
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:43 | 来源:语文通



教师节快乐作文 篇1教师节快乐作文 .cn 作文迷…篇2教师节快乐作文 篇3教师节快乐作文 篇4教师节快乐作文 篇5教师节快乐作文 篇6教师节快乐作文 篇7教师节快乐作文 篇8

教师节快乐作文 篇1

9 月 9 日晚上,我在床上翻来覆去,辗转难眠,明天就是教师节,我送老师什么礼物呢?我再想,在使劲的想 ……

On the evening of September 9th, I turned over and over in bed, and it was difficult to sleep. Tomorrow was Teacher's Day. What gift do I give teachers?I think again, thinking hard ...

咦 —— 我怎么成了徐老师了?怎么回事。我奇怪的打量着自己。突然,我转念一想。反正我都当老师了,我还是要尽好做老师的责任,不要给“老师”丢脸!

Hey -Why did I become Teacher Xu?what happened.I look at myself strangely.Suddenly, I thought about it.Anyway, I am a teacher. I still have to do my responsibility to be a teacher. Do not shame the "teacher"!

走进学校,来到教室里,我习惯的走向自己的座位。这时, “ 我 ” 已经到了,正专心地看书呢。我们班 46 人居然只有几个人看书。其实,我们班不就是这样吗?老师,老师为什么还表扬我们班的同学呢。大家把语文书拿出来,看第三课《古诗三首》,预备起!我开始领同学们读书。 “ 徐老师真是的,直接叫我们背得了。 ” 只听小明悄悄地跟小强说。我气急了,大声说: “ 小明,你给我站起来!你想背书是吧?好,你给我把第三课背十遍! ” …… 我和同学们第一次早读课就这样不愉快了 ……

Entering the school and came to the classroom, I used to my seat.At this time, "I" has arrived and is reading a book attentive.There were only a few people in our 46 people who read books.Actually, isn't it that in our class?Teacher, why do teachers still praise our classmates?Everyone takes out the language documents, read the third lesson "Three Ancient Poems", and prepare!I started reading with my classmates."Teacher Xu is really, so I can recite us directly." Only listening to Xiao Ming quietly told Xiaoqiang.I'm in a hurry, and said loudly, "Xiao Ming, you stand up for me! Do you want to endorse it? Okay, you can give me the third lesson ten times!" ... This is the first time I read the class with my classmates for the first time.Unhappy ...

第一节课就是语文课,又到我出马了, “ 嘀铃铃 ” 我准时到了班级,门口里面的同学说的说,闹的闹,有的书还没有拿出来!这还不算什么,最可恨的是小鹏与小胖居然在打架!我在门口大吼一声: “ 现在上课, ” 他们才静下来,拿出书来准备上课。 “ 你们这是在干什么啊?无法无天吗?你们看看自己的表现,除了比赛上场,你们什么时候乖一点啊!你们对的起满墙的奖状吗?对得起你们的父母吗?啊! …… ”

The first class was a Chinese class, and I came out of the horse again. I went to the class on time. The classmates in the door said that there were no books, and some books had not been taken out yet!This is nothing. The most hateful thing is that Xiaopeng and Fatty are fighting!I yelled at the door, "Now class," they calmed down and took out the book to prepare for class."What are you doing? Can't you do? Look at your performance, when will you be more obedient except for the game! Are you right to the wall full of walls? Is it worth your parents? Ah! ..."

我教了同学们一节课,本以为他们会“乖”起来。没想到,他们安静了一节课后,又猖狂起来!我在想才明白范老师的心情!这个老师可真难当啊。我要变回去 ……

I taught my classmates for a lesson, and thought they would be "good".Unexpectedly, they were mad again after they were quiet!I was thinking about Teacher Fan's mood!This teacher is really hard to be.I want to change ...

我醒了,妈妈问我买什么礼物给老师,我说: “宋 老师最想得到的是我们同学变乖了,变得更懂事,这就是我要送给语文老师的礼物!我会带领同学们一起去实现这个目标。 ”

I woke up. My mother asked me what gift to buy to the teacher. I said, "Teacher Song most wants that our classmates have become good and become more sensible. This is a gift I want to give to a Chinese teacher! I will lead my classmatesGo to achieve this goal together. "


Teacher Song, Happy Teacher's Day!

教师节快乐作文 .cn 作文迷…篇2


At this time of autumn rain, we ushered in a happy, warm and exciting holiday. In this festival, you are tired, and we wipe you sweat for you; we are thirsty.Your festival: Teacher's Day!


Early in the morning, we came to school early, holding gifts, full of excitement, taking a healthy step, came to the class, waiting quietly for the teacher's arrival.


After a while, Teacher Xia walked into the classroom with a smile. Suddenly, the classmates swarmed in front of Teacher Xia, and gave gifts to Teacher Xia in front of Teacher Xia, and gave gifts such as flowers, chocolates, greeting cards.stand up.Teacher Zhuang also arrived, and also received a lot of gifts.


