
时间:2022-11-15 12:50:57 | 来源:语文通



中秋节见闻作文 篇1中秋节见闻的作文 篇2中秋节见闻的作文 篇3中秋节见闻700字优秀作文 篇4中秋节见闻500字优秀作文 篇5中秋节见闻作文 篇6中秋节见闻700字优秀作文 篇7中秋节见闻600字优秀作文 篇8中秋节的见闻作文 篇9

中秋节见闻作文 篇1


It is said in the "History of West Lake Tour" that "the 15th day of August is the Mid Autumn Festival, and people send each other with moon cakes, meaning reunion". The Imperial View also says: "On the 15th day of the eighth month, when the moon is sacrificed, the bread will be round, the melon will be divided, the teeth will be wrong, and the petals will be carved like lotus flowers... If a woman returns to peace, she will return to her husband's home, which is called the Reunion Festival.".


There are many customs of the Mid Autumn Festival in different forms, but they all express people's infinite love for life and yearning for a better life. The Mid Autumn Festival has always been described as the most human and poetic festival. My father said that every night of the Mid Autumn Festival in our hometown, we would send moon cakes and fire to each other for elders and neighbors (making sweet and salty cakes by ourselves), reflecting the traditional virtues of people living in harmony and respecting the elderly. This tradition has continued since today. Some people say that the yearning for the Mid Autumn Festival will be more profound every holiday, especially when the bright moon is hanging high. Therefore, how many literati left many poems on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival to express their feelings!


For example, Su Shi mentioned in the Mid Autumn Moon that the cold weather overflows after the clouds are collected at dusk, and the Silver Han Dynasty turns the jade plate silently.


There is also Mi Fu's Mid Autumn Climbing the Tower and Watching the Moon: If there is no moon house in the sky, the cinnamon twigs will damage the west wheel. These verses can express the feelings of the poets who miss their hometown and old friends during the Mid Autumn Festival.


The night of the Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful and peaceful night. Every family gathers together to taste moon cakes, melons and fruits and enjoy family happiness. Mid Autumn is the harvest season. The trees on the walls of the farmyard are covered with golden corn cobs, and the yard is full of harvested crops. The Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day, and Chinese people always drink a little wine. Or invite three or five friends to have a drink in their own courtyard. Their faces are full of harvest joy and happy smiles. The days of prosperity for the common people are hard won. After more than 20 years of reform and opening up, the well-off life is no longer a blueprint of planning and vision, but gradually become a real reality for millions of households.


Look up at the sky and think a lot. As the country invests a lot of human and financial resources in environmental governance, people have a stronger awareness of environmental protection and live in harmony with nature. I firmly believe that the sky will be bluer, the mountains will be greener, the water will be clearer, the moon will be brighter, and the Mid Autumn night will be more charming

中秋节见闻的作文 篇2


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner, my father and mother and I sit happily on the balcony, eating moon cakes, persimmons and watching the moon.


A round golden moon has been hanging high in the sky, shedding bright moonlight on the ground, as gentle as gauze. The clouds in the sky are light, the wind is light, and the moonlight is beautiful, which forms a beautiful picture. In the dark blue night sky, the moon looks rounder, brighter and more beautiful. Can such a beautiful moon keep people from moving? The full moon is very naughty. It can't help getting into Sister Yun's arms, talking with stars, singing and dancing. At this time, my father said, "Actually, the moon does not shine. It is like a mirror, reflecting the light of the sun to the earth, so the light is not hot."


Soon a shadow appeared next to the moon. The father said, "The black shadow is the 'sea' on the moon, but there is no water in it."


Ah! The bright moon aroused my reverie. "Ah! I know that Chang'e must be very regretful at this time. She really responded to the ancient poem 'Chang'e should regret stealing miraculous medicine. The sea is blue and the sky is blue.' Ah! She looked at Hou Yi secretly. Hou Yi looked at the moon cakes and fruits for Chang'e on the earth, and silently missed Chang'e. Besides, Wu Gang was constantly chopping down more than 500 zhang high cinnamon trees, chopping down again and again... The Jade Rabbit was devoted to making medicine..."


The Mid Autumn Festival is really happy. Not only is the moon round, but also people get together with their relatives. The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is really incredible!

