
时间:2022-08-23 13:17:11 | 来源:语文通



Parents often say that the only child is good, but the child is too lonely.Really, I also feel the same: from small to large, a few rooms, one villain and two adults, everyone has little time together, so lonely.


A year ago, my family added a new member: a kitten.Because the hair on it is brown, I gave it a nice name called "Little Coffee".The arrival of "Little Coffee" changed my life and brought me a lot of fun.


"Little Coffee" is only a hair cat.Except for the white nose, the rest is all brown.Its ears are not large, and a pair of translucent eyes are round.It has a long beard, a red nose, a curved mouth, and the long hair on both sides of the mouth, which is very cute.


"Little Coffee" is beautiful, cute and naughty.


Once I was doing my homework, it was sitting on the bed with my ears, my buttocks twisted, and suddenly, while I didn't pay attention, it rushed to the table like the arrow of Li Xian.Just stunned, as if he had caught a delicious little mouse, making me laugh.It also likes to call. When I call, it squats beside it. While I am happy, I quietly run to the phone and follow the keys on the key.After I was so angry that I hung up the phone and chased it with it.


"Little Coffee" and ordinary cats different cats generally love fish, but it does not only love fish but also cucumber. Once my mother bought a few cucumbers, I wanted to use it for cold dishes, but when I was cooking, I found that there was one.The cucumber was messy.I think it must be dried by small coffee.Wash the cucumber and put it in a cat bowl.When the little coffee smelled it, I ate a brilliantly ate a cucumber.As a result, those cucumbers all became its beauty meals. "


My life is colorful because of "small coffee", I love my "little coffee"!



Today, I saw a puppy named coffee.


It has a coffee hair all over its body, and it feels very soft.Its black nose was inlaid with a pair of small and round eyes, and the pink tongue was hidden in sharp teeth.Its tail was long, and it was put around, as if greeted me.


Coffee is very funny when sleeping.Its two small paws grasped the back tightly, curled up in a ball, like a furry velvet ball.A pair of black eyes closed tightly, and seemed to be sleeping, sleeping on the small face of coffee.


Coffee running is particularly fast.I saw its eyes staring at the front, and the four calves kept kicking, rushing out like a rocket.This speed made me and my sister praise and can't reach it.


You must also like such cute and funny coffee!



"Round head, tip of teeth, fat body, short limbs, small feet, super naughty." Please guess, what kind of animal is this?mouse?Guinea pig?Hamsters?Yes, I finally answered, this is the hamster.


What is the relationship between hamsters and water coffee?And I heard that it is carefully.Recently, my family has added two members -the hamster.They have different hair colors. One is gray -white, the other is black, and the hair color of the gray -white hamster is the same as the color of the water, and the color of the black hamster is very similar to the color of coffee. Therefore, I named them clear water and coffee.


On the first day of taking them home, they didn't look at me, but after a few days, they were familiar with me and fell in love with me.


Through careful observation, I found that they love to eat, drink, sleep, and sleep, and are very playful. It is a veritable "three good students" mile in the hamster world!


When I gave them a little food, they rushed over immediately, grabbed the food and gobbled.Being me, it seems to be saying, "Give us a little food, we have not been full yet!" I won't give the hamster food anymore, just pour some water in the sink.Guru gave the water a fine light, and he was full of drinking. The two of them were lying on the wood chips together and sleeping with taste. They could really sleep. I slept until two o'clock in the afternoon.Wake up, I really don't know when they are going to sleep!


I often play mini -games with Shimizu Coffee -escape from Dushu Mountain.Press a book on them to see who escapes first.Haha, they grinned their teeth, and they all worked hard to climb out, but all their efforts were all helpless. I think they must give up, but the facts are unexpected. They are still unremitting.The water followed closely, and it was also climbed out, which is really interesting!


This is my family's playful and loved hamster that loves to drink, sleeping, and sleeping, Shimizu Coffee, do you like them?



