.What should be done. Now I can't move, you have to continue the way me. "Her father inherited his father's mission and became a border soldier who did not wear military uniforms.Now, she is also inspirational to be a soldier to guard the motherland like her father! Sister said that when she grows up, she wants to be a military doctor, both a doctor and a soldier and a soldier.Become the young face of the fourth -generation patrolr but has a firm look! The two children sang the father's favorite song, the singing across time and space, and the singing with his father in the studio, and also floated over the Pamir Plateau., Overlooking the brilliant safflower in China, and hovering with the eagle.A hero father will not only give it to the society, but also infect her children to affect her life. It is good!


This is the baptism of the souls to the children. The tears can't stop daring to see it again. Countless hardships will only get peace in front of them; pay tribute to the seniors of the iron bones! Tribute to the brave and fearless heroes!


I moved myself and cried.I hope that the country will have more such education theme programs. Adults will be infected with the world that will not be trapped in front of you.



Happy summer vacation has always passed by. From today, I am a school sister in the second grade of Buddhist temple elementary school. At 8 o'clock in the evening, my mother and I stay on TV.Watching "Lesson First of the Starting School" in front of the plane, seeing Uncle Sabenin's appearance, I was as excited as seeing my familiar old friend.


Uncle Sabenin said that the theme of today is "Righteousness to the Future". In fact, I don't know what my ideals are, but when I see the winner of the Seventh Medal, the model of poverty alleviation, the advanced figures of resistance to disease,After the twelve hero astronauts of Shenzhou, representatives of the air echelon, and the heroic deeds of the "post -00s" Olympic athletes, I love my motherland even more and want to win glory for the motherland.At the same time, it is understood that love for the motherland is the responsibility of our teenagers.


"The First Lesson of the Starting School" has ended unknowingly. My mother tells me that I can choose what I want to be to be to be done if I work hard to do what I should do now. I think my mother is right.I want to have a new goal. I want to continue to surpass myself as Sister Yang Qian said, study hard, and go up every day!



Today, I watched "The First Lesson of the Starting School", which made me surging and tears.


In the evening, I turned on the TV early, looking forward to the start of the show, and finally, at eight o'clock, the familiar figure of Teacher Sabenin and Mr. Kanghui came into view.Many moving heroic deeds, the son of the martyrs, Grandpa Peng Shilu, the pioneer of the nuclear submarine, uncle Lazani who guarded the frontiers and the heroic appearance, and the principal Zhang Guimei who dedicated the children throughout his life.The brothers and sisters of Ningxia, as well as too many astronauts who struggled to win glory for the country. Among them, Grandpa Peng Shilu and President Zhang Guimei were most impressed.


Grandpa Peng Shilu was the son of the martyrs. In his early years, his parents were righteous. When he was young, he ate hundreds of meals and wore hundreds of clothes.Grandpa Peng Shilu is the chief designer of the first nuclear submarine in my country. He also designed the first large -scale commercial nuclear power plant in my country -Qinshan Phase II nuclear power plant.He studied hard and was not afraid of difficulties. The spirit of being courageous to overcome me admired me. I must learn Grandpa Peng's spirit.


The other is President Zhang Guimei who I am very admired. She dedicated her life to the children in the depths of the mountains. In the early years, she found that many local girls could not go to school. She could only do housework at home. She was very anxious and raised money everywhere.To build a free school for children to study, with the help of the party, the school has been established. A batch of students graduated from this school and admitted to colleges.The place where the motherland needs is glowing and heat.Her spirit encourages me, spurring me to be a good student who is positive, forward, patriotic.


I want to be grateful to the party, listen to the party, be a good boy in the party, be a good thorny, and go straight forward to contribute to the construction of my motherland.strength.



Today, we watched the "first lesson" at 8 pm on September 1st, which tells many heroic deeds, let me tell you about it!


