
时间:2022-06-24 14:26:30 | 来源:语文通



Fifty years later, because Japan often emits nuclear sewage, there are no clean water sources in the world to drink. Only a few inland areas have only a little clean water.Stop fighting.


Gradually, the surface of the planet's surface was completely dry, the animals and plants died, and the entire world became an endless desert, and humans were facing the disaster.The sun was spicy to the earth, the plants disappeared, the water was dry, and the bones were everywhere. People had to consider moving to other planets, but they could not find the right one.


The crowded city became dim, because it could not be sent out, and could only rely on manpower power generation. The efficiency was not high, and this scarce power resources also needed a part of the pumping machine, because relying on them, we could from the distant underground underground underground underground underground.Put out a part of water to maintain survival.Some people are used to generate electricity, and the other can only be forced to dig wells, but as soon as the water is out of the water, a group of people start fighting. They often fight, so human mortality has greatly improved.


It is the happiest day of people. Everyone is like the holiday. Every family holds the pot to pick up the water outside.But such a good day is only one or two days a year.


To this end, scientists are very distressed. They do not want the planet to die, so they sends the slogan to save water around the world, and Japan will no longer discharge nuclear waste water, because there is no water to discharge now.


After hard work, scientists have developed a kind of water droplets that can carry it with them. Although the size is small, it can supplement one -third of the water in the human body.Rich people buy these water droplets at high prices, but the water is still not enough.The presidents of various countries are sitting together to discuss and prepare to use spacecraft to transport water from other planets to the earth, but this method takes time and lack of materials, so it is not feasible.


So how should humans spend this difficulty?


Suddenly, a person broke in front of me and asked me to get up. I woke up from the confusion and realized that all this was my dream! Although this is just a dream, it also warns that we humans will not pollute the water resources anymore anymore.Otherwise, it may really lead to the terrible situation in the dream.



1、没有:没有读音为méi yǒu,是指犹没收。没有 méi yǒu分词解释:犹没收。(1) [there is not]∶不存在屋里没有人(2) [not have]∶不具有没有钱分词解释:没收:法律上指强制无偿地收归国有。有几种不同性质的没收:(1)刑罚的一种。即没收财产。(2)诉讼上的一种强制措施。如对罪犯用于犯罪活动的本人财物予以没收。(3)行政管理上的一种强制措施。如对违反治安管理的人用于违法活动的本人所有的工具予以没收。(4)行政处罚的一种。如没收违反药品管理法生产、销售的药品。(5)革命措施的一种。如新中国成立后没收地主土地、官僚资本。● 有 yǒu ㄧㄡˇ◎ 存在:有关。有方(得法)。有案可稽。有备无患。有目共睹。◎ 表示所属:他有一本书。◎ 表示发生、出现:有病。情况有变化。◎ 表示估量或比较:水有一丈多深。◎ 表示大、多:有学问。◎ 用在某些动词前面表示客气:有劳。有请。◎ 无定指,与“某”相近:有一天。◎ 词缀,用在某些朝代名称的前面:有夏。有宋一代。● 有 yòu ㄧㄡˋ◎ 古同“又”,表示整数之外再加零数。● 没 méi ㄇㄟˊ◎ 无:没有。没用。没关系。没词儿。没精打采。没心没肺。◎ 不曾,未:没有来过。◎ 不够,不如:汽车没飞机快。● 没 mò ㄇㄛˋ◎ 隐在水中:沉没。没顶之灾。◎ 隐藏,消失:埋没。没落。◎ 漫过,高过:水没了头顶。淹没。◎ 财物收归公有或被私人侵吞:没收。抄没。◎ 终,尽:没世。没齿不忘。◎ 同“殁”。...没有怎么造句,用没有造句»