中秋节见闻的作文 篇3


The spring tide of the Qiantang River is a spectacular spectacle in the world.


On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, our family drove to Haining to see the tide. On the way to see the tide, I thought with curiosity: "Are there many people watching the tide? How many people are there?" After a while, I thought: "How majestic can the Qiantang River spring tide be? Does it look so arrogant? Is it a wonder of the world?"


When we got there, we boarded the seawall levee, but the river tide had not yet come. It is a good time to watch the tide when it is drizzling in the sky. Zhongshan Pavilion, Zhenhai Ancient Tower and Chairman Mao's Monument are "standing" by the river, waiting for the river tide! Everyone stood on tiptoe and looked east. There are so many people that I can't count them. At a glance, everyone stretched their necks to wait for the arrival of the tide.


After a while, a very loud voice came from a distance, and we all cheered: "The tide is coming! The tide is coming!" We all stood on tiptoe and looked east, but there was no tide. After a while, the sound from the distance became louder and louder, and a white line appeared in the east where the water and sky were the same color. The white line seemed like a thousand horses galloping. The white line grew higher and higher, and became a one meter high water wall. I was shocked! Because the big wave has become a white dragon in front of me. The dragon turned into a lot of white horses again. Soldiers were riding on the horse, and many soldiers put together a very narrow rectangle. I will never forget that scene. When the waves hit the shore, they made a rumbling sound and splashed water. People cheered and retreated.


The tide has passed, but the afterwave comes again. The afterwave is bigger than the wave. I regard the afterwave as the tail of a dragon, and I'm scared again! At this time, I have to admit that the Qiantang River is not arrogant at all. The Qiantang River is really magnificent!

中秋节见闻700字优秀作文 篇4


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. My aunt, uncle and brother have all returned from Zhengzhou.


At noon, my father told me that my grandpa's birthday was ahead of schedule for today's Mid Autumn Festival. I thought: It's Mid Autumn Festival again, and it's also a birthday. It's a double blessing! Today, we can not only eat moon cakes, but also eat cakes!


Because Grandpa's birthday, we went to a restaurant for dinner. The elder brother inserted the birthday flower he bought on the cake. The birthday flower is in the shape of a lotus flower. It has eight petals, and each petal has a small candle. Use a match to twist the center of the flower and light the candle on each petal. The fire from the center of the flower ignited the candle on each petal, and the petal slowly opened. With the petal blooming, from the birthday flower)


In the evening, we eat at a big round table because it's the Mid Autumn Festival! Mom said, "On the Mid Autumn Festival, especially in the evening, you can't eat without one." After listening, we turned off the TV and went to eat. After dinner, we pulled a big bamboo bed into the yard, and we also moved out a small TV to watch the Mid Autumn Festival party. After watching it for a while, my brother and I found it boring, so we played cards. After a while, we got tired of playing cards, and then lay down to watch the moon. The breeze blew our bodies, so comfortable. On the 14th day of the eighth lunar month, I went to Jiayou Supermarket with my father and mother to buy moon cakes, fruits and snacks. Wow! There are so many people who come to Jiayou Supermarket to buy moon cakes. All kinds of people drive. Everyone is busy selecting moon cakes. The moon cakes have various forms, ranging from large to small, with different patterns and different shapes. After school on August 15, I went home happily to finish the homework assigned by my teacher. It was dark after supper. I immediately took out my telescope and looked at the "white jade basin". I saw many black shadows on the moon, just like the legend of Wu Gang cutting the osmanthus tree in a fairy tale!


I picked up a piece of moon cake and ate it. I found that the bean paste filling in the moon cake was very delicious. I remembered a myth that in ancient times, Chang'e scattered countless moon cakes in the sky when she came down to earth, and that day happened to be the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, so I had the habit of eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th of the eighth lunar month.


I'm so happy today. Did you enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival? I'm sure you have enjoyed yourselves.

中秋节见闻500字优秀作文 篇5


In autumn, the blue sky is as blue as the sea, and the continuous white clouds are like sailing boats in the sea, slowly floating on the calm water. This is the signal of autumn. With the arrival of autumn, we look forward to the Mid Autumn Festival once a year.