Today, I watched the "first lesson of school" and talked about many heroes.Teacher Xiaosa introduced the Communist Party members of the guardian border and teachers who helped village students. They trained generations of students into the talents of the country, heroes manufacturing satellites, heroes who created atomic bullets, heroes manufacturing nuclear missiles, manufacturing nuclear power plants, manufacturing nuclear power plantsHeroes, heroes manufacturing aircraft, heroes of manufacturing nuclear submarines, and aerospace heroes ...


In the classroom, Mr. Xiaosha introduced the three uncle of the Space Station. The three uncle accompanied us to visit the space cabin. The three uncle showed us how to exercise in space and performed us how to eat with chopsticks to eat.Tea, let's watch how the sweet potatoes germinate in space. It is really interesting! Later, Uncle Yang Liwei took us and the three uncle of the space cabin to sing a "Youth Yongzhong".


I have gained a lot of knowledge in this lesson and received a lot of education. I must study hard, learn our own skills, and serve our great motherland.



"The first lesson of school" was broadcast! I can't wait to turn on the TV and watch the broadcast of the show with interest.


This course is extraordinary and unforgettable! The theme of this year is "ideal to illuminate the future".What makes me most memorable is a pair of siblings of the frontier, their father Rizini.Bitika sacrificed for children who fell into the ice cave.


Their story deeply moved me, their dad sacrificed, and they became orphans.But they still did not give up the ideals of Dad.The ideal of that little brother is to grow up as a soldier to continue guarding the frontiers and be an excellent guardian.The young lady also said that she wanted to be a military doctor to return to the frontiers to realize the ideal of her father.


I also have to learn from them, study hard from now, and grow up as useful people in the future, and mostly contribute to the country.



At 8 o'clock tonight, I watched the first lesson of school. With the host's explanation, I saw the history of China's development and learned a lot of heroes.The spirit of the predecessor's struggle for the New China has made me deeply feel that it is difficult for today's life.


Listening to the tells of those heroes, I moved shed tears. The heroes of the heroes were hot and struggled for the development of the motherland for life. Their mental infection became us.His dreams and work for it.There are also those Olympic champions, the spirit of astronauts, and the spirit of the seventh medal winner ... they have valuable wealth that I can't learn. They are Kong Ming lanterns on the road of my life, leading passers -by!


Junior wisdom is national wisdom, young strong is strong, and we are strong. We living in a peaceful age should study hard. When we grow up, we should learn the most advanced science and technology, and feed the country ...


After reading the first lesson of the school, I have learned a lot of knowledge. In the next days, I must study hard and strive to be a new generation of elementary school students!



Time passes so fast. In the blink of an eye, the golden season of 2021 is here, and our summer vacation is about to end.Every time in the fall, everyone will watch together, starting the first lesson.I can learn a lot from my middle school every time I watch, so I look forward to the first lesson of each school. What is this time?


The opening music sounded, Teacher Sabenin and Teacher Kang, and two students, embarked on the host.The main thing this time is about.The motherland fully realizes the well -off society, as well as the sky and space station.On April 20th, Shenzhou 12 manned rocket rose to the sky to complete the connection with the sky and the core cabin.Nie Haisheng, Tang Hongbo, and the three astronauts of Yang Boming showed us the environment where they live in space.The most interesting thing is Yang Bo. Uncle Ming also performed "eating tea in the air". This performance really shocked me: the space was so amazing.Then the first lesson started.The Olympic athletes who competed for the country at the Tokyo Olympics: Yang Qian, who won the first gold in China, and 14 -year -old teenager Quan Hongyu, which was shocking and made me very admiring, so small, I could compete for the country.Be sure to study hard.


In the Ningxia Autonomous Region, there is a place named Fujian Ning, where it is very difficult. On the Gobi Beach, there is a sandstorm. Therefore, there is an old saying that the sky does not fly birds and the ground.EssenceSince the establishment of a assistance relationship with Fujian Province and Minning Town, there are some graduate students every year to help people in Minning Town improve their living environment.This scene really moved me.This is our motherland. One side is difficult and supports.