The time passed so fast, in the blink of an eye, it was noon. The teacher sent us a chocolate for each of us. I saw it like a small brown ball. In the light, it shone with a dazzling luster., Bite it up, soft and delicious, making me have endless aftertastes.


In the end, I sincerely wish all the teachers in the world, Happy Teacher's Day!

教师节快乐作文 篇3


In everyone's heart, there will be a good teacher. Often, the teacher's personality and spirit often make you feel that he is "good", and I am no exception.


She, surname Zhang, is a math teacher. Although she has no nickname in the class, Mr. Zhang's simple title reveals our love for her work.She is dressed simple, often wearing a shirt, a jacket, and a jeans. She has a pair of black crystal -like eyes, and she has a tall ones under her eyes.The nose, a clever mouth often shows white teeth.That's right!She always loves and laughs.He is a good teacher in my mind.


At that time, the teacher was checking the homework. When I got to me, I didn't write a question. The teacher read the topic and soon knew the reason I couldn't write. I will tell you after class! "I said," Hmm! "Her slightly wrinkled eyes narrowed into a line. At this time, it was an unparalleled affirmation for me, and it was also a kind of confidence and inspiration. Then the teacher continued to check. It didn't take long for me to take a self -study class, but I forgot that there was still a question, just like the shop ran, at this time! The teacher stopped me and said, "Wang Peng! Aren't you still a question! I will tell you now!" At this time! I only realized that I still had a question that I couldn't write, so I immediately took out the papers to the teacher. The teacher asked me to review the question first, and then explored myself. Then the teacher gave me the idea of ​​this question, and then began to explain. Half of the doubts, the teacher's teacher repeatedly emphasized! I still can't! But the teacher was not irritable, but he continued patiently, again, over time, over and over again, and the ratio was thinner. After several explanations, I finally understood this question. But after the titles were finished, the teacher had a lot of time to eat. The teacher had to be hungry, and he continued to class in a dry mouth. It was so. He became a good teacher in my mind.


This is Teacher Zhang, an ordinary teacher, but a patient and selfless and loving teacher.

教师节快乐作文 篇4


Teacher Zhang:


Monday is the last Teacher's Day we spent with you in elementary school. Here I want to read you: "Happy Teacher's Day!"


In the past few years, you have been teaching us hard. You have been working for us and buying books from time to time. The teaching methods are also multi -style. You have paid a lot of hard work for us.


Whenever I make a mistake, you always teach me patiently and have not lost his temper to me.


I remember once, Zhang Zheng got his temper. Because I made him at the same table, we called the two of us over after class. At that timeI went back to class happily.


Happy holidays!

教师节快乐作文 篇5


Missing is like flying kites. The longer the lines are released, the higher the kite flys, the farther away from me.In the sky of memory, many kites have been far away from me and become familiar, and even feel unfamiliar, but I think maybe only the kites I fly in the second grade will never go away, and I will always be in front of my eyes.Essence


When I was in the second grade of 9 years old, I changed a new math teacher. The surname Fang, I don't remember what the name is. I just remember when I saw her at first glance, she was wearing a blue colorLong sleeves and a pair of jeans.Although the corner of her eyes was covered with wrinkles, her sweet smile made people feel particularly warm.The first time I met, I deeply engraved Teacher Fang's face in my mind.


Gradually interacting with her, I found that her teaching methods are different from many teachers. She always pays attention to the joy and sorrow of every classmate.In the classroom, she will hear her gentle teachings, and she will always see her beautiful smile; she will often hear her conversation and laughter between her and her classmates.Her tender teachings; her beautiful smile; her kind face.....Always in front of my eyes, as if she is also my grandma.


In this way, a happy school year quickly passed. When I was in the third grade, I thought the kind grandma would continue to educate us, always accompany us to the sixth grade, and finally sent us to leave the mother school.Who knows that because Grandma Fang is old, she is going to retire.Everyone was deadly when he heard the news, and everyone wanted Teacher Fang to stay.But the law stipulates that this is the case, we can't help it.In this way, Mr. Fang retired, and I shed tears that day.......


Now that I am more mature in the sixth grade, I have a deeper gratitude for the teaching of the other teacher.Today is Teacher's Day. The classmates talked about Teacher Fang again. I heard many students calling Teacher Fang "Old Fang" kindly.


Lao Fang, although this word sounds disrespectful, this kind of disrespect contains students 'deep respect and deep love for teachers' deep respect and experience in four years!


Lao Fang, Happy Teacher's Day!

教师节快乐作文 篇6


Who accompanied us to grow up?Who taught us knowledge?Who dedicated youth to us?Who makes us the pillars of the country?That person is you -our teacher.


