
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:48 | 来源:语文通



党在我心中作文800字 篇1党在我心中 篇2党在我心中作文800字 篇3党在我心中作文800字 篇4党在我心中作文800字 篇5党在我心中征文700字 篇6党在我心中征文700字 篇7

党在我心中作文800字 篇1


The CPC, after countless ups and downs, has finally established a new China! The 25000 li Long March deeply shocked everyone.


As a Chinese, I sincerely thank the great CPC. It was the Communist Party that gave me a home and a ancestral country; Give me a mother, give me a motherland mother!


The Party has had an indelible influence on me. It is precisely because of the Party that I can have amazing perseverance! Here, I would like to tell you about my learning experience: at first, I was a lazy student. When I met a problem, I would give up. Sometimes my mother encouraged me, and I might study for another 5 minutes. When my mother saw my lazy attitude towards study, she showed me the film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party". After watching the film, my heart was as restless as the sea for a long time, and I experienced so much hardship to establish a new China. Men bleed without tears! Since then, whenever I encounter difficulties in learning, I think of the 25000 mile Long March and the establishment of New China. I must persist and overcome the difficulties! In this way, countless difficult problems were defeated by my perseverance, and countless difficult problems yielded at my feet! I still remember a rope skipping competition, the teacher asked us to volunteer for registration. The classroom was so silent that you could hear a needle drop. Originally, I would not jump rope, but a blood burst from my heart. I am a member of the class, and I want to win honor for the class! I raised my hand vigorously, and the students looked at me with questioning eyes, as if to ask again: "Can you?" The teacher praised me for my confidence and let me participate in the competition on behalf of the class. I was very happy and determined to practice rope skipping. Then I began to practice! Rope skipping is as beautiful as rainbows, but I can't jump more than 20. I have practiced every day for three days, but I can only jump 30 times. I was discouraged and decided to give up! However, when I think of the Party, I have unlimited power! I kept practicing. Whenever I was lost, I thought of missing the party. Finally, I could successfully jump 100 times! The time for the competition soon came. As soon as the whistle sounded, I quickly shook the skipping rope. There were 100, 101, 102... I seemed to jump continuously as if I was under the help of God, and the whistle sounded again. The competition was over. I thought: It's the Party! It is the Party that has given me confidence and perseverance! I will win! Sure enough, I jumped 312 times in two minutes to win the championship!


Party! You gave me perseverance! Give me strong! You will always be in my heart! You will always be in the hearts of the Chinese people!

党在我心中 篇2


"Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall..." The national anthem sounded, and before my eyes, the moving scene appeared again.


Under the solemn five-star red flag, I joined the Chinese Young Pioneers and became a glorious Young Pioneer. The moment I wore the red scarf, I planted a seed in my heart, a seed that can grow into a towering tree. It was the red scarf that opened my chaotic childlike innocence and led me into its world.


Looking back on history, it is a sad historical memory. Many misfortunes have weighed on our Chinese people. The destruction of the Opium War, the invasion of the Eight Power Allied Forces, and the signing of the humiliating treaties have left China bruised. "The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." It is in this environment that such a team led by the CPC has emerged in China. It is like a beam of light in the night, illuminating the earth; It is like a ray of sunshine in the cold winter, bringing warmth to people; It is more like a beacon in the fog, bringing hope to Chinese girls


Many stories have been told so far, such as Wang Erxiao, who is familiar to pupils.


One day in the New Year, Japanese devils came to a village to mop up and got lost at the entrance of the village. When the enemy saw Wang Erxiao herding cattle, he asked him to lead the way. Wang Erxiao pretended to be obedient and walked ahead. In order to protect the villagers, he brought the enemy into the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army; Suddenly, guns rang from all directions.


When the devil found that he had been cheated, he first cut off the five fingers of Er Xiao's right hand, and then stabbed Er Xiao's chest with a bayonet, throwing him on a big stone. Wang Erxiao sacrificed his young and precious life for his motherland.