The party has always been a good role model in the hearts of the people. The prosperity of the motherland today is inseparable from the party's efforts. It is precisely because the party has a worrying about the country and the people and serving the people wholeheartedly.You can give a lifetime heart that our motherland can be better and better.To this end, we must make progress with the motherland and develop together. We must contribute to the motherland. Only in this way can the Chinese nation continue to improve, and our motherland can continue to develop.


The first lesson today has benefited me a lot.Let me realize that the prosperity of the motherland is inseparable from the family of the Communists.At the same time, we must study hard and grow up to become useful to the country.



Today, my mother and I read the first lesson, which impressed me most about interesting space travel.


Are you everyone who has forgotten the three astronauts in the sky? The three uncle came to the party today today, and they behaved fun! Some uncle said that he brought him from his hometown.A small sweet potato, this is a small sweet potato. Uncle took him to the train, got on the plane, and flew towards space by rocket. He still kept it.Little sweet potatoes germinate in the new home ... Uncle also said, to play against us to see who's sweet potato grows fast.


Another uncle was even more powerful -pinching tea with chopsticks.He first soaked the tea, and then squeezed some tea out, and the tea became a large pile of water beads flying in the air.Uncle clamped those water droplets with chopsticks, and then gently sent them into their mouths, just like eating a jelly.Do you say that these uncles are very good? Is it interesting?


The reason why they can perform aerospace experiments in space shows how developed China's aerospace industry is. This is the pride of the Chinese! Therefore, we must study hard and grew up to serve the motherland.



2021 has passed most of the past, and in September, it represents the exit of the hot summer, indicating that we will welcome the arrival of the new semester.


"Lesson First Class" also met me. The theme of this lesson is "Ideally illuminating the future." Different historical stages require people to complete different mission. In the process, a number of model figures have emerged.During the Democratic Revolution, I met Chen Wangdao, who translated the Declaration of the Communist Party and lamenting "the taste of truth", and met Li Dazhao, one of the sponsor of the Communist Party; during the socialist revolution and construction, I met Grandpa Peng Shilu;During the period of reform and opening up and the modernization of socialist modernization, I met Grandpa Nan Rendong, the father of Tianyan, Grandpa Yuan Longping, the father of rice ... In the new era, I met President Gao Zhang Guimei, Huaping ...The great rejuvenation is a relay match. Today's results are continued to fight for generations.


Among them, what impressed me most was the story of Grandpa Peng Shilu.Grandpa Peng was born under harsh conditions, and his parents were sacrificed vigorously. He was raised by the people in the village. Since then, Grandpa Peng has become a hundred family, wearing a hundred family clothes, and a family name of the family name.After growing up, Grandpa Peng served as the chief designer of the nuclear submarine. At that time, his working environment was very bad and poor.In the environment, they still have no regrets for the motherland's career for the motherland.


"Reality in history and seeing the future from a distance." The relay stick of history is about to be passed on to our hands. We must study hard and enhance our knowledge.The Chinese dream of revival contributes its own strength!



Time hurried, for a moment; the unusual summer vacation ended.On September 1st each year, primary and secondary school students across the country will gather in front of television to watch the first lesson.Every time I listen to this class, my heart is full of emotions. For example, Shanquan burst out from the stream, lamenting the beauty of the world, and feeling that life is endless.


The ideal is fire, igniting the revolutionary blood.


Li Hongta, the winner of the Seventh Medal, the grandson of Li Dazhao; he tells us the story of his grandfather Li Dazhao. He is the pioneer of the Chinese Communist Movement, the great Marxist, the outstanding proletarian revolutionary,One of the main founders.However, on April 6, 1927, the arrest of the Military Camp of the Soviet Union of the Russian Russian Hall was arrested, and the heroic sacrifice was bravely sacrificed on April 28, 1927."Jintian Uprising, the Patriotic Movement of the May Fourth May, guerrilla warfare after the anti -Japanese enemy, the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base ..." Let me know the bloody struggle, perseverance, adhere to the truth, adhere to their ideals, and bear the instructions of the ancestors.


