
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:29 | 来源:语文通



There will always be some unforgettable things in life. It will be like a ray of sun, very weak but always warming you at all times, especially when my sister punishs me, strict and gentle, gentle and gentle, I always remember it in my heart.


For the first time in primary and secondary schools, I asked me to remember the end of the result.I went home after school, and my ten -year -old sister returned home from Beijing. I jumped three feet high.Because it means that my holiday daily life may be gorgeous, I am gradually moving "baking, swimming, tourism".But my sister's words revealed the steam bubbles I thought: "If we want to play together, you have to write your work!"


"Okay, alas ..." I rushed to the desk chair with a discouraged backpack.Gradually, my work is bitter. Over time, the aroma of the meal has been blown into my nose in the air. Because I am too much capital investment, I did not notice that I was hungry. At this time, my sister's noise was fromThe restaurant kitchen came out: "What is the writing of the work? Since my mother has seen customers, I will cook today." I responded to "Writing the calculation."Check. "I posted it slightly.Mathematical calculation questions are my weaknesses, so how much is not correct!


When I had dinner, I was very reluctant to practice the practice to my sister. I lowered my head and chopped white rice in the bowl. I often looked at my sister's complexion. My sister changed the drama on the book of the book. Everything was fine. In the past, when the time was ticking, my sister's small expression became more and more serious. I was anxious and uneasy. I only heard my heart beating and the sound of the clock walking. My sister learned to put down the pen. Combining the calculation book. Said: "The door stretches over, and the work is so bad! If everyone's previous teachers but they need to hit the handle!" Then she took out a pair of chopsticks. My door stretched out and closed my eyes. "Pop!" The sound fluctuated. My sister fired the calculation and lost to me. Seeing my own calculations, there was a red. "Pap!" Another sound. My tears came out of my eyes, dripping to my swollen palms. My sister said, "Well, don't cry, just learn lessons, so that it will develop." He said to clamp my favorite vegetable into my bowl. Said: "Don't eat dry rice, so unbalanced nutritional ingredients." I nodded, and tear drops slipped away along the danger. But this is not a sad tears.


It was a silent punishment, but it warmed my mind!Like emerald jade.The surface is hard and ruthless.But in the heart of crystal clear care.This is a unique punishment for me to move forever.



1、温暖:温暖读音为wēn nuǎn,是指①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。温暖 wēn nuǎn词语意思:①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。词语意思:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。集体:许多人合起来的有组织的整体(跟‘个人’相对):集体生活ㄧ集体领导ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。布被:布制的被子。多以状生活清苦。不冷不热:指温度不高不低,冷热适中。亦比喻对人态度一般。...温暖怎么造句,用温暖造句»

2、责罚:责罚读音为zé fá,是指1.责备处罚。 2.指责打。 处罚;惩处因过错而受责罚责罚 zé fá词语意思:1.责备处罚。 2.指责打。[punish] 处罚;惩处因过错而受责罚分词解释:● 责(責) zé ㄗㄜˊ◎ 分内应做的事:责任。尽责。负责。职责。专责。责无旁贷。◎ 要求:责求。责令。责成。◎ 指摘过失:责备。责怪。斥责。责罚。谴责。◎ 质问,诘问:责问。责难。责让。◎ 旧指为了惩罚而打:鞭责。杖责。● 罚(罰) fá ㄈㄚˊ◎ 处分犯罪、犯错误或违犯某项规则的人:罚款。罚球。惩罚。罚不当罪(处罚过严或过宽,与所犯的罪行不相当)。...责罚怎么造句,用责罚造句»