Today's peace and tranquility are hard won! When we stand in front of the Monument to the People's Heroes to pay homage to the martyrs, how can we not respect the heroes? In retrospect of the past eventful years, we should pay back the land where we raised ourselves with practical actions.


Any individual's struggle should be closely related to the rise and fall of the country. Only by maintaining their own destiny with that of the motherland can the value of life be reflected.


Youth is short, time never returns. Students, let's take the Party flag as the guiding light, closely follow the pace of the Party, study hard, work hard, and make up our minds to become useful, and strive to create a better tomorrow for the motherland.

党在我心中作文800字 篇3


When I was young, I liked listening to my father and mother tell me stories and deeds of many heroes in the past. At that time, the Party in my mind was composed of a series of stories and heroes: Liu Hulan, a Communist Party member at the age of 15, was unyielding in front of the chopper and looked at death as if he were going home; Lei Feng is a great communist soldier and a model of serving the people wholeheartedly. He treats his comrades as warm as spring and works as hot as summer. I also know that Zhou Enlai, Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang and Xia Minghan are all Communists! I also like watching war movies, such as "Red Boy", "Flying to Shanghai Dingqiao", "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", "Heroic Children", etc. These movies have a great impact on my young soul. They are all so strong and afraid of sacrifice.


My father and mother are also members of the Communist Party. They are devoted and selfless. My mother is a community worker. She often chats with disabled people to encourage them to be positive and help them solve their life difficulties. She leaves early and returns home almost every day and cannot leave work on time. My father is an engineer. He often does not rest on holidays, but he never complains. He is dutiful. For an accurate data, he stays on the construction site all day! They are all my role models.


If someone asks me, what is the Party in your mind? I would say that the Party is a flag and a beacon in my heart.


The Party is a banner, a banner that guides the Chinese people's progress. Under the guidance of our Party in the war years, we led the laboring masses of the country to overthrow the three mountains, achieve great victory, and liberate the people of the country. In the days of peace, under the guidance of a series of major decisions of the Party, we have achieved great success in economic construction.


The Party is a banner that serves the people wholeheartedly. The purpose of the Party is to serve the people wholeheartedly and be the public servant of the people. It always puts the interests of the people first.


The Party is a banner, a banner of self-discipline and continuous progress. Since the founding of the CPC, after 90 years of ups and downs, the party has always adhered to Marxism Leninism as a guide, combined with China's national conditions, continued to study and develop, and strictly demanded itself, and achieved great success.


I joined the Young Pioneers in the first grade. Now I'm a fourth grade student. I also hope that one day, through my own efforts, I can join the Communist Youth League of China and the CPC. The CPC is great, I yearn for her; The CPC is sacred, and joining the CPC is a lofty ideal I will continue to pursue. The Party is always in my heart, and I will work hard for my ideal.

党在我心中作文800字 篇4


The Party is our eternal mother, the cradle of countless children, and the origin of all patriotic lives.


When we see the five-star red flag flying in the air, have you ever thought how difficult it is to fly the five-star red flag? Yes, it is the sons and daughters of the People's Republic of China who exchanged their lives and blood for this five-star red flag flying in the wind.


Xiang Jingyu, a Communist, is a heroine. In 1895, Xiang Jingyu was born in Xupu, Hunan, a small county surrounded by mountains in western Hunan. Her brothers and sisters are 10, and she is the ninth. Since the founding of the CPC, Xiang Jingyu was the first to join the Party, and joined the Party in 1922. It has made great contributions to the liberation cause of the CPC.


On March 20, 1928, she was unfortunately arrested due to the betrayal of a traitor. The enemy interrogated and beat her repeatedly for a secret map. "If you hand over the map obediently, we will save your life. If you don't hand it over, don't blame us for being rude!" Xiang Jingyu answered without hesitation, "Even if you kill me, I will not hand it over." The enemy hit her hard with a stick, and she was head broken and bleeding. However, they are still unyielding and stick to the secrets of the Party, which shows the lofty integrity and noble quality of the Communists.