The ideal is stone, and the shop is struggling.


"Model of the Times" Razani Bitca, who guarded the "West Gate" of the motherland, but lost his life to save a child who fell into the ice cave until he rescued him from the water.It is admirable to lift the water surface."Deng Jiaxian, Qian Xuesen, Yuan Longping, Wang Jinxi ..." Let me understand self -reliance, anger, sharpen their will, stubbornly struggle, and continue to write a new chapter in the era.


The ideal is the road, starting a happy life.


Zhang Guimei, the winner of the Seventh Medal, took the roots in the mountainous area with the instinct of love, and established the only local girl middle school -Huaping Women's High School, allowing those girls who worked at home to get out of the mountains.Let me experience emancipating my mind, forging ahead, down -to -earth, pioneering innovation, and building the motherland with knowledge.


The ideal is light, illuminating the road of revival.


The Olympic athletes of the Olympic athletes, astronauts bear the responsibility of China.Let me deeply realize that I am my responsibility to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and strengthen the aspirations, bones, confidence, and live up to the times, live up to Shaohua, and live up to the earnest expectations of the party and the people.


I am proud of my motherland, and I am deeply proud of China because you are our light.



In the singing voice of "Mom teaches me a song", in "Dear classmates, start school!"This year's opening season began again.


The first course of this year's start of school is "ideal to light the future".Starting from a book, this is a 1920 "Communist Manifesto". Listening to the sincere and moving story of the revolutionary martyrs such as Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong, Chen Wangdao, etc., it raised a feeling of passion from the bottom of the heart.


Grandpa Xi Jinping once said: "A hopeful nation must not have no hero; a promising country must not have no pioneers."The family; from the first batch of immigrants Xie Xingchang, to President Zhang Guimei who changed the fate of the Grand Mountain girl with education, and the pioneers of the new era of astronauts, pilots, and Olympic athletes who struggle and struggling for glory for the country.The teenagers are firm and angry.


"In the future, it belongs to youth and hopes to give up to youth." At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Grandpa Xi Jinping said earnestly in the new era of Chinese youths.The confidence, live up to the times, live up to Shaohua, and live up to the eager expectations of the party and the people! "I firmly believe that the next 100 years to wait for us to write a new chapter.



Today is September 1, I watched a set of "first lessons of school" in CCTV, which was very moved.


By watching "The First Lesson", I learned that Peng Shilu, the first person in the first nuclear submarine in China- "Long March One", is the son of Peng Yue, the revolutionary of my country's revolution. He is also one of the designers of the first nuclear power plant in our country. He became an orphan at the age of four, and grew up in a hundred family meals and wearing a hundred clothes; the three generations of the Kazakh family as a guardian. In his life, his son was determined to grow up with his father's footsteps. At this time, I burst into tears; through "The First Lesson of the Starting School", I also knew that the two bombs and one star Yuan Xun Deng Jianxian, Qian Xuesen, and also Knowing that the father of Chinese hybrid rice is Yuan Longping ... The most exciting thing is the connection of the host of the live broadcast site and the three astronauts of Shenzhou 12. Let us see the place where the three astronauts work and live — Tianhe In the core cabin, the three astronauts also taught us to play Tai Chi in the core cabin ...


Through the first lesson of school, I know why our motherland is getting stronger and stronger. It is precisely because there are so many such as our country to sacrifice our backbone. I am extremely proud and proud of my Chinese people!



Today is the day of school. Our Chinese class teacher organizes all students to watch the program hosted by CCTV- "First Lesson".


