
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:43 | 来源:语文通



清明记事作文 篇1清明记事 篇2清明记事作文 篇3清明记事作文 篇4

清明记事作文 篇1


The annual Qingming Festival is coming. On April 2nd, our school organized a fifth -year student to go to the grave of martyrs' cemetery.We want to remember the revolutionary martyrs of the heroic sacrifice for the liberation of the motherland, and to pay attention to their great power.


We walked into the martyr's cemetery, and the rows of flowers bloomed, like martyrs greet us! The green camphor tree next to the stone step protects us like martyrs' large hands. We see a tall stone monument. This stele is made to commemorate the martyrs. At the beginning of the grave sweeping ceremony, when several students presented wreaths, I wished deeply in my heart: you can rest in peace! When the sorrowful music fell slowly, we lowered our heads and mourned solemnly: Uncle PLA, thank you! If it wasn't for you, there would be no happiness of our today, peace today! If it wasn't for you to defeat the enemy with your own blood, I don't know what will happen today ... Later, we still listened to Grandpa Hou's speech. We know that three or three should not do good things, do not do bad things; Bad people; 3 Be easy to learn, don't be tired of learning. In the end, we were sworn in: I am a young pioneer, and I swore in the country: we are always preparing to study for the rise of China, and the oath: Yang Jiayi. The grave sweeping ceremony was over, and we were going to the Martyrs Memorial.


Entering the memorial hall, it depends on the legacy of many martyrs. How much effort they sprinkle!Like Xuanzhong, he said in a hurry at that time: "You kill me, nothing more than killing a Xuang China, but millions of revolutionaries will get up to kill you!""".How strong they are!After visiting the memorial, we started to move freely.


Time is not early, we finally bowed to the martyrs in our hearts, expressing deep miss for the martyrs ...

清明记事 篇2


Today is the Qingming Festival, which commemorates the days when our loved ones and the martyrs who sacrificed for the liberation of human beings!I couldn't help thinking of Du Mu's "Qingming": "In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break the soul."


In the morning, my mother took me to the martyr's monument in the People's Park to offer flowers and grave for the heroes in our hearts.I looked at the Martyr's Monument and thought of that year.In the era of smoke permeated, how many revolutionary ancestors, for the happiness of the people and the liberation of the motherland, throw their heads and blood, and bravely.


After returning home, I watched the movie with my mother. The name of the movie was "Eight Bai", which was telling the story that happened in the Anti -Japanese age.The story takes place in Shanghai.At that time, we had a revolutionary army staying in the four -line warehouse. There were only 800 troops, but they were the last line of defense to guard Shanghai.When I saw a lot of enemies approaching the four -line warehouse, I think this is an impossible task.I saw that the enemy used heavy weapons to attack the outside of the four -line warehouse, waiting for the revolutionary army to invest in the net.At that time, the four -line warehouse was described by hell on earth.However, the four -line warehouse when the full division was divided into a composition network was another scene.The latter river is separated by the British concession, where the singing and dancing are flat, the lights are green, and the lively is extraordinary. It is simply paradise on earth.


Faced with these two completely different worlds, do you think the revolutionary army will give up resistance?On the snowy night, they created a miracle under the rain of the enemy's guns.However, many revolutionary soldiers were killed.Some are pierced their chests by the enemy's bullets; some are to explode the enemy's tank and tie the bomb with their bodies to jump down from the window; some are to protect their comrades and block the enemy's muzzle with their bodies.Seeing this, my mother and I couldn't help crying.


Think about how much blood and life have been paid in order to protect the country's territory and the safety of the people.Now, our country has become the second largest country in the world, and has a certain level in various fields.Although we all live a happy and stable life, we must always remember that this is exchanged for countless revolutionary ancestors.Although they are no longer by our side, they will always be in our hearts.In this special day, I want to bow and salute them!

清明记事作文 篇3


"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul." The annual Qingming Festival arrived again. Our family was ready to sweep the grave on the grave and set up monuments.


When we arrived out of the suburbs, we walked on the road.The green grass drilled out his head from the dirt and breathed fresh air in spring.The rapeseed flowers on the side of the road also bloomed, golden golden, like a layer of gold in the ground.A small honey worked hard, and the small river in front was like a blue silk ribbon inlaid in the seedling field, which was winding and beautiful.The calm river surface is like a huge silver mirror, reflecting the reflection of the blue sky, white clouds, and willow trees.


When we came to the grave of Taiye, there were so many graves here, one by one, one after another, it was really rolling.There are so many people who came to the grave today. They walked a batch and a batch.We added a thick layer of soil to the grandfather's grave, and we set up a monument in front of the grave.I put a lot of suppliers in front of Taiye's grave and put on flowers.At this moment, the wife cried, she shed tears, and she said something silently in her mouth.I am also saying, "Grandpa, you can rest assured, I must listen to you, learn carefully!" We ordered a lot of paper money. Suddenly, the sky was flying with burning paper money.The wife said, "This is Taiye to collect money."


After finishing the grave, we went home.There are also peach blossoms on the roadside, pink and pink, as bright as the sun in the sky; pear blossoms are also open, white and white, as white as white clouds in the sky.Welcome to the spring flowers, golden golden, and many of the unknown flowers also bloom: big red, purple, blue, colorful, colorful, beautiful!


Qingming is a traditional festival in my country. The elders take their juniors to worship their ancestors to tell the deeds of the ancestors.They let us have a happy life today, and we must cherish it.

清明记事作文 篇4


"In the Qingming season, there are rain, pedestrians want to break the soul ..." Every year, we will silently recite the verse of the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu in our hearts to express our thoughts on our ancestors.


On this day, we will come to the tomb, put a bunch of flowers, and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings of our loved ones, and pray for them silently in our hearts, and wish them on the side of heaven.Life happiness and happiness.At this time, we can't help remembering the years they had spent with us. Those pictures seemed to be vivid. Thinking of these, I couldn't help crying.


The scenery of spring in the distance gradually entered my sight. The birds sang the sonato of spring, the mountains of the mountains, the golden cauliflower everywhere, the buds blowing the leaves, the green buds of the green oil growing up, and everywhere, there was a lot of spring, full of spring, it was full of spring, and there was a spring, and there was a lot of spring.The scene of the recovery of all things, this shows the beginning of the new ≤Wwww..cn ≥ life, a beginning of expectations and blessings.


This is a spring season, a hopeful season, a new season of life.While we remember the past, we must also hope for the future, cherish life, and make their lives more meaningful.


In the Qingming season, let us have a re -understanding of life in such a special day.