
时间:2022-11-29 12:56:25 | 来源:语文通


1. [Synonyms]




Three, [English translation]

  1.rectitude; perfectly straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright

1.Rctital; Perfectly Straight; Straight as a Ramrod; Bolt upright


Four, [phrase sentence]

  1. 他挥臂指向笔直的地平线。

1. He pointed his arms to the horizon of straight pen.

  2. 岩石笔直地从水面矗立起来。

2. The rock stood up straight from the water.

  3. 她的身子挺得笔直。

3. Her body is straight.

  4. 大多数α粒子总是笔直地穿过簿箔。

4. Most α particles always pass through the foil.

  5. 飞机笔直地俯冲下降,然后又升起。

5. The plane dived straightly, and then rose again.

  6. 旗竿笔直地竖着。

6. The flag pole pen was erected straight.

  7. 他身材笔直,精神饱满,体魄壮健。

7. He is straightforward, full of spirit, strong and healthy.

  8. 走那条小路往左,然后笔直地朝前走。

8. Take that path and go left, then go straight forward.

  9. 老妇人在椅子上坐了下来,身子挺得笔直。

9. The old woman sat down on the chair and was quite straight.

  10. 他一动不动,笔直地站着,脸上毫无表情。

10. He was motionless and stood straight without expression on his face.


2. [Basic Explanation]


[Interpretation] (shape) is straight.


[Composition] Partial formal: pen [straight


[Example] Straight path.(Words) The road is straight.(Parage) Standing straight.(Top words) Sit straight.(Make a supplement)


[Antonym] twists and turns, winding, curved


Five, [Detailed Explanation]

  ◎ 笔直 bǐzhí

◎ Straight Bǐzhí

  (1) [perfectly straight]∶非常直,没有曲折、弯弧或棱角的

(1) [Perfectly Straight]: Very straight, no twists and turns, curved arcs or edges


Straight wood

  (2) [direct]∶径直的

(2) [Direct]: Straight


A straight road

  很直。 唐 顾况 《露青竹鞭歌》:“亭亭笔直无皴节,磨捋形相一条铁。”《郁达夫游记·南游日记》:“一条越岭的石级路,笔直的穿在这路亭下高山的当中。” 茅盾 《喜剧》:“青年 华 的嗓子响亮一点了,胸脯也自然而然的挺得笔直,大有凭这资格便可以到处睏觉吃饭的气概。”

Very straight.Tang Guzhi "Lu Qingzhu Werlings Song": "The pavilion is straight and has no festival, and a piece of iron is grinding."Wear in the mountains under this road pavilion. "Mao Dun's" Comedy ":" The throat of the youth Hua is loud, and the breasts are naturally straight.