According to an ancient legend, in the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, a Taoist invited Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty to visit the Moon Palace on a mid-autumn night. After arriving at the Moon Palace, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ate the moon palace fairy cake and secretly wrote down the appearance of the moon palace fairy cake, which was imitated on earth to commemorate the moon palace trip. Because it was like a full moon, it was called "moon cake". Since then, every Mid Autumn Festival, people will get together, enjoy the moon in the moonlight and eat moon cakes.


That tradition has been handed down to the present. Open your sleepy eyes and look at the calendar. Eh! Today is not the Mid Autumn Festival. So, I went to the supermarket early in the morning and bought several boxes of moon cakes to enjoy the moon at night. But time passed slowly, didn't it say that time slipped fastest? Why don't I think I'm too anxious. One hour, two hours, three hours.


At last, it was 7 o'clock in the evening. I looked at the sky like the sea, but there was nothing. "It really spoils the fun." At this time, my mother came and said, "Maybe the weather has changed, so there is no moon." "No way!" I said. So I left carelessly. Suddenly I heard a scream from the bottom of the building, "The moon is coming out." "Really? I have to go to the balcony to have a look." I said. But when I went out, half of the moon was covered by dark clouds. I said angrily, "Damn dark clouds." Although I said so, I still wanted to see how the moon escaped. The moon was like a brave knight attacking the devil. Finally, it escaped, broke up the evil devil, and became a perfect full moon.

中秋节见闻作文 篇6


Today, the sun is shining brightly, as if the voice of yearning from the dull earth.


In the afternoon, my mother took me to the garden activity. I walked into the activity site and saw the activity of making mooncakes by hand. I ran to make mooncakes happily.


First, flatten the crust of the cake, put the sandwich inside like a glutinous rice ball, and then knead it round. Remember that no sandwich can be left outside, and then press the piglet mold. Finally, bake it in the oven for 20 minutes, bake it for 17 minutes, take it out and coat it with egg butter, and bake it for 3 minutes. The freshly baked fragrant and sweet moon cake is ready, simple!


The lantern riddles started. I guessed 12 correctly. I still remember that one riddle was indistinguishable from the top to the bottom, and the answer was card. People praised me for my literacy. Finally, we returned with a full load. Today's harvest is really great!

中秋节见闻700字优秀作文 篇7


Early in the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, we went to Sanxiang Quanlin Villa, where we could both watch performances and play. We took my father's limousine to the villa. When we arrived, I saw that there were so many people in the villa. There was also a very large swimming pool and a barbecue. In the barbecue, we found a place to sit down. In fact, we are here to watch the performance.


There are many people in the swimming pool, including adults, children and the elderly. Children play in the children's swimming pool and slide on the water, while adults swim in the big swimming pool... I saw an adult who can do many fancy swimming movements in the swimming pool, and can also dance like dancing on the water. The uncle sitting next to me told me that the "Mid Autumn Festival Water Saving Performance in 20XX" was being held here. Because of the wonderful water performances, I was fascinated. Those sisters freely and easily posed in various beautiful positions on the water, which opened my eyes. They seemed to be dancing, one moment in the water, one moment in the water, another time out of the water... I really felt as if they were a member of the team. When I saw the performance of fancy cycling and stepping on the steel wire on the water, I was frightened. A little boy as old as I was was carrying three bowls on his head and two umbrellas (umbrellas were used to help balance) in his hands. There was no line hanging him.


The performance officially started. The boy walked slowly and carefully on the steel wire, but the bowl on his head never fell off. It was really awesome. Seeing his head dripping with sweat, it was like a broken pearl falling down, and finally he finished the performance. I couldn't help but give a thumbs up and say "admire". People around me were cheering. Even my parents said, "Good, great!"


This year's Mid Autumn Festival, I had a very happy time, especially the wonderful water fancy cycling and steel wire riding performance I saw in Sanxiang Quanlin Villa, which inspired me. It made me once again understand the truth that "nothing is difficult in the world, if you want it".

中秋节见闻600字优秀作文 篇8


The Mid Autumn Festival is a warm festival. The Mid Autumn Festival always evokes people's deepest yearning for the moon, whether it's family reunion or wandering in a foreign land. Since ancient times, the moon has been in the sky, and wine has made people happy. The bright, clear, graceful and beautiful full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival has made people poetic and happy.