"Coffee Beans" is the name of our dogs.Today, taking advantage of the sunny weather, I decided to wash it.


We are ready to take a bath water and call "coffee beans".Let it stand in the bathtub, and my dad and I have a towel alone to prepare for a big job.


Start washing, we made a clear division of labor. I washed the first half and my dad washed the second half. Let's use a wet towel to wet its hair. In the blink of an eye, the "coffee bean" was fluffy with a fluffy hair, and a "fall soup dog" appeared in front of us. The water on his body wet the two of us. So we stepped up the time. Dad's hand put a little shower gel, gently wiped the "coffee beans", and rubbed it a few times from time to time. I draw a scoop according to the gourd. After a while, I hit "chicken blood" to speed up the "coffee bean" bath. "Coffee beans" seemed a bit painful by me, "Wang, Wang" called it, as if you were saying: You are lighter and hurt me. I touched it a few times, and it calmed down. "Change the water," coffee beans "!" Dad said at this time. I took out the "coffee beans" and obviously could feel the shaking body. It may be just frozen from the hot water. I quickly wrapped it with a bath towel, so I felt more comfortable, from time to time, it from time to time, from time to time, from time to time, it was a bit more comfortable. From time to time, it was a little more comfortable. I thanked me with my body. When Dad changed the water, we continue to wash ...


After washing, we used a hair dryer to dry its hair."Coffee beans" are afraid of water or wind.Facing the fierce wind of the hair dryer, "Coffee Bean" was messy in the "wind" alone, sometimes blowing like a rock singer by the wind, and sometimes righteous like a warrior.The most funny thing is that "coffee beans" use the hair dryer as their "enemy" to bite the wind with their mouths.However, how can it bite the wind? Keep opening his mouth, it is very funny.After a while, the fluffy hair of "coffee beans" came back again.


This is my dog's dog "coffee beans". It accompanies me to play with me. When I am bored, I will relieve my stuffy, and sometimes ... add some small trouble for us.But I like it very much.


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My family has a naughty and cute kitten named coffee. The reason why I give it this name is because it is like a cup of coffee, but sometimes it is sweet.I love it very much.


Its hair is not like pure gray, pure white, pure black or pure yellow, but white and black! The coffee body is like a snowball, you will definitely ask its hair is not white Zhongzhong.Is it black? How can it be white snowballs? Because the hair on its back is all white, it is like a snowball.Its eyes are the most unique. The pupils are all orange, and the pupils are a black dot. They look particularly beautiful, and can also be enlarged and narrowed with the strength of the light, which makes me a little envious.In addition, its nose is also very unique. The nose of other cats is pink and tender, and it looks cute.Its nose has a little black image dripping with a drop of black ink.Its mouth is very different, like which bear child painted two moles, but everyone said that this kind of white kitten must be very interesting, and it is no exception.There is a black little love on the front paw on the left as it looks like its exclusive mark. When you look at it, you want to touch it.There is a black cloud on the meat egg on the left.


The coffee is quiet and silent, so it is unaware of it, so it often steals the snacks we put outside, so there is also a "thief" nickname.This son is usually very quiet. If you want to listen to it for you, it is as difficult as "Yugong Yishan"! But if you are familiar with it, it will whisper to you and stretch your head to grab you to grab your neck to catch his neck., Sitill on you and sell cute and coquettish.


If you give it a small fish toy, it doesn't even look at it, as if you are very mature.But the funny cat stick played for it. The last second it also ignored the funny cat stick, pretending that it was cool. The next second it would take a bite of the funny cat stick, making people cry.


It is timid. If the doorbell is ringing or the guests come at home, it will drill under the sofa regardless of everything, even if the butt is stuck outside, it will be desperately drilled in it.


This is coffee.It is afraid of everything, but it will show its cuteness without any precautions. I love this naughty and cute cat.