This is the first lesson I miss my heart. The show will be broadcast on time at eight o'clock. A beautiful song will introduce the opening as us. The host will ask the students across the country.I explained with the host, I see it with interest.However, the time was fast, and the first lesson of the start of the school was close to the end, but I was still immersed in it. The first lesson of this school brought me a deep impression.Whether it is the host's speech or the picture presented in the show, it is shocking.


In 1921, our country can only be bullied and aggressive by other countries.But by 2021, after a lapse of 100 years, as Kang Hui said, our country, from the pace of keeping up with the times to leading this era.


Later, a lot of touching pictures appeared. As the host explained step by step, my eyes unknowingly shed tears.


In this show, I also heard a touching story: Chen Duxiu found Chen Wangdao, 29, and wanted him to translate the Communist Declaration.


In March 1920, in the rude firewood house in Yiwu, Zhejiang, Chen Wangdao used a bench and shop to support the temporary writing desk and started translation.The coldness of the mountains was forced, and Chen Daowang's mother distressed his son. He cooked two dumplings and paired with a plate of brown sugar, telling his son to eat hot.Chen Wangdao paid attention to it, and actually took the ink as brown sugar.The mother was so angry and funny, and asked, "After eating, the brown sugar is sweet or not sweet?" The son didn't realize it, and said without lift his head, "Sweet, really sweet!"


In this way, Chen Wangdao translated the Communist Manifesto with a patriotic heart.


At the same time, watching the motherland is becoming stronger and our lives are getting better and better. This is the credit of the ancestors, and we must cherish it. Therefore, in many cases, we can do what we can do.It is to study hard, enhance your own knowledge, and return to the cultivation of the motherland.



Today, our family has not slept until 9:00 at 9:00, because I am watching the long-awaited "first lesson".


"The ideal of the future" —— The host introduced the Chinese history a hundred years ago, and today our Chinese red flag flutter is how prosperous and spectacular it is. It also tells our revolutionary martyrs, one named Li Dazhao and the other called a basket. Hmm ... In addition to these, I also said the meaning of Xiaokang. Well -off, as the name suggests, is to make the country a strong rejuvenation, make culture better and better, let the nation live a good life, have food, wear clothes, and learn. There are also, for example, the term well -off appeared in the Book of Songs. Daya. People Labor. At this moment, the words turn. Turned to military again. For example, the story of Peng Shilu, the first nuclear submarine chief designer of the first nuclear submarine in my country, and also tells his life. He was originally an orphan, and his parents were arrested in the revolution and were killed by agents. Finally, he was transferred by various people. After a while, oxygen -making will grow up. So he decided to repay the people, so the scene we just mentioned became the Long March 1 nuclear submarine. In addition, he has also been the chief designer of the nuclear power plant. He said that he did only two things in his life: that was to make nuclear submarines and civil nuclear power plants.


In the first lesson of the start of school, the first impression to me is that our country was so powerful, and there was no poverty as the revolution we imagined.Blood and life in exchange.Cherish the present and study hard.



ideal, realization, future.


This lesson made me surging; this lesson moved my heart; this lesson made me firm.


The first lesson of school is over, the ending song is still continuing, but I am still immersed in the content of this lesson. There are countless emotions in my heart, like a fire, burning, and letting me make me.The ideal shining with holy glory, in that glorious, there are the entrustment of the revolutionary predecessors, the affectionate message of the Olympic champion, and the teachings of the seventh medal winner.


What is the ideal? Revolutionary martyr Li Dazhao's ideal is to establish the Communist Party of China to realize national independence and people's liberation, national rich and strong, and the happiness of the people; Peng Shilu's ideal is to design and build nuclear submarines and nuclear power plants;Forty years of abiding by the country.In order to realize his ideals, Li Dazhao gave his life, Peng Shilu dedicated his life, and the Lazany's three generations relayed.With the ideal and working hard to realize their ideals, their lives exudes bright light. The ideal is the beacon that allows them to move forward all the way. The ideal is the motivation to make them endless. The ideal is the courage to keep them surpassing.


