
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:05 | 来源:语文通



关于国庆节的日记400字 篇1国庆长假日记 篇2关于国庆节日记400字 篇3国庆节日记300字 篇4国庆节日记400字左右 篇5

关于国庆节的日记400字 篇1


Today, New China marks its 70th anniversary. To celebrate this great moment, the Party held a grand national celebration ceremony. Although I didn't go to Beijing to watch such a spectacular scene, I didn't wish my dear motherland more prosperity on the spot. But also on the television screen to see the charm of the motherland.


At the beginning, the prosperous scene of Beijing appeared on TV. Then I met the leaders of the Central Committee of the CPC. Next to him stood the former President and the Secretary of Beijing. After playing the music, he stood on the first domestic red flag car for the parade. The army, navy and air force and military weapons are arranged orderly on Chang'an Street. Along the way, the President cordially greeted the soldiers with "hello comrades" and "comrades have worked hard". After the parade, Comrade Hu Jintao made a speech again. After that, it's the float. When China made the first car. When China's first manned flight succeeded. When China won the gold medal in the Olympic Games for the first time. When the applause sent the Chinese flag to the blue sky. How proud I am. I am Chinese.


There are only five planes in China, and there are thousands of planes now. From Singapore, where only dogs and Chinese people could not enter, to Singapore now has the largest number of overseas Chinese. Great changes have taken place in China. Since then, the Chinese nation is no longer a country that can be defeated by the British faction of 2000 people. He is no longer the sick man of East Asia. It is no longer a low-quality nation. And will not be discriminated against or humiliated by others. China has stood up.

国庆长假日记 篇2


The bell for the 71st anniversary of the National Day rang. On Tiananmen Square, 56 ethnic columns were separated on both sides, and more than 80000 teenagers gathered together to change the word "National Day" with bright yellow and bright red. At ten o'clock, the celebration began. The sound of 60 roaring guns shook the hearts of every Chinese. The national flag was raised and the national anthem was sung. As soon as the national anthem sounded, the leaders sang the national anthem, even I could not help singing it. During the flag raising ceremony, well-trained soldiers lined up in neat lines. In the sound of "stepping", people yearned for the prosperity of the country and paid homage to the motherland. When the soldiers arrived on the stage, a vigorous soldier threw the national flag into the blue sky. The national flag spread in the air, rippling layers of waves. At the beginning of the military parade, 14 hiking squads, 30 equipment squads and 12 flight echelons received the review of the motherland in turn. The mass parade, people from all walks of life, sang and danced along the way, telling the story of the course and great achievements since the founding of New China. Finally, more than 5000 children, holding colorful balloons and wearing colorful garlands, ran to Tian'anmen Square, released the balloons and waved the garlands. Suddenly, the colorful balloons and the blue sky above Tiananmen Square formed a beautiful picture.


Today is really a good day, full of laughter. I wish the motherland will be better tomorrow, standing in the east of the world forever! Long live the motherland!

关于国庆节日记400字 篇3

20__年X月X日 星期X 晴今日;这,是我们五十六个民族的节日;这,是烈士们用鲜血创造出的节日。在这一天中,五十六个民族中,都用着不同的方式去庆祝着。

20__ It is sunny today on the X day of X month, year; This is the festival of our 56 nationalities; This is a festival created by the martyrs with their blood. On this day, 56 ethnic groups are celebrating in different ways.


Martyrs, with their lives, have created our new China, our well-off society and our world status. All this can prove that the martyrs' sacrifice has given us a good start. They did not die in vain. It's a dead value! Only by their sacrifice can we have a better today.


When watching the news in the evening__ They went to commemorate our heroic monument. This is a very solemn thing. I saw that there was no one playing. The uncles of the People's Liberation Army, carrying nine baskets of flowers, walked solemnly to the Hero Monument, followed by__ wait forsomeone. At this time, I realized that National Day is a festival that makes us happy, but also a festival that makes us solemn. Without the martyrs, there would be no us.


Chinese National Day! Chinese National Day! Chinese National Day! This National Day belongs to our Chinese people. National Day is an indispensable holiday for us. National Day is our pride; New China is our hometown__ National Day__ New China in! Always in my heart.


National Day is Chinese; Chinese National Day!

国庆节日记300字 篇4


Today is my motherland's birthday! The festival atmosphere in Xi'an is particularly warm. Colorful flowers are placed at the gate of the clock tower, which is very beautiful. Red banners are hung everywhere to bless the motherland. Five star red flags, large and small, are flying in the wind, and pedestrians on the street are beaming.


On this crisp autumn day, our family went to a restaurant to celebrate. There were so many people eating in the restaurant that we waited in a long line. Finally, it was our turn. The waitress aunt would bring us tableware and serve us food later. Seeing their busy figure, I was puzzled and asked my mother, "Today is the National Day, and the whole country is off. Why are they still working?" "Because the waiters and aunts want to serve everyone! Not only the waiters, but also the salesmen, bus drivers, police uncles, etc. are sticking to their posts. With their service and guarantee, we can enjoy the festival well." My mother said earnestly. I was very moved after listening to my mother's words. They are really lovely, respectable and amiable people!


We were a little tired after playing all day, but we all felt very happy. I thought in my heart that although my parents and I didn't go to amusement parks and tourist attractions, I was very happy to spend this holiday with my good friends.

国庆节日记400字左右 篇5


The National Day holiday_ My mother, aunt, uncle, brother and I went to the Red River Valley to play. The third uncle drove, and six of us chatted in the car. About an hour later, we arrived at the Red River Valley.


Along the path up the mountain in the Red River Valley, there are many small waterfalls. I was very happy to see the water, so I would go down to the river to play. My mother said that the water was too cold to let me go down. I was very unhappy. I quarreled with my mother. Third Uncle came to me and said, "Do you want to try it? Feel it." I took off my shoes and stepped into the water. Eh, the water is really cold. It seems that my mother was right.


After a while, we arrived at the place where we went up the mountain by sightseeing car. I wanted to ride with my brother, but we wanted to fight with water guns again. Finally, we decided to climb the mountain instead of taking a car. On the way up the mountain, my brother and I happily played with water. My mother climbed too slowly, and my brother Chen Ming and I climbed the fastest. On the way up the mountain, we saw three little squirrels. Unfortunately, the squirrels ran too fast. We also found a silver snake. We climbed for more than an hour to the top of the mountain and saw the beautiful waterfall. The water in the waterfall was very large. My mother dressed me in my brother's clothes, so I was not cold anymore. We took a group photo at the top of the mountain.


My brother and I slept soundly on the way back, because we were very tired. I was really happy today.