Today, I went to Mr. Meow Cafe.I counted, there were eight cats in his family.There are too many cats!Their owner said, "You can only play with the small, because the big is too fierce." So I play with the little cat.They are so cute when they play!Some chase toys, some lying on the ground and sleeping, and some climbing up the table to steal guests.Every time they grab the toys, they are protected, for fear of being snatched until they are not interested.


The cat's character is also different, curious, lazy, and naughty.Curious, look at everything, and meow meow, as if you are saying "I don't believe it"; lazy, squinting my eyes all day long; naughty, climbing on the table to grab things to eat,But the owner of the eye before was always discovered.


They are so cute!



"Naughty Bao Ma Xiao Jump, Peacock Shit Coffee" is mainly about it. Ma Xiao jumps around a peacock shit coffee shop. Some celebrities in society, rich people, models, and net redFor the peacock and shit coffee that is obviously a shit, it is a dream -like taste. In the end, the naughty puppet horses jumping the peacock coffee is the two things that the peacocks are bullied by the peacock shop.Essence


What impressed me the most is that the protagonist naughty Bao Ma Xiao jump can be at the learning committee member Ding Wentao, peacock shit coffee shop owner and world-class celebrities, rich people, models, Internet celebrities unanimous words-say peacock coffeeIt is a dreamy taste and the head of the class teacher Qin, and tells the truth-the truth of the peacock coffee is the truth of the shit, highlighting the honesty of Ma Xiao.


There are also many people like Ma Xiao jump in real life, such as the famous mathematical professor Galileo, a famous mathematical professor in Lesson 26 of the Language and Language of the Fourth Grade Language Edition.He overthrew the object of the envelope of those who studied science at that time --- Aya Dose's theory --- "Two iron balls, one weighing one weight, one pounds, and at the same time, it fell from high altitude, 10 pounds from high altitude, 10 pounds of 10 pounds, 10 pounds of 10 pounds, 10 pounds, 10 pounds, 10 poundsThe heavy one must be the ground first, and the speed is 10 times the weight of 1 pound. "Galileo found Aristotle's fault by thinking, so Galileo did a lot of tests, but the results proved that Aristotle was wrong., I am right.Therefore, he did another public test to face the doubts, ridicule, and optimistic about the show. He was not afraid, shrinking, but instead finished the experiment.It proves that there is nothing wrong with himself. Instead, Aristotle is wrong, so that everyone knows that even a great philosopher like Aristotle is wrong.


There are also many opposite examples in real life.For example, those who bribe officials.They knew that this official was a big corrupt official that corrupted millions of dollars. I did n’t know how many times they used public funds. They also asked the people to pay a lot of tolls, but the villains still said there."The New Year's Eve is not at ease." They knew that it was a tofu dregs project, but they said how good the domestic project was, but did not say that it was just a tofu residue;In the prison, he said that as long as the two of us cooperate, the Tianyi must be seamlessly discovered by those stupid policemen; they know that the other party is just a small town mayor, but they take him for that small wealth.The praise described like the unwilling goal; knowing ... but ...



After reading "Naughty Bao Ma Small, Peacock Shit Coffee", I understood that being a person must be honest and trustworthy, do not lie to be a gentleman, and not as despicable villains.

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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



"Meow!" The sound of a loud sound came into our ears.This is the cat's cat -little coffee.


Little coffee has a pair of good eyes, and the black eyes are always turning around, as if thinking about catching the mice; the three pairs of beard beards are bent. This is her favorite place. You will not turn your face when you touch her.Only the beard of this baby will bite you as long as you touch the small coffee; and her hair is coffee brown, it feels slippery and comfortable, her "Fang Ming" little coffee also comes from this.The most interesting thing is the "plum blossom". It is stained with water on the feet and pressed on the ground. A lifelike "plum blossom" was "freshly released".


Little coffee's personality is very weird, "shade is uncertain."When she was happy, she was struggling to drill in 我要作文网, and shouted a few times from time to time to signal you to hold her tightly; when you are unhappy, don’t say that you will be hugged.Grasp.But small coffee is more gentle and naughty.