On May 1, another thief appeared in the party's team. She told the enemy where the map was hidden. After Xiang Jingyu knew about it, she died with the enemy in order to keep the party's secret. Xiang Jingyu was only 33 years old at that time!


This is the heroic spirit and soul of the Communist Party members. They were brave and strong in the face of the enemy's bullets. They would rather die on the battlefield than be traitors to the Party.


During the Red Army's 25000 li Long March, the most difficult thing was to seize the Duding Bridge. The enemy seized the Luding Bridge and destroyed all the planks on it. So the soldiers had to climb over the iron rope. The enemy's bullets are blocking in front, and the river is surging below. What should we do? The captain took the lead and climbed over. The soldiers died, fell and climbed... Suddenly, the captain's leg was hit and fell, but his hand still firmly grasped the iron rope. The enemy threw a grenade, and the captain died honorably. At this critical moment, the soldiers fought bravely to seize Luding Bridge. It won time for the Red Army's 25000 li Long March and ensured that the Red Army soldiers arrived in Yan'an smoothly and joined the main forces. It has laid the foundation for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese revolution and made great contributions to the liberation of New China.


China's liberation was given to us by the Party; Our happy life is given by the Party; Our five-star red flag is dyed by their blood! We love the Party, and the Party is in our heart!

党在我心中作文800字 篇5


"The leader of carrying forward the past and opening up the future will lead us into that new era and hold high the banner to create the future..."


In a flash, the great CPC is about to celebrate its 90th birthday. The old revolutionary smiles at the world today. He is neither humble nor overbearing, and is experienced. He has always been at the forefront of the world silently, never flaunt his achievements, and has worked hard all his life to serve the country and people. Maybe he has forgotten the little things of that year and month, but I will remember him deeply


Looking back on the past years, I have never forgotten that China's 5000 year history was not easy, and the tyranny, prosperity and weakness of various dynasties. The high concentration of corruption and monarchy has completely destroyed China. That terrible opium war forced China to open its door. Since then, China has embarked on a road full of smoke and flames of war


However, at the time when China was most dangerous, most difficult and needed guidance, a tall and strong figure stood up, that is, the great CPC.


The birth of the Communist Party is a great miracle. He led the people out of the darkness and flames of war and became close to the people. He did not abandon us at the critical moment, but bravely assumed the responsibility of saving the nation. He led the people to fight wonderful guerrilla warfare, happy defense battles, climbing snow mountains, crossing grasslands... No matter how hard and tired it was, the Party walked with us, and we will never forget it, The revolutionary martyrs who died heroically in the revolutionary war, like the endless Yellow River water, have been flowing to our hearts, and the Monument to the People's Heroes will stand forever.


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the CPC not only did not relax its slack, but devoted itself to work in a more active spirit and led people to seek development in difficulties conscientiously and responsibly. Every nod and smile of the people, every progress and development of Chinese society, and every admiration and admiration of other countries are all affirmation and recognition of the Communist Party's achievements!


In recent years, China has been plagued by rough roads, droughts, snowstorms, earthquakes, mud rock flows and other natural disasters, but we are not afraid because the Party is always ahead! He stood firm in the face of danger, helped people get rid of pain, encouraged people to regain their confidence and painstakingly led the Chinese people forward.


From decline to prosperity, China is dark behind him and bright ahead of him. These are the achievements of the party and state leaders. Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China. The CPC has made China a great legend in the world! The Party is in my heart. Long live the Communist Party!

党在我心中征文700字 篇6


Today, I finished reading The Story of the Long March of the Red Army. At the moment when I closed the book, the brave and indomitable heroes and the breathtaking wars still appeared in front of me for a long time. I opened my eyes gently, and tears flowed down carelessly


How touching these stories are! The cooking squad leader who died of hunger in order to let the soldiers drink fresh fish soup; Red Army imp who deliberately lied about saving food; Xiao Lan of the Red Army, who sacrificed himself to others and gave dry food to others; Liu Hulan, who would rather die than surrender in front of the enemy; The brave and tenacious Wang Xiaoer... These stories have become a touching hymn!