Under the hard work of the revolutionary ancestors, we stood up and became rich, but we have to get stronger. Only when the motherland is strong can we be unharmed and enhanced the spirit, bones, and confidence of the Chinese.It is the responsibility of every Chinese people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although I am just a primary school student now, I am a good age of learning knowledge. I should also establish my own ideals, learn from the ancestors, take my ideals and the country’s country’sThe combination of prosperity and prosperity continues to achieve its own small goals. Countless small goals are superimposed, we can shop our own major journey.


The ideal implementation of The ideal implementation is not shouting. We need to be down -to -earth. On the road of moving forward, we insist on seeking, bravely move forward, and constantly break through ourselves.We must understand each arithmetic problem, memorize every ancient poem that should be back, and complete each assignment carefully, and lay a solid foundation with small goals as the big ideal.


The ideal is set, the future is available!



At 20 pm on September 1, 2021, our national primary and secondary school students and parents ushered in the grand "first lesson". This year's theme is "idealTrends the future. "By reviewing the century of the founding of the party, the people's ideals of different eras are divided into four chapters.In the years of war fire, the ideal is the fire, which ignited the revolutionary blood and won the victory of the Anti -Japanese War. After the founding of the New China, the ideal is stone, and the journey of struggle was paved.Once, the ideal is the road, which has opened a happy life, and gradually moves from food and clothing to the road of well -off; in a new period of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the ideal is light, illuminating the road of rejuvenation, realizing the greatpattern.


A country, a nation, as long as the patriotic ideal of fire is popular, the stone -like is practical, and choose a correct socialist road. No matter how rugged the road is, the light of the Communist Party of China shines on us.It will belong to us and must belong to us.


As a new generation of Chinese socialist successors -the majority of primary and secondary school students across the country, they should also need their own ideals, set the goals of each learning stage, start from the first day of the new semester, let yourself click on yourselfLearning the enthusiastic fire, rearing the spirit; paving the stones of struggle, practical practice, choosing the road of learning suitable for you, with a candlelight teacher to guide us in the ocean of knowledge, fly in the sky!


Tian Gao will fly, and the sea is wide. As long as we have ideals, we are willing to work hard, life will be more playful in the future!



The cicada outside the window gradually lowered, the lotus root of the lotus pond quietly matured, and time always passed inadvertently.In the blink of an eye, we have passed in the summer vacation. We are distributed in different parts of the motherland, and we all start a beautiful new semester in the same way. This is the first lesson.


Seeing the seventh medal winner, the model of poverty alleviation, the advanced figures of the anti -epidemic, the model of the times, the hero astronauts, the representative of the air echelon, the post -00 Olympic athletes, the young and middle -aged art workers and youth representatives to the pioneer, through the cloud classroomThe method of primary and secondary school students across the country has a class, and I seem to see a scroll of time that has opened slowly.From the openness of the establishment of the file to the change of the establishment of the New China to the earth -to -earth and opening up, the party has led the people of all ethnic groups of all ethnic groups in the country to fight hard for the past century.the way.Therefore, today we must learn to be grateful, repay the party's kindness with actual actions, and as students, we are the hope of the future of the motherland.Go forward, love the motherland and love the party, improve their own literacy, actively learn cultural knowledge, and strive to show the party's greatest value performance to the motherland in the future.


After reading the first lesson, I brought me a lot of feelings and thoughts. He let me re -understand the party’s century -old glory and make my patriotic more firm.Learning life.



The first lesson of public safety education starts on public security, transportation, fire protection, and epidemic prevention. It has taught us practical legal knowledge and risk prevention skills to help us improve dangerous recognition ability.In fire knowledge, focusing on the correct fire field escape skills and emergency response measures such as burns, burns, and injuries during the escape process.


During the escape process, when the escape passage is blocked by the glass, it must be broken! But how to break the window correctly?