You are like a red candle that gives all the heat and light for the younger generation!Your character and spirit can use two words -burn!Keep burning!The lesson you speak is so rich and more collected. Each chapter seems to open a window in front of me, letting me see a colorful new world ...


Ah, with you, the garden is so beautiful, the earth is full of spring! Teacher, push the window and see, this is full of spring, this is full of peaches, all of which are saluting you! Without the moisturizing of your thoughts, how can you bloom so many beautiful soul flowers? Ah, teacher, engineer of human soul, who is not praised you! The spread of knowledge is the hope of sowing and happiness. I remember the teacher always paid a lot for us. What happened in the class was that you helped us solve it. If you have any tasks, you must do the best. Fighting for our class, these are clearly remembering these, and we will not forget. I still remember that the principal came to our class to listen to the class. In order to get some information, you did n’t sleep in one night. After the next day, your eyes were a bit dark. You are really hard, teacher. The value of fireflies is to use the lamp hanging at the rear tail to take part in other people; your respect is always providing convenience for others. Teacher, you use your life to teach us why we have to pursue, why you have ideals, and why you go beyond yourself.


Teacher, you leave the most beautiful smile to this wonderful world, you are the most beautiful myth in our hearts. Red candle, your swaying candle flames are as fluttering as your tired and thin bodies, but it is so firm in the eyes of the students: your Didi tears wet your clothes, you can know that you are in the student’s In the eyes, its feet are cast into the most perfect sculpture in the world. Suddenly one day we found that you are old, tired, tired. Why don't you need others' understanding, comfort and support, but at this time you are so silent, tranquil, resolute and solemn. Thank you — Teacher, you let me understand: We can learn lessons from failure, accumulate strength in difficulties, and look for light in the dark. You give us the courage to get stuck, and at the same time ask us to be frank. You put beauty in our hearts, teach us, insight, and imagination, thereby creating our life. No matter what we build, you always help us base the foundation, and we have done the best for growing up! Maybe every detail of your lecture will be forgotten by the passage of time, but your enthusiasm, courage and love will always be retained.


Dear teachers, your light and heat are limited, but it is your limited light and heat blending together to ignite the light of the motherland!The teachings are like the spring breeze, the teacher is as deep as the sea, the peaches are full of the world, and Chunhui all over the world!

教师节快乐作文 篇7


Teacher, how ordinary titles, teachers, how simple and unopiated.From ancient times to the present, many literati compare you to spring silkworms, candles, gardeners ...


Yes, the teacher is really worthy of our praise.Teacher, you are like the blue sea, I am the lively and lovely little fish in the sea; teacher, you are like the vast blue sky, I am a bird who flew freely in the air; teacher, which is the vast earth, I am on the ground.A small and exquisite flower ...


Teacher, you are unparalleled, where you have you, you must prosper.Teacher, you are unknown. When a light of a cup of light goes off at the night of the night, your lamp will definitely ignite until late at night.Teacher, when you hold your classmates with excellent transcripts, you are excited. I see the smile on your face so beautiful and amiable.


I remember once, my hand was injured, you didn't think much, I took my tender hand and sent it to the hospital. I know, you are very anxious, you are worried, when you send me to the hospital, you are still you stillI don't leave, watching the nurse take medicine for me and bandage.


When my wound is bandaged, you take me back to the classroom, just stop, I can no longer go, as if there is a yin wind drilling into my body, making me uncomfortable, but you have always encouraged me to encourage meWhat you encouraged to me is like a warm sun, expel Ding's yin wind in my body, give me the power, and let me continue.Students are like a big fat worm. They constantly draw your knowledge and dew. They all grow strong. Because they have your care, they grow up silently. You are also very happy.


Teacher, how great you are, teacher, how selfless, you give you the motivation to fail, you give you a chance to success.Little seagull is praising, it is praising the mother; Xiaohua Xiaocao is praising, they are in love; the students are praising, they are praising the teacher who loves love.Teacher, you are so great!we love you!We will always love you!

教师节快乐作文 篇8


Tomorrow is Teacher's Day. After school, no one has left. Everyone discusses how to surprise the teacher.Some people say, "Let's clean the classroom early tomorrow." Some people proposed: "We can prepare some meaningful gift tomorrow."


The next day, we came to the classroom early and began to work together.Some people clean up, some people put their whistle, and some people take out prepared gifts.I wrote "Happy Teacher's Day" on the blackboard with colored chalk. Sun Li drew a few small loves, which means that we hope that the teacher will laugh often.


As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, everyone shouted, "Teacher, you have worked hard, I wish you a happy holiday!" The monitor and Liu Muyang stepped forward and delivered flowers and greeting cards to the teacher.The squad leader said, "Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!" The teacher opened the greeting card, and Liu Muyang said highly: "The loved teacher, we are the flowers of the motherland, and you are the gardener of the motherland ..."


The teacher smiled and said, "Thank you classmates, you have grown up!"