"Lin Lin, help my brother get a bottle of yogurt." "I know!" I said yes, but my heart was bored."Everyday is like this, it is really annoying. Obviously it is the yogurt I bought for me. Why ... how can I become my brother?"
I walked into the hut, took out the yogurt from the milk box, walked to the kitchen, took out a small bowl, inserted a hole with a straw, squeezed out the yogurt, put it in the bowl, and I grunted it. Yeah! Then pour the mineral water into the bowl, then take out the sugar from the cupboard, dig out two spoons with a spoon, put it in the mineral water, take out a piece of rock sugar and put it in, and then put the strawberry flavor I prepared before , Milk -flavored and cola -flavored lollipoping into water, each flavor of lollipop juice is put a little, stir well with chopsticks, and pour it into yogurt a little bit. It was very strenuous when I fell in. After a while, the water flowing was large, and the water flowing was small, oops! Almost spilled. After I poured it, I shook it again, and then inserted the straw. Hum! Dare to fight with me, you are still a little tender. I handed the yogurt to him with a smile: "Give, drink!" The brother couldn't wait to grab it, and the two eyebrows twisted together like caterpillars. After a taste, I grunted and drank the sweet yogurt I made. I was stunned all of a sudden, where was something wrong? When I patted my head, I realized it, oh! I am really stupid, I actually forgot that he likes sweet! Really.
得到了上一次的教训 ,我又暗下决心,走进小屋,从奶箱拿出酸奶,走到厨房,拿出小碗用吸管插了个洞,再次把酸奶挤出来一些,自己喝了好多口,然后把矿泉水倒进碗里,从食橱里拿出盐,用勺子挖出来三勺,放进去一点番茄酱,再加上一点苏打粉,用筷子搅匀,再一点点倒进去,边倒边盘算弟弟这么小,话都说不好,肯定无法告状:“他喝了以后会如何呢?号啕大哭还是……。”完工后,我使劲地摇了摇,然后再插上吸管:“乖乖,喝吧,是又香又美味地酸奶哦。”弟弟眼睛一亮,屁颠屁颠地跑了过来,猛吸了一大口,那笑眯眯的表情立刻定住了,两个眉头成了皱巴巴的纸,嘴也撇了下来,“呜----”,不好,大事不妙,这哭声引来了爸爸妈妈怎么办,又要被训了。真是哑巴吃黄连----有苦说不出呀!这喝一口不好喝,你吐了就不行了,干什么要哭呀!你这一哭,可让我怎么办呀!这……跑,往哪里跑?藏,能藏到哪儿呀?我急得直跺脚,哎!有什么办法呀?
After getting the last lesson, I secretly resolved, walked into the hut, took out the yogurt from the milk box, walked to the kitchen, took out a small bowl and inserted it with a straw, squeezed out the yogurt again. ,然后把矿泉水倒进碗里,从食橱里拿出盐,用勺子挖出来三勺,放进去一点番茄酱,再加上一点苏打粉,用筷子搅匀,再一点点倒进去,边I was so small that my brother was so young, and he couldn't say anything, and he couldn't sue: "What would he do after drinking? The number was crying or ..." After the completion, I shook it hard, and then inserted it. , Drink it, it is fragrant and delicious. "The brother's eyes brightened, and the fart ran over, sucked a big sip, the smile of the smile immediately settled, and the two brows became frowning. Paper, the mouth also skimmed down, "Woo ----", not good, the big things are not good. This crying causes what to do with parents and mother, and it is training again. It's so dumb to eat Huanglian ---- I can't say it! It's not good to drink this sip. You can't cry when you vomit! What should you do? Where can I go?
"Lin Lin, what's going on? How did he cry? ..." Sure enough, his mother's voice struck like a storm, and I had to stand obeyed and listened.Hmm! Let you grab my yogurt, know the consequences!
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