Once, my cousin was drawing plum blossoms.Xiao Coffee saw it, jumped up to the table, stepped on the cousin's color palette, rose into the empty, and jumped to the drawing paper.Stepping on the drawing paper for a while, he screamed "meow." He said, "How about the little master?What I draw is much better than you draw!We glanced at it, this is plum blossom!But little coffee is still happy.


Little coffee is a cute kitten!did you like it?



Coffee is an indispensable drink in our lives. Can it help us lose weight?There are data records that coffee contains polyphenols, alkaloids and other ingredients. It has a good oxidation effect and can help the body clean up some free radicals. It has greatly improved cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Like to drink coffee, it turned out to be good for the body.But does it lose weight?Studies have shown that coffee can accelerate fat decomposition, especially for people with exercise habits. Drinking a cup of coffee 40 minutes before exercise can accelerate fat burning and improve exercise effects.Coffee can improve the basal metabolic rate of the body. If the foundation is high, you can lies more easily. I must let my mother know this little spirit.Drinking coffee can also eliminate edema and urinate very well.


Coffee is so good, what coffee is better?We have to learn to choose. Look at the coffee or coffee beans in the ingredient table.With other ingredients, there is no weight loss effect.


How much coffee is good every day?The best two to three cups.In fact, many foods and beverages in life contain caffeine, such as tea, carbonated drinks, functional drinks, cocoa, chocolate.The biggest factor affecting caffeine is the temperature, so the higher the temperature of the brewing coffee, the better.Drinking plenty of tinnitus will have tinnitus.That is caffeine poisoning.


When is the best time to drink?If you stay up late, you can drink at night.But it is not recommended to drink after 4 pm.It is not recommended to drink during dinner, it will hinder the body's absorption of calcium, iron and zinc, so the best time is between two meals.It is recommended to drink coffee in the morning or afternoon, which can not only improve energy, avoid the groggy state after meals, but also increase satiety, reduce appetite, and avoid unconsciously eating.


Is it uncomfortable to drink coffee?The sensitive constitution will be nauseous, and the heartbeat is accelerated. It is not recommended to drink it.


Will drinking coffee cause yellowing to teeth?Coffee, tea, and red wine are waiting for color drinks, all contain a dark brown substance called tannic acid. Drinking these drinks for a long time will cause yellow teeth. Ordinary brushing mouthwash does not have a significant effect on such yellow teeth.Add milk, there is a component in milk called casein, which can weaken the attack of tannic acid on the teeth and reduce the appearance of yellow teeth. If you drink coffee for a long time, your teeth have become yellow, then you might as well make teeth whitening.


The above is a little knowledge I learned.



One day, my mother and I were having breakfast, and suddenly I didn't know when to scrape a cloud.Now, it is hung on a chair! I can't wait to pick it down, but I am very puzzled: Yun Mingming is in the sky, how can I run to the ground?


I gave it to my mother. My mother was cooking coffee. She took the clouds into the kitchen, crushed it in the cup of coffee, and put some coffee beans. After a while, the mother put the existing cloud coffee on the dining tableIt became part of our breakfast, it was strange! This coffee is not as bitter as ordinary coffee, but as sweet as candy, and even more strange, I haven't finished drinking it, I actually float like a cloud.Haha! I can finally go to Xi'an to see my dad.

我一直飘呀飘,飘到了西安,进了爸爸的公司,我是从窗户进来的。爸爸很惊讶:问我怎么回事。我把事由说了一遍,我把杯子剩下的云朵咖啡让爸爸也喝了,没想到爸爸喝完也飞了起来。这样, 我和爸爸一起飞回了家。

I kept floating, drifting to Xi'an, entering my father's company, I came in from the window.Dad was surprised: ask me what's going on.I talked about the reason, and I made my dad drink the rest of the cloud coffee left. I did not expect that my father would fly up after drinking.In this way, I flew home with my dad.