Our family sat in the courtyard, and there were all kinds of moon cakes on the table: bean paste moon cakes, crystal sugar moon cakes, sesame moon cakes, egg yolk moon cakes, ham moon cakes, abalone moon cakes, lotus seed moon cakes... While watching the moon, we ate moon cakes, and everyone talked and laughed. Dad said: "Let me tell you a story about Wu Gang felling trees. Wu Gang in Nantianmen is very close to Chang Er in the moon, but he often hangs around to meet Chang Er and neglects his duties. When the Jade Emperor learned that, in a fit of pique, he punished Wu Gang to go to the moon to cut down a big tree called the Moon Tree. If Wu Gang did not cut down the moon tree, he could not return to Nantianmen or meet Chang Er. Wu Gang cut, cut, cut, and cut from winter to summer, After six months of chopping, the Jade Emperor sent crows to the Moon Tree, "Shua "Wu Gang took Wu Gang's coat from the tree with a loud cry. Wu Gang immediately put down his axe and went to chase the crow. After his clothes were retrieved, Wu Gang returned to the tree and saw that all the branches and leaves that had been cut off had come back to the tree. Since then, whenever Wu Gang was about to cut down the tree, the crow stood on the tree and shouted loudly. As long as Wu Gang stopped his axe and looked at it, the tree would grow branches and leaves again. Thus, Wu Gang always cut down the tree year after year Not only this moon tree. Only on the 16th day of August every year does a leaf fall from the moon to the ground. If anyone picks up the leaves of the moon tree, he can get gold, silver and jewels that will never be used up. " We all clapped our hands.


This night, not only let me learn knowledge, but also let me feel that happiness is the most important.

中秋节的见闻作文 篇9


How time flies! The traditional Mid Autumn Festival is coming! On this festival, my parents and I went back to Xinyi, my hometown, to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival.


On Mid Autumn Festival, it is free to take the expressway. We got on the expressway in Sihong. There were many cars on the expressway, many of them came from other places to spend the New Year in their hometown. Usually, there are few people here. When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, there are more people. It's said that the amount of money saved by cars on the expressway on the Mid Autumn Festival alone can reach 20 billion yuan! It represents that our country is becoming more and more developed and gives more and more to the common people. In some big cities, there are still traffic jams on expressways. When people hear that it is free, they hurry to get on the expressways. It's really good news!


When I returned to my hometown Xinyi, I saw that my aunt had already found a boyfriend, surnamed Li, who was not too tall. I saw him helping my aunt carry things from a distance. The appearance is not very outstanding. Some people are fond of playing. As soon as they get on the bus and get home, they can see him playing with his mobile phone all the time except for talking with others during dinner. He is a bit shy and not very good at talking with others. I only saw that he talked with his aunt very congenially, and she seemed to like him very much. He always makes my aunt laugh with his gestures.


After I got home, although there was one more person at home, I still felt something was wrong. Why?


oh It turns out that my grandpa has passed away. When my grandpa was in the past, when I came home, I would see him laughing heartily at me, and I often quarreled with him. Now that my grandfather is gone, I feel that my family has become much more desolate. Only my grandma and aunt are busy. My father often buys some supplements for my grandma and gives her some money, but my grandma doesn't want them. Sometimes, she asks my aunt to deposit the money in the bank and says she won't spend anything. In this way, it is very economical.


After dinner, when my brother and I went out to play, we saw that the moon was big and round, like a big washbasin. I also saw some black places on the moon, which should be the craters on the moon!


It is so beautiful, so round, in the dark against the backdrop of a very conspicuous, people can see it at a glance.


It burrowed back and forth from cloud to cloud, as if playing hide and seek with people. I suddenly vaguely saw my grandfather's figure in the moon. I felt that my brother and I should not play computer games at home. I had tried to persuade him, but I also started to play. I felt that I should not play those games. As my father often said to me, "If I didn't study hard when I was young, I would pick up junk and ride a tricycle when I grew up." "You are lower than the top five in your class, and you can't even pass my previous school." "I didn't do well in the exam. I have no right to speak at home!"


This is the deepest feeling of my day. Although it was a peaceful night, I felt that the inspiration I received was not so plain.