"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a hero. He has to make a journey of 20000." Chairman Mao said it well! It is by no means the lofty aspiration and strong determination of "heroes" to say that they will not reach the revolutionary base areas, defeat the Japanese aggressors or achieve complete victory in the revolution.


This year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. I have been thinking, what is the Party in my mind?


The river that enlightens my memory. When I was a child, the Party was the roaring artillery that reflected the red flag, the loud military song of the People's Liberation Army that marched forward bravely in the siege of cities and villages, the bloodstained clothes in the memorial hall, the new China solemnly proclaimed by Chairman Mao in the huge portrait on the wall... At that time, the Party was remote and magical in my mind. Wearing a red scarf, I began to notice that the muddy roads in my hometown became spacious and flat, and the laughter of people in remote towns echoed in the blue sky. Adults said, "Good Party policy!" In my heart, the Party began to become great and friendly, which was no longer vague as a child, but real. They can be seen all the time in life. It is a kind of spirit, a kind of power, and a kind of passion that has melted into my soul. It has become my lifelong belief. It has melted into my life, it has melted into my work, it has melted into my blood.


Everything we have now is inseparable from the Party. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, I recall the long journey and the magnificent Red Army, which also reminds us that we should always remember the Party and the country, because they gave us a beautiful life today!


The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, how loud the victory song is; Sing about our dear motherland, and move towards prosperity from now on. This familiar song sounded in my ears, which confirmed that I would carry forward the great and selfless spirit of the Party, and that I would study tirelessly, continue to walk along the path of the martyrs, and be a competent Chinese!

党在我心中征文700字 篇7


When we enjoy a delicious meal, when we wear bright clothes to school, when we lie on a soft and comfortable sofa to watch TV... We can't forget that it is the Communist Party that has * the old society, led the new China, and brought us a perfect and happy happy life!


For the sake of China's prosperity and the nation's no longer bowing to imperialism, Member of the Communist Party of China dedicated my blood to China and spilled it on the land of China! Whenever I see those martyrs in the film who are fearless in the face of danger and indomitable in dealing with the enemy, my heart always surges; Whenever I see those martyrs rush to the execution ground, I still shout "Long live the CPC!" At that time, I was always excited, as if I was also in the scene. I was also a righteous Communist, and I would fight bravely on the battlefield for China's richness and strength!


It is these revolutionary ancestors who died for their duty and exchanged their blood for today's peace. The wind blows a corner of history, and the time frame is 20_ On May 12, 2006, people who did not know everything were working and studying as if they had already entered the field, but they did not hear the footsteps of the god of death. "Boom --" with a loud noise, countless residential buildings collapsed, people screamed, ran and screamed at their loss, and countless people were still buried under the ruins and stopped breathing. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China soon issued an order. The officers and soldiers ran on the life line regardless of the danger of their lives in earthquake relief. For the sake of more people's lives, they risked aftershocks and resolutely obeyed the Party's command. For all the people, the wind continued to blow_ In August 2008, the heavy rain in some areas lasted for a week. The rain washed the shiny mountains, mixed with sand and stones, roared and swept over the villages under the mountains. People can't move in their houses and can't cope with the sudden flood. The Party and government quickly dispatched thousands of officers and soldiers, who fought in the front line of flood fighting and rescue. They work without sleep or food: in the daytime, they search under the destroyed houses and under the broken rubble by treading on mud and shoes that have been worn by stones; At night, they did not forget to carefully investigate the weather situation, and settled the rescued victims before they could sleep; It is the leadership of the Party and the exemplary and leading role of outstanding Communist Party members that makes "one party in trouble, all sides support". I believe that with the correct leadership of the Party, the motherland will become more and more prosperous!,


The pace of history gradually stopped, and my thoughts returned to modern times. The Party is developing and the motherland is improving. I should also try my best to contribute my own strength to the Party and the motherland. The Party is like a lamp, illuminating my future and guiding my way forward!