Haha! Every time my father go home to see me, you don't have to take a fast iron!


Haha! What a magical cloud coffee! Do you want to drink it?



Primary School Student Reading Notes 400 Words_ "Orange Coffee" Reading Notes


Title: Orange Coffee

Title: Orange Coffee


Author: Lin Huizhen

Author: Lin Huizhen


brief introduction:

brief introduction:


The book "Orange Coffee" describes the story of the author's family who moved back to the country's hometown from the city to create an orange cafe.In the process, many conflicts and movements occurred. They finally knew how to understand and love each other, united, and worked towards a common dream to share the priceless simple life.


Experience after reading:

Experience after reading:


"Orange Coffee" is a book that discusses the value of life. It tells us: happiness is around, the value, happiness and happiness of life are not determined by the winning or losing of the exams and competition;Material enjoyment.As long as you don't give up your dreams, there will always be a day.


Grandpa in "Orange Coffee" likes farming, likes to do it by himself, and does not want himself to lie in bed like a patient.The mountain is his best partner, farming, and the source of his happy spring. I like Grandpa's hard -working and open personality.


Enjoying a simple and simple life, it is easy to do it, because people often cannot resist material enjoyment, but we often do not satisfy, and we want to be better, but it brings many troubles.


Now the giving in seconds is the harvest of the future. How to get so planted first, there is no lunch for nothing in the world. As long as you do it with your heart and build a dream, there will always be a day of success.


Primary School Student Reading Notes 400 Words 2_ "Orange Coffee" Reading Notes


Title: Orange Coffee

Title: Orange Coffee


Author: Lin Huizhen

Author: Lin Huizhen


brief introduction:

brief introduction:


In order to take care of the elderly grandfather, the author resolutely decided to move back to his hometown in the countryside. On the one hand, he created a cafe. On the other hand, he auctioned the oranges on the Internet. Under the dream of the whole family, although there was a conflict, he finally dreaming story.


Experience after reading:

Experience after reading:


The elder brother in the book was originally rebellious. Dad didn't care about everything, because Grandpa's Orange Garden tightly connected the emotions of the three generations together, and it was not strong.In the end, Grandpa learned to buy the big and juicy oranges on the Internet. My brother is the best helper of Grandpa, and the guests of my father's cafes are endless.The hearts of the whole family are together, understanding each other, caring for each other, and completing their dreams. The sweetness and bitterness of them are all moved.


Being able to work with the whole family, work hard, solve difficulties together, and share joy together is actually the greatest blessing in life.There is a dream that is the most beautiful, dreaming of dreams, and being able to accumulate with your own strength little by little. That is the real skill and real work, because it is not easy to get it, everyone can cherish this achievement more.


Home is a shelter, a fire lane, tolerate each other, and solve the dilemma together. This is actually the simplest and most real happiness.I like this book. After reading this book, I feel that I should cherish my home, care for my family, live a happy life, and share a priceless happy life.



Recently, I was watching the book "Peacock Shit Coffee" in the Ma Xiaojuan series written by Aunt Yang Hongying.


In the book "Peacock Shit Coffee", only people who have only been graded can drink a dreamy taste in peacock shit coffee, making people fluttering, refreshing, rejuvenating, and incomparable.


The boss in the peacock shit coffee shop is very cruel, locks the poor blue peacock in the black cage, and stuffs a lot of coffee beans that it doesn't like to eat in its mouth.Ma Xiaoyu, Tang Fei, Zhang Da, Mao Chao's sense of justice revealed the truth of peacock shit coffee, and rescued Xiaoyan, a girl with blue peacock and jumping peacock dance, and sent them back to their hometown.


This story made me think of the fairy tale of "The Emperor's New".In order to get money, the two scammers used the vanity of many adults to successfully deceive the emperor and ministers.In the end, the child exposed the lies.


I like Ma Xiao to jump them, because they are kind and dare to tell the truth.I also have to be a honest person, and to care for small animals.