1. Take a sharp tool, select the top of the window or the corner breaks, and choose a support point.2. After the window breaks, remove the broken glass around to avoid damage.3. Use the sheets at home to play a role in protecting the towel.


If the burns occur, remember the four -sentence processing formula, rush, cover, and send it!


1. "Take off": Take off the clothing that directly removes the heat source;


2. "Chong": Rinse the wound with water, but don't pick the blisters;


3. "Cover": Cover with a clean towel or dressing at the wound;


4. "Send": Emergency to the hospital.


In addition, in terms of epidemic prevention knowledge, we also explain the knowledge of daily epidemic prevention that we care about. Under what circumstances, we need to do the knowledge of nucleic acid detection and sports activities. Public safety education has you and me, so we must protect you and me, so we must be sureKnowing safety education!



The police in the law and order sector gave us two suggestions on preventing network fraud:


1. When encountering such suspicious calls, when suspicious information, pay attention to identify authenticity, think about how to confirm;


2. Set up a red line, which must be vigilant in terms of personal information property, information property or family security.


It also told us about high -altitude parabolic, civilized dog raising and preventing campus bullying.


The transportation sector explains the traffic rules of pedestrians and non -motorized vehicles, advocate the development of road traffic safety knowledge such as "one helmet, one area", and allow students to understand the significance of obeying laws and regulations, safe and orderly travel.


The teacher told us on the road, crossing the isolation bar, and through the road through the road, causing the consequences of ghost probes, and explained to us the safety matters that need to be paid attention to on the way to school.


The fire sector explained the correct fire sitting skills and injury emergency response measures such as burns, burns, and cutting during the escape process.


The teacher explained the preventive measures when encountering an emergency, let us know when breaking the glass


1. Should choose the top or corner for break


2. When our hands are breaking the glass, we should find a fulcrum.


3. Our third point, we should clean up the glass around


During bruises, 1, rinse 2. Disinfection 3. Compression; stop bleeding and sprains 1. Rest 2. Ice application 3. Compression 4. Raise; should be removed, flushed, covered, and sent.


The epidemic prevention sector answered knowledge how to wear masks and how to carry out sports activities safely.Today's class benefited me a lot, and also taught us practical legal knowledge and risk prevention skills.



1、开学:开学读音为kāi xué,是指学期开始:开学典礼。 学期开始开学典礼开学 kāi xué词语解释:学期开始:开学典礼。[term begins] 学期开始开学典礼分词解释:● 学(學) xué ㄒㄩㄝˊ◎ 效法,钻研知识,获得知识,读书:学生。学徒。学习。学业。学友。学者。学阀。学制。学历。学步邯郸(讥讽人只知模仿,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。◎ 传授知识的地方:学校(简称“学”或“校”)。学院。学府。中学。大学。上学。◎ 掌握的知识:学问(简称“学”)。学术(一切学问的总称)。学位。学士(a.学位名,大学毕业生;b.古代官名)。才学。治学。学识。博学多才。◎ 分门别类的有系统的知识:学说。哲学。数学。小学(a.古代指文学、音韵、训诂学;b.现指初等学校)。● 开(開) kāi ㄎㄞˉ◎ 启,张,把关闭的东西打开:开启。开化。开诚布公。◎ 分割:对开。三十二开本。◎ 通,使通:开导。开窍。◎ 使显露出来:开采(挖掘矿物)。开发。◎ 扩大、发展:开扩。开拓。◎ 发动或操纵:开动。开车。◎ 起始:开始。开宗明义。◎ 设置、建立:开创。开国。开设。◎ 列举,写出:开单子。开发票。◎ 支付:开销。开支。◎ 沸腾,滚:开水。◎ 举行:开运动会。◎ 放在动词后面,表示效果:躲开。...开学怎么造句,用开学造句»

2、观后感:观后感读音为guān hòu gǎn,是指观后感,就是看了一部影片或连续剧后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。...